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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Joan Newman

Zelda Zonk

25 mars 2018

07-09/10/2017, Profiles in History: "The Personal Property of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds": Lots

Enchères "The Personal Property Auction of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds"
07-09 octobre 2017
- 4 lots avec Marilyn Monroe -
07-09/10/2017, Profiles in History: "The Personal Property of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds": Vente et Catalogue

Lot 394: Debbie Reynolds Hollywood Museum (200+) costume reference photographs.
 (Various Studios, 1910s-1970s, some printed later) Archive of (200+) gelatin silver primarily 8 x 10 in. single-weight and double-weight glossy and matte production and portrait photographs covering the gamut of Golden Age Hollywood personalities and film subjects. Since Reynolds began collecting well before such images were readily available with the advent of home video and later, the internet, these photos served as a vital reference for her unrivaled Hollywood costume and memorabilia collection. Including Marilyn Monroe, Orson Welles, W.C. Fields, Hattie McDaniel, Rita Hayworth, Merle Oberon, and many, many more. Overall, in very good to fine condition, with few exceptions.
Estimate: $200 - $300
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Lot 421. Marilyn Monroe 3-sheet poster for Bus Stop. (TCF, 1956)
Vintage 41 x 79 in. 3-sheet poster. Printed in 2-segments. Linen-backed with minimal restoration allowing the poster to show its natural age. Featuring a life-size depicting of Marilyn Monroe in her showgirl costume. In vintage good to very good condition.
Estimate: $600 - $800

Lot 423: Marilyn Monroe insert poster for Niagara. (TCF, 1953)
Vintage original Niagara 14 x 36 in. insert poster. Linen-backed. Exhibiting folds, edge wear and tears, creasing and minor wrinkling to borders. In vintage good to very good condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300

Lot 586: 20th Century Fox Willys M38 Jeep (Serial #59350).
Manufactured by Willys Overland Motors Inc., Toledo, Ohio and delivered to the military in March 1952. The Willys M38 was introduced in 1950 as a post-WWII military Jeep, being a ¼ ton 4 x 4 utility truck, serving as a light tactical vehicle. The M38 is outfitted with “pioneer” tools (axe and shovel) mounted on the passenger side, protruding headlights with guard wires, air vent in base of windshield and blackout lights. Powered by a 2199 cc. inline 4-cylinder engine mated to a 3-speed manual transmission with 2-range transfer case and, unique to the M38, features a front-end differential disengagement lever operated from the inside. Features a studio-mounted non-firing de-milled prop .30-caliber Browning 1919 machine gun. Due to the relatively minor cosmetic differences between their WWII counterparts, M38 Jeeps were regularly used by the studios for WWII films as well as those depicting the Korean War. Although we are unable to definitively tie its use to any particular film, this Jeep was likely used in filming M*A*S*H (1970). The odometer reads an unverified 36,127 miles. This M38 underwent both cosmetic and mechanical restoration in 2008 as well as a recent brake rebuild. Electrical system has been restored to original 24-volt specifications. This Jeep was brought to Telluride, Colorado and driven all over town for the premiere of Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. Debbie purchased this Jeep from 20th Century Fox with the Marilyn Monroe 1952 MG TD from Monkey Business. Mechanicals untested. Measures 133 in. long x 62 in. wide x 62 in. tall. Registered as a “Historical Vehicle” in California. In vintage good condition.
Estimate: $30,000 - $50,000 / Sold
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© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.

Depuis la création 5 746 183
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Blog - The Marilyn Report 
Blog - The Marilyn Archive 
Blog - Tara Hanks

Cursum Perficio
Mesmerizing Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn From the 22nd Row

Marilyn Monroe Italian Site
Legend Marilyn Monroe

Blog - MM Books
Blog - Marilyn Monroe Animated Gifs 

Crazy For Marilyn 
Crazy For You
Crazy For You 2

Social Network (Réseaux Sociaux)

Instagram Official Marilyn Monroe
Instagram - Silver Technicolor 

Instagram - Marilynraresig
Instagram - LMmarilynnormajeane2662
Instagram - lovemarilyn normaliasmarilyn
Instagram - Marvellous Marilyn

Tumblr - The Marilyn Monroe Visual Vault 
Tumblr - Infinite Marilyn 
Tumblr - Always Marilyn Monroe 
Tumblr - Marilyn in High Quality 
Tumblr - Marilyn Monroe Archive 
Tumblr - Our Girl Marilyn 
Tumblr - Miss Norma Jeane's

Tumblr Miss Monroe
Perfectly Marilyn Monroe

Reddit MarilynMonroe

VK My Marilyn 
VK My Marilyn Photographes 
VK Marilyn Monroe

La presse

Blog - Marilyn Cover Girl 
Blog - La MM que j'aime 
Magazines - Famous Fix 

Magazines - Pinterest Lorraine Funke

Archives presse USA - Newspapers 
Archives presse USA - Library of Congress
Archives presse Australia - Trove
Archives presse - Internet Archive 
Archives presse - Lantern

Archives presse - Media History Digital Library 
Archives - Gallica BNF 

Archives magazines - Magazine Art 
LIFE photo archive 
LIFE magazines 

LIFE articles 
Collier's - Unz Review 
Esquire Classic 
Bravo Posters 
Paris Match

 Agence Photos 
Getty images 
mptv images 
ullstein bild
Redux Pictures
Roger Viollet
iStock by Getty 
Bridgeman images 
AP Images 


All About Photo  
Listing Photographes du XXeme 
Allan Grant 
Bernard of Hollywood - instagram 
Bert Stern 
Bill Ray 
Bob Willoughby 
Carl Perutz 
Douglas Kirkland - website 
 Douglas Kirkland - instagram 
Elliott Erwitt - website 
Elliott Erwitt - instagram 
Ernst Haas 
Eve Arnold - website 
Eve Arnold - instagram 
George Barris - website 
George Barris - instagram 
Harold Lloyd  
Henri Dauman 
Jock Carroll 
Lawrence Schiller 
Leigh Wiener 
Nickolas Muray 
Phil Stern 
Philippe Halsman - website 
Philippe Halsman - instagram  
Richard Avedon - website 
Richard Avedon - instagram 
Sam Shaw - website 
Sam Shaw - instagram  
Weegee Arthur Fellig 

Milton H Greene
Milton H Greene - website 
Milton H Greene - instagram
The Archives LLC - facebook
MHG The Archives Licensing  
The archives LLC - tumblr

 Video Archives 
British Pathé  
ITN Archive

Paramount & Pathé Newsreel
Tumblr Marilyn Monroe Video Archives

The Blonde at the Film 
Tumblr - Weirland TV
Dr Macro's HQ scans 
Pulp International 
Stirred Straight Up 


Sites web communautés
The Place 
Who's Dated Who 
Films - imdb 
Films - Classic Movie Hub 
Bio - Wikipedia fr  
Dossiers - FBI Records

Fans Collectionneurs
Collection Greg Schreiner
Collection Scott Fortner
Collection Ted Stampfer
Collection Peter Schnug
Facebook Peter Schnug
Marilyn Geek (Melinda)

Fans Clubs
Fan Club The Marilyn Remembered 
Irish Marilyn Monroe Fan Club

 Marilyn Friends
Mona Rae Miracle
Joe DIMaggio
Arthur Miller
Yves Montand 
Montgomery Clift 
Clark Gable 
Marlon Brando 
Jane Russell 
Rock Hudson 
Dean Martin 
Frank Sinatra 
Ava Gardner 
Ralph Roberts 
George Fisher
Joan Crawford
Jeanne Carmen 
Travilla Style - blog 
The Actors Studio