Profiles in History: Documents et Photos inédites aux enchères
Partie 1/ Vente aux enchères organisée par Profiles in History. Le site de vente aux enchères ArtFact propose de nombreux lots aux enchères concernant Marilyn Monroe. On y retrouve des objets divers à l'effigie de la star (puzzle, tableaux...), des documents écrits (lettres, chèques, autographes signés par Marilyn), et des photographies, dont certaines totalement inédites; les lots sont présentés sur le site jusqu'au 29 novembre 2012 et la vente s'effectuera les 15 et 16 décembre 2012. Voici les lots sur les documents papiers et les divers objets:
> Documents écrits <
> Autographe (lot 119)
"To Kirk, Best Luck Always, Marilyn Monroe"
Le photographe Kirk Crivello a obtenu cette photo signée en rencontrant Marilyn au Mocambo nighclub de Hollywood en 1951.
> Autographe (lot 417)
"To Teddy, From all I hear you sound - nice! Marilyn Monroe"
> Lettre 2 pages de Marilyn à Norman Rosten (lot 189)
non datée (circa 1954-55)
Marilyn Monroe écrit à son ami proche à propos de sa dépressione et son désir d'avoir un enfant (et seulement un garçon plutôt qu'une fille, tel un désir "freudien"):
“Dear Norman, It feels a little funny to be writing the name Norman since my own name is Norma and it feels like I’m writing my own name almost, However--
First, thanks for letting Sam and me visit you and Hedda last Saturday. It was nice. I enjoyed meeting your wife - she seemed so warm to me. Thanks the most for your book of poetry--with which I spent all Sunday morning in bed with. It touched me - I use to think if I had ever had a child I would have wanted only a son, but after reading - Songs for Patricia - I know I would have loved a little girl just as much but maybe the former feeling was only Freudian for something...anyway Frued [sic]
I use to write poetry sometimes but usually I was very depressed at those times and the few (about two) people said that it depressed them, in fact one cried but it was an old friend I’d known for years. So anyway thanks. And my best to Hedda & Patricia and you-- Marilyn M.”
> Lettre 3 pages de DiMaggio à Marilyn (lot 292)
du 15 juillet 1952
Dear Marilyn, I just got through talking with you--and I don’t know what else to say than I have already said. However, it bothers me (call it guilt or what have you) to think about what happened the day I left for New York. I definately [sic] am punishing myself. I have always felt that I’ve been able to ‘take’ it, but in this particular instance, I find myself rather cold. It annoys me no end to think that I have ‘bit’ your feelings: you of all people, would be the last one I’d hurt! It has never been my nature to do that to anyone, and I’m certainly not going to start now. I’d rather take an ‘airship’--bow out gracefully is what I mean--rather than give you any misieres [sic; i.e., plural of misery], and please don’t get the idea I am saying these things because I want things to change -on the contrary, I have among other things great respect for you. For the time that I know you--you have done nothing but good--for me and some of your acquaintances--you have done nothing but take the worse of things when other people are involved in rough spots, and in our mild mannered way, people have taken advantage of you. I know all these things about you, and a lot more. I guess I could also mention how much you try, in everything that you do. Especially when you were here and went shopping just to please me. So you see Marilyn, I appreciate you as a real, solid, human soul, with tremendous inner feelings.
What you have already read has been put mildly and very brief.
I am handing you the ‘deck’ of cards now--you schuffle [sic] them and deal; all I ask is you forgive me. Love Joe.
> Chèque de $138.25 à City Collector (lot 75)
du 14 octobre 1959
> Chèque de $14.25 à Colonial Trust Company (lot 76)
du 28 octobre 1960
> Autographe Dimaggio & Marilyn (lot 1240)
de 1954
"Best wishes, Joe DiMaggio" / "Love & Kisses, Marilyn Monroe"
> Photos d'école signée par Norma Jeane (lot 1241)
de 1941 Ralph Waldo Emerson Junior High School
"To a swell, nice & perfect girl[?], Norma Jeane Baker."

> Script 'The Misfits' de Clark Gable (lot 329)
Gable a donné son scrpt à Arthur Rosson le dernier jour de tournage

> Objets divers <
> Caméra 'Mitchell BNC #206' pour The Misfits (lot 418)
(Seven Arts Prod., 1961)
This Mitchell BNC #206 was used as the principal first unit camera on Marilyn Monroe's final completed film The Misfits.