The Ultimate Marilyn
The Ultimate Marilyn:
All the Facts, Fantasies, and Scandals
about the World's Best-Known Sex Symbol
Auteur: Ernest W. Cunningham
Prix éditeur: 40 Euros
Date de sortie: juin 1998
Broché: 383 pages
Editeur : Renaissance Books
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 1580630030
ISBN-13: 978-1580630030
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Description: The most complete, one-stop resource to the facts and lore of this amazing and beloved icons, this book collects the facts, rumors and fantasies of Marilyn Monroe's extraordinary (after) life in a fascinating and entertaining new compilation of information and lore, with test-your memory quizzes, the Great Marilyn Trivia Challenge, more than 30 exciting photos, and useful appendixes. Here are names, addresses and dates, and biographies of all the main players.
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