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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Zelda Zonk

5 février 2017

Dorothy Dandridge

Dorothy Dandridge
(1922 - 1965)

actrice américaine
amie avec Marilyn de 1948 à 1955s
surnommée "The Black Marilyn Monroe" 


Dorothy Jean Dandridge naît le 29 novembre 1922 à Cleveland (dans l'Ohio, USA). Deuxième fille d'un pasteur et ébéniste (Cyril Dandridge) et d'une apprentie comédienne (Ruby Dandridge), sa soeur aîné s'appelle Vivian. Ses parents se séparent peu avant sa naissance. Leur mère lance ses deux petits filles très vite sur scène: Dorothy et Vivian se produisent sous le nom des Wonder Children, dans des spectacles religieux au sein des églises à travers le territoire des États-Unis pendant cinq ans, avec leur manager Geneva Williams, pendant que leur mère reste travailler à Cleveland, se produisant aussi sur scène.

dorothy-1930s-dandridge_sisters Avec la Grande Dépression, le travail se fait plus rare et en 1930 Ruby déménage avec ses filles pour s'installer à Hollywood (en Californie), où elle trouve du travail dans des stations de radio et joue des rôles de servantes au cinéma.
En 1934, le duo Dorothy - Vivian se rebaptise The Dandridge Sisters et s'associent avec la danseuse et chanteuse Etta Jones (voir photo ci-contre). Elles se produisent sur scène dans de nombreux clubs à travers le pays, dont le Cotton Club et l'Apollo Theater à New York.

Dorothy obtient un petit rôle au cinéma en 1935, dans la comédie Teacher's Beau (de la série des films Our Gang). Et le trio parvient à être au casting des films The Big Broadcast of 1936, A Day at the Races avec les Marx Brothers et It Can't Last Forever avec les Jackson Brothers en 1937.
Puis Dorothy parvient à enchaîner divers rôles au cinéma; dans Four Shall Die (1940), une production de films faits pour les noirs avec des acteurs noirs, puis l'année suivante dans Lady from Louisiana avec John Wayne et Sundown avec Gene Tierney. En 1941, elle joue dans une comédie musicale de la 20th Century Fox: Sun Valley Serenade, où elle chante avec les Nicholas Brothers. En plus du cinéma, Dorothy prête sa voix à plusieurs courts métrages d’animation.

dorothy_dandridge-harold  Le 6 septembre 1942, Dorothy se marie avec le danseur de claquettes Harold Nicholas (l'un des frères Nicholas des 'Nicholas Brothers' - voir photo ci-contre). Ils ont ensemble une fille, Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas qui naît le 2 septembre 1943 avec un handicap mental (autisme profond). Sa belle-soeur Geraldine Branton racontera: «Dottie ne devait plus jamais se débarrasser d'un sentiment de culpabilité; personne n'est parvenu ensuite à la raisonner.» Dorothy et Harold finissent par divorcer en octobre 1951. Les échecs de sa vie privée et son enfance chaotique où elle s'est toujours sentie exploitée, vont la conduire à une dépression chronique jusqu'à la fin de sa vie.
Contrainte de subvenir aux besoins de sa fille, elle se produit dans les night-clubs qu'elle abhorre, paralysée par le trac et la timidité, malgré un grand succès car elle est plébiscitée par le public masculin séduit par sa beauté et elle triomphe au Mocambo de Los Angeles. Elle devient la première chanteuse noire à se produire dans des endroits aussi huppés que l'Empire Room du Waldorf Astoria de New York (elle voyagera ensuite à Londres, Toronto, La Havane, São Paulo).

dorothy-Last Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas L'Amérique des années 1950 est ségrégationniste et Dorothy va souffrir du racisme, comme toute personne de couleur aux Etats-Unis. Les lois raciales vont notamment lui imposer de ne pas 'se mélanger' avec les blancs. Dorothy racontera qu'un hôtel du Nevada lui avait ordonné de rester enfermer dans sa chambre quand elle n'était pas sur scène en train de chanter dans la salle de spectacle de l'hôtel et de ne pas fréquenter ni le bar ni la piscine de l'hôtel, réservés à la clientèle blanche. Le costumier William Travilla lui dessine des robes pour ses performances dans les nights-clubs; ils deviennent amis et Travilla sera témoin du traitement de racisme que subit Dorothy: un soir, au début des années 1950, il va la voir avec un ami à Las Vegas où Dorothy se produit. Le trio souhaite sortir ensemble dans les bars, casinos et night clubs mais il est interdit à Dorothy d'aller dans les lieux publics. Donc ils se retrouvent dans la cuisine de l'appartement d'hôtel de Dorothy et les hommes sont écoeurés de voir qu'il est acceptable pour Dorothy de se produire sur scène pour la clientèle blanche, mais pas assez pour se mêler à eux avant ou après. Ce qui aménera à Dorothy de dire "Si j'étais blanche, je pourrais capturer le monde."
A la même époque, elle a une aventure avec le comédien Peter Lawford, futur gendre du président Kennedy, qui, au dernier moment, refuse de l'épouser par crainte de saborder sa carrière.

dorothy_dandridge-tarzan  En 1951, son apparition dans Tarzan's Peril fait parler d'elle: c'est surtout sa tenue qui est jugée provocante (voir photo ci-contre) et elle surfe sur le phénomène en posant en tenue sexy pour la couverture du magazine Ebony.
En décembre 1952, un agent des studios de la MGM la voit sur scène au club Mocambo à Los Angeles et la recommande au casting de Bright Road, qui sera son premier vrai grand rôle, où elle y donne pour la première fois la réplique à l'acteur Harry Belafonte, qu'elle retrouvera plus tard dans bien d'autres films et qui restera un fidèle ami.
Elle poursuit en parallèle sa carrière sur scène, se produisant dans de nombreux nightclubs et multipliant les apparitions dans des émissions de télé, comme le célèbre Ed Sullivan.

dorothy-carmenEn 1953, un casting national est organisé par la 20th Century Fox pour l'adaptation de la comédie musicale jouée à Broadway en 1943 Carmen Jones, basée sur l'opéra Carmen, et adapté dans le contexte de la seconde guerre mondiale, mettant en scène les afro-américains. A la recherche d'acteurs et d'actrices noirs, le réalisateur Otto Preminger ne veut pas au départ de Dorothy dans le rôle de Carmen, pensant que son look est trop sophistiqué et mieux adapté au rôle de Cindy Lou. Pour obtenir le rôle, Dorothy se fait aider des maquilleurs de la marque Max-Factor, pour obtenir l'apparence et la personnalité du rôle titre Carmen, et se rend dans le bureau de Preminger qui se laisse convaincre. Dorothy retrouve Harry Belafonte pour former le couple star du film. Malgré le statut de chanteuse reconnu de Dorothy, le studio voulait une voix d'opéra, les chansons sont donc doublées par la chanteuse d'opéra Marilyn Horne.

