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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Joan Newman

Zelda Zonk

31 décembre 2013

Photos de Bus Stop 8

Arrêt d'Autobus
   Photos scène 8

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene

Vera (Eileen Heckart) aide Cherie (Marilyn Monroe) à faire sa valise. 


Bo (Don Murray) et Virgil (Arthur O'Connell) se rendent à l'appartement de Cherie.

marilyn-monroe-BS-5506  marilyn-monroe-BS-5507 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5504  marilyn-monroe-BS-5508 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

31 décembre 2013

Photos de Bus Stop 9

  Arrêt d'Autobus
   Photos scène 9

Au Blue Dragon Cafe, Virgil (Arthur O'Connell) et Cherie (Marilyn Monroe) concluent un pacte: Virgil donne de l'argent à Cherie pour qu'elle puisse partir. Sa copine Vera (Eileen Heckart) leur sert des verres et ils trinquent.

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene

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© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.   

30 décembre 2013

Photos de Bus Stop 10

Arrêt d'Autobus
   Photos scène 10

Au Blue Dragon Cafe, Bo (Don Murray) veut emmener de force Cherie (Marilyn Monroe) qui ne se laisse pas faire. En voulant rattraper Cherie, Bo l'agrippe par la tulle de son body, qui se déchire. Cherie se sent alors humiliée et devient hystérique face à Bo.

film-bs-aff-lob-02-sc10-a  bs-sc10-film-010-1  bs-sc10-film-011-1  

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene 

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Cherie s'enferme dans sa loge avec sa copine Vera (Eileen Heckart). Cherie décide de partir sur le champ; elles préparent ensemble rapidement la valise de Cherie. Puis, Cherie embrasse Vera avant de s'enfuir par la fenêtre.

bs-sc10-film-020-1  bs-sc10-film-021-1 

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene 

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 > planche contact
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Pendant ce temps, Bo (Don Murray) et Virgil (Arthur O'Connell), sont derrière la porte de la loge. 

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene
marilyn-monroe-BS-5375b  marilyn-monroe-BS-5376  marilyn-monroe-BS-5377 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5378  marilyn-monroe-BS-5379  marilyn-monroe-BS-5503 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

29 décembre 2013

Photos de Bus Stop 11

Arrêt d'Autobus
   Photos scène 11

Cherie (Marilyn Monroe) s'est enfuie du cabaret. Elle a réalisé que la demande en mariage de Bo n'était pas des paroles en l'air. Elle arrive donc précipitamment à la station de bus et compte bien se rendre à Hollywood.

bs-sc11-film-012-1  bs-sc11-film-012-1a  film-bs-mag-article-2065688-0EEE88FD00000578-372_468x624 

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene

marilyn-monroe-BS-133  marilyn-monroe-BS-330 
bs-sc11-film-010-1-by_mhg-1b  marilyn-monroe-BS-5358 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5275  marilyn-monroe-BS-5554

 > Photographies de Dennis Stock
Photographs of Dennis Stock

bs-sc11-film-011-1-by_by_dennis-stock-1a  bs-sc11-film-011-1-by_by_dennis-stock-1b 
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Elle arrive à la gare affolée et se rend au guichet. Mais Bo (Don Murray) est parvenu à la suivre et il arrive en criant, accompagné de Virgil (Arthur O'Connell). Cherie se sauve.

bs-sc11-film-020-1  bs-sc11-film-020-1a 
bs-sc11-film-021-1  bs-sc11-film-021-1c  bs-sc11-film-021-2  

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene 

marilyn-monroe-BS-5453  marilyn-monroe-BS-5454  marilyn-monroe-BS-5457 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5445  marilyn-monroe-BS-5451  

Cherie se faufile alors dans la première file d'attente de bus qu'elle croise sur son chemin. Mais Bo l'a vu: il l'attrape au lasso pour ne pas qu'elle s'enfuit.

bs-sc11-film-030-1-by_mhg-1  bs-sc11-film-030-2-by_mhg-1 
bs-sc11-film-040-1  bs-sc11-film-040-2  bs-sc11-film-040-3
bs-sc11-film-040-4-1  bs-sc11-film-040-4-2  

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene 

marilyn-monroe-BS-5025  marilyn-monroe-BS-5028 
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marilyn-monroe-BS-5043  marilyn-monroe-BS-5438 

Bo emmène de force Cherie dans le bys Greyhound en partance pour le Montana. Dans le bus, Cherie attend que Bo et Virgil se soient endormis pour se lever et se rendre à l'avant du bus.


> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene 

marilyn-monroe-BS-5509  marilyn-monroe-BS-5510  marilyn-monroe-BS-5511 
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Cherie s'installe auprès d'une jeune femme, Elma (Hope Lange); elle se confie à elle et lui raconte que Bo l'a forcé à monter dans le bus; elle lui raconte aussi sa vie chaotique et ses espoirs déçus. Puis Cherie en profite pour se changer et enfiler ses vêtements.


 > Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene
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marilyn-monroe-BS-5065  marilyn-monroe-BS-5066 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 

29 décembre 2013

En Répétition pour Bus Stop (3)

Arrêt d'Autobus
Sur le tournage

Marilyn Monroe, Don Murray et Arthur O'Connell, en répétition.
Marilyn Monroe, Don Murray and Arthur O'Connell in rehearsals.

> Photographies de Milton H Greene
Photographs of Milton H Greene

marilyn-monroe-BS-5053  marilyn-monroe-BS-5054  bs-sc11-film-040-5 
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marilyn-monroe-BS-5436  marilyn-monroe-BS-5058  marilyn-monroe-BS-5059 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

27 décembre 2013

Catalogue 'Hollywood Auction 62' Profiles in History Décembre 2013

hollywood_auction_62-catalogue-coverVente aux enchères 'Hollywood Auction 62' le 21 décembre 2013 par Profiles in History aux Etats-Unis.

Le catalogue (photo ci-contre) est à consulter en ligne (en animation flipbook et en format pdf) sur Profiles in History .
La vente aux enchères est consacrée au cinéma: des stars américaines des années 1950s (King Kong, Autant en emporte le vent, Le Magicien d'Oz, Audrey Hepburn, Rita Hayworth, Lauren Bacall, Marlon Brando ...) au cinéma d'aujourd'hui (Le Seigneur des Anneaux, Johnny Depp), avec des lots très variés (photographies, esquisses de costumes d'Edith Head, de William Travilla, costumes, accessoires etc...).Ces enchères contiennent 26 lots concernant Marilyn Monroe (photographies, planches contacts, un contrat, un chapeau...); les lots avec leur description sont en consultation libre sur

> pages du catalogue (avec les lots sur Marilyn)
hollywood_auction_62-catalogue-P18  hollywood_auction_62-catalogue-P39  hollywood_auction_62-catalogue-P40 
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hollywood_auction_62-catalogue-P304 hollywood_auction_62-catalogue-P362  hollywood_auction_62-catalogue-P363  

> Sur le blog:
Lots Photos, Docs, Divers, Vêtements 

26 décembre 2013

'Hollywood Auction 62' 12/2013


lot 47: Oversized Photograph of Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch
(TCF, 1955) Vintage original 9.75 x 12 in. gelatin silver glossy borderless photo print of Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell from The Seven Year Itch. The production photo exhibits some minor flaws from the negative and very minor corner bumping. In vintage very good condition.
Sold: $300

 lot 48: Collection of (7) Photos of Marilyn Monroe
(Various studios, 1957-1961)
Gelatin-silver glossy approx. 8 x 10 in. prints (7) all featuring Marilyn Monroe in (3) films:
The Prince and the Showgirl (Warner Bros., 1957) (1), Let’s Make Love (TCF, 1960) (5),
and The Misfits (United Artists, 1961) (1).
All are in very fine condition and (1) has descriptive studio snipes on verso
Sold: $350
lot48a  lot48b 
lot48c  lot48d  

