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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Joan Newman

Zelda Zonk

27 avril 2019

Dédicace anonyme -1

Dédicace d'une coupure de presse de Marilyn Monroe 
Marilyn Monroe dedication of a press clipping

" with Loves
and Best luck

Marilyn Monroe "


© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.   

22 avril 2019

Hollywood Beach Beauties: Sea Sirens, Sun Goddesses, and Summer Style 1930-1970

Hollywood Beach Beauties:
Sea Sirens, Sun Goddesses, and Summer Style
Auteur: David Wills

book-HollywoodBeachBeauties_HC Date de sortie: mai 2018
Relié 224 pages
Dimensions: 20,3 x 2 x 24,8 cm
Langue: anglais

Éditeur: Dey Street Books
ISBN-10: 0062842854
Prix éditeur: 25 Euros
Ou le commander ? sur amazon 

Description :
The author of the acclaimed photo compilations Vegas Gold, Hollywood in Kodachrome, Marilyn Monroe: Metamorphosis, and Audrey: The 60s, now presents a glamorous and nostalgic celebration of summer at the beach, captured in 150 stunning vintage photographs featuring beloved female celebrities, models, and starlets from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Renowned independent curator and photographic preservationist David Wills commemorates the allure and joy of the sun, the sand, the ocean, and the fashions of endless summer with this sizzling collection. Hollywood Beach Beauties includes more than one-hundred vibrant color images of some of Hollywood’s most timeless stars lounging and playing at one of the most iconic settings: the beach.
Hollywood Beach Beauties highlights the sexy, carefree attitude of the summer, the elegant seaside couture, and the enchanting and alluring beauty of the female form. Included here are candid and stylish photographs featuring stars of yesterday such as Elizabeth Taylor, Rita Hayworth, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Sharon Tate, Raquel Welch, Sophia Loren, Dorothy Dandridge, and Nancy Sinatra.
A treasure trove for classic movie mavens, vintage photography enthusiasts, and pop culture aficionados, this stunning theme-driven compendium taps into nostalgia for the joys of summer and captures the dazzling beauty of the seaside and some of the most stylish stars of the big screen in a fresh, unique, and captivating way.

(quatrième de couverture):  Celebrate the allure and joy of the sun, the sand, the ocean, and the fashions of endless summers with this sizzling collection of Hollywood’s most timeless stars, starlets, and models lounging and playing in one of the most iconic settings: the beach.
A treasure trove for classic-movie fans, vintage-photography enthusiasts, and pop-culture aficionados, this stunning compendium highlights the sexy, carefree attitude of the summer, the elegant seaside couture, and the enchanting beauty of the female form.

> extraits
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book-hollywood_beach_beauties-p5a  book-hollywood_beach_beauties-p5b  book-Tina-Louise-as-Topaz-McQueen-in-For-Those-Who-Think-Young-1964 
book-Marilyn-Monroe-1950-Photo-courtesy-David-Wills-Collection book-Susan-Bernard-1970-Photo-by-Bruno-Bernard-Bernard-of-Hollywood-Photo-courtesy-Susan-Bernard-Bernard-of-Hollywood-Publishing-©-Renaissance-Road-Inc book-hollywood_beach_beauties-backcover 

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15 avril 2019

My Week (and a bit) With Marilyn


 My Week (and a bit) With Marilyn
April 11, 2019 - By Colin Clark - sur The Oldie


In 1956 Laurence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe were both incredibly famous. When it was announced that they were going to make a film together, it caused amazement and concern of a sort that is hard to imagine today. After all Miss Monroe was the epitome of the busty-but-brainless Hollywood blonde and Sir Laurence was the greatest classical actor of his generation etc, etc. It was really unthinkable that I should just walk into the offices of Laurence Olivier Productions, at the age of twenty-three, and demand a job. But that is what I did and, in the end, I got one.

My father, Kenneth Clark, was quite well known in intellectual circles then, and he and my mother were friends of ‘Larry & Vivien’. Even so I must have been pretty brash – what my elder brother, Alan, still calls ‘youthfully foolish’ when I do something particularly stupid. It worked out well, though. The film was an incredible adventure despite the battles between the two so different cultures.

