Article du magazine Screen World de mai 1954, Marilyn Monroe est alors en plein tournage du film River of no return (La Rivière sans retour) au Canada; elle s'est fracturée la jambe pendant les scènes de cascade; elle porte alors un plâtre et se trouve en congé (arrêt maladie). Elle en profite donc pour visiter la région montagneuse, faisant un tour en canöé, visitant les roches du Banff et des réserves indiennes.

Retranscription de l'article
When M-M-M-Marilyn showed up at glorious Banff for some movie-making, old timers noticed a new note in the air ... could it be that our girl makes even the ancient mountains give with a wolf whistle? ...
Marilyn Monroe has never exactly claimed to be the outdoor type. That's why she was a trifle skeptical when her director ordered her up to the Canadian Rockies for the shooting of 20th Century Fox's "River of No Return". What does a city girl do admidst all that wild, primitive beauty ? Well - first thing this city gal did was tear a ligament in her lovely ankle while gamely trying to wade across a madly rushing river. Marilyn was shipped back to the luxurious hotel at Banff, looking more fetching than ever. There she proved to be tough competition for the famous Banff scenery, with tourists training their cameras at Marilyn instead of the mountains. Luckiest tourists there were the ones with movie cameras -'cause till you've seen the famous Monroe wiggle enhanced by having to be performed on one foot, you ain't seen nothin'. Gave good-natured Marilyn some hearty laughs - and photographers some shots they'll treasure.
Légendes des photos
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Marilyn makes with the big pout to indicate her dissatisfaction with the crutches-plastercast situation that's holdin up shooting on her new picture.
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But this girl is no pouter - at least not for long. From accross the hotel's pool comes a shout of greeting from a new friend, and she's all smiles.
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Handsome swimming instructor Wolfgang Karbe comes up to offer his sympathy, finds the glamorous star ready to joke about her accident.
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Marilyn decided not to let her bad ankle interfere with seeing the sights. First step: a visit to the stables and a chat with a Mountie.
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Here's one spot where not being able to walk is no handicap ! Marilyn decided now is the time to learn to paddle her own canoe.
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Like every Banff visiter, Marilyn was breathless with the thrilling view from the chair lift that carries tourists to dizzy heights.
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The curiously shaped pine ans spruce free entrance sign to the Banff makes a perfect background for the not so curiously shaped Monroe.
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While Marilyn took pictures of the mountain scenery, everybody else was taking pictures of Marilyn. But she's used to this sort of thing.
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Just as Marilyn hit this pose, a car drove by with some new visitors. Darned near went out of control as Poppa dived for his camera.
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Next part of call on the visiting list is the Indian Trading Post where Marilyn marveled at the displays, fell in love with this bear.