lot 128: Collection of (32) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Milton Berle  and Maurice Chevalier and Marlene Dietrich by Milton h. Greene
(32) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe with Marlene Dietrich at
cocktail party announcing formation of MM Productions, Milton Berle for Mike Todd Circus at Madison Sq. Garden and at Friars’ Club Roast, and Maurice Chevalier for Look, dated 1/7/55, 3/15/55 and 9/30/55. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $3 250 
lot128a  lot128b 
lot128c  lot128d 

lot 129: Collection of (10) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe from Seven Year Itch  and other sittings by Milton H Greene.
(10) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe from Seven Year Itch (20th Century-Fox, 1955), “Nude,” “Nightgown and Mink Stole,” “White Robe” and “Gypsy” sittings by Milton H. Greene, dated 9/2/53, 10/7/53, 9/13/54, 3/8/55 and 4/15/56. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 000
lot129a  lot129b 
lot129c  lot129d 

  lot 130: Collection of (8) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe from “balalaika” by Milton H Greene
(8) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints (2 double-weight) from 2.25
x 2.25 in. and 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe from “Balalaika” sitting by Milton
H. Greene, dated 9/2/53. Very good to Fine.
Estimate: $300 - $500
Sold: $ 1 200
lot130a  lot130b 
lot130c  lot130d

lot 131: Collection of (8) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe from “ballerina” by Milton H Greene
(8) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints (1 double-weight) from 2.25 x 2.25 in. negatives of Marilyn Monroe from “Nightgown and Mink Stole” “Ballerina” and “White Robe” sittings by Milton H. Greene, dated 10/7/53, 10/6/54 and 3/8/55. Very good.
Estimate: $300 - $500
Sold: $ 1 600 
lot131a  lot131b 
lot131c  lot131d  

lot 132: Collection of (14) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Marlon Brando Edward R. Murrow by Milton H Greene
(14) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. and 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe
with Marlon Brando for Actor’s Studio Benefit for Muscular Dystrophy and Edward R. Murrow for Person to Person by Milton H. Greene, dated 4/1/55 and 12/12/55. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 600 
lot132a  lot132b
lot132c1  lot132c2 
lot132c3  lot132c4 

lot 133: Collection of (17) Proof Prints of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene (20th Century-Fox, 1956)
(17) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. proof prints (1 double-weight) of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene, dated 1/1/56. Fine.
Estimate: $200 - $30
Sold: $ 2 750
lot133a  lot133b 
lot133c  lot133d  

  lot 134: Collection of (98) Proof Prints of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene (20th Century-Fox, 1956)
(98) Silver gelatin glossy 4 x 5 in. proof prints of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene, dated 5/16/56. Good to Fine; with missing corners to some.
Estimate: $300 - $500
Sold: $ 1 900
lot134a  lot134b  lot134c 
lot134d  lot134e 
lot134f  lot134g  lot134h  

  lot 135: Collection of (33) Proof Prints of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene (20th Century-Fox, 1956)
(33) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. (4) and 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene, dated 5/16/56. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 900 
lot135  lot135c  lot135d 
lot135a  lot135b 

 lot 136: Collection of (9) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe  from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene
(Warner Bros., 1957)
(9) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. negatives of Marilyn
Monroe from The Prince and the Showgirl
by Milton H. Greene, dated 6/26/56. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 700 
lot136a  lot136b  lot136c 
lot136d  lot136e 

lot 137: Collection of (33) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and Arthur Miller from the Prince and the Showgirl, by Milton H Greene (Warner Bros., 1957)
(33) Silver gelatin glossy 4 x 5 in.
contact sheet prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and Arthur Miller at press reception at Heathrow for
The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene, dated 7/56. Very good to Fine.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 400  
lot137a  lot137b 
lot137c  lot137d 

lot 138: Collection of (170) contact Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and Arthur Miller from the Prince and the Showgirl, by Milton H Greene (Warner Bros., 1957)
(170) Silver gelatin glossy 2.25 x 2.25 in. contact prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and
Arthur Miller at press reception at Heathrow for The Prince and the Showgirl
by Milton H. Greene, dated 7/56. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 100 
lot138a  lot138b  
lot138c1  lot138c2 
lot138c3  lot138c4 

 lot 139: Collection of (17) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene (Warner Bros., 1957)
(17) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. proof prints (5) and contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. negatives of Marilyn
Monroe with Lawrence Olivier at press reception for The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene, dated 7/56. Very
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 500 
lot139a  lot139b  lot139c3 
lot139c1  lot139c2  lot139c4