It was really a struggle between the old and the new. Despite his work in Hollywood, Olivier always thought of a film as a photographed play. And Marilyn, who had actually appeared in as many films as Olivier had at that time (25), was totally unaware of theatrical conventions, like learning lines in advance, and coming in on cue. The crew of the film, hand-picked by Olivier, thought of anything from America as vulgar and upstart (this was the Fifties, don’t forget) and the idea of treating the movies as a brand-new medium was very threatening. I started by getting on very well with Marilyn and the whole American team. But I was always firmly in the Olivier camp, and just as well, for I was to remain as his personal assistant in the theatre for the next two years. I see now that it was Marilyn who was the ‘film star’, Marilyn, erratic as she was, who was the future.

Monday 16th July 1956
   Problems – too much fakery: peroxide hair, dead white makeup, heavy lipstick, but that is her image. She looks confused too, lost, troubled. That’s the MM [Marilyn Monroe] image too, I know, but even when she’s shut the door on the reporters, she still looks in distress, not just acting it.
  She doesn’t seem to be able to shrug off the image in private, to throw off her coat, slump down on the sofa and say: ‘Phew, let’s have a drink.’ 
  She gazes at AM [Arthur Miller] as if he is a superhero, but I don’t think he is that nice. He’s clearly very handsome and very attractive, but good-hearted, no. And she hasn’t really got anyone else to depend on. A girl like that really needs her mum, but I’m told her mum is in a bin. Milton [Greene, executive producer] is clearly dependent on her, rushing round like all the others trying not to upset her, frightened of her even.
  SLO [Sir Laurence Olivier] is much too remote. He’s going to be her director and that should be a close relationship, but he is quite clearly not in any way concerned with her personally. He is the supreme professional, expecting and assuming that everyone else will be professional too...
  I wish SLO could be cosy with MM. He’s strong and romantic with most women but he only gets ‘cosy’ with men.

Wednesday 18th July
   It goes without saying that she was late – but not very late, only half an hour... When MM did arrive we all got a shock – except Whitey [Allan Snyder, MM’s personal makeup man], I suppose. She looked absolutely frightful. No makeup, just a skirt, a tight blouse, head scarf and dark glasses. Nasty complexion, a lot of facial hair, shapeless figure and, when the glasses came off, a very vague look in her eye. No wonder she is so insecure.
   She bolted into her dressing-room with Milton and Whitey and stayed there for twenty minutes. Eventually they coaxed her out, looking very tense indeed, and walked her to the small studio. The whole idea is to film her first without makeup on, so she sat on a stool, under the bright lights, like a prisoner of war...

Thursday 19th July
   MM late again but this time no one cared. Everyone was only thinking about the 'rushes' – the film that was shot yesterday. At 9.30 Milton and SLO led the way into the viewing theatre, and we all held our breath. Jack [Cardiff, lighting cameraman] and Whitey had already seen it together, early on. They were looking pretty smug but said nothing...
   The film was magical, and there’s no other way to describe it. The stuff we shot in the morning, although it resembled a police line-up mug shot, was quite heartbreaking. MM looked like a young delinquent girl, helpless and vulnerable under the harsh lights. The afternoon footage was even more extraordinary. What an incredible transformation. Now MM looked like an angel – smooth, glowing, eyes shining with joy (Jack’s lights), perfect lips slightly parted, irresistible. Quite a few people had wandered in to look and they were stunned. We all fell in love there and then.

Tuesday 14th August
   Dame S [Sybil Thorndike] had a long line about Eleanor Duse being a much greater actress than Sarah Bernhardt. MM simply could not remember when to reply. Dame S is babbling on and ends with a rhetorical question: ‘You agree. No?’
   All MM had to say was ‘No’ at the right moment, but today even this proved too complicated... Halfway through, SLO tried a controlled explosion. MM was stunned, as usual, but SLO had reckoned without Dame S who promptly gave him a good ticking off. ‘Don’t you realise what a strain this poor girl is under? She hasn’t had your years of experience. She is far from home in a strange country, trying to act in a strange part. Are you helping or bullying?’ Poor SLO, who naturally thinks he is the injured party, was stunned.
   MM was radiant. ‘Oh thank you so much, Dame Sybil. But I mustn’t forget my lines. I promise I’ll try to remember them from now on.’ And she was good as gold for the rest of the afternoon.

