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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Joan Newman

Zelda Zonk

13 juillet 2008

1953 - Marilyn Monroe chante "Do it again"

 Do it again

Musique: George Gershwin
Paroles: Buddy De Silva
Chant: Marilyn Monroe
Arrangements: Earle H Hagen et son orchestre
Date: enregistrement le 7 janvier 1953 *

Crédit label: MGM Records


Ooh, Do it again
I may say no, no, no, no,
But do it again
My lips just ache
to have you take
the kiss that's waiting for you
You know if you do
You won't regret it
Come and get it !

Oh, no one is near
I may cry, oh, oh, oh
But no one will hear
Mamma may scold me
'cause she's told me
it is naughty... but then,
Oh do it again, please, do it again !

[chorus] Do, Do, Do, Do, Do...
Do it again
I may say no
No, No, No, but do it again
My lips just ache
to have you take the kiss
That's waiting for you
You know if you do
You won't regret it
Come and get it !
No one is near
I may say no, no, no, no...
But no one
will hear
Mamma may scold me
'cause she's told me
It is naughty... but then,
Oh do it again, please,
Do it again !


 Fais-le encore

 Ooh, fais-le encore
Je peux dire non, non, non, non,
mais fais-le encore.
Mes lèvres brûlent
dans l'attente que tu prennes
le baiser qui t'attend.
Tu sais que si tu le fais,
tu ne le regrettera pas.
Viens et prends-le !

Oh, personne n'est là
Je peux pleurer, oh oh,
Mais personne n'entendra.
Maman peut me gronder
parce qu'elle m'a dit
que c'était vilain... mais alors,
oh le faire encore, s'il te plaît, fais-le encore !

Fiche Chanson avec paroles et traduction

 > source fiche: blog sugarkane  

Bonus Infos

  • Genèse - La chanson a été écrite au début des années 1920s, George Gershwin en est le compositeur pour la musique et Buddy DeSylva en est le parolier; Gershwin racontera en 1934 les circonstances de l'écriture de la chanson: "J'étais dans le bureau de Max Dreyfus, mon éditeur, un jour où Buddy DeSylva était là. DeSylva m'a dit en plaisantant: "George, écrivons un tube !" Je l'ai égalé en disant: "OK !" Je me suis assis au piano, et j'ai commencé à jouer un thème que je composais sur-le-champ... Buddy a écouté pendant quelques minutes puis a commencé à chanter ce titre - "Oh, Do It Again !", auquel il venait s'adapter à mon thème."
    Genesis - The song was written in the early 1920s, George Gershwin is the composer for the music and Buddy DeSylva is the lyricist; Gershwin will recount in 1934 the circumstances of the writing of the song: "I was in the office of Max Dreyfus, my publisher, one day when Buddy DeSylva walked in. DeSylva said jokingly to me, "George, let's write a hit!" I matched him by saying, "O.K.!" I sat down at the piano, and began playing a theme which I was composing on the spot... Buddy listened for a few minutes and then began chanting this title—"Oh, Do It Again!," which he had just fitted to my theme."

chanson-DO_IT_AGAIN-1922-irene_bordoni-1  chanson-DO_IT_AGAIN-1922-irene_bordoni-2 

  • L' Avant-Marilyn - Gershwin joue la chanson, décrite comme "innocemment sensuelle", à des fêtes. En entendant la chanson, Irène Bordoni (une actrice et chanteuse américaine d'origine Corse) insiste pour l'interprèter dans son spectacle. "Do It Again" est entendue ainsi pour la première fois dans la pièce de Broadway The French Doll, dont la première a lieu le 20 février 1922 au Lyceum Theatre et a duré pendant près de 120 représentations. La chanson gagne ainsi les éloges des critiques et un grand succès.
    La même année en 1922, la chanteuse et actrice Alice Delysia (française, elle fit carrière sur les scènes londonniennes) interprète la chanson -rebaptisée "Please Do It Again"- dans la revue londonienne Mayfair and Montmartre qui est également bien accueilli. Delysia enregistrera la chanson en 1933.
    Mais le premier enregistrement sur vinyle est en 1922 par l'orchestre de Paul Whiteman et rencontre du succès. 

    The Before-Marilyn - Gershwin plays the song, described as "innocently sensual", at parties. Upon hearing the song, Irène Bordoni (an American actress and singer of Corsican origin) insists to perform it in her show. "Do It Again" first appears in the Broadway play The French Doll, which premiered on February 20, 1922 at the Lyceum Theatre and ran for a total of 120 performances. The song thus wins critical acclaim and a great success.
    The same year in 1922, singer and actress Alice Delysia (French, she made a career on the London stages) performs the song - retitled "Please Do It Again" - in the London review Mayfair and Montmartre which was also well received. Delysia will record the song in 1933.
    But the first recording on vinyl is in 1922 by the Paul Whiteman Orchestra and meets with success.