dorothy_dandridge-1954-11-life-1  A sa sortie, le film rencontre un succès considérable tant au niveau de la critique (le chroniqueur Walter Winchell dit que sa performance est "enchanteresse") que des recettes engendrées, et impose Dorothy comme la première sex-symbol noire américaine. Elle devient la première femme noire à faire la couverture du très populaire magazine Life (le 1er novembre 1954 - voir photo ci-contre), en posant dans son rôle de Carmen par une photographie publicitaire du film. Le succés international du film (qui a rapporté 10 millions $ au box office qui en fait l'un des films ayant rapporté le plus de bénéfices) mène Dorothy, la première actrice afro-américaine, aux Oscars (elle est nommée meilleure actrice aux Oscars de 1955 et fait sensation à la cérémonie, mais c'est Grace Kelly qui remporte le prix. Ce soir là, Marlon Brando, très attiré par Dorothy, va embrasser Dorothy sur la bouche pour la consoler et l'anecdote va choquer les bonnes moeurs américaines).
Dorothy va se rendre au Festival de Cannes en mai 1955 pour présenter le film en hors compétition: elle y est présentée comme "la bombe du festival"; dans un reportage pour la télévision française, le journaliste François Chalais dit qu' "elle explose sous les traits de l'étourdissante actrice café au lait. (...) elle n'a qu'à paraître pour que tout ait l'air de disparaître autour d'elle. Elle n'a qu'à bouger pour que tout, à part elle, ait l'air d'être soudain immobile, comme figé de stupeur devant autant d'inconsciente audace, devant autant d'hormones en liberté pas surveillée".

Le film lui a aussi permis de rencontrer l'amour: Dorothy devient la maîtresse d'Otto Preminger qui, de son côté, est marié. Leur relation va durer quatre ans, au bout desquels Dorothy mettra fin, réalisant que les promesses de Preminger de quitter sa femme ne seront jamais réelles et après que Preminger l'ait obligé à avorter par peur du scandale.

dorothy_dandridge-portrait-1 Le 15 février 1955, Dorothy signe un contrat de trois films avec la Fox, avec l'appui du grand patron des studios Darryl F. Zanuck, lui permettant de gagner 75 000 $ par film. Zanuck veut faire d'elle la première icone afro-américaine du cinéma. Dorothy est en lice pour de grands rôles: le remake du film The Blue Angel, reprenant le rôle de la chanteuse Lola, tenu jadis par Marlene Dietrich, ainsi que dans le remake de Under Two Flags, dans des adaptations entièrement afro-américaine. Elle accepte le rôle de Tuptim dans The King and I, et un rôle dans The Lieutenant Wore Skirts. Mais, suivant les conseils de Preminger lui indiquant que ces films sont indignes d'elle, elle décline donc les offres, ce qu'elle regrettera plus tard.
Elle fait son retour au cinéma en 1957, dans le film Island in the Sun, donnant la réplique à James Mason, Joan Fontaine, Joan Collins, et retrouvant encore Harry Belafonte. L'histoire controverse raconte l'amour entre une indienne (jouée par Dorothy) et un homme blanc (joué par John Austin) et le script a été remanié plusieurs fois afin de respecter les codes imposés par les studios concernant les relations inter-raciales. Côté coulisses, Dorothy et John Austin vont entamer une liaison. Malgré la controverse et les critiques négatives, le film rencontre un très grand succès.

dorothy-1960-malaga Elle joue ensuite dans une production italienne, Tamango, face à l'acteur allemand Curd Jürgens avec qui elle vit une romance sur le tournage. En 1958, elle redonne la réplique à James Mason dans The Deck Ran Red, puis joue dans la super production hollywoodienne Porgy and Bess réalisée par Preminger avec Sidney Poitier et Sammy Davis Jr.
En 1959, elle joue dans un thriller britannique à petit budget, Malaga. La publicité autour du film annonce que c'est la première fois qu'une actrice noire embrasse un acteur blanc (ce qui est erroné, car c'est le film Tamango qui montre pour la première fois un baiser entre une noire et un blanc, entre Dorothy et Curd Jürgens); mais Dorothy et son partenaire Trevor Howard créent une tension sexuelle sous-jacente sous la direction de Laszlo Benedek et le film sera interdit dans les salles américaines jusqu'en 1962.
Elle joue avec James Coburn dans The Murder Men (1961 - qui sera ensuite intégré en épisode de la série télévisée Les Barons de la Pègre). En 1962, Christian-Jaque l’engage avec Alain Delon pour tourner un Marco Polo qui reste inachevé.

dorothy_dandridge-jack_denison Le 22 juin 1959, Dorothy épouse en secondes noces le restaurateur Jack Denison (voir photo ci-contre). Une relation décevante: il la dépouille de sa fortune et ils divorcent en 1962 après des accusations de violences domestiques.
À cette époque, elle découvre que les personnes chargées de gérer ses finances l'ont déjouée de 150 000 $ et qu'elle avait 139 000 $ de dettes pour les arriérés d'impôts. Elle vend alors sa maison d'Hollywood et place sa fille dans un établissement psychiatrique d'état à Camarillo, en Californie, et emménage dans un petit appartement au 8495 Fountain Avenue à West Hollywood, en Californie.
Rencontrant de multiples déboires, tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel, elle décide de reprendre en main sa carrière de chanteuse. Le 9 septembre 1965, il est prévu qu'elle prenne l'avion pour New York, où elle doit faire son retour sur scène au Basin Street East.

dorothy-1960s Le 8 septembre 1965, elle discute au téléphone avec sa belle-soeur et amie Geraldine "Geri" Branton qui racontera que Dorothy évitait d'exprimer son espoir pour l'avenir de chanter People dans son intégralité (chanson de 1964 de Barbra Streisand) et de faire cette remarque énigmatique avant de raccrocher: «Quoi qu'il arrive, je sais que vous comprendrez.»
Plusieurs heures après cet appel, Dorothy est retrouvée morte, allongée nue au sol de sa salle de bain avec un turban bleu sur la tête, par son manager Earl Mills qui a forcé la porte pour rentrer. L'institut de pathologie de Los Angeles conclut que la cause de son décès est un accident vasculaire cérébral à la suite d'une overdose de médicaments (des antidépresseurs), alors que le coroner de Los Angeles parvient à une conclusion différente: décès du à une rare embolie d'obstruction du flux sanguin aux poumons et au cerveau, par de minuscules morceaux de graisse s'écaillant de la moelle osseuse dans le pied droit qu'elle s'était fracturée cinq jours avant sa mort.
Earl Mills déclarera que «La vie de Dorothy n'a été qu'une suite d'épreuves plus douloureuses les unes que les autres. Chaque fois elle perdait un peu plus pied. Il n'y avait pas d'issue, elle le savait.»
Dorothy avait 42 ans. Incinérée, ses cendres sont dispersées dans le Freedom Mausoleum du cimetière Forest Lawn Memorial Park à Glendale (en Californie).