Wednesday 15th August
   I suppose you could say that today was a red-letter day. This morning I definitely saw more of MM than I ever expected to, and she went up in my estimation in more ways than one. She arrived really early, for her, and nearly caught us on the hop at 7.30 am. She was still in a jolly mood – I expect she and AM had had a good laugh over SLO’s discomfiture.
   As lunchtime drew near David [Orton, assistant director] caught me in the corridor, and told me to look for MM’s marked script which was missing. I assumed this meant MM was on the set so I just barged into her dressing-room and straight into the inner sanctum. What David had not told me was that filming had already ended.
   There stood MM, completely nude, with only a white towel round her head.
   I stopped dead. All I could see were beautiful white and pink curves. I must have gone as red as a beetroot. I couldn’t even turn and rush out, so I just stood there and stared and stammered.
   MM gave me her most innocent smile. ‘Oh Colin,’ she said. ‘And you an Old Etonian!’ How did she stay so cool? And how did she know which school I had gone to and what it meant? When I managed to get out of the room and pull myself together, I realised that behind the fog MM could be a bit brighter than we all think.

Monday 19th November
   When MM left the studio, she did so quickly and furtively. She is supposed to come back tomorrow but we all know she won’t. She didn’t say goodbye to anyone, not even her personal dresser, who has been so loyal and patient, or to Gordon, her hairdresser.
   We knew we would never see her again and, sad to tell, it was an immense relief.
  Poor Milton is very depressed. He feels a failure, but he would have needed the strength of ten men to have succeeded in all his roles. He had been warned about what he was taking on by other producers of MM’s films. But her appeal is so great that he shrugged them off.
   Even MM is not to blame. The great engine of publicity that surrounds her is unstoppable. Like some awful curse of the gods, it stalks her every moment, and one day it will crush her.

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by The Oldie.

12 avril 2019

Sophie Marceau

L'actrice française Sophie Marceau prenait la pose en Marilyn en 1984 (article d'un magazine japonais).


© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

12 avril 2019

Gif Bert Stern (5) - Jewels


6 avril 2019

Photos de Let's Make Love 4

Le Milliardaire
Photos scène 4

Amanda Dell (Marilyn Monroe)
lml-sc04-film-010-1 lml-sc04-film-010-2a lml-sc04-film-010-2 

Tony Danton (Frankie Vaughan) & Amanda Dell (Marilyn Monroe)
lml-sc04-film-020-1 lml-sc04-film-020-2 lml-sc04-film-020-3 
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Amanda Dell & Jean-Marc Clement (Yves Montand)
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 - photographies: L.J  Willinger -

lml-sc04-film-021-3-by_LJ_Willinger-1 lml-sc04-film-021-4 lml-sc04-film-030-1 
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© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

6 avril 2019

Sur le tournage de Let's Make Love 4

Le Milliardaire
Sur le tournage

Pendant la scène
During the shooting scene

- Frankie Vaughan, Marilyn Monroe, Jack Cole -
lml-sc04-on_set-010-with_vaughan-010-1 lml-sc04-on_set-010-with_vaughan-011-1 lml-sc04-on_set-010-with_vaughan-cole-010-1 

- Yves Montand, Marilyn Monroe, George Cukor -

lml-sc04-on_set-020-with_montand-1  lml-sc04-on_set-020-with_montand-cukor-1  

Sur le plateau
On the set

- Yves Montand, Marilyn Monroe -
lml-sc04-on_set-021-with_montand-1-1  lml-sc04-on_set-021-with_montand-1-2 

- Frankie Vaughan, Yves Montand, Marilyn Monroe -

- Sidney Skolsky, Marilyn Monroe -

Marilyn Monroe, Jack Cardiff, Paula Strasberg  -
lml-sc04-set-with_jack_cardiff-paula_strasberg-1-1 lml-sc04-set-with_jack_cardiff-paula_strasberg-1-2a lml-sc04-set-with_jack_cardiff-paula_strasberg-1-2 

08/03/1960 - sur le tournage Jack Cole, Marilyn Monroe & Agnes Flanagan
1960, Mach, 08 - On the set Jack Cole, Marilyn & Agnes Flanagan

 - photographies: Larry Barbier Jr -

lml-sc04-on_set-by_larry_barbier_jr-1-1 lml-sc04-on_set-by_larry_barbier_jr-2-1  lml-sc04-on_set-by_larry_barbier_jr-3-1 
  lml-sc04-on_set-by_larry_barbier_jr-3-3  lml-sc04-on_set-by_larry_barbier_jr-3-2  lml-sc04-on_set-by_larry_barbier_jr-3-4 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

