Enchanted Spells of an American Beauty: Marilyn Monroe Quotes
Enchanted Spells of an American Beauty:
Marilyn Monroe Quotes
Author: Sreechinth C
Date de sortie: 9 janvier 2016
Broché 42 pages
Dimensions: 15,2 x 0,3 x 22,9 cm
Langue: anglais
Éditeur: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-10: 1523313749
ISBN-13: 978-1523313747
Prix éditeur: 4,66 Euros
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Description: ‘Enchanted Spells of an American Beauty’ presents the quotations of the key Hollywood star of 1950s, Marilyn Monroe. This blonde icon from America is considered as one of the most memorable actresses ever stepped into the international film dome. When the overdose of the drug called barbiturate cost her her own life, and that too at a young-looking age of 36, she was success in leaving a legacy of fame written with the pen in her name. The book, Enchanted Spells of an American Beauty, is filled with her quotations of different genres. This book could be a valuable collection for you.
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