Gif Let's Make Love (2) - Light
Le Milliardaire
Sur le tournage
Pendant la scène
During the shooting scene
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe & Agnes Flanagan
Marilyn Monroe & Hazel Washington
George Cukor, Marilyn Monroe & Yves Montand
- photographies: Richard C Miller -
> Le 14/04/1960
Sur le plateau
On the set
Marilyn Monroe et Gil, l'homme à tout faire de l'équipe:
il apporte tasse de café et encas ; il dirige le service artisanal
et devient ami avec Marilyn.
Elle lui signe une dédicace:
"A Gil, il n'y a rien comme ton café, Marilyn Monroe"
Marilyn and Gil, the handyman of the crew:
he brings cup of coffee and snacks; he is head of craft services
and becomes a friend of Marilyn.
She writes to him on a photo:
"To Gil, there is nothing like your coffee, Marilyn Monroe".
> 17/04/1960 - fête de Pâques avec George Cukor
1960, April, 17 - Easter celebration with George Cukor
- photographies: Laszlo J Willinger -
- crédit: John Bryson / Zinn Arthur -
© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.
Le 17 avril 1960, l'équipe du film fêtent Pâques: un grand gâteau est apporté, où on peut y lire "Joyeuses Pâques, Cukor Company".
On April, 17, 1960, the cast of the movie celebrate Easter: a big cake is brought, where it is inscribed: "Happy Easter, Cukor Company".
Marilyn Monroe, George Cukor
© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.
La semaine du 19 au 25 avril 1955, Marilyn Monroe loge à l'hôtel Waldorf-Astoria de New York.
The week from April 19 to April 25, 1955, Marilyn Monroe is staying at the Waldorf Astiora Hotel in New York.
> facture des dépenses de sa chambre d'hôtel
(téléphone, valet, cigare et médicaments )
pour un montant total de 75,80 Dollars
invoice of the charges of her hotel room
(phone, valet, cigar, and drugs)
for a total amount of $75.80
> source: vente aux enchères Heritage Auction, 11/2017
© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.
Le Milliardaire
Photos scène 10
Chanson / Song
"Let's Make Love"
Amanda Dell (Marilyn Monroe)
- photographies: William Read Woodfield -
Tony Danton (Frankie Vaughan) & Amanda Dell (Marilyn Monroe)
- photographies: William Read Woodfield -
- photographies: Don Ornitz -
Jean-Marc Clement (Yves Montand) & Amanda Dell (Marilyn Monroe)
- photographies: Don Ornitz -
© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.
En 1947, Marilyn Monroe avec Aviv Wardimon (garde de sécurité aux studios); date et lieu inconnus (peut être au ranch de l'acteur John Carroll à Granada Hill).
In 1947, Marilyn Monroe with Aviv Wardimon (security guard of the studios); unknown date and place (maybe at the John Carroll's ranch, in Granada Hill).
> source: vente aux enchères Heritage Auction, 11/2017
© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.
A la fin de l'année 1947, Marilyn Monroe est hebergée chez l'acteur John Carroll et sa femme Lucille Ryman, qui s'occupent des starlettes en difficultés. Elle reste plusieurs mois chez eux au "El Palacio Apartments", au 8491-8499 Fountain Avenue, dans le West Hollywood; mais elle les suit aussi dans leur ranch qu'ils possèdent à Granada Hill dans la San Fernando Valley.
Carroll va prendre en charge Marilyn en devenant son manager pendant quelques temps.
At the end of 1947, Marilyn Monroe is lodged at the home of the actor John Carroll and his wife Lucille Ryman, who care for starlets in difficulty. She stays at their home for several months at "El Palacio Apartments" at 8491-8499 Fountain Avenue in West Hollywood; but she also follows them on their ranch they own in Granada Hill in the San Fernando Valley.
Carroll will take over Marilyn by becoming his manager for a while.
- Marilyn avec Aviv Wardimon (qui s'appellera par la suite 'Blackman')
il était garde de sécurité aux studios (probablement de la Fox)
- Marilyn with Aviv Wardimon (who later changed his last name to 'Blackman')
he was a security guard of the movie studios (probably 20th Century Fox)
Aviv Wardimon & John Carroll
> source: vente aux enchères Heritage Auction, 11/2017
© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.
En décembre 1947, Marilyn Monroe emménage dans une petite maison au 4215 Rowland Street, à Burbank, en Californie.
In December, 1947, Marilyn Monroe moves into a small house at 4215 Rowland Street, in Burbank, California.
Elle avait offert ce cliché à son petit ami de l'époque Bill Pursel
She had offered this snapshot to her boyfriend at the time Bill Pursel
> article: Marilyn in Burbank
© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.