Marilyn, An Untold Story
Marilyn, An Untold Story
Author: Norman Rosten
Prix d'occasion : 30 Euros
Date de sortie : september 1973
125 pages
Langue : anglais
Éditeur : Berkley
ISBN 10 : 0451088808
ISBN 13: 978-0451088802
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Description - par l'éditeur: Here is Marilyn -
Hollywood's lost child. The image of glamour one minute and the tousled girl-next-door the next. Sold to the public as a mindless sex object, yet she was a person of rare talent and sensitive intelligence.
Here for the first time is a candid and revealing close-up that captures all the variations and enigmas of her amazing life, that reveals why she needed to make long-distance phone calls in the middle of the night, why she took harmful pills when she so desperately wanted a baby, why her marriages may have failed: Marilyn, in love and out of love, flirting with death too often, and losing.
Here is Marilyn herself - her speech, her laughter, and, finally, her tears...
Content 8 pages of photos.
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