Dorothy Dandridge est une référence dans la culture américaine, et bon nombre des personnalités noires américaines lui rendent désormais hommage:

 dorothy_dandridge-looklike-beyonce-1 dorothy_dandridge-looklike-janet_jackson-1 dorothy_dandridge-looklike-riri-1 
Beyoncé / Janet Jackson / Rihanna

En 1999, un biopic est réalisé pour la télévision "Introducing Dorothy Dandridge" ("Dorothy Dandridge, le destin d'une diva") avec Halle Berry dans le rôle titre, et récompensé par des Emmy Awards et Golden Globes:

introducing_DD-1 introducing_DD-2 introducing_DD-3 

Marilyn et Dorothy

Dorothy Dandridge, Otto Preminger, Marilyn Monroe

L'amitié entre Marilyn Monroe et Dorothy Dandridge reste un fait peu connu. Non relaté dans la presse d'époque, du à la ségrégation et au racisme -où les blancs étaient séparés des noirs- le lien entre les deux actrices est aussi peu décrit dans les biographies consacrées à Marilyn; tandis que l'on trouve plus d'information dans les livres consacrés à Dorothy.
Dorothy est surnommée la "Black Marilyn" (la "Marilyn noire") par les médias et la communauté noire de l'époque, de par leur sex-appeal et leur vie au destin tragique.

Marilyn Monroe rencontre Dorothy Dandridge à la fin de l'année 1948 pendant les cours d'art dramatique de l'"Actor's Lab" à Hollywood, que Marilyn a commencé à suivre en 1947. Elles se soutiennent lors des auditions (Dorothy, anxieuse et impatiente, apprécie la patience et la gaité de Marilyn) et s'appellent souvent au téléphone, discutant de leur carrière, des hommes et du racisme à Hollywood. Elles vont souvent ensemble à des fêtes privées à Los Angeles, parfois accompagnées d'Ava Gardner, une autre amie de Dorothy.

Ava Gardner et Dorothy (1953)

En 1952, quand Marilyn emménage à Hilldale Avenue, dans le West Hollywood, Dorothy est en quelque sorte une voisine de Marilyn, car elle habitait plus bas dans la même rue, dans un duplex qu'elle partegeait avec son petit-ami Phil Moore, un musicien de jazz, compositeur et professeur de chant pour les actrices, qui travaillait aussi en répétition avec Marilyn (en 1948 pour 'Ladies of the Chrorus' ). Marilyn se rendait ainsi souvent chez Dorothy, pour prendre des cours avec Phil Moore, où son piano est installé à l'étage:

 phil_moore_et_dorothy-1  phil_moore_et_mm-1 marilyn_et_phil_moore_rehearsal_niagara_3  
Phil Moore avec Dorothy Dandridge (1951) / Marilyn Monroe (1948 et 1951)

Le 3 août 1952, Marilyn se rend chez Dorothy pour se préparer à la fête de Ray Anthony, en la présence du photographe Phil Stern, qui prendra des photos à la fête.

Eté 1953, sur le tournage de River of no return (La rivière sans retour) à Jasper au Canada,, Dorothy qui accompagne 'officieusement' son amant Otto Preminger, retrouve Marilyn. Les acteurs, Preminger et Dorothy sont photographiés dans les coulisses (les seules photographies montrant Dorothy en compagnie de Marilyn):

Rory Calhoun, Dorothy Dandridge,
Otto Preminger, Robert Mitchum et Marilyn

Le 15 septembre 1954, pendant que Marilyn tourne la scène de la robe de The Seven Year Itch (Sept ans de réflexion) à New York, Joe DiMaggio, entraîné par le chroniqueur Walter Winchell, va découvrir sa femme affoler le public majoritairement masculin lorsque sa robe blanche se soulève faisant découvrir ses jambes et sa culotte. Le soir à l'hôtel, le couple se dispute violemment. Quand la décision du divorce est prise, Marilyn téléphone aussitôt à Dorothy et les deux femmes vont pleurer ensemble. Dorothy va même proposer à Marilyn de venir à New York pour lui apporter son soutien.

En 1956, Dorothy souhaite obtenir le rôle de Cherie dans Bus Stop (Arrêt d'autobus) et supplie Darryl Zanuck de le lui donner. C'est Marilyn qui aura la rôle.

Quand Dorothy apprend le décès de Marilyn, elle en est dévastée. 
Dorothy meurt dans l'appartement D2 de l'immeuble "El Palacio Apartments", au 8495 Fountain Avenue, qui est l'immeuble où a vécu Marilyn pendant quelques mois en 1947.

El Palacio Apartments

Dorothy a confié à son manager Earl Mills que
- "Marilyn était un sex-symbol mondial mais je pense qu'elle n'aimait pas être ça. En plus, elle pensait ne pas être un bon coup au lit. Elle avait toujours de la peine pour toute sorte, donc faire l'amour pour Marilyn était souvent douloureux. Vous ne pouvez pas apprécier le sexe de cette manière."
- "Ce qu'elle voulait chez un homme n'existe pas. Elle avait le sentiment qu'un homme bien pourrait guérir tous ses maux, ses insécurités, ses doutes. Il pourrait la protéger de tous les troubles du monde. A chaque fois qu'elle rencontrait un homme dont elle pouvait tomber amoureuse, elle pensait que c'était cet homme qui pouvait faire toutes ces choses. Donc elle se mariait ou engageait une relation emplie de grands espoirs. Là, l'homme n'avait pas la possibilité de répondre à ces attentes. De plus, il ne savait pas ce qu'elle attendait de lui. Si il l'aurait su, peut être que ça aurait fonctionné. Mais si il finissait par lui demander, Marilyn ne savait pas dire ce qu'il fallait faire pour combler ce vide."