Lot 140: Collection of (15) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe and Lawrence Olivier with Terence Rattigan from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene (Warner Bros.,1957)
(15) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. negatives of Marilyn Monroe and Lawrence Olivier with
Terence Rattigan in publicity sitting for The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene, dated 7/56; with
photographer rubber stamp on verso. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 2 750 
lot140a  lot140b 
lot140c1  lot140c2 
lot140c3  lot140c4  

 Lot 141: Collection of (496) contact Prints of Marilyn Monroe from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene
(Warner Bros., 1957)
(496) Silver gelatin glossy contact prints including (164) 2.25 x 2.25 in. and (332) 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe for The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene, dated 6/28/56; with photographer rubber stamp on verso. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 3 750  
lot141  lot141a  lot141b 
lot141c  lot141d 

Lot 142: Collection of (14) camera negatives of Marilyn Monroe from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene
(Warner Bros., 1957)
(14) Black-and-white 2.25 x 2.25 in. camera negatives (3 with contact print) of Marilyn Monroe from The Prince and the Showgirl
by Milton H. Greene, dated 11/29/73. Very fine.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 100  
lot142  lot142b 
lot142a  lot142c  lot142d 

Lot 161: Travilla “subway dress” costume design for The Seven Year Itch. (TCF, 1955)
In this landmark film from the mid-1950s, Tom Ewell reprises his Broadway role as a husband whose wife goes on a brief vacation with their children. He remains behind in New York on business, alone for the first time in seven years of marriage, and begins fantasizing about a model who has sublet the apartment above. Marilyn Monroe plays The Girl with her characteristic mix of innocence and sexual allure. The Seven Year Itch storyline, unlike some of Monroe’s earlier films, held forth no promise as a costume showcase. It was not a period piece and she had no dance routines. Still, this was to become the vehicle for Travilla’s most famous dress design. It was a deceptively simple dress, classic but sexy, and it was meant to make Monroe look cool on the hot, sticky sidewalks of New York. “I’m going to have my precious baby standing over a grate,” Travilla remembered. “I wanted her to look fresh
and clean. So I wondered what could I do with this most beautiful girl that Marilyn was to play to make her look clean, talcum-powdered and adorable,” Travilla mused. “What would I give her to wear that would blow in the breeze and be fun and pretty? I knew there would be a wind blowing so that would require a skirt.” In his trademark painterly style, Travilla then drew his visualization of what would become the most famous garment in Hollywood history – a white crepe bias-cut dress with a halter-top and sunburst pleated skirt. Accomplished in gouache and ink on a 15 in. x 20 in. sheet of artist’s illustration board, the sketch features the now-famous skirt billowing around her waist, in the scene that would electrify audiences all over the world and reportedly bring an abrupt end to Marilyn’s celebrated marriage to slugger Joe Dimaggio.
Giving the actress a broad smile, Travilla positioned her left arm delicately across her body, while her hand holds up the skirt in a playful tease. The sketch is signed boldly at the lower right of the image in black ink, “Travilla”, with notation at the upper right corner in dark graphite, “7 Year Itch – Wind Scene at Subway”. When she stood over the subway grate and a blast of air caused her pleated skirt to swirl above her waist, Monroe made Hollywood history. Travilla’s contribution was almost forgotten, although he often mused in private about the fame of The Dress. “Here’s how famous it was,” he said. “We were traveling in London to promote the Littlewoods catalog in the 1970s, and my copy of the dress was on display along with millions of dollars in jewelry.” There was a break-in at the show, but the only item stolen was The Dress (which was later anonymously returned). This sketch perfectly embodies the many competing themes of American life during the conservative 1950s, all of which seemed to converge in this film and in this dress at the very moment Marilyn paused over the Subway grate: the responsibilities of modern life as represented by Tom Ewell’s character, the growing independence of American women, and the changing attitude of the country towards
sex and desire, which would culminate in the sexual revolution of the 1960s just a few years away. The crown jewel of Travilla’s Lost Collection, this sketch is not only a wonderful piece of Hollywood history, but an important snapshot of American popular culture from the apex of Marilyn Monroe’s meteoric film career. Provenance: Profiles in History Auction 20, Lot 114.
Estimate: $60,000 - $80,000
Sold: $ 80 000
lot161a  lot161b   

