11/12/2024, JULIEN'S: Hollywood Legends: Classic Hollywood - Vente
Vente aux enchères "Hollywood Legends: Classic Hollywood" le 11 décembre 2024 au Waldorf Astoria de Beverly Hills, USA, en ligne sur Julien's Auction
Auction "Hollywood Legends: Classic Hollywood" on December 11, 2024 at the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills, USA, online at Julien's Auction
Vente aux enchères qui comprend 403 lots autour du thème des stars de l'âge d'or d'Hollywood (Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo, Steve McQueen, Tyrone Power, Barbra Streisand, Patrick Swayze, Jane Seymour, la série Friends etc...): des photographies, costumes de films, vêtements, lettres, bijoux etc...
25 lots concernent Marilyn Monroe, dont certains avaient déjà été vendus dans des enchères précédentes: du maquillage, le script annoté de sa main de son dernier film Something's Got To Give, un carnet de notes de travail de l'Actors Studio, des chèques, une lettre de sa mère Gladys, des photographies ...
Parmi les lots inédits: des chaises de sa dernière maison, des flyers publicitaires d'époque, le maillot de bain de Certains l'aiment chaud, une photographie de Powolny.
Auction that includes 403 lots around the theme of the stars of the golden age of Hollywood (Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo, Steve McQueen, Tyrone Power, Barbra Streisand, Patrick Swayze, Jane Seymour, Friends etc...): photographs, film costumes, clothes, letters, jewelry etc...
25 lots concern Marilyn Monroe, some of which had already been sold in previous auctions: makeup, the script annotated by her hand of her last film Something's Got To Give, a work notebook from the Actors Studio, checks, a letter from her mother Gladys, photographs ...
Among the new lots: chairs from her last home, advertising flyers, the swimsuit from Some Like It Hot, a photograph by Powolny.
Pas de catalogue proposé à la vente
No catalog offered for sale
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11/12/2024, JULIEN'S: Hollywood Legends: Classic Hollywood - Lots
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Copyright text by GinieLand.