 >> sources:
biographie en anglais sur wikipedia
biographie en français sur

blog Dorothy Dandridge, Angel Face sur coppercoloredgal
photographies sur  The Red List / LIFE / Doctor Macro
livre "Dorothy Dandridge: An intimate Biography" de Earl Mills (extrait sur Google Books)
forum EverlastingStar
article "The frienship of Marilyn and Dorothy" sur le blog

article "Encounters with Racism - Travilla, Marilyn and Dorothy" sur le blog


- video documentaire / biographie en anglais -

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 




1 novembre 2016

Marilyn Monroe Auction - 11/2016 - docs papiers 2

Documents papiers - MM Prod.
Papers documents - MM Prod.

 A check signed by Monroe in blue ink, with bank stamp dated November 16, 1959, paid to the "District Director of Internal Revenue" in the amount of $10,947.60. The check is drawn on her Marilyn Monroe Productions, Inc. account with Colonial Trust Company. Calculating for inflation, this amount would be in excess of $90,000 in 2016.
3 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000

A Marilyn Monroe Productions canceled bank check dated August 22, 1958, in the amount of $42.88, written to Dave Bernstein, signed by Monroe, together with a statement from Dave Bernstein Catering and 10 receipts for food Monroe ordered ranging in date from August 19 through September 4, 1958. Monroe started filming Some Like It Hot on August 4, 1958. This lot is significant in that Monroe and then husband Arthur Miller discovered she was pregnant in October. These receipts possibly detail Monroe’s diet at the onset of what would be her final pregnancy. Sadly, she miscarried on December 16.
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000

A Marilyn Monroe Productions canceled bank check dated May 14, 1960, in the amount of $6.20, written to Century Messenger Service, signed by Monroe, together with two carbon copy invoices and an original month-end statement from Century Messenger Service. Both invoices are addressed to Marilyn Monroe Productions, 444 E. 57th Street, #13E, one of which is signed by May Reis, Monroe’s secretary.
 Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500

 An expense report for Marilyn Monroe Productions prepared by Hedda Rosten, with itemized listing of fan mail expenses for June 1962 totaling $66.46. The expenses show that they were reimbursed July 26, 1962.
9 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $200 - $300

 Two checks from Marilyn Monroe Productions Inc. to A.J. Bauer & Co Apothecaries for $8.15 and $17.25, both signed by Milton Greene and dated June 22, 1955, and June 20, 1955; and two related receipts from A.J. Bauer & Co Apothecaries showing the breakdown and balance due.
Checks, 3 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $800 - $1,200
246515_0 246516_0 246517_0 

 A Colonial Trust Company bank statement for Marilyn Monroe Productions Inc. for January 1957, showing a series of withdrawals throughout the month with a balance of $47,768.62 on January 1 and $27,671.40 on January 31. There are handwritten calculations are in pencil on verso in an unknown hand. Together with a credit receipt from the same bank dated February 1, 1957, that states that $54.64 was credited back to the account.
10 by 7 inches
 Estimate: $600 - $800
246518_0 246519_0 

 An invoice from Luria's Wine & Spirits in New York City billed to Marilyn Monroe Productions and sent to "Mr and Mrs Paula Lee Strasberg [sic]." The invoice is for 12 bottles of Piper-Heidsieck champagnes totaling $73.08. Together with a statement from Luria's showing $3.55 credit for Marilyn Monroe Productions. Dates unknown.
Larger, 9 by 5 3/4 inches
 Estimate: $400 - $600

 A Marilyn Monroe Productions Inc. bank statement from Bankers Trust Company of New York showing credits and debits for the month of March 1961.
11 by 9 inches
 Estimate: $400 - $600

 An envelope addressed to Marilyn Monroe Productions Inc. The envelope is postmarked January 5, 1961, and is from Magnum Photos Inc. Two “Fragile Handle with Care” stickers are affixed to the envelope. Many of Monroe’s most famous photographs were taken by Magnum photographers, including Eve Arnold, Philippe Halsman, and Inge Morath. This item came from the estate of May Reis, Monroe’s assistant and private secretary from 1958 to 1961.
12 by 15 1/2 inches
PROVENANCE Partial Lot 120, "Julien's Autumn Sale," Julien's, Las Vegas, October 29, 2005
 Estimate: $50 - $100
246626_0 246627_0 247314_0   

Documents papiers - Carrière
Papers documents - Career

 A program from the fundraising gala titled "Happy Birthday Mr. President" that took place at Madison Square Garden in New York City on May 19, 1962. The event featured Marilyn Monroe's now legendary performance of the song "Happy Birthday" to the president in her form-fitting Jean Louis gown. The program lists the other performers that night and is being sold together with Frieda Hull's ticket from the performance. The ticket cost $10, is numbered 827, and is listed as General Admission and additionally stamped "Standing Room" with right side of ticket torn off.
Program, 10 1/2 by 8 1/4 inches
PROVENANCE From the Estate of Frieda Hull
 Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000


 A series of letters including five unsigned file copies of Marilyn Monroe's letters to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Lester Markel of the New York Times together with five typed, signed letters from Markel on New York Times letterhead. The two had a friendship and an interesting series of communications dated between August 6, 1959, and June 30, 1960, including the now famous letter in which Monroe demonstrates her humor and comprehensive understanding of the politics of their time. On the subject of Fidel Castro, Monroe writes, "Now, Lester, on Castro. You see, Lester, I was brought up to believe in democracy, and when the Cubans finally threw out Battista [sic] with so much bloodshed, the United States doesn't stand behind them and give them help or support even to develop democracy." She also discusses possible presidential candidates and offers slogans for their campaigns in the post script: "Nix on Nixon" and "Back to Boston by Xmas - Kennedy." Two of the five pages of Monroe's file copies contain three drafts of the same letter that is left unfinished.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
PROVENANCE From the Estate of Lee Strasberg
 Estimate: $600 - $800
245197_0  245205_0 
245198_0 245199_0 245200_0 
245201_0 245202_0 
245203_0 245204_0 