Lot 226: Marilyn Monroe hand–signed and inscribed photograph.
Vintage 8 in. x 10 in., black & white, gelatin silver photo of the sex symbol in a low-cut, clinging blouse. Inscribed in blue ink on the image, “To Lou, When you come back – come around, Marilyn Monroe”. With chipped, upper right hand corner. Pinholes in corners and minor creasing not affecting image or signature. In good condition.
Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000
Sold: $19 000

Lot 227: Original Marilyn Monroe anniversary Playboy cover artwork by Victoria Fuller, signed by Hugh Hefner.
Original commemorative Marilyn Monroe Playboy magazine cover painting accomplished in oil paints and silkscreen on a 30 x 40 in. stretched canvas. A one of a kind collection of 11 paintings were created by artist Victoria Fuller in celebration of the 60th anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s appearance in the first issue of Playboy in December, 1953. The art depicts the iconic cover of the first issue of Playboy. In addition to being a fine art painter, Fuller was one of Playboy’s most popular Playmates, and the most photographed ‘Bunnies’ in the magazine’s last 50. She is also the first and only artist to ever receive a licensing contract from Playboy allowing her to use the famous trademark Rabbit Head Playboy, and Bunny Costume as subjects of her paintings and limited addition prints. The piece is hand-signed by the artist and Playboy Magazine founder and American icon Hugh Hefner. In fine condition.
Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000
Sold: $ Pass

 Documents papiers

Lot 224: Marilyn Monroe contract for The Asphalt Jungle. (MGM, 1950)
1-page, printed, typed contract on approx. 21 x 8.5 paper, signed, “Marilyn Monroe” dated 29 November 1949. In John Huston’s The Asphalt Jungle, an unknown actress named Marilyn Monroe in her early breakthrough roll as “Angela Finlay”, a small but important roll in this film noir classic. This oversize “Screen Actors Guild Minimum Contract for Freelance Players” outlines the terms of Monroe’s employment on the film. The contract states that Monroe will play the role of “Angela” in the “photoplay” The Asphalt Jungle and be paid the sum of $300 for 1 week of work beginning on November 9th, 1949. The contract lists Monroe’s’ current address as, “1301 N. Harper Ave. Los Angeles, California” and her phone number, “Hampstead 9943”. The contract verso exhibits an additional amendment typed on 8 x 4 in. paper, tipped to the contract. Signed at the bottom of the page by MGM casting director “Fred A Datig” and below that, in black pen, “Marilyn Monroe”. Retaining original folds. In very good condition.
Estimate: $2,500 - $3,500
Sold: $ 4 750
lot224a  lot224b 

Lot 225: Marilyn Monroe’s personal title and service agreement to her 1950 Pontiac
Marilyn Monroe Pontiac sedan paperwork consisting of (3) documents, including: (1) 8.5 x 3.75 in. Beverly Motor Company, tri-folded, printed Pontiac Service Policy. With typed “Miss Marilyn Monroe / 1301 N. Harper Ave. / Los Angeles, CA”. Inside there are terms of ownership and two attached, perforated 1000 and 2000 mile service coupons also type to “Miss Marilyn Monroe” with other information filled in, dated July 1, 1950, (1) 7.25 x 3.25 in folded printed warranty for the car’s Delco Battery. Type written to Miss Marilyn Monroe and with other technical information, dated July 1, 1950 and (1) State of California DMV “pink slip” certificate of ownership printed to “Monroe Marilyn / 1301 N Harper AV / Los Angeles” including vehicle engine number, make, model, total fees ($24.00) and Monroe’s license number, “19B29921”. All documents in fine condition.
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500 
sold: $ 1 400
lot225b  lot225c  