- La version originale de la chanson contient un premier couplet
- The original version of the song contains a first verse

Tell me, Tell me, what did you to me ?
I just got a thrill that was new to me,
When your two lips were pressed to mine.
When you held me, I wasn't snuggling
You should know I really was struggling
I've only met you and I shouldn't let you, but
Oh, do it again....

  • La version Marilyn - Enregistrée par Marilyn Monroe en 1953*, cette chanson fut censurée à l'époque à cause du texte jugé provoquant (en français: "Fais-le encore"). 
    -* date d'enregistrement indicative - référencée dans l'album "Never Before and Never Again"
    Marilyn l'a pourtant chanté en public pour la première fois l'année précédente, le 04 avril 1952 au Camp Pendleton, devant des milliers de Marines, créant presque une émeute !
    En février 1954, durant son voyage de noces en Corée où elle se produisit sur scène devant les GI's, "Do it again" faisait parti du répertoire des titres chantés par Marilyn.
    The Marilyn version - Recorded by Marilyn Monroe in 1953 *, this song was censored at the time because of the text considered provoking.
    * indicative recording date - referenced in the album "Never Before and Never Again"
    Marilyn however sings it in public for the first time the previous year, on April 04, 1952 at Camp Pendleton, in front of thousands of Marines, almost creating a riot !
    In February 1954, during her honeymoon in Korea where she performed on stage in front of the GI's, "Do it again" was part of the repertoire of songs sung by Marilyn.

  • L'après Marilyn - De nombreux artistes ont à leur tour chanté la chanson - voici une liste (non exhaustive, il y en a plus d'une centaine) de divers interprètes.
    After Marilyn - Many artists in turn sang the song - here is a list (not exhaustive, there are more than a hundred) of various performers.
    Jane Russell – 1947 Let's Put Out the Lights
    June Christy
    – 1950 (78 rpm single, with Shorty Rogers and His Giants, recorded September 11, 1950 in Los Angeles, Day Dreams, Blue Note/Capitol CD compilation (reissued 1995), Cool Christy Proper Records CD compilation (reissued 2002)
    Monica Lewis – 1955 Fools Rush In
    Trudy Richards - 1957 Crazy in Love
    Sarah Vaughan - 1957 Sarah Vaughan Sings George Gershwin
    Mitzi Gaynor - 1959 Mitzi
    Carol Lawrence - 1960 Tonight at 8:30
    April Stevens - 1960 Teach me tiger
    Judy Garland
    – 1961 - Judy at Carnegie Hall (reissued many times since)
    Julie London – 1961 Whatever Julie Wants (reissued 2012)
    George Chakiris - 1962 The Gershwin Songbook
    Shirley Horn
    – 1963 Loads of Love
    Sacha Distel - 1962 From Paris with love
    Eartha Kitt - 1962 Bad but beautiful
    Carol Channing
    – 1967 "Thoroughly Modern Millie" film soundtrack (LP 1967 - CD 1992)
    Nancy Wilson – 1969 But Beautiful
    Sarah Vaughan – 1982 Gershwin Live!
    Michael Feinstein – Michael & George: Feinstein Sings Gershwin (1998)
    Diana Krall – 1999 When I Look in Your Eyes
    George Gershwin – 2002 The Essential George Gershwin
    Linda Eder – 2005 By Myself: The Songs of Judy Garland
    Rufus Wainwright – 2007 Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall and Rufus! Rufus! Rufus! Does Judy! Judy! Judy!: Live from the London Palladium, concert album and DVD
    April Stevens – 2008 Teach Me Tiger with Henri Rene Orchestra, CD
    Mark Isham & Kate Ceberano - 2009 Bittersweet

- La version de Judy Garland -

- La version de Judy Garland contient un couplet d'introduction et un final différent -
- The Judy Garland's version contains a different introductory and final verse - 

You really shouldn't have done it
You hadn't any right
I really shouldn't have let you kiss me
And although it was wrong
I never was strong
So as long as you've begun it
And you know you shouldn't have done it

Oh, do it again
I may cry no, no, no, no, no,
but do it again
My lips just ache to have you take
The kiss that's waiting for you
You know if you do,
you won't regret it
Come and get it

Oh, no one is near
I may cry oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
but no one can hear
Mama may scold me 'cause she told me
It was naughty but then,
Please Do It Again, Yes Do It Again and Again...

Turn Out The Light And Hold Me Close
Close In Your Arms All Through The Night
I know tomorrow morning
You will say goodbye and amen
But until then, please do it again

Sources :
infos sur la chanson sur wikipedia
les versions de la chanson sur

All photos are copyright and protected by their respective owners. 
copyright text by GinieLand.

très belle chanson suave et langoureuse
Depuis la création 5 745 203
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