 A pair of celebrity signed ceramic tile displays with inscriptions to event producer Clive David. Each framed display consists of 16 tiles. The top six decorative tiles of each frame combine to read “1962.” The remaining 10 tiles of each display are covered with signatures and inscriptions to David, including an inscription from Marilyn Monroe. Monroe’s inscription reads “To Clive Love & Kisses Marilyn Monroe” and was obtained by David at the Madison Square Garden birthday celebration of John F. Kennedy held on May 19, 1962. Other performers who signed the tiles at this event include Maria Callas, Jack Benny, Jimmy Durante, Henry Fonda, Bobby Darin, Ella Fitzgerald, Shirley MacLaine, Sally Ann Howes and Dick Adler. Other celebrity signatures include Gloria Swanson; Paulette Goddard; Ray Bolger; Tab Hunter; Hedda Hopper; Una Merkel; Audrey Meadows; Earl Wilson; Ginger Rogers; Olivia de Havilland; Anita Loos; Lucille Ball; Carol Bruce; and Tallulah Bankhead; among others.
Each, 39 by 14 1/2 inches, framed
 Estimate: $8,000 - $10,000
245206_0  245207_0 

 A ticket to the May 19, 1962 Birthday Party Gala held for President John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Garden. The ticket is marked for section 112, with a suggested contribution of $25.
3 3/4 by 8 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000

 A single-page mimeographed letter dated June 11, 1947. The letter was drafted by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation for Monroe to sign and reads in part, "Whereas, I did heretofore enter into a personal services contract with you, dated August 24, 1946, and, whereas at that time I was a minor, and whereas I did, on June 1, 1947, become twenty-one (21) years of age, please be advised that I do hereby ratify and confirm all of the terms." The letter is then signed by Monroe in blue ink, both "Marilyn Monroe" and "Norma Jeane Dougherty." Together with a plain associated envelope.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000

 A standard contract dated March 2, 1949, with the William Morris Agency Inc. for a period of six years with 10% terms. The contract is signed on verso in green ink "Marilyn Monroe." Accompanied by original letter from the agency that accompanied the contract dated March 10, 1949, addressed to Monroe at 1215 Lodi Place in Hollywood, California, reading "Dear Marilyn:/ Enclosed please find executed copies of your authorization with our office. Best regards" and signed Norman Brokaw.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
245318_0  245319_0 

 Two menus dated March 26, 1952, featuring notes on verso in blue ink in Monroe's hand that appear to have been taken during a meeting with someone advising her about her career. The menus are dated just 10 days after Monroe's nude modeling shots were made public by the media. Monroe had recently appeared in a number of films in small parts and had received positive mentions from critics. Monroe had just started dating Joe DiMaggio, and she was to appear on the cover of LIFE magazine the following month. This was clearly an important and pivotal period in her career, and it appears as though she was meeting with someone in the industry who gave her counsel. One of the warnings appears to come from Johnny Arnez; Monroe put's his warning in quotations: "you'll have to protect yourself or your throat will be cut/ watch out for Jerry Webb." It continues, "you'll prepare the test & Webb shoots it and if something is wrong it will [be] your fault." A great deal of the notes reference Webb and things he has said behind her back. Berniece Miracle mentions seeing Webb, the test director, in the Fox commissary in the late 1940s when she snuck onto the lot with Monroe to spend the day with her half-sister. The notes also contain thoughts from Monroe reading in part, "I need a great deal of work - and will always/ its the right kind of work/ -the more I will be able to stand on my feet." and "think with your body/ let go physically to ick up emotionally" and "you want me to be a star/ and I can be one of your greatest stars/ when I'm doing the right/ work and know I'm doing." Just over two months after these notes were written, Monroe learned that she had gotten the part of Lorelei Lee in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
10 1/2 by 5 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
245351_0  245352_0 

 A single sheet of hotel stationery from the Waldorf Astoria, New York, where Monroe stayed between April and September 1955, with the opening salutation and start of a letter "Dear Art" that has been scratched out. The page is covered on recto and verso with notes, recounting the goings-on in one of Monroe's acting classes with Lee Strasberg. The notes begin with Monroe quoting something said by Strasberg: "I want you all to know that this exercise went on for/ 1/2 hour and her concentration did not/ give way or slip once-and Marilyn there/ will be very few times ever on the/ stage where it will be/ necessary to keep/ such a concentration/ for one half hour/ straight." Monroe then asks herself, "Why did it/ mean so much to me." On the back she continues to ruminate about class, writing, "Strasberg/ it makes me (him he said) feel badly (and sadly) for you that you do/ things out of fear/ You must start to do things out of strength-/ (my question: where do I get the strength)-he said-by not looking for strength/ but only looking & seeking tecnical [sic] ways and means." This presents a fascinating demonstration of how seriously Monroe took her formal acting training in New York.
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 78-81. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
10 1/2 by 7 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $10,000 - $15,000
245376_0 245377_0 

 A single sheet of hotel stationery from the Waldorf Astoria, New York, where Monroe stayed between April and September 1955. The verso of page contains a long list of song titles in pencil with some numeric references to a song standard book. It is presumed these were possibly songs that Monroe wanted to perform.
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 82-83. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
10 1/2 by 7 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000


 A single sheet of unlined paper with serrated left edge and faint coffee mug stain. The page contains pencil notations, including the numbers "262" and "263," which are believed to be references to a collection of song standards, [see Lot 256] and would correspond to "While We're Young" and "Wonderful Guy." The body of the text reads "Dec 11/ See in older journal-/ always admired men who had many women./ It must be that to a child of a dissatisfied woman/ the idea of monogamy is hollow."
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 164-165. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
8 by 4 7/8 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000

 A single page torn from a lined spiral-bound notebook, stained in red ink. Presumably torn from the same notebook as the similarly stained pages also included in this sale that also date to 1956. The page contains dialogue from Monroe's film, Bus Stop as she portrays Cherie, who asks Elma for help: "Pardon me I'm sorry to wake you/ But I wonder if you could help/ me/ I'm being abducted/ you know-kidnapped-by-him/ I thought maybe as soon as/ we got some place I'd ask the/ driver to stop and let me off/ But we been driving for hours/ and we still don't seem to be/ nowhere at all-not only that/ but I'm freezing to death-I/ ain't got much on under/ my coat."
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 166-167. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000

 Two pages torn from a lined spiral-bound notebook, both stained in red ink. The first page was published in the book Fragments and contains references to "The Sleeping Prince," an early production title for Monroe's film The Prince and the Showgirl, dating these writings to 1956. The notes show Monroe becoming her own task master, reminding herself "don’t stop myself," "learn - lines logically," "I can't do more than/ one thing at a time/ make map tonight," and "take my time to think." She instructs herself to make a list of tasks and work on exercises, which perhaps explains the cryptic writings on the second page that did not appear in Fragments, reading in full, "From Ridding partly/ T Nautiousness [sic]/ Place/ personalization (A)/ weariness/ (J)/ (Ar).""
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 168-169. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
  Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000

