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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Joan Newman

Zelda Zonk

31 mars 2024

Joyeuses Pâques / Happy Easter 2024

Joyeuses Fêtes de Pâques

Norma Jeane et l'agneau en 1945
Norma Jeane and the lamb in 1945
(photo: André De Dienes)


Pour ce week-end Pascal,
quelques photographies de "Marilyn Girls"
au thème de Pâques

For this Easter weekend,
some photographs of "Marilyn Girls"
with Easter theme

Jean Harlow & l'agneau
La première blonde platine, l'idole de Marilyn
The first platinum blonde, the Marilyn idol

Jayne Mansfield & le lapin
La "Marilyn du pauvre" des années 1950s
The "Working's Man Marilyn" of the 1950's

Mamie Van Doren & l'agneau
La concurrente de Marilyn des studios Universal
The competitor of Marilyn from Universal studios

Diana Dors & l'oeuf
La "Marilyn anglaise" des années 1950s
The "English Marilyn" of the 1950's


Happy Easter Day

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

24 mars 2024

TV - La pièce de théâtre "Bungalow 21"

 Mardi 26 mars 2024 - 21h10 - France 2
Disponible en Replay sur FranceTV
Rediffusion: Dimanche 07 avril à 21h00 sur France 4

Théâtre: Bungalow 21


Durée : 1h28min
Mise en scène: Jérémie Lippmann
Auteur: Éric-Emmanuel Schmittt
Sur une idée de Benjamin Castaldi

Interprétation: Emmanuelle Seigner (Marilyn Monroe), Mathilde Seigner (Simone Signoret), Michaël Cohen (Yves Montand), Vincent Winterhalter (Arthur Miller), Clément Moreau (le groom).
L'histoire: Los Angeles, 1960. Yves Montand débarque à Hollywood avec Simone Signoret. Il s’apprête à tourner aux côtés de Marilyn Monroe dans la comédie musicale « Le Milliardaire ». Le couple français séjourne au bungalow 20 du Beverly Hills Hotel. Installés dans le bungalow voisin, Marilyn Monroe et son mari, l’écrivain Arthur Miller, leur tiennent souvent compagnie. Tandis que le tournage s’avère très compliqué à cause des retards de Marilyn, Simone apprend qu’elle est nommée à l’Oscar de la meilleure actrice pour son rôle dans « Les Chemins de la haute ville »…

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
24 mars 2024

J comme Japon (partie 4)

Marilyn au Japon  (4ème partie)

Marilyn in Japan  (4th part)

Les Souvenirs apportés du Japon
The Souvenirs brought from Japan

Pendant son séjour au Japon qui dure 20 jours (du 01er au 16 février puis du 20 au 23 février, interrompu par la tournée en Corée où Marilyn se produit sur scène pour les soldats américains du 16 au 19 février), Marilyn Monroe va faire un peu de shopping malgré la remarque de mise en garde que Joe DiMaggio avait fait au début de leur séjour en disant à Marilyn: "Pas de shopping, Marilyn. La foule va nous tuer" car il avait lui-même été effrayé par l'hystérie du public japonais (fans et reporters). Ils reviendront aux Etats-Unis avec plusieurs "souvenirs": des cadeaux qu'ils ont reçus des japonais et leurs propres achats pour eux-mêmes et ceux pour leurs proches.
During her stay in Japan which lasts 20 days (from February 1 to 16 then from February 20 to 23; interrupted by the tour in Korea where Marilyn performs on stage for American soldiers from February 16 to 19), Marilyn Monroe will make a little shopping despite the warning remark that Joe DIMaggio has made at the start of their stay by telling Marilyn: "No shopping, Marilyn. The crowd will kill us" because he himself had been frightened by the hysteria of the Japanese public (fans and reporters). They will go back to the United States with several "souvenirs": gifts they received from the Japanese and their own purchases for themselves and those for their loved ones.

* * * * * * * * * *
- Les cadeaux des Japonais -
- Gifts from the Japanese -

~ L'éventail

 - A son arrivée au Japon le 01er février 1954, une réception est organisée par le journal japonais Yomiuri Shimbun (organisateur du voyage) à l'hôtel Impérial de Tokyo où Marilyn, Joe et Lefty O'Doul vont loger. Dans un salon privé de l'hôtel, elle est photographiée avec un éventail à la main: il s'agit probablement d'un des cadeaux de bienvenue qui lui a été offert.
- At her arrival in Japan on February 1, 1954, a reception is organized by the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun (organizer of the trip) at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo where Marilyn, Joe and Lefty O'Doul are going to stay. In a private room of the hotel, she is photographed with a fan in her hand: this is probably one of the welcome gifts given to her.
- sur le blog: article 01/02/1954, Japon - Arrivée à Tokyo & Réception à l'Imperial Hotel
~ Divers cadeaux traditionnels
- Marilyn et Joe sont invités le 20 février par la Ligue Centrale de Baseball à une soirée "Sukiyaki" au restaurant "Isami" à Hanakumacho, un quartier de Kobe, en compagnie de Seizo Noda (président des chemins de fer électrique Hanshin et propriétaire de l'équipe de baseball Hanshin Tigers), de Matsutaro Shoriki (propriétaire du journal Yomiuri Shimbun et manager de l'équipe de baseball Yomiuri Giants) et des Geishas. Lors de ce dîner, des cadeaux sont offerts à Marilyn tels qu'on peut le voir sur les quelques photographies prises (on y voit Marilyn qui déploie ce qui semble être une tapisserie japonaise et un paquet cadeau posé sur la table).
- sur le blog: article Du 20 au 22/02/1954, Japon - Marilyn & Joe à Kobe et Tokyo
- Marilyn and Joe are invited on February 20 by the Central Baseball League to a "Sukiyaki" party at the "Isami" restaurant in Hanakumacho, a district of Kobe, in the company of Seizo Noda (president of Hanshin Electric Railways and owner of the Hanshin Tigers baseball team), Matsutaro Shoriki (owner of the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper and manager of the Yomiuri Giants baseball team) and Geishas. During this dinner, gifts are offered to Marilyn as can be seen in the few photographs taken (we see Marilyn unfolding what appears to be a Japanese tapestry and a gift package placed on the table).

~ La figurine en porcelaine

- Marilyn, Joe et les O'Doul passent deux jours et demie (du 08 au 10 février) à Fukuoka. Entre les différentes sorties qu'ils font (Joe et Lefty O'Doul animent des entraînements de base-ball dans des stades et Marilyn visite des hopîtaux militaires américains), ils retournent chaque soir à leur hôtel (l'hôtel international Kokusai), qui se trouve dans le quartier Nakasu de la ville d'Hakata, sur l'île de Kyūshū. La Verne et Buddie McGrath (on ne sait qui ils sont, mais sans doute des américains en poste au Japon) offrent au couple Marilyn et Joe un "cadeau de mariage": une figurine en porcelaine d'Hakata (de Hakata Doll Co.) accompagnée d'une carte de félicitation "Meilleurs vœux à l'heureuse mariée et félicitations au chanceux époux".  Ce cadeau a été conservé par Joe DiMaggio, car il faisait parti de ses effets personnels vendus aux enchères ( Lot 869 vendu aux enchères 19 & 20 mai 2006 par Hunt Auctions ) .
- Marilyn, Joe and the O'Douls spend two and a half days (February 8 to 10) in Fukuoka. Between their various obligations (Joe and Lefty O'Doul lead baseball training sessions in stadiums and Marilyn visits American military hospitals), they go back each evening to their hotel (the Kokusai International Hotel), which is located in the Nakasu district of Hakata City, on the island of Kyūshū. La Verne and Buddie McGrath (we don't know who they are, but undoubtedly Americans stationed in Japan) offer the couple Marilyn and Joe a "wedding gift": a Hakata porcelain figurine (from Hakata Doll Co.) accompanied by a congratulatory card "Best Wishes to the Happy Bride and Congratulations to the Lucky Groom". This gift was kept by Joe DiMaggio, because it was part of his personal effects sold at auction.
~ Les cannes à pêche

- Une paire de cannes à pêche en bambou finement conçues sur mesure pour Marilyn Monroe et Joe DiMaggio, avec deux bobines de ligne de pêche (qui sont restées inutilisées), leur ont été offert pendant leur séjour au Japon. Les cannes à pêche ont été fabriquées par « Tosaku » qui était le meilleur fabricant de cannes à pêche du Japon (confirmation par une lettre jointe). Ce cadeau avait été déclaré à la douane par Joe DiMaggio, qui les a conservées, car les cannes faisaient parti de ses effets personnels vendus aux enchères ( Lot 423 vendu aux enchères 19 & 20 mai 2006 par Hunt Auctions ) .
- A pair of finely crafted bamboo fishing rods designed for Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, with two spools of fishing line (which remained unused), were gifted to them during their stay in Japan. The fishing rods were made by “Tosaku” who was the finest maker of fishing rods in Japan (confirmation by attached letter). This gift had been declared to customs by Joe DiMaggio, who kept them, because the rods were part of his personal effects sold at auction.
~ Les médailles

 - Deux médailles d'argent "Plaque d'identification" du Commandement américain de l'Extrême-Orient leur ont été offert à chacun d'entre eux:
. La médaille de Marilyn comporte l'inscription sur la face avant : «
À Marilyn Monroe - en remerciement pour sa contribution au divertissement du personnel des forces armées des Nations Unies en Corée ».
Le revers présente le drapeau du Commandement d'Extrême-Orient avec le titre et la date de février 1954.
. La médaille de Joe comporte l'inscription: "À Joe DiMaggio - des services spéciaux - en remerciement pour le divertissement du personnel des forces armées du Commandement de l'Extrême-Orient". Au revers, figure une liste des villes du Japon que DiMaggio avait visitées : Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Korea, Osaka, Kyoto.

Les deux médailles ont été gardées par Joe DiMaggio, car elles étaient parmi ses effets personnels vendus aux enchères ( Lot 845 vendu aux enchères 19 & 20 mai 2006 par Hunt Auctions ) .
- Each of them was presented with two silver “Dog Tag” medals from the U.S. Far East Command:
. Marilyn's medal has the inscription on the front:
"To Marilyn Monroe In appreciation for contributing to the entertainment of United Nations Armed Forces personnel in Korea." The reverse features the Far East Command flag with titling and date of February 1954.
. Joe's medal features the inscription:
"To Joe DiMaggio from Special Services In appreciation for entertaining armed forces personnel Far East Command."The reverse has a list of cities in Japan that DiMaggio had visited: Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Korea, Osaka, Kyoto.
The two medals were kept by Joe DiMaggio, because they were part of his personal effects sold at auction.

~ Le briquet .

 - Des soldats aviateurs des forces américaines offrent à Marilyn un briquet en acier inoxydable avec l'inscription « Marilyn Monroe » gravée en doré sur le devant au-dessus d'un logo en émail en relief de la division des forces américaines. Au dos figure l'inscription « Des officiers et aviateurs du 21e T.C.S. Tachikawa, Japon, 16 février 1954 ». C'est le 16 février que Marilyn quitte le Japon (en prenant l'avion le matin à l'aéroport d'Itami) pour se rendre en Corée (où elle arrive à la base de Séoul où elle se produit sur scène, puis enchaîne dans la journée un concert à la base de la 7ème Infanterie). On ne sait si le briquet lui a été offert par la compagnie d'aviation présente à Itami pour son départ ou sur place en Corée.
( Lot 420 vendu aux enchères des 19 & 20 mai 2006 par Hunt Auctions ) .
- Aimen of the American forces give Marilyn a stainless steel lighter with the inscription “Marilyn Monroe” engraved in gold on the front above an embossed enamelwork logo from the presenting U.S. force division. On the back is the inscription "From the officers and airmen of the 21st T.C.S. (H) Tachikawa, Japan 16 February 1954". It's on February 16 that Marilyn leaves Japan (taking the plane in the morning from Itami airport) to go to Korea (where she arrives at the base in Seoul where she performs on stage, then continues during that day a concert at the base of the 7th Infantry). We don't know if the lighter was given to her by the aviation company present in Itami beforer her departure or in Korea.
~ Le sac de voyage

 - Durant leur séjour au Japon, Marilyn et Joe se sont rendus dans plusieurs villes et pour leurs déplacements, ils prenaient l'avion par des vols internes, avec la compagnie aérienne Japan Air Lines. Un bagage à main de la compagnie aérienne en vinyle bleu marine, avec une bandoulière et une poche extérieure a été offert à Marilyn. (lot 215 vendu 2187,50 $ par Julien's le 17/11/2016 aux enchères Property From The Estate of Lee Strasberg )
- During their stay in Japan, Marilyn and Joe went to several cities and for their travels, they took internal flights with the Japan Air Lines. A navy vinyl carry-on bag, with shoulder strap and outside pocket was given to Marilyn.

~ Les vêtements

 - Un boléro argenté serti de perles a été offert à Marilyn, apparemment par le gouvernement japonais (c'est ce qu'a déclaré Dolores Hope Masi). A son retour aux USA, Marilyn l'a donné au couple Masi (Victor et Marguerite Masi, des amis de Joe DiMaggio) chez qui elle et Joe ont logé quelques temps au printemps 1954.
- A silver bolero studded with pearls was given to Marilyn, apparently by the Japanese government (this is what Dolores Hope Masi said). On her return to the USA, Marilyn gave it to the Masi couple (Victor and Marguerite Masi, friends of Joe DiMaggio) with whom she and Joe stayed for a while in the spring of 1954.
- sur le blog: article Le couple Masi

- Un peignoir bleu en satin avec des motifs géométriques répétitifs comportant les initiales « JD » brodées en rouge (sur le devant, au niveau de la poitrine) a été offert à Joe DiMaggio.
Il est possible qu'un peignoir similaire ait été offert à Marilyn.
Le peignoir a été vendu à des enchères des effets personnels de Joe
( Lot 839 vendu aux enchères 19 & 20 mai 2006 par Hunt Auctions ) .
- A blue satin robe with repeating geometric design featuring the initials “JD” embroidered in red (on the front, at chest level) was given to Joe DiMaggio.
It is possible a similar robe was given to Marilyn. 
The robe was sold at Joe's personal effects auction.

