Marilyn Monroe by Eve Arnold
Marilyn Monroe by Eve Arnold
Author: Eve Arnold
Publication Date: 9 septembre 2024
Relié 208 pages
Language English
Editeur: ACC Art Books
Publisher Price: 49 Euros
Dimensions: 25.53 x 2.67 x 27.94 cm
ISBN-10: 1788842774
ISBN-13: 978-1788842778
Ou le commander ? sur amazon et le site de l'éditeur ACC ART Books
Description: Featuring over 100 colour and black-and-white photographs, including some newly discovered and restored. Includes a new introduction by Michael Arnold, Eve's grandson and one of the trustees of the Arnold estate and archive.
When they met at a party in the early 1950s, Marilyn Monroe remarked to Eve Arnold that she'd seen the photographer's images of Marlene Dietrich. 'If you could do that well with Marlene,' Monroe said, 'can you imagine what you could do with me?' A star in her day and one that continues to captivate the world, Monroe's multifaceted persona is brilliantly captured through Arnold's lens in this revised and redesigned edition of the 1987 publication, Marilyn Monroe: An Appreciation.
Including newly discovered and restored photographs in colour and in black and white, alongside insightful commentary, Eve Arnold takes us on a photographic journey of Monroe's life. A detailed biography in Arnold's own words allows a rare glimpse into the stories behind the photographs and her unique relationship with Monroe. As these two female artists come together in the creation of this stunning photographic collection, an important historical testimonial has been actualised, showing women striving in a male-oriented world and succeeding in reaching the top of their game.
> extraits pages
Infos + Il n'y a, pour le moment, aucune édition en français.
Le livre ne contient pas de photographies inédites, comme on peut le lire dans la présentation officielle de l'éditeur et dans certains articles de presse. Il s'agit d'une ré-édition de livres précédemment sortis sur le travail de la photographe Eve Arnold et de ses séances avec Marilyn, avec des clichés restorés:
- la première publication était sortie en 1987 (avec une édition en français): Marilyn Monroe: An Appreciation by Eve Arnold / Marilyn For Ever ;
- puis une deuxième publication sortie en 2005 (avec une édition en français): Marilyn Monroe Eve Arnold
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