 A single lined page torn from a Steno notebook with ragged spiral tab top edge. The note in pencil appears to be Monroe jotting down notes regarding the reasons Elia Kazan did not want to cast her In the title role of his 1956 film Baby Doll, written by Tennessee Williams. One of the notes reads "He said that I've become so deified as a sex symbol that public never except [sic] me as a virgin and as a nineteen/twenty year old."
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 170-171. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
8 3/4 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000

 A single-page letter written in pencil outlining Monroe's thoughts regarding how the film should be shot to convey the presence of Clark Gable's character in the film The Misfits Gay Langland. The note reads in part, "I feel the camera has got/ to look through Gay's/ eyes whenever he is in a/ scene and even when he is/ not there still has to be a sense of/ him/ He is the center and the/ rest move around him."
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 172-173. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
8 by 5 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000

 A single page of lined paper from a Steno notebook with doodles of faces in pencil below a quick note about punctuality references Monroe's role as the routinely tardy Miss Lois Laurel in her 1952 film Monkey Business. Below this note is a note in Lee Strasberg's hand reading "Don't be nervous Marilyn/ you are doing swell &/ you look wonderful."
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 186-187. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
8 3/4 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000

 An undated handwritten note by Monroe to mentor Lee Strasberg, on a single sheet of lined notebook paper torn from a spiral-bound Steno book, reading “Dear Lee/ One of the most personally helpful things I’ve heard so far in my life was what you said in class Friday afternoon – it was helpful in that I feel as though I’m a little bit freer – also more – I can’t think of any I mean by that more relaxed 2 and 2 don’t necessarily make 4.
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 188-189. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
9 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $10,000 - $20,000

 A two-page typed letter, signed, to mentor Lee Strasberg, dated December 19, 1961, with original transmittal envelope addressed to Strasberg's Central Park West address, postmarked Beverly Hills Calif. December 21, 1961. The letter, addressed "Dear Lee," asks Strasberg’s wife Paula and children Susan and Johnny to consider relocating to California to be part of a new production company Monroe was developing in partnership with fellow Actors Studio alumnus Marlon Brando. The letter is signed in blue ink in Monroe's hand simply "Marilyn."
LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters. Pages 196-197. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print.
 Estimate: $7,000 - $9,000
245426_0  245427_0 

 A typed, signed letter from Darryl F. Zanuck dated December 10, 1953, addressed "Dear Bob:" for Robert Mitchum. The letter thanks Mitchum for his cooperation in connection with shooting retakes for the film River of No Return and in turn apologizes: "I am also very sorry about the delay with Marilyn. We could not possibly anticipate such action." Mitchum has written in quite large letters in blue ink "Dig!!!" above the note, and on verso he has written "Marilyn/ Your girl is my/ girl and my girl is/ you - Ever Bob." The note documents Mitchum's loyalty to Monroe, having first met her when she was married to Jim Dougherty, revealing Zanuck's speaking ill of her.
10 1/2 by 7 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $500 - $700
245438_0  245439_0 

 A typed letter signed by St . Petersburg Times photographer George Sweers dated March 23, 1961. The letter thanks Monroe for allowing him to ask a few questions and take a few pictures the previous day and goes on to reminisce about spending time with her when she entertained the troops in Korea. He writes, "This, as you probably remember, was the shot we had made on the Eastern Front after the last show." He included two copies of the photograph, requesting that Monroe sign one and send it back to him. Together with both copies of the photos that accompanied the letter.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $400 - $600
245496_0  245497_0 

 A vintage Hallmark Christmas card, undated, wishing a "Merry Christmas To Someone Nice," signed in blue ink "Ella Fitzgerald." While it is often reported that Monroe helped to get Fitzgerald a booking at the Mocambo club in Hollywood, due in large part to Fitzgerald's own recollections, documentary evidence supports the fact that Monroe actually attended Fitzgerald's performances at The Tiffany Club in 1954.
7 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $500 - $700
245499_0  245500_0 

 A typed memo dated February 15, 1955, on the letterhead of business manager Inez Melson, titled "Memo of conversation with Jo Brooks." Brooks was the husband of Julies Fox, who handled publicity for Ella Fitzgerald, and the memo says that, "A few months back, Miss Monroe visited the Tiffany Club on West 8th Street where Ella Fitzgerald was playing. Miss Fitzgerald talked of a possible future date at the Mocambo and Miss Monroe said when this happened, she would like to give a party for Miss Fitzgerald./ Miss Fitzgerald will open at the Mocambo on March 15 and Miss Brooks wanted to know if Miss Monroe was serious about giving a party." This memo further explains the sequence of events and the fact that Monroe did not in fact play a part in getting Fitzgerald booked at the Mocambo as she stated to the press at one time.
6 1/4 by 7 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $100 - $150

 A small note in pencil in Monroe's hand on the back of a piece of paper taken from a visitor's log. The note appears to be a draft written to accompany a book Monroe was giving to Lee Strasberg as a gift, reading in part, "For Lee/ I wanted to give you something for your library - you are giving me a way in which to work and the hope to be human -/ Love Marilyn." Multiple additions and strikethroughs with changing of wording.
6 by 3 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000

 A small piece of plain white paper folded into a card reading "Dear Paula,/ I'm glad you were born because you are needed./ Your warmth is both astonishing and welcomed./ Love & Happy Birthday/ Marilyn."
6 by 4 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $4,000
245503_0  245504_0 

 Two sheets of paper from a small spiral-bound planner dated April 3 and 4 as well as a sheet dated April 7 and 8. The pages contain notes in pencil in Monroe's hand reading, for April 3, "Remember - the actors concentration is the only thing between him and suiside [sic]/ try not to come to the scene too late - (exploration - sensory process Home work - after on stage - carry it on (on stage)"; April 4, "Everybody want to be happy (to be good actors) to make money (in my case) and look how miserable we make one another"; April 7, "Nothing can get through tension - what ever you might want to do/ the effort is the only thing the human being (the actor) has between himself and God knows what!"; and April 8, "Just do tecnical [sic] exercises as fully as I can."
3 1/2 by 2 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
245505_0  245506_0 