- Une longue veste (ou un peignoir / kimono) noire en satin avec un motif de fleurs dans le dos a été offert à Marilyn pendant sa tournée en Corée; elle est photographiée après avoir donné ce qui est son dernier tour de chant le 19 février à la base de Daegu, portant la veste sur ses épaules.
- A long black satin jacket (or robe / kimono) with a flower design on the back was given to Marilyn during her Korea tour; she is photographed after giving what is her final singing tour on February 19 at the base in Daegu, carrying the jacket on her shoulders.
- sur le blog: article Du 16 au 19/02/1954 - Tournée en Corée


 - C'est aussi lors de cette prestation du 19 février à la base de Daegu en Corée que des soldats offrent à Marilyn une blouse en satin rose pâle aux manches longues, avec une poche et un motif floral sur le devant.
- It is also during this performance on February 19 at the Daegu base in Korea that soldiers gave Marilyn a light pink satin blouse with long sleeves, with a pocket and a floral pattern on the front.
~ L'album photos
Un album photos compilant leur séjour sera donné à Joe DiMaggio et Marilyn Monroe. La première couverture et le dos sont en velours violet, comportant le titre en couverture "Memories of coaching for Japan Central Baseball League - February 1954 - The Yomiuri Shimbun - Tokyo Japan", imprimé en lettres dorées. A l'intérieur, il contient 29 photographies prises pendant le séjour de Joe, Marilyn et Lefty O'Doul.
On sait qu'il existe au moins deux exemplaires: l'un a été vendu 22 000 $ lors de la vente aux enchères de 2006 des effets personnels de DiMaggio (cf lot 843 sur Hunt Auctions ) et l'autre a été vendu en 2019 par Heritage Auctions (lot 80242 de la vente 
Platinum Sports Auction sur Heritage Auctions ).
A photo album compiling their stay will be given to Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe. The front cover and back are in purple velvet, featuring the cover title "Memories of coaching for Japan Central Baseball League - February 1954 - The Yomiuri Shimbun - Tokyo Japan", printed in gold letters. Inside, it contains 29 photographs taken during the stay of Joe, Marilyn and Lefty O'Doul.
At least two examples are known to exist: one sold for $22,000 at the 2006 auction of DiMaggio's personal effects and the other was sold in 2019 by Heritage Auctions.

J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)
J comme Japon (partie 4)

* * * * * * * * * *
- Les achats et cadeaux pour eux-mêmes -
- Purchases and gifts for themselves -

~ Les perles
- Le "souvenir" le plus connu de leur voyage au Japon est celui du collier de perles que Marilyn portera plusieurs fois pendant l'année 1954. Il existe plusieurs versions autour de l'achat du collier de perles:
La bijouterie - Plusieurs boutiques auraient été visitées: le magasin de bijoux Matoba Pearl Jewelry (boutique tenue par une japonaise, Teru Matoba, qui se trouve au sous-sol de l'hôtel Nikkatsu International Hall qui se trouve à 5 minutes à pied de l'hôtel Imperial); la bijouterie K. Uyeda (située dans une annexe de leur hôtel, à l'Imperial Hotel Arcade); la bijouterie Mikimoto Pearl (située aussi dans l'Imperial Hotel Arcade).
Les dates: le 02 février au matin avec l'achat d'un premier collier de perles (celui que porte Marilyn à la conférence de presse à 15h ce jour là) puis un deuxième collier acheté soit le 03 février au matin, soit le 08 février au matin (du moins, les jours où Marilyn est à Tokyo avant de partir en Corée; car elle est photographiée avec ce deuxième collier dès son retour de Corée le 20 février à Kobe).
Le collier: il existe bien à l'origine deux colliers de perles différents.
- The best-known "souvenir" of their Japan trip is that of the pearl necklace that Marilyn wore several times during 1954. There are several versions surrounding the purchase of the pearl necklace:
The jewelry store - Several shops would have been visited: the jewelry store Matoba Pearl Jewelry (shop run by a Japanese woman, Teru Matoba, which is located in the basement of the Nikkatsu International Hall hotel which is a 5-minute walk from the Imperial Hotel); K. Uyeda Jeweller (located in an annex of their hotel, at the Imperial Hotel Arcade); the Mikimoto Pearl jewelry store (also located in the Imperial Hotel Arcade).
The dates: February 2 in the morning with the purchase of a first pearl necklace (the one worn by Marilyn at the press conference at 3 p.m. that day) then a second necklace purchased either on February 3 in the morning or on February 8 in the morning (at least, on the days when Marilyn was in Tokyo before leaving for Korea; because she is photographed with this second necklace upon her return from Korea on February 20 in Kobe).
The necklace: there is originally two different pearl necklaces.


1/ Le collier Mikimoto acheté chez Uyeda par Joe pour l'offrir à Marilyn
1/ The Mikimoto necklace bought from Uyeda by Joe to give to Marilyn

  Un collier de perles Mikimoto aurait été acheté par Joe DiMaggio à la bijouterie K. Uyeda (situé dans l'Imperial Hotel Arcade). Il existe aussi une version selon laquelle Joe aurait demandé à Lefty O'Doul d'acheter le collier de perles. Cependant, c'est bien Joe qui s'est rendu à la boutique, car il y a sa signature qui figure dans le livre d'or des visiteurs de la bijouterie. On ne sait quand Joe s'y est rendu, mais il y est probablement allé le 02 février au matin car à la conférence de presse de 15 heures, Marilyn porte un collier de petites perles autour du cou et on distingue aisément que ce collier est bien trop court, lui serrant le cou.
  A Mikimoto pearl necklace was reportedly purchased by Joe DiMaggio at K. Uyeda Jewelry Store (located in the Imperial Hotel Arcade). There is also a version that Joe asked Lefty O'Doul to buy the pearl necklace. However, it was Joe who went to the store, because there is his signature which appears in the guestbook of visitors to the jewelry store. We don't know when Joe went there, but he probably went on the morning of February 2 because at the 3 p.m. press conference, Marilyn is wearing a necklace of small pearls around her neck and we can easily see that this necklace is way too short, hugging her neck.
- sur le blog: article 02/02/1954, Japon, Tokyo - Promenade, Rendez-Vous et Conférence de Presse

Ce collier étant ainsi trop petit pour son tour de cou, il existe alors plusieurs versions sur le devenir de ce collier. Marilyn se serait rendue à la boutique pour reporter le collier. D'ailleurs, une rumeur dit que Marilyn serait arrivée seule dans la bijouterie de Uyeda, et que le personnel du magasin ne l'aurait pas reconnue. Puis une foule de journalistes et photographes sont arrivés car ils suivaient Marilyn. Puis Joe serait entré à son tour dans la boutique. Cependant, il est étonnant qu'aucune photographie n'existe de cette venue du couple à la bijouterie, d'autant qu'ils étaient poursuivis par des photographes. Et cette version de Marilyn venant à la boutique s'est donc bien produite non pas à l'achat initial (Joe était seul puisqu'il n'y a que son autographe dans le livre des visiteurs et le collier étant trop court pour son cou, elle n'était pas présente pour l'essayer), mais bien quand elle y retourne pour le reporter. De cette théorie, d'autres versions circulent:
- Marilyn aurait échangé le collier contre l'achat d'une montre pour Joe.
- Ou le collier aurait été transformé en bracelet: elle aurait été vue avec un collier en guise de chaîne à la cheville à l'hôtel Kokusai à Fukuoka (où elle a séjourné du 08 au 10 février). Elle portera un bracelet de perles à deux rangées à son poignée quand elle sera sur scène en Corée du 16 au 19 février.
This necklace being too small for its neck size, there are several versions on the fate of this necklace. Marilyn would have gone to the store to resend the necklace. Moreover, a rumor says that Marilyn arrived alone in the Uyeda jewelry store, and that the store staff did not recognize her. Then a crowd of journalists and photographers arrived because they were following Marilyn. Then Joe would have entered the store in turn. However, it is surprising that no photograph exists of the couple's visit to the jewelry store, especially since they were pursued by photographers. And this version of Marilyn coming to the store therefore happened not at the initial purchase (Joe was alone since there is only his autograph in the guestbook and the necklace being too short for her neck , she was not there to try it), but when she goes back to bring forward it. About this theory, other versions circulate:
- Marilyn would have exchanged the necklace for the purchase of a watch for Joe.
- Or the necklace would have been transformed into a bracelet: she would have been seen with a necklace as an ankle chain at the Kokusai hotel in Fukuoka (where she stayed from February 8 to 10). She will wear a two-row beaded bracelet on her handle when she performs in Korea from February 16 to 19.


2/ Le collier Mikimoto chez Matoba acheté par Marilyn
2/ The Mikimoto necklace from Matoba purchased by Marilyn

  C'est avec son propre argent que Marilyn s'est achetée un collier de perles Akoya fabriqués par Mikimoto pour le prix de 220 000 yens. C'est un collier d'une longueur de 40 cm, avec un fermoir signé Mikimoto en or blanc 18 carats et diamants, composé de 44 perles de taille de 9,5 millimètres.
Ci-contre, signatures de Joe et Marilyn dans le livre d'or de Matoba.

  It is with her own money that Marilyn bought a necklace of Akoya pearls made by Mikimoto for the price of 220,000 yen. It is a necklace with a length of 16-inch, with an 18-karat white gold and diamond Mikimoto signature clasp, made up of 44 pearls of 9.5-milimeter size.
Opposite, signatures of Joe and Marilyn in the Matoba guestbook.

- Marilyn porte le collier à la fin de son séjour (après son retour de Corée, à partir du 20 février).
- Marilyn wears the necklace at the end of her stay (after returning from Korea, from February 20).

- Elle le portera aussi après pendant l'année 1954: quand elle prend l'avion avec Joe le 16 septembre et lors de la prononciation de son divorce d'avec Joe le 27 octobre au tribunal.
- She will also wear it later during the year 1954: when she takes the plane with Joe on September 16 and during the pronouncement of her divorce from Joe on October 27 in court.
- sur le blog: article 16/09/1954 De New York à Los Angeles
- sur le blog: article 27/10/1954 Divorce prononcé


 Marilyn aurait déclaré: « Quand je regarde ce collier, cela me rappelle des jours heureux ». C'est sans doute pour palier à cette nostalgie que Marilyn va offrir le collier à sa coach de théâtre et amie Paula Strasberg, en guise de cadeau de Noël car Paula a toujours admiré le collier. En 1998, sa fille Susan Strasberg le vend aux enchères (cf lettre de Susan ci-contre) et c'est la société Mikimoto America, une filiale locale, qui l'achète pour 13,7 millions de yens.
Pendant longtemps, l'histoire autour de ce collier et qui reste une légende, raconte que c'était l'Empereur du Japon qui l'avait offert à Marilyn. Puis, c'est au tour de Mikimoto (aujourd'hui toujours propriétaire du collier et qui le prête à des expositions - cf photo ci-dessous) qui fait circuler par un communiqué qu'ils ont offert ce collier de perles Akoya à Marilyn (il ne fait aucun doute que leur intention est purement pour le marketing). Enfin, on peut aussi lire (histoire la plus répandue) que c'est Joe qui lui avait offert ce collier en cadeau de mariage (la confusion semble venir de l'achat de l'autre collier par Joe).

Marilyn was quoted as saying: “When I look at this necklace, it reminds me of happy days. It is undoubtedly to overcome this nostalgia that Marilyn will offer the necklace to her theater coach and friend Paula Strasberg, as a Christmas present because Paula has always admired the necklace. In 1998, her daughter Susan Strasberg sold it at auction (see letter from Susan above) and the Mikimoto America company, a local subsidiary, bought it for 13.7 million yen.
For a long time, the story around this necklace and which remains a legend, says that it was the Emperor of Japan who gave it to Marilyn.
Then, it was the turn of Mikimoto (today still the owner of the necklace and who lends it to exhibitions - cf photo opposite) who circulates a press release that they had offered this Akoya pearl necklace to Marilyn (there is no doubt that their intention is purely for marketing). Finally, we can also read (the most common story) that it was Joe who gave her this necklace as a wedding gift (the confusion seems to come from Joe's purchase of the other necklace).


3/ Le collier de perles porté par Jean O'Doul
3/ The pearl necklace worn by Jean O'Doul

  Jean O'Doul (épouse de Lefty O'Doul) qui sert de "dame de compagnie" pour Marilyn au Japon (et en Corée), est notamment photographiée le 15 février à Osaka (juste avant le départ pour la Corée) avec un collier de perles autour du cou.
Jean O'Doul (wife of Lefty O'Doul) who serves as Marilyn's "companion lady" in Japan (and Korea), is notably photographed on February 15 in Osaka (just before leaving for Korea) with a necklace pearls around the neck.

Ce collier ressemble étrangement au collier Mikimoto qui est porté par Marilyn après sa tournée de Corée (taille des perles et longueur du collier). De là, on peut se poser la question: est-ce le même collier ? Dans ce cas, Marilyn aurait-elle prêté son collier ou Jean se serait-elle achetée le même collier (ou fait offrir par son mari Lefty) ? Jean accompagne Marilyn lors de ballades, visites touristiques et sans doute pour le peu de shopping que Marilyn est parvenue à faire au Japon (elle était en fait tellement constamment poursuivie par les reporters, qu'elle n'a au final fait que peu de sorties). Sur cette rare photographie prise à la volée, Marilyn et Jean sont dans une boutique qui semblerait être une bijouterie.

This necklace strangely resembles the Mikimoto necklace worn by Marilyn after her tour of Korea (size of the pearls and length of the necklace). From there, we can ask the question: is it the same necklace? In this case, would Marilyn have lent her necklace or would Jean have bought the same necklace (or had it given by her husband Lefty)? Jean accompanies Marilyn on walks, tourist visits and probably for the little shopping that Marilyn managed to do in Japan (she was in fact so constantly pursued by reporters, that she only went out a few times after all). In this rare secret photography, Marilyn and Jean are in a shop which would be a jewelry store.