 Objets Divers

Lot 231: Warner Bros. commemorative key. (c. 1950s)
10 x 3.75 in. brass key to Warner Brothers Studios. The key’s bow is shield-shaped and features the raised “WB” letters synonymous with the studio. One side of the key blade reads, in raised letters, “Welcome to Warner Bros. Studios” and the reverse side, “The Largest in the World”. In vintage very fine condition.
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Sold: $2 500
lot231a  lot231b 

Lot 764: Jane Russell extremely limited #1 of an intended run of up to 4 hand and footprint impressions from the Chinese Theatre.
The glitter and glamour of Hollywood continue to attract visitors from all over the world, and there is no monument to Hollywood that is more glamorous or iconic than TCL Chinese Theatre. The forecourt of the theatre remains a must-see spot for tourists and the star-struck to see how they fill the shoes of their favorite stars by placing their own feet in the celebrity footprints that mosaic the courtyard. This is a replica of the hand and footprint square of Jane Russell created from the original concrete impression at the Chinese Theatre when she placed her hand and footprints in the cement along with Marilyn Monroe for the west coast premiere of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.  Rumor has it that Both Jane and Marilyn wanted to make more than just hand and foot print impressions in the forecourt and that they actually wanted to imprint the physical attributes that they were both known for. Theatre management turned down this request though as it would have been considered too risqué. Measuring 37.25 x 41 in. Inscribed, “Jane Russell 6 26 53” and then “Gentleman” as the beginning of the Gentlemen Prefer Blondes title which begins on her square and ends on Monroe’s. The impression is made out of a synthetic casting compound to produce the real look and feel of concrete and does include natural materials that are found in cement.  However, this is sensitive to heat and like all valuable art, it should not be kept in high heat or be displayed in the exterior direct heat/sunlight. This piece is the first of an extremely limited intended run of up to four impressions. No rights to the Jane Russell name, signature or imprint are transferred to the buyer with this sale. Special shipping arrangements will apply.
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Sold: $4,000

Lot 765: Marilyn Monroe extremely limited #1 of an intended run of up to 4 hand and footprint impressions from the Chinese Theatre.
The glitter and glamour of Hollywood continue to attract visitors from all over the world, and there is no monument to Hollywood that is more glamorous or iconic than TCL Chinese Theatre. The forecourt of the theatre remains a must-see spot for tourists and the star-struck to see how they fill the shoes of their favorite stars by placing their own feet in the celebrity footprints that mosaic the courtyard. This is a replica of the hand and footprint square of Marilyn Monroe created from the original concrete impression at the Chinese Theatre which is, by far, the most photographed imprint square in the TCL Chinese Theatre forecourt, honored with the opening of her film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. She originally wanted them to dot the “I” in her name with a diamond, but theatre management suggested that someone would steal the diamond and suggested an earring be placed instead. A short time later someone over night came along and attempted to steal the earring. The top broke off, but the back remains firmly implanted in the cement to this day. 42.5 x 42.25 in. Inscribed, “Marilyn Monroe” and then “Prefer Blondes” as half of the Gentlemen Prefer Blondes title started on Jane Russell’s square and finished on Monroe’s. Marilyn’s “I” is dotted by a faux diamond imbedded in the square. The impression is made out of a synthetic casting compound to produce the real look and feel of concrete and does include natural materials that are found in cement.  However, this is sensitive to heat and like all valuable art, it should not be kept in high heat or be displayed in the exterior direct heat/sunlight. This piece is the first of an extremely limited intended run of up to four impressions. No rights to the Marilyn Monroe name, signature or imprint are transferred to the buyer with this sale. Special shipping arrangements will apply.
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Sold: $7 500


lot 701: Marilyn Monroe “Pola Debevoise” black felt hat from How to Marry a Millionaire. (TCF, 1953)
 Black felt hat with soft ruffle brim and simple bow. Bodies by Lee yellow stamp. Internal bias label handwritten “1-39-1-4691 A-705-54 M. MONROE”. Created by Travilla for Marilyn Monroe as “Pola Debevoise” in How to Marry a Millionaire but not in the final version of the film. Lot includes a wardrobe test photo showing Monroe wearing the hat. This hat was originally created for the scene with David Wayne on the plane but was replaced with a simple beret.
Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000
Sold: $15, 000 
lot701a  lot701b  lot701c 

