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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Joan Newman

Zelda Zonk

31 août 2013

art - par Bart Gunderson

Pop Art by Barton F. Gunderson


> source:
Marilyn Monroe Coca-Cola and the USA Baby!
Acrylic on Watercolor Board Owner: Boogie's Diner Aspen Copyright 2009
all rights reserved by Barton Gunderson 

29 août 2013

8/07/1958 Conference de Presse pour Some Like It Hot

Le mardi 8 juillet 1958, une conférence de presse est organisée par la Fox au Beverly Hills Hotel pour présenter le tournage du film Some Like It Hot, avec les acteurs (Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis et George Raft), le réalisateur Billy Wilder, le producteur Harold Mirisch; ainsi que de nombreux journalistes comme Louella Parsons, Army Archerd et de nombreux photographes comme Earl Leaf.
Marilyn informa les journalistes que son mari Arthur Miller, resté à New York, la rejoindra à Los Angeles le week-end prochain.
Elle déclara: "C'est tout simplement merveilleux d'être de retour !"

On Tuesday, July 8, 1958, a press conference was organized by Fox at the Beverly Hills Hotel to present the filming of "Some Like It Hot", with the actors (Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and George Raft), director Billy Wilder, producer Harold Mirisch, as well as many journalists as Louella Parsons, Army Archerd and many photographers like Earl Leaf.
Marilyn told the reporters that her husband Arthur Miller, stayed in New York, would join her in Los Angeles the next weekend.
She said that "it's simply wonderful to be back !"

 >> En extérieur
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_010_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_011_1 

> Marilyn avec les journalistes
(Louella Parsons / Army Arched)
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_020_with_louella_parsons_1  1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_030_with_army_archerd_journalist_1 

> Photographies de Earl Leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_1_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_2_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_3_by_leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_4_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_5_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_6_by_leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_7_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_8_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_031_9_by_leaf

>> L'équipe assis sur des fauteuils
> Photographies de Earl Leaf 
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_041_1_by_earl_leaf_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_041_3_by_earl_leaf_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_042_1
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_041_2_by_earl_leaf_1  1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_043_1_with_harold_mirisch
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_044_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_040_by_earl_leaf_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_045_1_by_earl_leaf_1
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_045_2_by_earl_leaf_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_045_3_with_harold_mirisch_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_045_3_with_harold_mirisch_1a
1958-89386272_o 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_045_5_by_earl_leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_048_5 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_048_5a

1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_046_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_046_2a
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_048_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_046_3
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_047_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_047_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_047_3 
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_048_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_048_3 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_048_3a 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_048_4

>> Marilyn prend la pose
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_050_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_050_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_050_2a 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_050_3

> Photographies de Earl Leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_051_1_by_leaf_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_051_3_by_leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_051_4_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_051_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_052_1_by_leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_052_2_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_052_4 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_052_3_by_leaf

>> Cocktail
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_049_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_049_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_049_3
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_053_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_053_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_053_4 
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_053_5 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_054_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_054_1_2
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_054_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_054_3 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_054_3a
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_060_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_061_1
1958-slih_press-1-1  1958-slih_press-1-2  
1958-slih_press-2-1  1958-slih_press-2-2  1958-slih_press-2-3 
1958-slih_press-3-1  1958-slih_press-3-2 
1958-slih_press-4-1  1958-some1 
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_054_5  1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_062_1
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_2 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_4 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_5 
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_1 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_6b 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_6
 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_6c 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_7a  
  1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_9 1958-slih_press-4-2 1958-112_PressConferenceForSomeLikeItHot_1958
1958-slih_press-5-1  1958-slih_press-5-2 
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_064_1_with_harold_mirisch 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_064_2_with_wilder
1958 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_064_4 

> Photographie de Frank Worth

> Photographies de Earl Leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_053_3_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_063_3_by_leaf   

> Marilyn avec Earl Leaf (à droite)

 >> Banquet
> Photographies de Earl Leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_070_1_with_wilder 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_071_1 
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_070_1a 1958_slih_conf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_071_2_by_leaf
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_071_3 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_071_4
1958 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_072_1
1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_073_2_by_leaf 1958_07_08_beverly_hills_hotel_SLIH_party_073_3 

 > captures
1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_010 1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_020 1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_030
1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_040 1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_050 1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_060
1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_070 1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_080 1958_SLIH_cocktail_cap_090

> video
sur Budget Films  

> dans la presse
1958_SLIH_party_press_article1 1958_SLIH_party_press_article2 1958_SLIH_party_press_mag_cinemonde_1961

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.   