4/ Le bracelet de perles à deux rangées de Marilyn porté en Corée
4/ Marilyn's two-row pearl bracelet worn in Korea


On ne sait si ce bracelet a été acheté au Japon, ni sa composition: s'agit-il de vrai perles ou d'un bijou de fantaisie (au cours de sa vie, Marilyn n'a finalement possédé que peu de bijoux de valeurs. Pour se rendre à des galas ou première de films, elle empruntait aux studios de la Fox non seulement les robes de soirée mais aussi des bijoux portés dans ses films ou en séance photos.) Il existe une version que ce bracelet serait à l'origine le collier de perles trop court que lui avait offert Joe qu'elle a reporté à la bijouterie Uyeda qui l'a ainsi transformé en bracelet:  si tel est le cas, elle l'aurait fait avant de partir en Corée (tournée du 16 au 19 février) car elle le porte pour chacune de ses prestations sur scène. Néanmoins, il suffit d'observer la taille des perles qui sont plus grandes que le collier qui était trop petit qui comporte des perles de petites dimensions.

We don't know if this bracelet was purchased in Japan, nor its composition: are they real pearls or costume jewelry (during her life, Marilyn ultimately owned only a few pieces of valuable jewelry. To participate to galas or film premieres, she borrowed from the Fox studios not only evening dresses but also jewelry worn in her films or in photo shoots.) There is a version that this bracelet would be the originally the pearl necklace that was too short that Joe had given her, which she took to the Uyeda jewelry which transformed it into a bracelet: if this is the case, she would have done it before leaving for Korea (tour on 16 until February 19) because she wears it for each of her performances on stage. However, just observe the size of the pearls which are larger than the necklace which was too small which has small size pearls.
~ La montre de Joe
On raconte que Marilyn a offert une montre à Joe qu'elle aurait acheté dans une bijouterie. Il existe la version selon laquelle c'est en allant à la bijouterie où elle souhaite reporter le collier de perles que lui avait offert Joe et qui était trop petit pour son cou, qu'elle l'aurait ainsi échangé en choisissant un cadeau pour Joe (une montre).
Plusieurs sources japonaises indiquent que la montre a été achetée "dans un magasin de montres du quartier commerçant du Hibiya Park Building, au deuxième sous-sol de l'International Hall", soit à la bijouterie Matoba. Cependant, ce lieu ne semble pas être correct: en effet, si Marilyn souhaite reporter le collier offert par Joe qui l'avait acheté à la bijouterie Uyeda, il est donc impossible qu'elle se rende dans une autre bijouterie pour procéder à l'échange. Il n'existe aussi aucune précision sur le modèle et la marque de la montre achetée. 
Quand on observe les photographies de Joe prises pendant le séjour au Japon, il porte au poignet toujours le même modèle: une montre Patek Philippe réf 130 avec un cadran blanc, qu'il possédait déjà bien avant d'aller au Japon (il la porte au poignée pour son mariage avec Marilyn le 14 janvier). On ne sait donc si cet achat de montre par Marilyn est donc une légende ou non.
- Montre Patek vendu en 2017 par Christies

It is said that Marilyn gave Joe a watch that she bought in a jewelry store. There is the version according to which it was by going to the jewelry store where she wanted to return the pearl necklace that Joe had given her and which was too small for her neck, that she would have exchanged it by choosing a gift for Joe (a watch).
Several Japanese sources indicate that the watch was purchased "in a watch store in the shopping area of the Hibiya Park Building, in the second basement of the International Hall", that's to say at the Matoba jeweller's. However, this place doesn't seem to be correct: in fact, if Marilyn wishes to return the necklace offered by Joe who had bought it at the Uyeda jeweller's, it is therefore impossible for her to go to another jewelry store to carry out the exchange. There is also no details on the model and brand of the watch purchased.
When we look at Joe's photographs taken during his stay in Japan, he always wears the same model on his wrist: a Patek Philippe ref 130 watch with a white dial, which he already owned well before going to Japan (he wears it on his wrist at his wedding to Marilyn on January 14).
We therefore don't know whether this watch purchase by Marilyn is a legend or not.

Joe DiMaggio a possédé beaucoup de montres dans sa vie, différents modèles de différentes marques: Bulova, Eska, Impala, Rolex, et ce qui semblait être l'une de ses marques préférées: Longines, car il en a possédé plusieurs modèles tout au long de sa vie.
Joe DiMaggio has owned a lot of watches in his life, different models from different brands: Bulova, Eska, Impala, Rolex, and what seemed to be one of his favorite brands: Longines, as he has owned several models throughout of his life.


~ Le Kimono

- A la première conférence de presse organisée pour Joe et Marilyn à l'hôtel Impérial de Tokyo le 02 février - le lendemain de leur arrivée - les journalistes ne ciblent leurs questions que pour Marilyn, se montrant parfois indélicats et impudiques. Quand un reporter lui dit:  "On raconte que vous ne portez rien sous vos vêtements. Est-ce vrai ?", Marilyn rétorque en souriant: "Eh bien, je vais vous dire quelque-chose: j'ai prévu d'aller acheter un kimono demain".
On ne sait ni ou, ni quand, elle a finalement acheté son kimono, mais elle le portera de retour aux Etats-Unis. Il existe une unique photographie de Marilyn portant ce kimono noir avec des écritures blanches en japonais, prise chez le couple Masi où Marilyn et Joe sont restés au printemps 1954.

- sur le blog: article 02/02/1954, Japon, Tokyo - Promenade, Rendez-Vous et Conférence de Presse
- sur le blog: article Le couple Masi

- At the first press conference organized for Joe and Marilyn at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo on February 2 - the day after their arrival - the journalists only targeted their questions for Marilyn, being sometimes indelicate and immodest. When a reporter said to her: "We are told you do not wear anything under your dress. Is That true ?", Marilyn replies smiling: "Well, I'll tell you: I'm planning to buy a kimono tomorrow." We don't know where or when she finally bought her kimono, but she will wear it back in the United States. There is a single photograph of Marilyn wearing this black kimono with white writing in Japanese, taken at the Masi couple's home where Marilyn and Joe stayed in the spring of 1954.

~ L'étui à cigarette

- Marilyn a offert à Joe un étui à cigarettes en argent sterling: sur le devant du boîtier est gravé « Mémoire du Japon » avec une scène de paysage représentée et au dos du boîtier est gravé « Joe » au centre et « Love Marilyn » en bas à droite.
(lot 847 vendu 18750 $ par Julien's le 17/11/2016 aux enchères Property From The Estate of Lee Strasberg )
- Marilyn gives Joe a sterling silver cigarette case: on the front of the case is engraved “Memory of Japan” with a landscape scene and on the back of the case is engraved “Joe” at the center and “Love Marilyn” at lower right.
~ Les éventails

 - Lors des ventes aux enchères, des éventails provenant de son séjour au Japon ont été vendus:
. un lot de 2 éventails avec des autocollants sur le manche indiquant « Made in Japan » (lot 335 vendu 1125 $ par Julien's le 16/11/2018 aux enchères Icons And Idols: Hollywood, Bob Mackie And Sharon Tate ) ;
. un éventail en bambou peint en noir avec un manche en bois naturel avec un autocollant indiquant en partie « Made In Japan »: cet éventail aurait été acheté par Joe DiMaggio pour l'offrir à Marilyn probablement le 02 février à Tokyo
(lot 202 vendu 2560 $ par Julien's le 14/11/2019 aux enchères The Personal Property Of Goodman Basil Espy III, M.D. ).
- sur le blog: article 02/02/1954, Japon, Tokyo - Promenade, Rendez-Vous et Conférence de Presse
- On the auctions, fans from her stay in Japan were sold:
. a lot of 2
fans with stickers reading “Made in Japan,;
. a fan made of bamboo and painted black with a natural wood handle with a displays sticker reading in part "Made in Japan": this fan was bought by Joe DiMaggio to give to Marilyn probably on February 2 in Tokyo.

~ Le petit sac en velours à lanières

Il semble que c'est bien au Japon que Marilyn s'est acheté un petit sac à main en velours de couleur sombre (peut être noir), avec un motif géométrique dans le bas (en métal), dont la forme ressemble à un chapeau pointu, tenu par une grande lanière.
It seems that it is indeed in Japan that Marilyn bought a small dark-colored velvet handbag (maybe black), with a geometric pattern at the bottom (in metal), the shape of which resembles a hat pointed, held by a large strap.
-  Elle est aperçue la première fois avec le sac à l'aéroport d'Itami le 08 février où elle a pris un avion avec Joe l'après-midi. Comme elle avait passé la matinée à Tokyo, peut être l'a-t-elle acheté ce matin là à Tokyo.
-  She is first seen with the bag at Itami airport on February 8 where she takes a plane with Joe in the afternoon. As she has spent the morning in Tokyo, perhaps she bought it that morning in Tokyo.

- Elle prend le sac pour visiter l'hôpital de l'armée américaine de Kyushu le 09 février.
- She takes the bag to visit the US Army Hospital in Kyushu on February 9.

- Et on la revoit avec le sac à la main quand elle quitte Fukuoka pour se rendre à Hiroshima, en prenant l'avion le 11 février. D'ailleurs, quand elle visite les musées d'Hiroshima le lendemain, elle a toujours le sac (c'est même Joe qui le tient quand ils sont photographiés sur l'île de Miyajima).
- And she is seen again with the bag in her hand when she leaves Fukuoka to go to Hiroshima, taking the plane on February 11. Moreover, when she visits the museums of Hiroshima the day after, she always has the bag (it's even Joe who holds it when they are photographed on the island of Miyajima).

- Elle prend le sac pour sa tournée en Corée, car elle le tient à la main quand elle est sur le tarmac de l'aéroport d'Itami pour son départ le 16 février (nb: on ne la voit pourtant pas avec le sac pendant son séjour en Corée).
- She takes the bag for her tour in Korea, because she holds it in her hand when she is on the tarmac of Itami airport for her departure on February 16 (nb: we don't, however, see her with the bag during her stay in Korea).

- Puis quand elle quitte Kobe pour retourner à Tokyo le 22 février, elle a le sac à la main à l'aéroport et à son arrivée à l'hôtel Imperial.
- Then when she leaves Kobe to return to Tokyo on February 22, she has the bag in her hand at the airport and upon arrival at the Imperial Hotel.

- Enfin, lors de son départ du Japon le 23 février, elle tient le sac à l'aéroport d'Haneda pour se rendre à Hawaï (en escale pour retourner aux USA).
- Finally, when she left Japan on February 23, she holds the bag at Haneda airport to go to Hawaii (on a layover to return to the USA).


* * * * * * * * * *
- Les achats et cadeaux pour les amis -
- Purchases and gifts for friends -

~ Les tasses

 - Marilyn achète des tasses en céramique pour la famille DiMaggio: elle en offre deux à sa belle-soeur Lee DiMaggio (Louise 'Lee' DiMaggio est la femme de Tom DiMaggio, le frère de Joe) et quatre à June DiMaggio (la fille de Lee et Tom).
(deux tasses vendues 175 $ en 2015 par i Gavel Auctions )
- Marilyn buys ceramic mugs for the DiMaggio family: she gives two to her sister-in-law Lee DiMaggio (Louise 'Lee' DiMaggio is the wife of Tom DiMaggio, Joe's brother) and four to June DiMaggio (the daughter of Lee and Tom).
~ Les briquets

 - Marilyn offre au couple Masi deux briquets en métal qu'elle a acheté à l'Impérial Hotel à Tokyo, tel qu'il est indiqué par le motif de l'hôtel en relief sur la face avant, et sur lesquels elle a fait graver son nom d'épouse: "From Marilyn Monroe DiMaggio" sur le côté latéral.
- Marilyn gives the Masi couple two metal lighters that she bought at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, as indicated by the hotel's motif embossed on the front, and on which she had engraved her married name: "From Marilyn Monroe DiMaggio" on the lateral side.


L'influence orientale dans le style de Marilyn
Oriental influence in Marilyn's style

Marilyn Monroe semblait avoir un certain goût pour le mélange des cultures à travers sa décoration, ses vêtements et accessoires mixant le classique, le contemporain et le traditionnel de diverses influences (notamment mexicaines et asiatiques). Présentation d'un petit aperçu de l'influence asiatique dans son quotidien.
Marilyn Monroe seemed to have a certain taste for mixing cultures through her decoration, her clothes and accessories mixing the classic, the contemporary and the traditional of various influences (notably Mexican and Asian). Presentation of a small overview of the Asian influence in her daily life.

* * * * * * * * * *
- La mode -
- The fashion -

~ L'avant Japon, pré-1954: Marilyn portait déjà des vêtements de style oriental.
~ Before Japan, pre-1954: Marilyn was already wearing oriental style clothes.

- Fin 1952 / début 1953, pendant les séances de lectures du film "Les Hommes préfèrent les blondes" dans les studios de la Fox, elle porte une large blouse en satin de style oriental, avec un col montant et fermée par de gros boutons sur le côté. .
- At the end of 1953 / beginning of 1954, during the reading sessions of the film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" in the Fox studios, she wears a large oriental-style satin blouse, with a high collar and fastened with large buttons on the side.

- Début 1953, elle est photographiée à son hôtel de Bel Air par André De Dienes vêtue d'une blouse de style asiatique, avec le col montant typique et des motifs floraux et d'oiseaux.
- In early 1953, she is photographed at her hotel in Bel Air by André De Dienes wearing an Asian-style blouse, with the typical high collar and floral and bird motifs.

- Elle prend ensuite la pose pour Milton H Greene vêtue d'une large blouse de style mandarin (pour deux séances: celle des "rochers" en septembre 1953 et dans un "ranch" en 1954).
(vendu 7 200 $ aux enchères de Julien's en 2005 - cf lot 114 du 04/06/2005, JULIEN'S, "Property from the Estate of MM": Lots Vêtements / vendu 7 500 $ aux enchères de Julien's en 2009 - cf lot 766 du 26 & 27/06/2009, Julien's, "Summer Sale": Lots partie 2 )
- She then poses for Milton H Greene dressed in a large shirt of Mandarin style (for two sessions: that of the "rocks" in September 1953 and in a "ranch" in 1954), sold $7,200 in Julien's Auction in 2005.