22 décembre 2013

Joyeux Noël 2013


Je vous souhaite à toutes et tous
de Joyeuses Fêtes de fin d'année



MerrChristmas  2013 


22 décembre 2013

Forever Marilyn

Forever Marilyn
Author: Marie Cahill

book-forevermarilynPublication Date: 1991
Number of pages 64 pages
Language English
Publisher: Bison
Price: 15 Dollars
31,2 x 23,2 x 1,4 cm
ISBN-10: 0861248198
ISBN-13: 978-0861248193
Ou le commander ? sur

Description: 40 years after her death, the legacy of Marilyn Munroe persists. Innocent yet sensuous, vulnerable yet strong. Marilyn Munroe had a unique magic that will live forever. 64 pages of less often seen pics. 

> visuel
book-forever_marilyn-p2  book-forever_marilyn-p3  book-forever_marilyn-p4

Autres Editions / Other Editions:

 >  USA : Smithmark Pub, 1992, 64 pages
Language English

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22 décembre 2013

INTOX sur Marilyn chante Santa Baby

Dans certaines compilations CD dédiées à Marilyn Monroe  et sur des vidéos en ligne (tels youtube, dailymotion) on y retrouve parfois le titre "Santa Baby" faisant parti de la discographie de Marilyn. Or, ce n'est pas Marilyn qui chante !

Il s'agit de la chanteuse Eartha Kitt qui interprète ce titre enregistré en 1953

 eartha-kitt-santa-baby-1  eartha-kitt-santa-baby-2  eartha-kitt-santa-baby-3 

Qui est Eartha Kitt ? 
Eartha_kittEartha Mae Kitt, née le 17 janvier 1927, surnommée « Miss Kitt », était une danseuse, chanteuse de variétés - fortement influencée par le jazz - actrice et artiste de cabaret américaine. Elle est décédée le 25 décembre 2008.
Eartha Kitt est née dans une plantation de coton en Caroline du Sud; elle est le fruit d'un viol d'une mère noire et cherokee, et d'un père d'origine allemande ou néerlandaise. Elle est envoyée à l'âge de huit ans chez un oncle à Harlem. Elle travaille en 1943 avec la troupe de danse de Katherine Dunham et fait des tournées au Mexique, en Amérique du sud et en Europe. Elle quitte la troupe et s'installe à Paris pour être chanteuse de cabaret et commence à se faire un nom. La jeune créole, à l'enfance malheureuse, persévère et devient une vedette internationale d'élégance et de sensualité dès les années 1950. En 1950 elle est choisie par Orson Welles pour incarner Hélène de Troie dans une adaptation (Time runs) du Docteur Faustus de Christopher Marlowe:
il la qualifie de «the most exciting woman in the world» (la femme la plus excitante du monde). L'accueil critique est excellent et Eartha tourne en Allemagne et en Turquie. De retour aux USA, elle accède à la popularité en jouant dans une revue à Broadway New faces of 1952 et en sortant ses premiers disques C'est si bon, I want to be evil.
Artiste polyvalente à la voix rauque et suave, Eartha Kitt a chanté dans dix langues différentes et s'est produite dans une centaine de pays.  En 1954-55, elle est applaudie dans la comédie musicale « Mrs. Patterson » à Broadway puis en 1957 elle joue au cinéma avec Sidney Poitier dans The Mark of the hawk. En 1967, elle personnifie le personnage de Catwoman dans la populaire série télévisée Batman.  En 1968, elle crée un malaise lors d'un déjeuner organisé à la Maison Blanche par la Première dame Lady Bird Johnson, en se prononçant contre la guerre du Viêt Nam: cet incident l'ayant mise à l'index aux États-Unis, elle est contrainte à poursuivre sa carrière à l'étranger jusqu'en 1974.
Dans les années 1980 ses tubes font le tour de la planète : « Where Is My Man » (1983), « I Love Men » (1984), « This Is My Life » (1986) et « I Don't Care » (1986).
En 1996, elle apparaît dans l'épisode « Escapade à Paris » (A Pup in Paris) de la sitcom « Une nounou d'enfer » (The Nanny). Sa dernière apparition sur les scènes de Broadway remonte à fin 2003. En 2007 et 2008, elle a remporté deux Emmy Award pour meilleure interprète dans un programme d'animation pour « The Emperor's New School ». Le jeudi 25 décembre 2008, elle s'éteint à l'âge de 81 ans,
à Weston dans le Connecticut, des suites d'un cancer du côlon.