 A black board notebook with red spine containing lined notebook paper with notes in Monroe's hand. A very large letter "M" is drawn inside the front and back covers. There are multiple notes written in another hand on the first page of the book, but the next page contains notes in Monroe's hand in pencil with ideas for a "Street Car Scene" reading in part, "begin with ? (1st grade happening Mexican boy accuses me of hurting him - having to stay after school it was nite [sic] outside - have place - concern because of Stan K. accusations plus - getting dress for Mitch trying to look nice especially since what Stan K. has said." The note also suggests she hum "Whispering while you hover near me," which is a song standard found in her notebook of standards in the following lot, only the lyric is "Whispering while you cuddle near me." The front and back of the last page of the book contain notes from acting class, including "during exercise - lee said let the body hang"; "2 exercises at one time/ cold & Touch/ one might not be enough for what's needed"; and "sense of oneself/ first thing a child (human being) is aware of (making a circle) touching ones foot knowing himself is separate from the rest of the world," among others.
8 by 6 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
245507_0 245508_0 
245509_0 245510_0 245511_0 
245512_0 245513_0

 A three-ring binder, in black laminated board, both front and back covers detached but present. The binder contains more than 369 indexed pages of song standards with front table of contents page dividing them into broad categories: "Standard Foxtrots and Show Tunes," "Latin American Tunes" and "Foreign Songs." One page has a pencil notation beneath the song "You Do Something To Me" by Cole Porter; the writing is quite small and difficult to identify the hand. It is from this book that certain three-digit numbers mentioned in some of Monroe's notebooks were thought to have originated, like the numbers 262 and 263 in Lot 192.
11 1/4 by 10 inches
 Estimate: $400 - $600
245514_0 245515_0 
245516_0  245517_0 
245518_0  245519_0 

 A single-page typed, signed letter dated November 7, 1955, on Edward R. Murrow's personal stationery addressed to Marilyn Monroe in care of Mr. Green in Weston, Connecticut. The letter was sent in advance of Monroe receiving a complimentary copy of Columbia Records album compilation excerpts from some of Sir Winston Churchill's speeches. The letter is signed "As ever yours, Ed/ Hope you like it!" Together with original transmittal envelope with CBS Radio stamp, postmarked November 7, 1955.
10 1/2 by 7 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $300 - $500

 Two lined notebook pages with block letter “MMM” printed to left margin. The pages contain most of the dialogue from Act I, Scene 4, delivered by the character Lorna in Clifford Odets’ 1937 play Golden Boy. The second page contains the same lines written out twice and traced over multiple times, likely part of Monroe’s process of trying to memorize the lines for a scene performed in one of her Actors Studio classes.
12 3/8 by 8 inches
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000


 A group of 16 pages containing some of Monroe's lines from the film Bus Stop. Five of these pages have the lead in to Monroe's lines added in red ink in another hand, likely Paula Strasberg. Together with a single half page entirely filled with notes in Monroe's hand in pencil and red ink. The notes read in part, "Waking up - scene/ Headache/ tiredness - headache / go to sleep/ I don't want to be here" and "first scene with Vera/ I tell it as a/ told as a fairy tale/ Once upon a time."
5 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches
Estimate: $10,000 - $20,000
245530_0  245531_0   

 A small bound group of 31 mimeographed half pages containing Monroe's dialogue for the film Bus Stop. Ten of the pages contain notes in Monroe's hand in pencil. Additional notes in the hand of Paula Strasberg and an administrative hand. A note in Monroe's hand on the first page next to lines about her character Cherie wanting to be respected and tired of being "pawed at and pinched at" reads "Fight with manager/ A.M. H. Cohn middle of dinner party" clearly references incidents Monroe wished to draw upon from her life in the scene. Another note in Monroe's hand written beneath the line "Oh - it's you!" reads "(Good God it's you)."
5 1/2 by 9 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $10,000 - $20,000
245532_0 245533_0 245534_0   

 A group of seven half sheets of paper, held together with a straight pin, containing some of Monroe's lines from the film Bus Stop. Six of the seven pages contain notes in Monroe's hand. This is the first film Monroe made after beginning to study at the Actors Studio in New York City with Lee Strasberg, and the notations in these script sides demonstrate her method. Some of the notes are sense memories, like the following notation written after the line "I can't look": "Effective memory (use Lester - hurt on lawn)," most likely referencing Monroe's childhood playmate Lester Bolender, who was in the same foster home with Monroe. Another note adds "(almost to myself)" before a line to inform her delivery or "Scarfe [sic] around my arms) Embarrassed."
5 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $10,000 - $20,000
245535_0 245536_0 245537_0 

 A single piece of hotel stationery paper from The Towers of the Waldorf Astoria in New York City containing a list of directors' names titled "OK List" in another hand with pencil notations in Monroe's hand throughout. Monroe's comments are simple, in some cases listing other works by the director, like "(Bus Stop)" next to Josh Logan's name and "(Musical)" next to "Vincent Minnelli." Jean Renoir is crossed out with a bubble reading "subject to material." A note at the bottom of the page reads "submit other names/ open for suggestions other than these."
10 1/2 by 7 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000

 A Screen Actors Guild membership card for the period beginning May 1, 1959, and ending November 1, 1959. "Marilyn Monroe" is typed onto front of card as well as her membership number. Together with Monroe's carbon copy receipt for payment of $80 on May 11, 1959, listing her home address as 444 East 57th Street, New York City.
Card, 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000

 An American Federation of Television and Radio Artists membership card for the period ending November 1, 1958, with typed "Marilyn Monroe" on front, unsigned on back. Together with the receipt dated May 23, 1958, for payment of the dues for period ending November 1, 1958, in the amount of $38, which included overdue payment and penalty. Monroe's address is listed as 444 East 57th St. New York on the receipt for payment.
Card, 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $2,500 - $3,500

 A single sheet of lined yellow paper with notes in blue ink, in Monroe's hand, reading in part, "keeping all of the changes of pantomime & grimaces etc inside, then it forces the eyes - it all comes through the eyes" and "Constantly practicing that letting go/ in which you don't do in life which isn't necessary or something/ feeling how it feels and practicing that/ your spirit speaks."
12 1/2 by 8 inches
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000