- Un ensemble de style mandarin similaire, "made in Hong Kong", a été vendu plusieurs fois aux enchères
(vendu 2 700 $ en 2005 par Julien's et 7 500 $ par Julien's lot 425 le 16/11/2018 aux enchères Icons And Idols: Hollywood, Bob Mackie And Sharon Tate ).
- A Mandarin style ensemble similar, "made in Hong Kong", has been sold several times at auctions.
- Dans le film "Les hommes préfèrent les blondes" tourné fin 1952 et début 1953, elle tient plusieurs éventails. D'abord, dans la célèbre scène où elle chante "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend", elle débute la prestation en agitant un éventail noir orné de paillettes roses (vendu le 21/07/2018 aux enchères Gotta Have Rock and Roll ).
- In the film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" filmed at the end of 1952 and beginning of 1953, she holds several fans. First, in the famous scene where she sings "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend", she begins the performance by waving a black fan decorated with pink sequins.

Puis, elle est photographiée lors des essais costumes pour le film en body fait de strass et de bijoux, qui ne sera au final pas retenu pour le tournage du film, où elle tient dans sa main de grands éventails à plumes, un accessoire caractéristique des danseuses de revue de music-hall.
Then, she is photographed during costume tests for the film in a bodysuit made of rhinestones and jewels, which will ultimately not be used for the filming of the movie, where she holds in her hand large feathered fans, a characteristic accessory of dancers in
music hall review.

~ L'année 1954 et post-1954: Dans le cadre de sa carrière, Marilyn a été amenée à porter des tenues à tendance asiatique: une robe dorée au col montant et fermée par une ceinture à la taille (pour une séance photos avec Milton H Greene le 10 septembre 1954 - Gold Dress ), un peignoir en satin aux motifs de fleurs (pour des essais de vêtements non retenus pour le film "Sept ans de réflexion" le 21 octobre 1954 - Tests costumes et coiffures pour The Seven Year Itch ), une veste noire qui appartient à Jean Howard (pour une séance photos en 1954 - par Jean Howard ), une longue veste noire en doublure rouge de chez Dynasty (pour une séance photos avec Milton H Greene le 28 mars 1955 - Dog Oriental );
une robe ample de grossesse satinée avec des motifs (porté en 1958 en sortie avec Arthur Miller - 1958 New York Marilyn et Arthur ), un long manteau en satin (porté le 05 décembre 1959 pour une sortie publique - 05/12/1959, Hollywood - Promotion pour la première de "Journey to the Center of the Earth" ), une longue veste en satin doublée (portée pour revenir à Reno par avion le 05 septembre 1960 -  5/09/1960 Retour à Reno ).

~ The year 1954 and post-1954: As part of her career, Marilyn was required to wear Asian-leaning outfits: a gold dress with a high collar and fastened with a belt at the waist (for a photo shoot with Milton H Greene on September 10, 1954), a satin bathrobe with flower patterns (for clothing tests not selected for the film "The Seven Year Itch" on October 21, 1954), a black jacket which belongs to Jean Howard (for a photo shoot in 1954), a long black jacket with red lining from Dynasty (for a photo shoot with Milton H Greene on March 28, 1955);
a loose satin maternity dress with patterns (worn in 1958 for an outing with Arthur Miller), a long satin coat (worn on December 5, 1959 for a public outing), a long lined satin jacket (worn to return to Reno by plane on September 5, 1960).


~ Non daté: Il existe plusieurs vêtements de style asiatique qui sont vendus aux enchères, indiquant qu'il s'agit de pièces provenant de sa garde robe personnelle.
Parmi les vêtements présentés aux enchères, plusieurs sont vendus en indiquant qu'ils appartenaient à des connaissances de Marilyn, car elle avait en effet l'habitude de donner bon nombre de ses effets personnels à son entourage. Certains sont présentés comme ayant étant la propriété de June DiMaggio (nièce de Joe DiMaggio, cad fille de Tom -le frère de Joe- et de Louise -surnommée 'Lee'), de Vanessa Reis (la veuve d'Irving Reis, le frère et réalisateur de May Reis, la secrétaire de Marilyn), de Sydney Guilaroff (qui était le coiffeur de Marilyn les dernières années de sa vie de 1957 à 1962), de Joe Franklin (qui était animateur de radio et de télévision et demandait souvent des souvenirs à ses invités célèbres; il a co-écrit la première biographie de Marilyn intitulée "The Marilyn Monroe Story"), de Kent Warner (costumier à Hollywood, il demandait aux stars des effets personnels en souvenirs). Dans ces vêtements de style oriental vendus, on retrouve:

~ Undated: There are several Asian-style items of clothing that are being sold at auction, indicating that they are pieces from her personal wardrobe.
Among the clothes presented at auctions, several are sold indicating that they belonged to acquaintances of Marilyn, because she indeed had the habit of giving many of her personal effects to people she knew. Some are presented as being the property of by June DiMaggio (niece of Joe DiMaggio, i.e. daughter of Tom -Joe's brother- and Louise -nicknamed 'Lee'), of Vanessa Reis (the widow of Irving Reis, the greatly loved brother and film director of May Reis, who was the Marilyn's secretary), of Sydney Guilaroff (who was Marilyn's hairdresser during the last years of her life from 1957 to 1962), of Joe Franklin (who was a radio and television host, and would often ask his famous guests for souvenirs; he co-authored the first biography about Marilyn, titled "The Marilyn Monroe Story"). In these oriental style clothes sold, we find:

 - Un kimono bleu à motifs floraux rouge, avec une ceinture à la taille, qui appartenait à June DiMaggio, qui explique dans une lettre datée de 2005: "Marilyn Monroe a acheté ce peignoir pour elle-même - le laissant chez ma mère (Lee DiMaggio) à son appart pour qu'elle puisse le porter quand elle venait. Après sa mort, ma mère me l'a offert. Je ne pouvais pas le porter, au souvenir d'avoir vu mon amie Marilyn, c'était trop douloureux." 
(vendu 1 625 $ en 2015 par i Gavel Auctions )
- A blue kimono with red floral patterns, with a belt at the waist, which belonged to June DiMaggio, who explains in a letter dated 2005: "Marilyn Monroe bought this robe for herself - leaving it at my mothers (Lee DiMaggio) apt. so she could wear it while visiting. After her death, my mother gave it to me. I could not wear it, for the memory of seeing my friend Marilyn in it, was too painful."

 - Un peignoir de style mandarin en coton crème, qui comporte sept fermetures auto-grenouilles, une étiquette interne indiquant « Tuji » et le col estampillé « REIS » que Marilyn avait offert à Vanessa Reis; accompagné d'une copie d'une lettre écrite par Ralph Roberts à Reis datée du 14 août 1993: "Référence à la robe et au bracelet de Marilyn. Si je me souviens bien, tard un samedi après-midi, Marilyn et moi étions dans la salle à manger de la suite Miller au 9ème étage de l'hôtel Mapes. Elle venait de mettre son peignoir, assise sur l'une des chaises et je lui massais le dos et les épaules. Elle m'a montré un bracelet qu'elle avait apporté à Reno en pensant éventuellement le porter comme un (indéchiffrable ) commentaire pour Roslyn (nb: son personnage des Misfits). Après en avoir discuté, elle et Paula avaient décidé que cela ne serait pas approprié. À ce moment-là, May Reis entra avec Vanessa Reis. Vanessa était venue de Los Angeles pour un long week-end de visite - on avait parlé de notre sortie dans certains casinos pour jouer un peu. Vanessa a dit à Marilyn à quel point elle était ravissante dans ce peignoir. Marilyn l'a remerciée et lui a tendu impulsivement le bracelet: 'Prends ça. Porte-le comme un porte-bonheur. Je le portais pendant des répétitions de danse du Milliardaire, et l'ai fracassé contre un accessoire, donc une pierre s'est détachée. J'aimerais pouvoir t'accompagner, mais Raffe est en train de travailler sur l'intrigue des Misfits. Et je devrais revoir cette scène lundi'. Elles sont parties. Marilyn m'a demandé de lui rappeler de faire nettoyer le peignoir pour le donner à Vanessa. Whitey, Agnes, May - nous tous - savions par expérience que nous ne pouvions pas remercier Marilyn sur des objets personnels ou que nous devions être très prudents. Elle pouvait être compulsive à l'idée de vous le donner, ou d'en obtenir une copie."
(vendu 11 875 $ en 2016 par Julien's )
- A cream cotton mandarin style robe, which has seven self-frog closures, an internal label reading “Tuji” and the collar stamped "REIS" that Marilyn had given to Vanessa Reis; accompanied by a copy of a letter written by Ralph Robert  to Reis dated August 14, 1993: "Reference Marilyn robe and bracelet. As best I recall, late one Saturday afternoon Marilyn and I were in the dining area of the Miller 9th floor suite at the Mapes Hotel. She had just changed into a robe, sitting on one of the chairs and I was massaging her back and shoulders. She showed me a bracelet she'd brought to Reno with thought of possibly wearing it as a (undecipherable) comment for Roslyn. Upon discussing it, she and Paula had decided somehow it wouldn't be appropriate. Just then May Reis entered with Vanessa Reis. Vanessa had come up from LA for a long weekend visit - there'd been some talk of our going out to some of the casinos to do a bit of gambling. Vanessa told Marilyn how lovely she looked in that robe. Marilyn thanked her and impulsively held out the bracelet, 'Take this. Wear it as a good luck charm. I was wearing it during dance rehearsals for Let's Make Love, smashed into a prop, so a stone is loosened. I wish I could go with you, but Raffe is getting some Misfits knots out. And I should go over that scene coming up Monday.' They left. Marilyn asked me to remind her to have the robe cleaned to give to Vanessa.  Whitey, Agnes, May - all of us - knew from experience we couldn't compliment Marilyn on any personal items or had to be very careful. She'd be compulsive about giving it, or getting a copy - to you."

 - Un manteau en laine noire asiatique avec bordure en soie et appliques dorées; accompagné d'une note de Sydney Guilaroff: "Cette veste à manches longues en laine mélangée asiatique noire des années 1950 avec des accents de patchs rouges et dorés a été laissée dans mon studio lorsqu'elle s'est changée pour un rendez-vous dans mon salon lorsqu'elle est arrivée de New York".
(vendu en 2022 par Lot-Art )
- An Asian black wool coat with silk trim and golden applique, with a note written by Sydney Guilaroff: "This 1950s black Asian wool blend long sleeve jacket with red and gold patch accents was left behind in my studio when she changed for an engagement at my salon when she flew in from New York".

 - Un manteau de style kimono réversible à manches longues, d'un côté noir avec quatre fermoirs sur le devant et l'autre côté présente un motif complexe composé de pagodes et d'arbres en fleurs, que Marilyn aurait donné à Kent Warner, qui explique dans une lettre datée de 1979: "À mes débuts à Los Angeles, j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer et de devenir un proche ami de l'actrice Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn a été extrêmement gentille avec moi et quand je lui ai dit que je collectionnais les objets personnels de tous mes amis célèbres, elle m'a offert cette veste noire réversible jaune à manches longues de style asiatique."
(vendu 1 875 $ en 2022 par Barnebys et à nouveau en vente en 2024 par Goldin
- A long-sleeved, reversible kimono-style coat, one side black with four clasps on the front and the other side features an intricate pattern of pagodas and flowering trees, which Marilyn is said to have given to Kent Warner, who explains in a letter dated in 1979: "In my very early days in Los Angeles, I have the good fortune of meeting and becoming close friends with Actress Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn was extremely kind to me and when I told her that I collected personnal items from all of my famous friends she gave me this yellow long sleeve asian style reversible black jacket."

 - Une courte cape lamée rose, or et argent, satinée avec des motifs floraux de style asiatique, que Marilyn aurait donné à Kent Warner parmi sa garde robe personnelle.
(vendu le 25/04/2021 756 $ en 2021 par Gotta Have Rock and Roll + sur Barnebys )
- A short pink, gold and silver lame capelet, satiny with Asian-style floral motifs, that Marilyn would have given to Kent Warner among her personal wardrobe.

- Une robe jacquard de style mandarin faite à la main et sur mesure. La robe a été confectionnée avec une externe en tissu jacquard rose, d'une doublure intérieure supplémentaire et présente un rebord brodée tout le long. La pièce est élaborée car chaque point du tissu jacquard extérieur a été réalisé à la main. Selon Joe Franklin, Marilyn portait cette robe alors qu'elle fréquentait l'Actors Studio à New York au début des années 1950 et a offert cette pièce (parmi d'autres choses) à Joe alors qu'elle se préparait à quitter son appartement de New York vers 1953 (nb: s'il s'agit de la période où Marilyn fréquentait l'Actors Studio à New York, c'est à partir de l'année 1954).
(vendu en 2017 par Lot-Art )
- Mandarin style jacquard dress and custom hand made. The dress was made with an external pink Jacquard fabric shell with an additional inside liner, and has an embroidered trim along the edges. The piece is elaborate as every stitch on the external jacquard fabric was done by hand. According to Joe Franklin, Marilyn wore this dress while attending the Actors Studio in New York in the early 1950s, and gave this piece (among other items) to Joe while she was preparing to vacate her New York City apartment around 1953. (nb: if this is the period when Marilyn attended the Actors Studio in New York, it is from the year 1954).

- Une longue veste de soirée en soie rouge, avec une fermeture d'un seul bouton, en forme trapèze, aux manches trois-quarts, et qui comporte une étiquette intérieure indiquant "Gunther/Jaeckel/New York".
Le style oriental se découvre par l'encolure et le retombé par le tissu (en soie).
Long red silk evening jacket, with a single-button closure, in a-line shape, with three-quarter sleeved, and with an interior label reading "Gunther/Jaeckel/New York."
The oriental style is revealed by the neckline and the fall by the fabric (in silk).

(vendu 4 480 $ en 2017 par Julien's )


* * * * * * * * * *
- Les éventails -
- The fans -

Marilyn possédait plusieurs éventails (certains encadrés sous verre) de différents types et formes:
Marilyn owned several fans (some framed under glass) of different types and shapes:
- Éventails japonais pliant en papier: l'un avec une décoration abstraite en partie dorée (lot 244 vendu 1 152 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ) et l'autre représentant un paon et des vignes à fleurs roses (lot 245 vendu 3 200 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ).
- Japanese folding paper fans: one with abstract parcel gilt decoration and another featuring a peacock and pink flowering vines.