Depuis la création 5 745 203
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Marilyn sur le web

Une sélection de sites web

Blog - The Marilyn Report 
Blog - The Marilyn Archive 
Blog - Tara Hanks

Cursum Perficio
Mesmerizing Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn From the 22nd Row

Marilyn Monroe Italian Site
Legend Marilyn Monroe

Blog - MM Books
Blog - Marilyn Monroe Animated Gifs 

Crazy For Marilyn 
Crazy For You
Crazy For You 2

Social Network (Réseaux Sociaux)

Instagram Official Marilyn Monroe
Instagram - Silver Technicolor 

Instagram - Marilynraresig
Instagram - LMmarilynnormajeane2662
Instagram - lovemarilyn normaliasmarilyn
Instagram - Marvellous Marilyn

Tumblr - The Marilyn Monroe Visual Vault 
Tumblr - Infinite Marilyn 
Tumblr - Always Marilyn Monroe 
Tumblr - Marilyn in High Quality 
Tumblr - Marilyn Monroe Archive 
Tumblr - Our Girl Marilyn 
Tumblr - Miss Norma Jeane's

Tumblr Miss Monroe
Perfectly Marilyn Monroe

Reddit MarilynMonroe

VK My Marilyn 
VK My Marilyn Photographes 
VK Marilyn Monroe

La presse

Blog - Marilyn Cover Girl 
Blog - La MM que j'aime 
Magazines - Famous Fix 

Magazines - Pinterest Lorraine Funke

Archives presse USA - Newspapers 
Archives presse USA - Library of Congress
Archives presse Australia - Trove
Archives presse - Internet Archive 
Archives presse - Lantern

Archives presse - Media History Digital Library 
Archives - Gallica BNF 

Archives magazines - Magazine Art 
LIFE photo archive 
LIFE magazines 

LIFE articles 
Collier's - Unz Review 
Esquire Classic 
Bravo Posters 
Paris Match

 Agence Photos 
Getty images 
mptv images 
ullstein bild
Redux Pictures
Roger Viollet
iStock by Getty 
Bridgeman images 
AP Images 


All About Photo  
Listing Photographes du XXeme 
Allan Grant 
Bernard of Hollywood - instagram 
Bert Stern 
Bill Ray 
Bob Willoughby 
Carl Perutz 
Douglas Kirkland - website 
 Douglas Kirkland - instagram 
Elliott Erwitt - website 
Elliott Erwitt - instagram 
Ernst Haas 
Eve Arnold - website 
Eve Arnold - instagram 
George Barris - website 
George Barris - instagram 
Harold Lloyd  
Henri Dauman 
Jock Carroll 
Lawrence Schiller 
Leigh Wiener 
Nickolas Muray 
Phil Stern 
Philippe Halsman - website 
Philippe Halsman - instagram  
Richard Avedon - website 
Richard Avedon - instagram 
Sam Shaw - website 
Sam Shaw - instagram  
Weegee Arthur Fellig 

Milton H Greene
Milton H Greene - website 
Milton H Greene - instagram
The Archives LLC - facebook
MHG The Archives Licensing  
The archives LLC - tumblr

 Video Archives 
British Pathé  
ITN Archive

Paramount & Pathé Newsreel
Tumblr Marilyn Monroe Video Archives

The Blonde at the Film 
Tumblr - Weirland TV
Dr Macro's HQ scans 
Pulp International 
Stirred Straight Up 


Sites web communautés
The Place 
Who's Dated Who 
Films - imdb 
Films - Classic Movie Hub 
Bio - Wikipedia fr  
Dossiers - FBI Records

Fans Collectionneurs
Collection Greg Schreiner
Collection Scott Fortner
Collection Ted Stampfer
Collection Peter Schnug
Facebook Peter Schnug
Marilyn Geek (Melinda)

Fans Clubs
Fan Club The Marilyn Remembered 
Irish Marilyn Monroe Fan Club

 Marilyn Friends
Mona Rae Miracle
Joe DIMaggio
Arthur Miller
Yves Montand 
Montgomery Clift 
Clark Gable 
Marlon Brando 
Jane Russell 
Rock Hudson 
Dean Martin 
Frank Sinatra 
Ava Gardner 
Ralph Roberts 
George Fisher
Joan Crawford
Jeanne Carmen 
Travilla Style - blog 
The Actors Studio