> Eartha Kitt a rencontré Marilyn Monroe le 13 juin 1957, lors de la soirée de la Première du Prince et la Danseuse suivie d'un gala de bienfaisance de la "Milk Fund" au Waldorf Astoria à Manhattan:

  1957_06_13_tpatsg_premiere_041_1_with_eartha_kitt_1 1957_06_13_tpatsg_premiere_041_1_with_eartha_kitt_2  

La chanson:
Eartha Kitt enregistre
« Santa Baby » le 6 octobre 1953 à New York, avec Henri René et son orchestre, composée et écrite par Joan Javits et Philip Springer. La chanson rencontre de suite un immense succès et deviendra un classique de Noël. D'ailleurs, Eartha Kitt déclarera qu'elle faisait partie de ses chansons préférées parmi toutes celles qu'elle avait enregistré. Elle interprète à nouveau la chanson dans le film "New Faces" en 1954 et réenregistre une autre version en 1963 avec différents arrangements.

>> La première version originale de Eartha Kitt en 1953

>> Une autre version "live" par Eartha Kitt

De nombreuses personnalités vont reprendre la chanson (enregistrée en studio ou interprétée en live): Maria Muldaur, Everclear, RuPaul, Kate Ceberano, Homer & Jethro, Taylor Horn, Raini Rodriguez, Shakira, Jhene, Macy Gray, Natalie Merchant, Cynthia Basinet, Faith Evans, Gino Frisella, Boney James, Kylie Minogue, Girls' Generation, Ste van Holm, The Pussycat Dolls, LeAnn Rimes, VersaEmerge, Kellie Pickler, Lynn Anderson, Paloma Faith, Taylor Swift, Colbie Caillat, Chris Mitchell, The Swingle Singers, Ariana Grande, Halie Loren, Debby Ryan, Pink Martini, Michael Bublé et même Miss Piggy du 'Muppet Show' !

>> La version de Kylie Minogue (2007) est celle qui se rapproche le plus
de la version originale de 1953

 L'une des versions ayant rencontré un succès, est la reprise par Madonna , en 1987, pour l'album de charité "A Very Special Christmas":

averyspecialxmas-1  averyspecialxmas-2 
Madonna_Santa_Baby  Madonna_Santa_Baby2 

>> La version de Madonna (sur un montage video)

Paroles de la chanson Santa Baby:

Santa Baby, slip a sable under the tree, For me.
been an awful good girl, Santa baby,
so hurry down the chimney tonight.

Santa baby, a 54 convertible too,
Light blue.
I'll wait up for you dear,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

Think of all the fun I've missed,
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed,
Next year I could be just as good,
If you'll check off my Christmas list,

Santa baby, I wanna yacht,
And really that's not a lot,
Been an angel all year,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

Santa honey, there's one thing I really do need,
The deed
To a platinum mine,
Santa honey, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex,
And checks.
Sign your 'X' on the line,
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight.

Come and trim my Christmas tree,
With some decorations bought at Tiffany's,
I really do believe in you,
Let's see if you believe in me,

Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing,
A ring.
I don't mean on the phone,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight,
Hurry down the chimney tonight,
Hurry, tonight.

>> sources:
Site Officiel   
Biographie de Eartha Kitt sur
L'histoire de la chanson sur

1 2 3 4 5 > >>
Depuis la création 5 744 733
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