- D'autres éventails pliants: un éventail français en soie blanche représentant une dame peinte à la main dans un paysage, signé "A. Ravaux" (lot 560 vendu 2 560 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ) ; en dentelle noire à décoration dorée (lot 567 vendu 3 200 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ) ; en plumes noires de paon avec une poignée noire sculptée (lot 566 vendu 3 840 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ).
- Other folding fans: a French fan
in white silk featuring a handpainted lady in a landscape, signed "A. Ravaux"; a black lace with gilt decoration ; a black peacock feather with carved ebonized handle.

- Des éventails en plumes: un éventail pliable fait de plumes noires d'autruche et d'un manche en fausse écaille de tortue (lot 570 vendu 768 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ) ; un éventail marabou en plumes violettes avec un manche en fausse écaille de tortue (lot 568 vendu 1 152 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ) ; un éventail marabou fait de quatre plumes blanches liées par une attache en tissu doré (lot 571 vendu 768 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ) ; et cinq plumes brunes de marabou (lot 569 vendu 384 $ aux enchères "Property from the Estate of Lee Strasberg" en 2016 de Julien's ).
- Feather fans:
a folding hand fan made of black ostrich feathers and faux tortoiseshell handle;  a purple marabou feather fan with a faux tortoiseshell handle ;  a marabou fan made of four white feathers bound by a gold fabric fastener; and a marabou of five loose brown feathers.


* * * * * * * * * *
- La vaisselle -
- The dishes -


- Un service de table pour huit personnes, composé de 41 pièces (1 bol de service ovale, 1 bol de service rond, 8 assiettes plates, 8 assiettes à salade, 7 soucoupes, 8 petits bols de service et 8 assiettes à pain), toutes estampillées « Noritake Hand Painted Japan Dresdoll ».
(vendu 6 250 $ en 2016 par Julien's )
- A dinner service for eight made up of 41 pieces (1 oval serving bowl, 1 round serving bowl, 8 dinner plates, 8 salad plates, 7 saucers, 8 small serving bowls, and 8 bread plates), all stamped "Noritake Hand Painted Japan Dresdoll".

- Un assortiment de vaisselle d'inspiration asiatique, composé de 10 pièces (1 assiette Regout Timor en faïence, 4 plats nippons à double anse à décor d'oiseaux, et 5 cuillères à soupe chinoises).
(vendu 1 920 $ en 2016 par Julien's )
- An assorted Asian inspired tableware made up of 10 pieces (1 earthenware Regout Timor plate, 4 Nippon double-handled dishes decorated with birds, and 5 Chinese soup spoons).

* * * * * * * * * *
- La décoration -
- The decoration -


- Deux bouteilles à tabatière antiques asiatiques sculptées (une décorée de dragons, l'autre d'épées et d'instruments).
(vendu 1 250 $ en 2016 par Julien's )
- Two antique Asian carved snuff bottles (one decorated with dragons, the other with swords and instruments.)

- Quatre bibelots asiatiques en métal argenté (une tabatière ornée de pierres principalement de couleur orange, une petite figurine de Budda au sommet d'une boîte de forme carrée ornée de pierres turquoise, un morceau de métal décoratif cassé orné de cloisonné coloré, et un bâton de métal cassé également orné de cloisonné coloré).
(vendu 1 920 $ en 2021 par Julien's )
- Four Asian trinkets made of silver-tone metal (a snuff bottle adorned with mostly orange-colored stones, a small figurine of a Budda atop a square-shaped box adorned with turquoise stones, a broken piece of decorative metal adorned with colorful cloisonné, and a broken metal stick also adorned with colorful cloisonné).

- Quatre sceaux asiatiques en métal argenté ornés de petites  pierres multicolores autour de la base et une petite figurine (humaine ou animale) apposée sur le dessus, maintenue sur une pierre ronde colorée.
(vendu 2 240 $ en 2021 par Julien's )
- Four Asian seals made of silver-tone metal adorned with small multicolored stones around the base and a tiny figurine (human or animal) affixed to the top, held on a round colored stone.

 - Un paravent japonais à 6 volets a été acheté par Marilyn à une vente les 4 et 5 décembre 1958 à la Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc. de New York (lot 409 de la vente numéro 1861) pour un un montant de 1 081,50 $. La facture avait été adressée à May Reis, la secrétaire de Marilyn, "Miss Mary Reis pour Mme Arthur Miller" au 444 East 57th Street à New York. Le paravent aurait ensuite été revendu en octobre 1959 à Marsden J. Perry (fils d'un éminent collectionneur de Rhode Island) pour 750 $.
( Facture et lettre du lot 283 vendu 384 $ par Julien's le 17/11/2016 aux enchères Property From The Estate of Lee Strasberg )
- A Japanese 6 fold screen was bought by Marilyn at a sale on December 4 and 5, 1958 at Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc. in New York (lot 409 of sale number 1861) for an amount of $1,081.50 . The invoice was addressed to May Reis, Marilyn's secretary, "Miss Mary Reis for Mrs. Arthur Miller" at 444 East 57th Street in New York. The screen was then reportedly resold in October 1959 to Marsden J. Perry (son of a prominent Rhode Island collector) for $750.

Sur le blog: J comme Japon
- clickez sur les parties:
Partie 1  Bientôt en ligne
Partie 2:
- Le tourisme (villes, hôtels)
- Les repas et restaurants

Partie 3:
- Un accueil triomphal et survolté
- La santé de Marilyn

Sources web:

. site officiel Uyeda Jeweller
. site officiel Matoba Pearls avec un article en japonais sur Teru Matoba
. articles du site japonais Ameblo "Les colliers de perles japonaises de Marilyn":
la partie 1 /  partie 2  / partie 3  / partie 3 suite

. signatures de Joe et Marilyn chez Matoba sur Blog Pink President

All photos are copyright and protected by their respective owners. 
Copyright text by GinieLand.

23 mars 2024

Wallpaper Milton Greene (28) - Red Sitting

> site Peakpx

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.


15 mars 2024

Bannière version 51

La nouvelle configuration du blog (suite à la migration du serveur de Canalblog) a entraîné une modification de l'aspect visuel du blog. Je modifie la bannière et propose deux photographies de Marilyn Monroe à la fenêtre, prises par Sam Shaw, pendant le tournage de Sept ans de réflexion le 13 septembre 1954 à New York.

 The new configuration of the blog (following the migration of the Canalblog server) led to a change in the visual appearance of the blog. I modify the banner and present two photographs of Marilyn Monroe at the window, taken by Sam Shaw, during the filming of The Seven Year Itch on September 13, 1954 in New York.

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
15 mars 2024

Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux

Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc
à rayures rouges, avec anneaux

White two-piece swimsuit
with red Striped, with rings

Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc aux rayures rouges (les rayures sont à l'horizontale sur le devant, et à la verticale dans le dos) en chintz (coton glacé), avec des bretelles au soutien-gorge qui se nouent dans la nuque, mais qui est aussi maintenu par un gros anneau au croisement de la poitrine. La culotte shorty est doublé sur le devant d'un drapé d'une deuxième couche de tissu, reliée et maintenue aussi par un gros anneau.
Il est possible que ce maillot de bain avait été emprunté par la jeune mannequin Norma Jeane dans la garde-robe de l'agence de mannequin Blue Book: il n'existe qu'une seule séance photos de Norma Jeane portant ce maillot à la plage, le 26 mars 1946 par le photographe Richard C Miller (séance où elle porte différents maillots de bain).
(-voir le post 26/03/1946 - Norma Jeane à la plage par Richard C Miller )
White two-piece swimsuit with red stripes (the stripes are horizontal on the front, and vertical on the back) in chintz (glazed cotton), with bra straps that tie at the back of the neck, but which is also held by a large ring at the crossing of the chest. The shorty panties are lined on the front with a drape of a second layer of fabric, connected and also held in place by a large ring.
It is possible that this swimsuit was borrowed by the young model Norma Jeane from the wardrobe of the Blue Book modeling agency: there is only one photo shoot of Norma Jeane wearing this swimsuit at the beach, in March 26, 1946 by photographer Richard C Miller (session where she wears different swimsuits).

Le maillot porté par d'autres filles
The swimsuit worn by other girls

Après avoir signé un contrat avec l'agence de mannequin Blue Book (dirigée par Emmeline Snively) le 02 août 1945, Norma Jeane entame ainsi une carrière de mannequin et pose pour plusieurs photographes, dont Joseph Jasgur et Larry Kronquist qui travaillent souvent avec les mannequins de l'agence. Pendant l'année 1946, et avant de signer un contrat le 26 juillet 1946 avec les studios de cinéma la 20th Century Fox qui la renommeront "Marilyn Monroe", la mannequin Norma Jeane Dougherty est souvent à l'agence Blue Book, dont les bureaux se trouvent à l'hôtel Ambassador de Los Angeles. Les photographes Jasgur et Kronquist vont prendre une série de photos des mannequins de l'agence dans les jardins de l'hôtel. A côté de Norma Jeane (qui est au centre dans une bouée à l'effigie de l'hôtel), se tient une mannequin qui porte le maillot de bain rayé.
(- voir le post 1946 Blue Book Model par Jasgur & Kronquist ).

After signing a contract with the Blue Book modeling agency (directed by Emmeline Snively) on August 2, 1945, Norma Jeane began a career as a model and posed for several photographers, including Joseph Jasgur and Larry Kronquist who often worked with models of the agency. During 1946, and before signing a contract on July 26, 1946 with the 20th Century Fox film studios which renamed her "Marilyn Monroe", the model Norma Jeane Dougherty was often at the Blue Book agency, whose offices are located at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Photographers Jasgur and Kronquist will take a series of photos of the agency's models in the hotel gardens. Next to Norma Jeane (who is in the center in a buoy bearing the image of the hotel), stands a model wearing a striped swimsuit.

~ ~ ~

Pour une séance publicitaire pour la crème Nivea, Norma Jeane est dans une barque qui flotte sur l'eau avec d'autres jeunes femmes, des mannequins "collègues" de l'agence Blue Book. C'est la même mannequin qui se trouve à côté de Norma Jeane, que celle des photos prises dans les jardins de l'hôtel Amabassador, et qui porte le même maillot (peut être la séance photos a eu lieu le même jour).
(-voir le post 1946 Publicité pour Nivea )

For an advertising shoot for Nivea cream, Norma Jeane is in a boat floating on the water with other young women, "colleague" models from the Blue Book agency. It is the same model who is next to Norma Jeane, as the one in the photos taken in the gardens of the Amabassador hotel, and who is wearing the same swimsuit (perhaps the photo shoot took place on the same day).

~ ~ ~
Ce maillot de bain est un modèle mis en vente l'année 1946:
This swimsuit is a model put on sale in the year 1946:

- Une jeune mannequin présente ce modèle de maillot le 22 février 1946 au show de l'"International Sportsman" au coliseum de Chicago.
- A young model presents this model of jersey on February 22, 1946 at the "International Sportsman's show" at the Chicago Coliseum.

- Le magazine américain Pictorial de juin 1946 présente dans une double page consacrée à la mode des maillots de bain dont le modèle du maillot rayé.
- The American magazine Pictorial from June 1946 presents in a double page devoted to swimsuit fashion including the model of the striped swimsuit.

~ ~ ~
D'autres personnalités sont aperçues avec le même maillot:
Other personalities are seen with the same suit:

- L'actrice Vivian Blaine

- L'actrice Celeste Holm pour le film Trois Jeunes Filles en Bleu en 1946
Actress Celeste Holm for the movie Three Little Girls in Blue in 1946

~ ~ ~

Certaines actrices portent le maillot sans les anneaux (du soutien gorge et de la culotte shorty): s'agit-il ainsi du même maillot sur lequel les anneaux ont été retirés, ou d'un autre modèle qui comporte alors des lanières permettant de faire un gros noeud ?
Some actresses wear the swimsuit without the rings (on the bra and the shorty panties): is this the same swimsuit from which the rings have been removed, or another model which then has straps allowing to make a big knot?

- Brenda Joyce et Shelley Winters en 1946

Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneauxDressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneauxDressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneauxDressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneauxDressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneauxDressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneauxDressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux


D'autres maillots rayés du même style
Other striped swimsuits of the same style
.- Maillots avec des bretelles
- Swimsuits with straps:

Barbara Bates porte un modèle similaire (sans anneaux), la marque Cole of California avec des rayures bleues (photo de modèles à la plage) puis une culotte aux lacets croisés (publicités) que l'on retrouve avec la marque Petti avec un soutien gorge à doubles lanières (publicité et photo de mode), une mannequin de l'agence Blue Book avec des motifs plus zébrés, ainsi que d'autres modèles de maillots deux pièces à rayures.
Il y a un effet satiné pour une mannequin,
Evelyn Keyes et Veronica Lake (qui porte un maillot une pièce en trompe l'oeil deux pièces). Ava Gardner porte une version avec des lacets à la culotte.
Puis la version brassière et short pour
Jinx Falkenburg et Cleo Moore.
Barbara Bates wears a similar model (without rings), the Cole of California brand with blue stripes (photo of models at the beach) then panties with crossed laces (advertisements) which can be find with the Petti brand with a bra with double straps (advertising and fashion photo), a model from the Blue Book agency with more zebra patterns, as well as other models of striped two-piece swimsuits.
There's a satin effect for one model, Evelyn Keyes, and Veronica Lake (who wears a two-piece trompe l'oeil one-piece swimsuit). Ava Gardner wears a version with lace-up panties.
Then the bra and shorts version for Jinx Falkenburg and Cleo Moore.

Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux

- Maillots sans bretelles
- Swimsuits without straps:

La présence d'un gros anneaux sur la culotte pour les maillots portés par Helene Poulson, Greg Sherwood et une mannequin à la plage; des lanières sur la culotte pour June Kirby; le tissu de la culotte doublé qui permet de le nouer pour Adele Mara (en couverture du Laaf d'avril 1948) et Jane Greer (photographiée par Bruno Bernard).
The presence of a large ring on the panties for the swimsuits worn by Helene Poulson, Greg Sherwood and a model at the beach; straps on panties for June Kirby; the fabric of the lined panties which allows them to be tied for Adele Mara (on the cover of Laaf in April 1948) and Jane Greer (photographed by Bruno Bernard).

Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux
Dressing - Maillot de bain deux pièces blanc à rayures rouges avec anneaux

Même Style

La jeune mannequin Norma Jeane porte d'autres
maillot de bain deux pièces rayés en 1945, 1946, 1947

 à gauche: Maillot de bain deux pièces rayé de Catalina

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

10 mars 2024

TV - Marilyn Monroe: la célébrité à tout prix ?

 Mercredi 13 mars 2024 - 20h55 - Planète Plus
Rediffusion: mercredi 20/03 à 22h33
Disponible en VOD sur Planète Plus

Documentaire: Marilyn Monroe: la célébrité à tout prix ?

Réalisation: Ian Ayres
Pays: Canada - France
Année: 2023
Durée: 2h00

Résumé: Pourquoi Marilyn Monroe est-elle devenue l'un des plus grands sex-symbols de tous les temps, électrisant les foules et continuant à fasciner encore aujourd'hui ? Et quel prix a-t-elle payé en retour ? Ce documentaire explore le parcours de Norma Jean Baker, de l'orphelinat aux plateaux de cinéma, de la petite fille ordinaire à la star internationale blonde platine.

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.

10 mars 2024

28-30/03/2024, JULIEN'S: "Icons: Playboy, Hugh Hefner, and Marilyn Monroe": Vente

 Vente aux enchères 'Icons: Playboy, Hugh Hefner, and Marilyn Monroe' du 28 au 30 mars 2024 à Los Angeles, USA et en ligne par JULIEN'S AUCTION .

Auction 'Legends: Hollywood & Royalty' on September, 06, 07 & 08, 2023 in Beverly Hills, USA and online by JULIEN'S AUCTION.

Vente aux enchères qui propose 630 lots liés à l'univers du magazine masculin érotique Playboy, créé par Hugh Hefner, qui contient des effets personnels qui appartenait à Hefner (dont des vêtements avec ses fameux pyjamas, meubles, tableaux, sculptures) et bon nombre d'oeuvres d'art (tableaux et croquis des peintres Leroy Neiman, Jean Miro, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, George Parenti, Jim Beaman, Alberto Vargas, Mel Ramos, Don Lewis, David Dragon, Richard Frooman, Barry Geller, Keith Haring etc...), des photographies de pin-up (Jayne Mansfield, Bettie Page), des costumes des Bunny (les filles de Playboy).
Les lots avec leur description sont en consultation libre sur Juliens Auction

Il y a 145 lots concernant Marilyn Monroe (dont certains sont des reventes d'enchères antérieures), avec des photographies (des films Something's Got To Give, The Misfits, des photographes Andre de Dienes, Milton H Greene ...), et des effets personnels lui ayant appartenus (vêtements, maquillage, contrats, scripts de ses films...).
A retenir: des "slides" de photographies inédites prises pendant le tournage des "Misfits" par une journaliste, l'appareil photo d'André De Dienes et l'ombrelle à pois rouge utilisée par Marilyn lors d'une séance avec De Dienes (déjà vendus en 2007), une robe rose Pucci et une robe de cocktail de Jean-Louis (vendus par Christies en 1999), des notes personnels pour les films Something's Got To Give et The Misfits (en plus des scénarios), et la grande nouveauté sont les lots liés à sa mort: facture de meuble reçue le jour de sa mort, sa pierre tombale gravée de son nom et l'acquisition d'une concession d'une tombe (crypte) près de celle où elle repose au cimetière.

Pas de catalogue édité.

Auction which offers 630 lots linked to the universe of the erotic men's magazine Playboy, created by Hugh Hefner, which contains personal effects which belonged to Hefner (including clothes with his famous pajamas, furniture, paintings, sculptures) and many works of art (paintings and sketches by Leroy Neiman, Jean Miro, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, George Parenti, Jim Beaman, Alberto Vargas, Mel Ramos, Don Lewis, David Dragon, Richard Frooman, Barry Geller, Keith Haring etc...), pin-up photographs (Jayne Mansfield, Bettie Page), Bunny costumes (the girls from Playboy). The lots with their description are available for free consultation on Juliens Auction

There are 145 lots relating to Marilyn Monroe (some of which are resales from previous auctions), with photographs (from the films Something's Got To Give, The Misfits, photographers Andre de Dienes, Milton H Greene...), and personal effects that belonged to her (clothes, makeup, contracts, scripts of her films, etc.).
Focus on: "slides" of unpublished photographs taken during the filming of The Misfits by a journalist, André De Dienes' camera and the red polka dot umbrella used by Marilyn during a session with De Dienes (already sold in 2007), a pink Pucci dress and a cocktail dress by Jean-Louis (sold by Christies in 1999), personal notes for the films Something's Got To Give and The Misfits (in addition to the scripts), and the large new are the lots linked to her death: furniture invoice received on the day of her death, her tombstone engraved with her name and the acquisition of a concession for a crypt near the one where she rests in the cemetery.

No published catalog.

Sur le blog:

- Les photographies: 
28/03/2024, JULIEN'S: "Icons: Playboy, Hugh Hefner, and Marilyn Monroe": Lots Partie 1
- Les effets personnels:
28/03/2024, JULIEN'S: "Icons: Playboy, Hugh Hefner, and Marilyn Monroe": Lots Partie 2

All photos are copyright and protected by their respective owners. 
Copyright text by GinieLand.

10 mars 2024

28/03/2024, JULIEN'S: "Icons: Playboy, Hugh Hefner, and Marilyn Monroe": Lots Partie 1

Enchères  "Icons: Playboy, Hugh Hefner, and Marilyn Monroe"
du 28 & 30 mars 2024
- 145 lots avec Marilyn Monroe -
- Partie 1 : Photographies
(82 lots)
28-30/03/2024, JULIEN'S: "Icons: Playboy, Hugh Hefner, and Marilyn Monroe": Vente

Film: Something's Got to Give (7 lots)

 Lot 533: Marilyn Monroe | 1962 / 1980s Oversized Color Photo By Lawrence Schiller
A circa 1980s later print featuring a nude image of the star in a pool on the set of her last film, Something's Got to Give (20th Century Fox, 1962); glossy finish, single-weight Kodak Professional Paper.
PROVENANCE Property From the Playboy Archives

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 534: Marilyn Monroe | 1962 / 1964 Oversized Color Photo by Lawrence Schiller
A 1964 print featuring a revealing nude image of the star holding a blue terrycloth robe next to a pool on the set of her last film, Something's Got to Give (20th Century Fox, 1962); semi-gloss finish, double-weight paper; verso with glue marks evident when photograph was used in a Playboy Magazine layout likely in January 1964.
PROVENANCE Property From the Playboy Archives

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 535: Marilyn Monroe | 1962 / 1964 Color Photo By Lawrence Schiller
A 1964 print featuring a revealing nude image of the star wearing a blue terrycloth robe next to a pool on the set of her last film, Something's Got to Give (20th Century Fox, 1962); semi-gloss finish, double-weight paper, crop marks and annotations evident on margins when photograph was used in a Playboy Magazine layout in January 1964; verso with a red ink stamp reading in part "Playboy" and further noting in part in black ballpoint ink "Jan. 64 / Page 127."
PROVENANCE Property From the Playboy Archives

Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 536: Marilyn Monroe | 1962 / 1970s Black And White Photo By William Read Woodfield
A 1970s later print featuring a nude image of the star in a pool on the set of her last film, Something's Got to Give (20th Century Fox, 1962) as the clapperboard appears in the lower right corner; glossy finish, double-weight Agfa-Brovira paper.
PROVENANCE Property From the Playboy Archives

Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 537: Marilyn Monroe | 1962 / 1970s Black And White Photo By William Read Woodfield
A 1970s later print featuring a revealing image of the star holding a hand towel in a pool on the set of her last film, Something's Got to Give (20th Century Fox, 1962); semi-gloss finish, double-weight paper; verso with a pencilled annotation reading "c Woodfield / Schiller."
PROVENANCE Property From the Playboy Archives

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 538: Marilyn Monroe | 1962 / 1970s Black And White Photo By William Read Woodfield
A 1970s later print featuring a revealing image of the star holding a terrycloth robe next to a pool on the set of her last film, Something's Got to Give (20th Century Fox, 1962); semi-gloss finish, double-weight paper; verso with a penciled annotation reading "c Woodfield / Schiller."
PROVENANCE Property From the Playboy Archives

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 624: Marilyn Monroe | "Something's Got To Give" Vintage Photo
A black and white glossy photograph of Marilyn Monroe in a wardrobe test shoot that was taken during the filming of the unfinished Twentieth Century-Fox comedy Something's Got To Give. The verso is stamped "Stern Archiv." Monroe died in August 1962 before the troubled production on the film could be completed.

Estimate: $300 - $500  - Sold Price: $-

Film: The Misfits (15 lots)

  Lot 571: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photo With Copyright
A Kodachrome color transparency slide featuring a previously unseen and unpublished image of Marilyn Monroe on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961). The photograph was taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 572: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photo With Copyright
A Kodachrome color transparency slide featuring a previously unseen and unpublished image of Marilyn Monroe seated next to costar Clark Gable with several crew members in the background on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961). The photograph was taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 573: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photo With Copyright
A Kodachrome color transparency slide featuring a previously unseen and unpublished image of Marilyn Monroe and acting coach Paula Strasberg seated near several crew members standing on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961). The photograph was taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 574: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photo With Copyright
A Kodachrome color transparency slide featuring a previously unseen and unpublished image of Marilyn Monroe and acting coach Paula Strasberg seated on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961), which would become Monroe's final completed film. The photograph was taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 575: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photo With Copyright
A Kodachrome color transparency slide featuring a previously unseen and unpublished image of Marilyn Monroe and several crew members on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961). The photograph was taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 576: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photo With Copyright
A Kodachrome color transparency slide featuring a previously unseen and unpublished image of Marilyn Monroe and costar Eli Wallach surrounded by several crew members on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961). The photograph was taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister.
Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 577: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photos With Copyright
A group of two Kodachrome color transparency slides featuring previously unseen and unpublished images of Marilyn Monroe and crew members on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961), which would become Monroe's final completed film. The photographs were taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 578: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photos With Copyright
A group of two Kodachrome color transparency slides featuring previously unseen and unpublished images of Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable performing a scene on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961), which would become Monroe's final completed film, as well as Gable's last. The photographs were taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 579:  Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photos With Copyright
A group of three Kodachrome color transparency slides featuring previously unseen and unpublished images of Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, and Eli Wallach on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961), which would become Marilyn Monroe's final completed film, as well as Gable's last. The photographs were taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 580: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photos With Copyright
A group of three Kodachrome color transparency slides featuring previously unseen and unpublished images of Marilyn Monroe and various crew members on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961), which would become Monroe's final completed film. The photographs were taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 581: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished Clark Gable "The Misfits" Photos With Copyright
A group of three Kodachrome color transparency slides featuring previously unseen and unpublished images of Clark Gable and several crew members on the set of The Misfits (United Artists,1961), which would become Marilyn Monroe's final completed film. Gable died a few weeks after filming was completed. The photographs were taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership. 
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 582: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished "The Misfits" Photos With Copyright, Original Box, And Book
A group of three Kodachrome color transparency slides featuring previously unseen and unpublished images of several crew members, possibly the stunt doubles for Clark Gable and Montgomery Clift, on the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961), which would become Marilyn Monroe's final completed film. The photographs were taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Together with the original Kodak calvacade slide tray box with the words "The Misfits" written on the top in black marker and a hardback copy of Wister's memoir The Charlotte News, Hollywood, and Me (self-published, 1991), in which he writes about his visit to the set. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.
Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 583: Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished Montgomery Clift "The Misfits" Photo With Copyright
A Kodachrome color transparency slide featuring a previously unseen and unpublished image of Montgomery Clift talking to Arthur Miller on the set of Marilyn Monroe's final completed film The Misfits (United Artists, 1961). The photograph was taken on the Reno, Nevada location set of the drama in October 1960 by visiting Charlotte News columnist Emory Wister. Accompanied by a letter of copyright ownership.

Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 584:  Marilyn Monroe | "The Misfits" Contact Sheet (A)
An oversized contact sheet featuring 12 images from the set of The Misfits (United Artists, 1961). The sheet contains two images of Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift. Clark Gable appears in 10 of the photographs, while Eli Wallach is in six.
The Misfits chronicled Roslyn (Monroe), a recent divorcee in Reno, Nevada, who befriends a group of "misfits" that includes an aging cowboy (Clark Gable) and a weary rodeo rider (Montgomery Clift). The John Huston-directed movie became notorious for its behind-the-scenes problems, culminating with shooting being shut down while Monroe was hospitalized and the end of her marriage to Miller. Gable would die a few weeks after shooting wrapped and this would prove to be Monroe's final completed film. Although The Misfits was considered a disappointment at the time of its release, its stature has grown over the years.

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 585: Marilyn Monroe | "The Misfits" Contact Sheet (B)
An oversized contact sheet featuring seven images from the set of the Marilyn Monroe drama The Misfits (United Artists, 1961). Each image features Monroe and costar Clark Gable. The Misfits chronicled Roslyn (Monroe), a recent divorcee in Reno, Nevada, who befriends a group of "misfits" that includes an aging cowboy (Clark Gable) and a weary rodeo rider (Montgomery Clift). The John Huston-directed movie became notorious for its behind-the-scenes problems, culminating with shooting being shut down while Monroe was hospitalized and the end of her marriage to Miller. Gable would die a few weeks after shooting wrapped and this would prove to be Monroe's final completed film. Although The Misfits was considered a disappointment at the time of its release, its stature has grown over the years.