28 août 2013

The Contact Sheet

The Contact Sheet
Author: Steve Crist

book_The_Contact_Sheet_CoverDate de sortie: avril 2008
Relié 192 pages
Langue: anglais

Éditeur: AMMO Books, LLC
Prix : 29 Euros
Ou le commander ? sur 

Description: Ce livre n'est pas consacré à Marilyn Monroe, mais présente le travail de divers photographes: Elliott Erwitt, Robert Doisneau, Paul Fusco, Dorothea Lange, Alex Prager, Nan Goldin, etc...

book_The_Contact_Sheet_p1 book_The_Contact_Sheet_p2 book_The_Contact_Sheet_p3 book_The_Contact_Sheet_p4 book_The_Contact_Sheet_p5 book_The_Contact_Sheet_p6

Vous avez le livre ? Do you have the book ?
Apportez votre critique, votre avis ou votre note (/10)

27 août 2013

Sur le tournage de The Seven Year Itch 3

Sept ans de réflexion
Sur le tournage - scène 3

Marilyn Monroe et Tom Ewell sur le plateau de tournage.
Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell on the set.

> Photographies de Sam Shaw
Photographs of Sam Shaw
syi_sc03_on_set_011_1 syi_sc03_on_set_012_1_by_shaw_1 
syi_sc03_on_set_010_1 syi_sc03_on_set_013_1
syi_sc03_on_set_014_1 syi_sc03_on_set_014_2 syi_sc03_on_set_014_3

> planche contact

> Marilyn Monroe en backstage

syi_sc03_on_set_020_1 syi_sc03_on_set_020_1a syi_sc03_on_set_020_2 
syi_sc03_on_set_021_1 syi_sc03_on_set_021_2 syi_sc03_on_set_021_2a

> Photographies de Sam Shaw
Photographs of Sam Shaw
syi_sc03_on_set_022_1 syi_sc03_on_set_022_1a 
syi_sc03_on_set_by_sam_shaw_010_1 syi_sc03_on_set_by_sam_shaw_010_1b
film-syi-lot1173-H3257-L78855624 syi_sc03_on_set_by_sam_shaw_011_1a
syi_sc03_set_010_1_by_sam_shaw_1 syi_sc03_set_010_1_by_sam_shaw_1a syi_sc03_set_010_2
syi_sc03_set_010_3_by_shaw_1 syi_sc03_set_010_3_by_shaw_1a syi_sc03_set_010_4_by_shaw_1a
syi_sc03_set_010_4_by_shaw_1 syi_sc03_set_010_5_by_shaw_1 syi_sc03_set_011_3_by_shaw_1
syi_sc03_set_011_2_by_shaw_1 syi_sc03_set_011_4 syi_sc03_set_011_5

- Dans le reflet du miroir: le photographe Frank Powolny -
- in the reflection of the mirror: the photographer Frank Powolny -


> planche contact 

> Marilyn et la costumière Ruth
Marilyn and wardrobe mistress Ruth

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.   


27 août 2013

Publicités MAC

Année: 2012
Marque / Produit: MAC / Maquillage
Pays:  USA






26 août 2013

1955 Marilyn et Jack Jensen

Marilyn Monroe et Jack Jensen, vers fin 1955.
Jack Jensen était le chauffeur de Marilyn (à Ontario en 1953),
il aurait été congédié par Milton Greene.


Marilyn Monroe and Jack Jensen, circa late 1955.
Jack Jensen was her driver and escort while she visited Ontario, 1953;
he could have been hired by Milton Greene.

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

26 août 2013

Marilyn in Fur

artiste inconnu


24 août 2013

Portraits studio pour The Seven Year Itch scène 3

Sept ans de réflexion
Photos Publicitaires

> Portraits de Marilyn Monroe et Tom Ewell

> Photographies de Sam Shaw
Photographs of Sam Shaw
syi_sc03_studio_by_sam_shaw_010_1 syi_sc03_studio_by_sam_shaw_012_1
syi_sc03_studio_by_sam_shaw_011_1 syi_sc03_studio_by_sam_shaw_012_2a

