19/03/2018, JULIEN'S "Property from the Osianama Archives Online": Vente
La vente aux enchères "Property from the Osianama Archives Online Auction" du 19 mars 2018 par Julien's Auction organisée exclusivement sur internet, contenait 309 lots d'affiches de films de cinéma classique et contemporain.
Il contenait 15 affiches de films de Marilyn Monroe (en consultation sur julienslive).
Pas de catalogue édité
The "Property from the Osianama Archives Online Auction" auction of March 19, 2018 by Julien's Auction organized exclusively on the internet, contained 309 lots of classic and contemporary cinema film posters.
It contained 15 posters of Marilyn Monroe films (available for viewing on julienslive).
No published catalog
> Sur le blog - les lots:
- 19/03/2018, JULIEN'S "Property from the Osianama Archives Online": Lots
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Copyright text by GinieLand.