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

Films Divers (9 lots)

 Lot 625: Marilyn Monroe | "The Seven Year Itch" Original Photo
A black and white glossy photograph of Marilyn Monroe taken during the filming of The Seven Year Itch (Twentieth Century-Fox, 1955). The photograph, presumed to have been taken by an unknown photographer on September 14, 1954, offers an alternate angle to the famous shot of the skirt of Marilyn's white halter dress billowing up due to the blast of air from the subway grate. It is believed that this photograph has never before been published.
Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 626: Marilyn Monroe | "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Vintage Original Still
A black and white vintage film still of Marilyn Monroe in a scene from the musical comedy Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Twentieth Century Fox, 1953). The photograph was taken by Gene Andrewski and the verso features his stamp. A caption attached to the photo reads "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, co-starring Jane Russell. With Charles Coburn, Elliott Reid, Tommy Noonan. Dir. by Howard Hawks. Fox 6-25-53."
Estimate: $300 - $500  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 627: Marilyn Monroe | And Betty Grable Vintage Original Wire Photo
An original black and white wire photograph of Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable. The verso features the original clipping from the newspaper that printed the photograph and is stamped with the date March 13, 1953 and September 16, 1953. The headline of the article, written by Harry Harris, reads "Actresses Share Interest in 'Millionaire'" and the caption reads in part "Back on a Hollywood film set after 18 months of 'doing nothing,' Betty Grable (left) makes the rounds of the studio with Marilyn Monroe." The two actresses costarred alongside Lauren Bacall in the comedy How To Marry a Millionaire (Twentieth Century-Fox, 1953).
Estimate: $200 - $400  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 628: Marilyn Monroe | "River Of No Return" Portrait Negative
A black and white vintage portrait negative of Marilyn Monroe in costume for the western River of No Return (Twentieth Century-Fox, 1954). Together with a photo print.

Estimate: $600 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 629:  Marilyn Monroe | "There's No Business Like Show Business" Original Still
A vintage glossy black and white publicity still featuring Marilyn Monroe in a scene from the musical comedy Irving Berlin´s There´s No Business Like Show Business (Twentieth Century-Fox, 1954). The still is believed to have been printed in the 1950s. Monroe is seen performing her sensual rendition of "Heat Wave," which was a highlight of the film and created a scandal at the time. Television personality and newspaper columnist Ed Sullivan described it as "one of the most flagrant violations of good taste" he had seen.

Estimate: $300 - $500  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 630: Marilyn Monroe | "Let's Make Love" Original Press Photo
An original black and white press photo featuring Marilyn Monroe with Yves Montand, her costar in the musical comedy Let's Make Love (Twentieth Century Fox, 1960). The front of the photograph showing suggested editing marks. The verso features the typewritten words "For Feature to come / Marilyn Momroe (sic) and Yves Montand" at the top and stamped with the date Jan. 24, 1960. The bottom is stamped with the words "Art Dept. / 1960 Jan 20 AM 10:12." Other writing include the words "5 inches wide for box / Passing Show / Monroe & Montand."
Estimate: $200 - $400  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 631: Marilyn Monroe | 1960 Black And White Photo By John Bryson
A 1960 print featuring an image of the star on the set of her film Let's Make Love (20th Century Fox, 1960) as others surround her; matte finish, double-weight paper; verso with a black ink stamp reading in part "John / Bryson.../ Beverly Hills," glue marks further evidence of when photograph was used in a Playboy Magazine layout likely in 1960.

Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 634: Marilyn Monroe | "The Prince And The Showgirl" Original Vintage Contact Sheet
A group of 12 vintage glossy contact sheet prints from the Marilyn Monroe-Laurence Olivier comedyThe Prince and the Showgirl (Warner Bros, 1957) that were taken by Milton Greene. Five of the images are samples for the key design visuals of the film, while others were taken behind the scenes and several feature Monroe being fitted for her costume. Accompanied by two lab prints.
Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 635: Marilyn Monroe | "We're Not Married" Original Camera Negative
A rare original camera negative of Marilyn Monroe in a scene from the comedy We're Not Married! (Twentieth Century-Fox, 1952).  This original negative was in the camera when the portrait was taken and is therefore the only one of its kind in existence. Together with a photo print.
Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

Photos en privée et en Public (23 lots)
Photos in private and Public

Lot 586: Marilyn Monroe | And Joe Dimaggio 1954 Passport Photo
A black and white passport photograph of Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio taken in 1954 just prior to their departure for their honeymoon trip to Tokyo and goodwill tour to Korea where Monroe would perform for the American troops stationed there.  The photograph is encapsulated in a clear plastic case with a PSA authentication sticker numbered 84342780.
Photo, 2.75 x 2.75 inches; case, 4.25 x 7.25 inches; PROVENANCE From the Estate of Joe DiMaggio

Estimate: $10,000 - $20,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 587:  Marilyn Monroe | And Joe Dimaggio 1955 Vintage Wire Photo
A black and white vintage wire photograph of Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio in Boston that shows the couple together for the first time since their separation. A caption is affixed to the back and reads in part, "Movie star Marilyn Monroe (second for left) and her ex-husband, baseball's famed Joe Dimaggio (second from right) are shown together for the firrst time since their separation after dining in a Boston resturant tonight with Joe's brother, Dom (third from left) and his wife Emily (left)." The photograph was taken on January 24, 1955 by Bob Nelson.
Estimate: $200 - $400  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 588:  Marilyn Monroe | 1954 Korean Tour Photos
A pair of two vintage semi-gloss contact prints friom negatives of Marilyn Monroe in candid poses during her 1954 Korean War tour for American troops. The prints have pencil notations on verso.
Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 589: Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra | 1961 William "Bill" Claxton Black And White Photo
A 1961 print featuring a very rare candid image of the two stars laughing; semi-gloss finish, double-weight paper, verso with numerous handwritten annotations mostly in orange wax or regular pencil reading in part "Show Business Ill., 9-5 issue..." and "9/5/61;" interestingly, Claxton was married to famous 1960s "Mod" model, Peggy Moffitt. (Please note many creases and dents are seen in raking light.)
PROVENANCE Property From the Playboy Archives

Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 590: Marilyn Monroe | Gene Daniels Golden Globes Vintage Photo (A)
An oversized vintage black and white glossy photograph of Marilyn Monroe taken at the Golden Globes awards ceremony in March 1962 by Gene Daniels. Monroe is seen in conversation with her escort to the event, writer and director José Bolanos. The verso features the photographer stamp on verso and with "Revue - New York Office” stamp dated March 8, 1962.
The event marked one of the final highlights in Monroe's life. She took home her fourth Golden Globe award, having been voted "World's Film Favorite." She would die less than five months later.

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 591: Marilyn Monroe | Gene Daniels Golden Globe Awards Vintage Photo (B)
An oversized vintage black and white glossy photograph of Marilyn Monroe taken at the Golden Globes awards ceremony in March 1962 by Gene Daniels. Monroe is seen in conversation with her escort to the event, writer and director José Bolanos. The verso features the photographer stamp on verso and with "Revue - New York Office” stamp dated March 8, 1962.
The event marked one of the final highlights in Monroe's life. She took home her fourth Golden Globe award, having been voted "World's Film Favorite." She would die less than five months later.

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 592: Marilyn Monroe | Gene Daniels Golden Globe Awards Vintage Photo (C)
An oversized vintage black and white glossy photograph of Marilyn Monroe taken at the Golden Globe awards ceremony in March 1962 by Gene Daniels. Monroe is seen in conversation and holding hands with her escort to the event, writer and director José Bolanos. The verso features the photographer stamp with "Revue - New York Office” stamp dated March 8, 1962.
The event marked one of the final highlights in Monroe's life. She took home her fourth Golden Globe award, having been voted "World's Film Favorite." She would die less than five months later.

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 593: Marilyn Monroe | Gene Daniels Vintage Photo
An oversized vintage black and white glossy photograph of Marilyn Monroe taken by Gene Daniels. Monroe is seated in the back seat of a limousine on 22 June, 1961, on her way to the champagne reception of Clark Gable’s widow for the christening of their son, John. The verso is stamped with "Credit: Gene Daniels from Black Star."
Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 594: Marilyn Monroe | Manfred Kreiner Vintage Photo
An original oversized black and white photograph of Marilyn Monroe taken by Manfred Kreiner in 1959. The photograph shows Monroe with columnists in a mid-lunch interview at the Ambassador East Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. Monroe was in Chicago promoting the comedy Some Like It Hot (United Artists, 1959). The verso features Kreiner's photographer stamp and a handwritten caption in German.
PROVENANCE Lot 841, "Hollywood Featuring Property From the Life and Career of Marilyn Monroe," Julien's Auctions, Beverly Hills, December 15, 2014

Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 595: Marilyn Monroe | 1959 Manfred Kreiner Vintage Photo
An original oversized black and white photograph of Marilyn Monroe taken by Manfred Kreiner in 1959. The photograph shows Monroe in Chicago promoting the comedy Some Like It Hot (United Artists, 1959). On verso is staining of glue from a former fixed cardboard used for an exhibition in 1959 by Kreiner Photographer’s and photographer's stamp.
PROVENANCE From the Personal Archive of M.L. Kreiner

Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 596: Marilyn Monroe | 1952 Unpublished G. Fred Lukens Photo And Negative
A negative image of Marilyn Monroe taken by G. Fred Lukens at the Miss America pageant and opening of Monroe's comedy Monkey Business (20th Century Fox, 1952) in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on September 2, 1952. This image shows Monroe in a white skirt and white blouse ensemble while riding in the Twentieth Century-Fox automobile promoting the movie at the Stanley Theatre.The negative was sold as part of the photographer's estate and is believed to have been unpublished previously. Accompanied by three black and white prints.
Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 597:  Marilyn Monroe | Unpublished G. Fred Lukens Photo And Negative
A negative image of Marilyn Monroe taken by G. Fred Lukens at the Miss America pageant and opening of Monroe's film Monkey Business (20th Century Fox, 1952) in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on September 2, 1952. The negative was sold as part of the photographer's estate and is believed to have been unpublished previously. Accompanied by three black and white prints.
Estimate: $800 - $1,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 598: Marilyn Monroe | With Palm Reader Hassan Original Vintage Photo
A black and white glossy photograph of Marilyn Monroe visiting Hassan, a palm reader. The photograph was taken by Dave Cicero on Novermber 24, 1954. The official caption titled "Marilyn's Fortune" is affixed to the verso, which also features the International News Photo stamp.
Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 599: Marilyn Monroe | And Arthur Miller Original Wire Press Photo
An original black and white glossy wire photograph of Marilyn Monroe and husband Arthur Miller on July 13, 1956. The newlywed couple is shown leaving her apartment in New York for a combined honeymoon and business trip to London where she would star opposite Laurence Olivier in The Prince and the Showgirl (Warner Brothers, 1957). The words "Marilyn Monroe" are written on the verso in ink and the original Associated Press caption titled "The Millers Are Off For Europe" is attached.

Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 600:  Marilyn Monroe | 1948 Original Ed Cronenweth Negative
An original black and white negative image of Marilyn Monroe during a publicity photograph session in 1948, taken by Ed Cronenweth.Together with an 8 x 10 lab print.
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 601: Marilyn Monroe | 1946 Joseph Jasgur Negative With Copyright
A black and white negative of Marilyn Monroe and Tom Burton on a beach in 1946 taken by Joseph Jasgur and the copyright to the image. Together with a photo print.

Estimate: $500 - $1,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 602: Marilyn Monroe | 1948 Ed Cronenwith Original Negative
An original black and white negative image of Marilyn Monroe applying her make up while working on one of her earliest films, the musical comedy Ladies Of The Chorus (Columbia Pictures,1948). The photograph was taken by Ed Cronenweth. The negative was from the archives of a Los Angeles movie magazine company and it's accompanied by a high quality lab print 8x10 inches on Fujifilm paper.
Estimate: $400 - $600  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 603: Marilyn Monroe | Frank Worth Limited Edition Baseball Field Photo
A 2000s-era print with a semi-gloss finish, depicting Marilyn Monroe with radio/TV host Ralph Edwards on a baseball field, circa 1952, posthumously estate-stamped in the lower right corner "Frank Worth Estate / Limited Edition."

Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 604:  Marilyn Monroe | Frank Worth Limited Edition Oversized Photo
A 2000s-era later print with a semi-gloss finish, depicting Marilyn Monroe in a classic cheesecake pose as she wears a bathing suit and her famous Lucite platform sandals, numbered in the lower left corner "060/125" and posthumously estate-stamped in the lower right corner "Frank Worth Estate / Limited Edition."
Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 605: Marilyn Monroe | Frank Worth Oversized Floral Dress Print
A 2000s era later print with a semi-gloss finish, depicting the star looking sexy on the set of the CBS Television show The Jack Benny Program, numbered in the lower left corner "004/125" and posthumously estate-stamped in the lower right corner "Frank Worth Estate / Limited Edition."
Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 606: Marilyn Monroe | Candid Contact Prints
A group of 12 vintage contact candid photo prints of Marilyn Monroe. Two were taken in 1953 at the premiere of the motion picture Call Me Madam (Twentieth Century Fox, 1953) with radio and television personality Ken Murray, and are stamped on the back with "Dec 1952." Six were taken in 1952 at a Los Angeles drug store where Monroe was autographing the 1952 Life magazine that featured her photograph on the cover. Four were taken in 1956 on location in Phoenix, Arizona, during the filming of the romantic comedy Bus Stop (Twentieth Century Fox,1956). Some of the prints show markings for cropping. PROVENANCE From the George Zeno Collection
Estimate: $200 - $400  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 632:  Marilyn Monroe | "The Prince And The Showgirl" Contact Sheet Prints
A contact sheet featuring 12 silver gelatin glossy black and white images of Marilyn Monroe, Laurence Olivier, and Terrence Rattigan in publicity photographs for the romantic comedy The Prince and the Showgirl (Warner Brothers, 1957). The front features red markings, while the verso is stamped with the words "Photographed by Milton H. Greene."
The film was an adaptation of Rattigan's play The Sleeping Prince, which had starred Olivier and his wife, actress Vivien Leigh. Monroe replaced Leigh as American entertainer Elsie, who becomes entangled with Olivier's stuffy Prince Regent of Carpathia.

Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 633: Marilyn Monroe | "The Prince And The Showgirl" Contact Sheet Prints
A collection of 29 images on 12 vintage glossy contact sheet prints of Marilyn Monroe, Laurence Olivier, and Terrence Rattigan taken during a press conference held in the Plaza Hotel on February 1956 to announce production on their romantic comedy The Prince and the Showgirl (Warner Bros, 1957). All photographs were taken by Milton Greene.
The film was an adaptation of Rattigan's play The Sleeping Prince, which had starred Olivier and his wife, actress Vivien Leigh. Monroe replaced Leigh as American entertainer Elsie, who becomes entangled with Olivier's stuffy Prince Regent of Carpathia.

Estimate: $800 - $1,000  - Sold Price: $-

Photographe: Milton H Greene (7 lots)

 Lot 607: Marilyn Monroe | Milton Greene Photos
A color limited-edition silver gelatin print featuring two images of Marilyn Monroe during the famed Ballerina photo session on 20th Century Fox’s back lot in 1954, having photographer’s stamp on verso, printed June 7, 1978 and inscribed to Sammy Davis Jr. in Greene’s hand: “To Sammy / Love.” The photographs have been matted and framed. From the collection of Sammy Davis Jr.
PROVENANCE Lot 424, Julien's Auctions, "Winter Sale," December 16, 2006

Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 608: Marilyn Monroe | "The Balalaika Sitting" Vintage Milton Greene Photo
A black and white photograph of Marilyn Monroe taken by Milton Greene that's become known as "the Balalaika Sitting." The photograph was taken in September 1953 and Monroe poses wearing a cardigan sweater and holding a mandolin. The image was published in a Look magazine article on November 1953, with featured Monroe on the cover. According to Greene's book, this was their first sitting and beginning of their friendship. The left side of the photograph is stamped "Sep 62" and was probably used due to Marilyn's death one month earlier. The verso features handwritten notes in pencil that read "Copyright Milton H. Greene / M. Monroe 09-53 / Balalaika Sitting."

Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 609: Marilyn Monroe | "Bus Stop" Milton Greene Negatives
A black and white camera negative with five images of Marilyn Monroe with co-star Don Murray, in a bedroom scene from the romantic comedy Bus Stop (20th Century Fox, 1956) taken by Milton Greene and sold with copyright. Murray has been quoted as saying that Monroe was nude under the sheets because she felt that was what her character would do.
PROVENANCE Property From the Estate of Milton H. Greene

Estimate: $1200 - $1600  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 610:  Marilyn Monroe | "Bus Stop" Milton Greene Negative With Copyright
A black and white vintage Marilyn Monroe negative taken by Milton Greene on the set during filming of Bus Stop (20th Century-Fox, 1956) and the copyright to the image. The image shows Monroe in a scene from the film, sitting on a windowsill. Together with two prints of the image.
PROVENANCE Property From the Estate of Milton H. Greene

Estimate: $800 - $1200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 611: Marilyn Monroe | "Bus Stop" Milton Greene Negatives With Copyright
A group of three negative images of Marilyn Monroe on the set of Bus Stop (20th Century Fox, 1956) in a bus scene, taken by Milton Greene, and with the copyright to the image.
PROVENANCE Property From the Estate of Milton Greene

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 612: Marilyn Monroe | Milton Greene Original Negative With Copyright
A vintage Marilyn Monroe Kodak Safety film negative taken by Milton Greene on the set of Bus Stop (20th Century-Fox, 1956) and the copyright. The black and white image show Monroe in costume as her character Chérie posing with the children of her co-star, Eileen Heckart. Together with two lab prints.
PROVENANCE Property From the Estate of Milton H. Greene

Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 613: Marilyn Monroe | "Bus Stop" Milton Greene Negative With Copyright
A black and white camera negative of Marilyn Monroe in a scene from the movie Bus Stop (20th Century Fox, 1956) taken by Milton Greene and the copyright. Monroe was purportedly nude under the sheets in this scene. Together with three prints of the image.
PROVENANCE Property From the Estate of Milton H. Greene

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-

Photographe: Andre De Dienes (10 lots)

 Lot 614: Marilyn Monroe | Andre De Dienes 1949 Photoshoot Personal Camera
A Rolleiflex camera owned by Andre de Dienes, serial number 1294994. Made by the German company Rollei, these cameras were notable for their compact size, reduced weight, superior optics, and bright viewfinders. This particular camera was used by de Dienes in his 1949 Jones/Tobay Beach photo session with Marilyn Monroe. Together with a vintage brown leather camera case and a grey hot-shoe cable, circa 1960s. Case, 11 x 9 x 4.5 inches. PROVENANCE From the Estate of Andre de Dienes
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 615: Marilyn Monroe | 1949 Photo Shoot-Used Umbrella
A red and white polka dot umbrella with a wood hook handle that was used by Marilyn Monroe in a 1949 photo shoot on Jones/Tobay Beach with photographer Andre de Dienes. It was Monroe's first visit to New York and a pleasant reunion with old friend de Dienes. 31 inches. PROVENANCE Lot 176, "From the Estate of Andre de Dienes," Julien's Auctions, Beverly Hills, CA, June 16, 2007
Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 616: Marilyn Monroe | Limited-Edition Andre De Dienes Print
A limited-edition print of Marilyn Monroe taken by Andre De Dienes at Tobay/Jones Beach, Long Island New York in 1949. This is a 16x20 color cibachrome print made from the original transparence, edition of 50. This print is stamped, signed and hand numbered by the estate of Andre de Dienes and Stamped and hand numbered by OneWest Publishing. This print is in excellent condition. This print comes with a letter of authenticity from the estate of Andre de Dienes. All have been matted in a single silver-tone frame. PROVENANCE From The Estate of Andre de Dienes
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 617: Marilyn Monroe | Limited-Edition Andre De Dienes Print
A limited-edition print of Marilyn Monroe taken by Andre De Dienes at Tobay/Jones Beach, Long Island, New York in 1949. This is a 16x20 color cibachrome print made from the original transparence, edition of 50. This print is stamped, signed, and hand-numbered by the estate of Andre de Dienes and stamped and hand numbered by OneWest Publishing. This print is in excellent condition. This print comes with a letter of authenticity from the estate of Andre de Dienes. All items have been matted in a silver-tone frame. PROVENANCE From the Estate of Andre de Dienes
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 618: Marilyn Monroe | Andre De Dienes Beach Umbrella Photo
A black and white photograph of Marilyn Monroe with an umbrella at Long Island's Tobay Beach taken by Andre de Dienes, circa 1949, that has the photographer’s stamp on verso.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 619 : Marilyn Monroe | Andre De Dienes Beach Umbrella Photo
A black and white photograph of Marilyn Monroe with an umbrella at Long Island's Tobay Beach taken by Andre de Dienes, circa 1949, that has the photographer’s stamp on verso.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 620: Marilyn Monroe | Andre De Dienes Celestial Print
A vintage print of Marilyn Monroe by photographer Andre de Dienes (shot in the 1950s but believed to have been printed in the early 1960s). An image of Monroe with her mouth open is superimposed onto an image of clouds. The photo has a glossy finish and the verso is stamped, reading, "Photo / Andre de Dienes / 1401 Sunset Plaza Drive / Hollywood, Calif. 90069."
Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 621: Marilyn Monroe | Andre De Dienes Celestial Print
A vintage print of Marilyn Monroe by photographer Andre de Dienes (shot in the 1950s but believed to have been printed in the early 1960s). An image of Monroe smiling is superimposed onto an image of clouds. The photo has a glossy finish and the verso is stamped, reading, "Photo / Andre de Dienes / 1401 Sunset Plaza Drive / Hollywood, Calif. 90069." The back has notes written in blue ink that reads "cc 1985 /Andre de Dienes."
Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 622: Marilyn Monroe | Andre De Dienes Celestial Print
A vintage print of Marilyn Monroe by photographer Andre de Dienes (shot in the 1950s but believed to have been printed in the early 1960s). Monroe's eyes are closed and her image is superimposed onto a celestial image. The photo has a glossy finish and the verso is stamped, reading, "Photo / Andre de Dienes / 1401 Sunset Plaza Drive / Hollywood, Calif. 90069." The back has notes written in blue ink that read "1953 MM / AD / SD / 6/85" and "cc11985 / Andre de Dienes."
Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 623:  Marilyn Monroe | Andre De Dienes Original Photo Print
An original black and white photograph gelatin print of Marilyn Monroe taken by Andre de Dienes in 1949. Stamped on the verso by de Dienes circa 1955. Accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity from the Andre de Dienes Archive.
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000  - Sold Price: $-

Autres (11 lots)

  Lot 001: Marilyn Monroe | Original First Edition "Playboy" Magazine
An original copy of the first issue of Playboy magazine (HMH Publishing, 1953) featuring Marilyn Monroe on the cover. Monroe also appears on the interior of the premiere issue of Hugh Hefner's famous magazine in an article on pages 17 and 18 titled "What Makes Marilyn" and a color pin-up of Monroe taken by Tom Kelley during the 1949 Red Velvet session is published on page 19. Monroe is called "Sweetheart of the Month," which evolved into Playmate of the Month.  The magazine hit newsstands in December 1953 and sold for 50 cents a copy.
Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 502: Hugh Hefner | Earl Moran Marilyn Monroe Photos
A group of four black and white photographs featuring Marilyn Monroe in various cheesecake poses taken by photographer Earl Moran. Together with a framed jigsaw puzzle featuring an image of Monroe from Tom Kelley's 1949 Red Velvet photo session. PROVENANCE From the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation
Estimate: $300 - $500  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 503: Marilyn Monroe | Tom Kelley Red Velvet Session Print
A artist proof print featuring an image of Marilyn Monroe from Tom Kelley's famous 1948 Red Velvet photo session initialed lower right in by Hefner "HMH," with "A/P" in lower left, matted and framed. PROVENANCE Property From the Playboy Archives
Estimate: $600 - $800  - Sold Price: $-


  Lot 539: Marilyn Monroe | Nude Photo-Related Internal Studio Memos
A group of vintage typewritten carbon copies of internal studio memos on Twentieth Century Fox  letterhead that circulated in 1953 following the release of nude photos Marilyn Monroe posed for in 1949 and how the studio and Monroe should handle the ensuing controversy. The memos are dated February 6-23, 1953 and are between Harry Brand, Twentieth Century Fox's publicity director, and Frank H. Ferguson, the studio's assistant secretary, and the subject field is typed with the words "Marilyn Monroe." Together with a page that includes a memo from Brand to Ferguson that's date stamped "Jan. 8 '53" and typewritten "Attached is self-explanatory" and attached are two vintage newspaper clippings, one with the headline "Marilyn Monroe Calendars" and the other "Miss Monroe (on Calendar) Causes Arrest." PROVENANCE From the Estate of Eugene N. Yulish
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 511: Marilyn Monroe | Inscribed And Signed Magazine Page
A color image featuring Marilyn Monroe lying on beach sand in a grey bikini, circa 1950s, signed and inscribed in ink at lower left to child actress Linda Bennett, “To Linda / Love & Kisses / Marilyn Monroe.”
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 497: Hugh Hefner | Steve Kaufman "Hollywood Marilyn" Print
A "Hollywood Marilyn" screen print on canvas featuring Marilyn Monroe by artist Steve Kaufman (American, 1960-2010). Together with a hand-embellished print on canvas of Monroe.  PROVENANCE From the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000  - Sold Price: $-

Lot 498: Hugh Hefner | Marilyn Monroe Limited-Edition Print and Lenticular Poster
A framed limited-edition print featuring Marilyn Monroe from her 1961 photo shoot with photographer Douglas Kirkland. Numbered, "1/5." Together with a lenticular poster of Monroe. PROVENANCE From the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 499: Hugh Hefner | David Dragon Signed Original 1974 Marilyn Monroe "Norma Jean" Painting
David Dragon (British, 20th century) original oil on panel portrait of Marilyn Monroe/Norma Jean, signed and dated 1974, lower right. Dragon was a record album cover artist. PROVENANCE From the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200  - Sold Price: $-

 Lot 500: Hugh Hefner | Marilyn Monroe Photos and Print
A framed black and white photograph and a framed color photograph featuring Marilyn Monroe. Together with a limited-edition print of Monroe.
The color photo of Monroe wearing a red dress was taken by Bruno Bernard, also known as Bernard of Hollywood, estate-signed by Bernard's daughter Susan; the black and white photograph of Monroe, inscribed on the back frame by Rick Pallack, "To Hef - / Thanks for sharing the dream - / with love - / your friend and haberdasher - / 9th April 2006."
The matte-framed color illustration print is signed by Jeffery Eckert and numbered, "10/375." On the back of the matte frame is a handwritten note that reads, " Dear Hugh, / I have always wanted to send you this print of my drawing of Marilyn for the longest time, / and am finally doing so. It is all done with / colored pencils. She was a favorite of mine  and I / know dear to you. My friends told me I should / really send this to you. I hope you like it. / I was hoping you could do something / cool for me. I don't have a computer, so you would / have to send it regular mail. Could perhaps someone / take a picture of you holding the drawing, and perhaps, / print out that picture to send to me. That would be / awesome. Any note or autograph you could send would / be so cool, and I would know you really did / receive it personally. / I moved from L.A. to Tampa in '96 and did / meet you at your book signing. You were kind and sweet / to everyone. I made you laugh when I told you as a gay / man, I really did read Playboy for the articles! I'll be / 50 in Jan. Hope it is the new 30! / Take good care, with my best wishes." PROVENANCE From the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation

Estimate: $300 - $500  - Sold Price: $-

  Lot 501: Hugh Hefner | Gifted Photo-Matched Rick Pallack Signed "Renato Casaro - Invitation" Poster
A framed color "Invitation" poster by artist Renato Casaro signed by Fashion Designer Rick Pallack and gifted to Hugh Hefner.
Pallack inscribed on the back of the frame, "To Hef and all my / "Friday Night Movie Pals -" / Thanks for bringing the / 30's, 40's into my life - / they're the Best movies! / 1993."
The stars featured in this poster include: Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel, Elvis Presley, Clark Gable, John Wayne, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Humphrey Bogart, Fred Astaire, Cary Grant, Boris Karloff as Frankenstein's Monster, and Marlon Brando. The poster print was prominently displayed in the game room of the Playboy Mansion West. PROVENANCE From the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation

Estimate: $500 - $700  - Sold Price: $-