> Photographies de Frank Powolny
Photographs of Frank Powolny
syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_010_1 syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_010_2
1954_7yi_scene0032_dream02_studio_014_020_byFrankPowolny_1 syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_011_1 syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_011_2 
syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_011_3 1954_7yi_scene0032_dream02_studio_010_010 syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_011_4 
 1954_7yi_scene0032_dream02_studio_012_010_byFrankPowolny_2 1954_7yi_scene0032_dream02_studio_012_010_byFrankPowolny_1 1954_7yi_scene0032_dream02_studio_014_010_byFrankPowolny_1      
syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_012_1 syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_012_1a syi_sc03_studio_by_frank_powolny_012_2 

syi_sc03_studio_mm_010_1  film-syi-lot1172-H3257-L78855662  syi_sc03_studio_mm_010_2
syi_sc03_studio_mm_010_3  film-syi-lot1172-H3257-L78855659 
syi_sc03_studio_set  film-syi-lot1172-H3257-L78855665  syi_sc03_studio_mm_010_5a 
syi_sc03_studio_mm_020_1 syi_sc03_studio_mm_020_2 syi_sc03_studio_mm_021_1 

film-syi-lot1172-H3257-L78855652 film-syi-lot1172-H3257-L78855655 film-syi-lot1172-H3257-L78855657
syi_sc03_studio_mm_022_1 syi_sc03_studio_mm_022_1a 
syi_sc03_studio_mm_022_2  syi_sc03_studio_mm_023_1a
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syi_sc03_studio_mm_022_1b syi_sc03_studio_mm_024_1 syi_sc03_studio_mm_024_1a

> Marilyn en backstage, avec sa coiffeuse Gladys Rasmussen
et la costumière de la Fox, Ann Landers
syi_sc03_studio_mm_set_1_with_gladys  syi_sc03_studio_mm_set_2

> Marilyn et Tom Ewell
syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_010_2 syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_010_3 syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_011_1
syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_010_1   syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_011_1a
syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_012_1 syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_012_2 syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_012_3
syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_012_4a syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_020_1 syi_sc03_studio_with_tom_ewell_020_2

> dans la presse
syi_sc03_studio_mag_picture_show syi_sc03_mag_screen_stars syi_sc03_studio_mag_people_1956
syi_sc03_studio_mag_picture_week syi_sc03_mag_usa syi_sc03_studio_mag_article

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.   


24 août 2013

15 Artistes rendent hommage à Marilyn

15 Artist Tributes to Marilyn Monroe
publié le 31/05/2013
en ligne sur

Recognize the name Norma Jeane Mortensen? We didn’t think so – Norma Jeane Mortensen is more affectionately known to the entire world as Marilyn Monroe – one of the most well known icons associated with beauty in not only the United States – but the world. In honor of her 87th birthday on June 1, we take a look back at the one of the most well known pop culture icons in the world.

Marilyn Monroe is probably the most celebrated and recognizable actress in the entertainment industry. Sure, she sung of diamonds being a girl’s best friend, but her life was anything but grand prior to being discovered by RKO Pictures’ Howard Hughes, a multi-millionaire businessman, film producer and director.

Her father abandoned the family prior to her birth, poverty was a constant struggle, and her mother was mentally unstable. At the age of nine, she was placed in an orphanage after being in and out of various foster homes.  After overcoming a seemingly difficult childhood, Marilyn Monroe went on to make a name for herself in the growing entertainment industry.

Did you know any of these fun facts about Marilyn?

  • She is known for her breathless voice, voluptuous figure, sparkling blue eyes – don’t forget the beauty mark or platinum blonde hair!
  • She debuted her famous platinum blonde locks in 1952′s Monkey Business
  • The identity of Marilyn Monroe was created in 1946, but she didn’t legally changer her name until 1956.
  • Marilyn was the first woman to be featured on the cover of Playboy Magazine.
  • In 1953, she starred in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and began dating the one and only Joe DiMaggio. A huge movie role and a relationship with baseball great Joe DiMaggio – talk about making it big!
  • In 1999, she was voted People Magazine’s “Sexiest Woman of the Century”.

We decided to honor Marilyn in true Redesign fashion, and it was obvious it would not be hard to find amazing pieces of art that paid tribute to this iconic figure. Check out our 15 favorite artist tributes to Miss Monroe below.

Marilyn_Monroe_Portrait_Illustration_1  Portrait Made of Thousands of Circles by Ben Heine

It took the artist a week of intense work to create this piece. We also featured his portraits in our Lady Gaga and Elvis Presley roundups.

Illustration by Matt Taylor

Large Pixel Portrait by Heather Herscheid

Mistral Typographer Poster by Rhiannon Bellmore

Digital Quick Sketch by Jessica Sanchez

Art Print by Ciaran Monoghan $80 

 Day of the Dead Marilyn by misscarissarose

Digital Portrait by daekazu

Watercolor Painting by Andrea Schepisi

Hyperrealistic Potrait by Stanbos

Acrylic on Canvas by antonio56

Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawning by BabyDollB

Paint Splatters by Jessie145 

Fantasy Portait by LUN2004 

Monroe Photo Montage by Daniel Jay Nodianos

24 août 2013

Paris Match 10/11/1956

pm_n396_coverLe magazine Paris Match n°396, du 10 novembre 1956, consacrait un article dans la rubrique "Elles & Eux" sur la rencontre entre la Reine Elizabeth d'Angleterre et Marilyn Monroe.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >>
Depuis la création 5 744 733
Derniers commentaires
Marilyn sur le web

Une sélection de sites web

Blog - The Marilyn Report 
Blog - The Marilyn Archive 
Blog - Tara Hanks

Cursum Perficio
Mesmerizing Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn From the 22nd Row

Marilyn Monroe Italian Site
Legend Marilyn Monroe

Blog - MM Books
Blog - Marilyn Monroe Animated Gifs 

Crazy For Marilyn 
Crazy For You
Crazy For You 2

Social Network (Réseaux Sociaux)

Instagram Official Marilyn Monroe
Instagram - Silver Technicolor 

Instagram - Marilynraresig
Instagram - LMmarilynnormajeane2662
Instagram - lovemarilyn normaliasmarilyn
Instagram - Marvellous Marilyn

Tumblr - The Marilyn Monroe Visual Vault 
Tumblr - Infinite Marilyn 
Tumblr - Always Marilyn Monroe 
Tumblr - Marilyn in High Quality 
Tumblr - Marilyn Monroe Archive 
Tumblr - Our Girl Marilyn 
Tumblr - Miss Norma Jeane's

Tumblr Miss Monroe
Perfectly Marilyn Monroe

Reddit MarilynMonroe

VK My Marilyn 
VK My Marilyn Photographes 
VK Marilyn Monroe

La presse

Blog - Marilyn Cover Girl 
Blog - La MM que j'aime 
Magazines - Famous Fix 

Magazines - Pinterest Lorraine Funke

Archives presse USA - Newspapers 
Archives presse USA - Library of Congress
Archives presse Australia - Trove
Archives presse - Internet Archive 
Archives presse - Lantern

Archives presse - Media History Digital Library 
Archives - Gallica BNF 

Archives magazines - Magazine Art 
LIFE photo archive 
LIFE magazines 

LIFE articles 
Collier's - Unz Review 
Esquire Classic 
Bravo Posters 
Paris Match

 Agence Photos 
Getty images 
mptv images 
ullstein bild
Redux Pictures
Roger Viollet
iStock by Getty 
Bridgeman images 
AP Images 


All About Photo  
Listing Photographes du XXeme 
Allan Grant 
Bernard of Hollywood - instagram 
Bert Stern 
Bill Ray 
Bob Willoughby 
Carl Perutz 
Douglas Kirkland - website 
 Douglas Kirkland - instagram 
Elliott Erwitt - website 
Elliott Erwitt - instagram 
Ernst Haas 
Eve Arnold - website 
Eve Arnold - instagram 
George Barris - website 
George Barris - instagram 
Harold Lloyd  
Henri Dauman 
Jock Carroll 
Lawrence Schiller 
Leigh Wiener 
Nickolas Muray 
Phil Stern 
Philippe Halsman - website 
Philippe Halsman - instagram  
Richard Avedon - website 
Richard Avedon - instagram 
Sam Shaw - website 
Sam Shaw - instagram  
Weegee Arthur Fellig 

Milton H Greene
Milton H Greene - website 
Milton H Greene - instagram
The Archives LLC - facebook
MHG The Archives Licensing  
The archives LLC - tumblr

 Video Archives 
British Pathé  
ITN Archive

Paramount & Pathé Newsreel
Tumblr Marilyn Monroe Video Archives

The Blonde at the Film 
Tumblr - Weirland TV
Dr Macro's HQ scans 
Pulp International 
Stirred Straight Up 


Sites web communautés
The Place 
Who's Dated Who 
Films - imdb 
Films - Classic Movie Hub 
Bio - Wikipedia fr  
Dossiers - FBI Records

Fans Collectionneurs
Collection Greg Schreiner
Collection Scott Fortner
Collection Ted Stampfer
Collection Peter Schnug
Facebook Peter Schnug
Marilyn Geek (Melinda)

Fans Clubs
Fan Club The Marilyn Remembered 
Irish Marilyn Monroe Fan Club

 Marilyn Friends
Mona Rae Miracle
Joe DIMaggio
Arthur Miller
Yves Montand 
Montgomery Clift 
Clark Gable 
Marlon Brando 
Jane Russell 
Rock Hudson 
Dean Martin 
Frank Sinatra 
Ava Gardner 
Ralph Roberts 
George Fisher
Joan Crawford
Jeanne Carmen 
Travilla Style - blog 
The Actors Studio