 A series of letters, the first on Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) letterhead signed by then president George Stevens, dated October 28, 1958, inviting Monroe to become a member of the Academy. The second letter is an unsigned file copy of Monroe's response dated January 12, 1959, reading in part, "I have been indisposed and away and did not see your letter until now." She asks for further details regarding the by-laws. The next letter on AMPAS letterhead is signed by then executive director Margaret Herrick, dated January 19, 1959, accompanied a copy of the Academy by-laws. The last letter, on AMPAS letterhead, signed by Stevens, dated March 5, 1959, welcomes Monroe to the Academy and is accompanied by Monroe's Academy membership card for the year 1959 on the original card, still in the holder in which it was sent.
Largest, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $8,000 - $12,000

245628_0  245629_0  

 A seven-page autograph letter on four leaves of paper in the hand of Sir Laurence Olivier on blue stationery with Olivier's Lowndes Cottage address and original envelope addressed "For Miss Marilyn Monroe from L.O." in Olivier's hand. There are numbered notations throughout the letter in red wax pencil, underlining words that were difficult to make out. The letter is together with a three-page typed transcription of the letter with corresponding numbered blanks for each of the difficult words, which have been filled in by hand. The letter is dated simply June 9, and it accompanied the latest version of the script for The Prince and the Showgirl. Olivier discusses Monroe's dialogue and that he has "written some extra dialogue and a direction or two." He reports on where they are in the script writing process and that they have cut the script down from "well over 3 hours" to 2 1/2, to 2 hours 10 minutes. He continues about the scenes that were and were not cut, including "The Duke of Strelitz is, I think essential, as otherwise they will be saying 'what's the matter with them - why the heck can't they get married' particularly in view of Grace Kelly and all that, and our only answer to that question must be 'Yes but Look at the poor Windsors' do you see?"
On an amusing note, Olivier mentions, "By the way Lady Maidenhead has degenerated to Lady Swingdale because I am assured the Hayes Office will not believe there is also a place in England of that name." He closes "I just called up Vivien at the theatre ... and she said to be sure to give you her love. So here it is and mine too. Longing to welcome you here. Ever, Larry."
Largest, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $1,800 - $2,200
245702_0 245703_0 
245704_0 245705_0 245706_0 

 A single piece of lined yellow paper, torn in half, with an autograph letter in Miller's hand addressed "Dear Poke." The letter outlines Miller's thoughts about the script for The Prince and the Showgirl as well as his feelings about Monroe taking on the project, reading in part, "Some of your dialogue is stiff. Also some expressions are too British. If you want me to, I can go through the script and make the changes - - in New York./ I think the part - on one reading, is really the Best one ... especially with you playing it. You are the one who makes everything change, you are the driving force ... The basic problem is to define for yourself the degree of the girl's naivete. (It could become too cute, or simply too designing.) It seems to me, at least, that they have not balanced things in Olivier's favor. ... It ought to be fun to do after Bus Stop. From your - (and my) - viewpoint, it will help in a small but important way to establish your ability to play characters of intelligence and cultivation. ... Your loving Papa - (who has to rush now to make the plane - see you soon! - free!) - Art." The back of the page has the name Sydney Guilaroff, famed MGM hairdresser, and his phone number written large in red wax pencil.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
245707_0  245708_0 

 A single-page autograph letter on personal stationery, undated, from Laurence Olivier to Monroe reading in part, "Dear Marilyn/ It was so sweet of you to send the enchanting wires. … I am extremely excited at our prospects - You were so angelic in New York. Thank you for all your sweetness/ I think with great joy of our future meeting./ Ever, Larry."
6 7/8 by 5 1/8 inches
 Estimate: $800 - $1,200
245709_0 245710_0 

 A simple plain white card with autograph message to Monroe in the hand of Sir Laurence Olivier reading "Marilyn, It has been so lovely meeting you, knowing you and now knowing that such exciting things and such fun are ahead. Love and Thank You, Larry."
2 1/4 by 3 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $300 - $500 
245711_0  245712_0 

 A group of documents regarding Monroe's attendance to the Royal Film Performance at the Empire Theatre held October 29, 1956. This is where Monroe was formally presented to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. The first document, two pages, is dated October 2, 1956, and contains general information about the proceedings and rehearsals for the evening with time schedules. The second document is addressed to Monroe at Parkside House in Surrey, England, and advises Monroe that she is to be included in the presentation to Her Majesty, The Queen. This single-page letter has a small slip of paper stapled to the upper left reading "Dress/ Full Evening Dress/ No decorations/ No gloves for Gentlemen/ White gloves for Ladies." Together with Monroe's presentation card.
Largest, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $400 - $600

245722_0 245723_0 245724_0 

 Two small unlined pages from a six-ring binder, with typed notes from a meeting held April 3, 1958, at 2:30 pm at Monroe's 444 East 57th Street apartment. The notes list attendees as Lew Wasserman, Mort Viner, Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller. Among the topics discussed were how to handle Monroe's stalling of Billy Wilder regarding accepting the assignment for Some Like It Hot, one note reading "MCA on the Coast has told Wilder that there are 'legal technicalities holding up her decision' so as not to offend Wilder. Actually, she is waiting for Sinatra to enter the picture. She still doesn't like Curtis but Wasserman doesn't know anybody else."
6 by 3 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $300 - $500

 Two half sheets of paper with green and black typed text containing some of Monroe's lines from the film with notations in Monroe's hand. One notation above the line mentioning the most wonderful dream reads "100 Cary Grants." Above the line of dialogue reading "He was the first nice guy I ever met in my life and the only one who ever gave me anything," Monroe has written simply "Jake."
5 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $3,500 - $4,500

 A red paperbound folio containing seven typed pages for Monroe's scene with Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot on the yacht. The pages are clean with the exception of two pencil lines drawn next to two of Monroe's lines.
9 by 11 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
245765_0 245766_0  

 A group of production documents including a call sheet for the film Some like It Hot dated November 7, 1958, with additional "Last Day" written in red pencil indicating that it was the last day of shooting. Together with a two-page yellow staff sheet for the film and a three-page cast sheet listing contact information for the entire cast, including Marilyn Monroe's secretary May Reis.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $400 - $600
245767_0  245768_0  

 A large group of 32 meal receipts from the MGM Studios cafe dated between September 5 November 10, 1958, with itemized listings of the food and beverages Monroe ordered while filming Some Like It Hot at the studio. Some receipts have delivery notations "to Stage 3" and "to dressing room." On one receipt dated September 25, 1958, the order includes two hamburger steaks, "1 well done/ 1 rare/ 2 cottage and fruit salads/ 1 ice coffee/ 1 milk/ well done lunch send on stage 3/ rare lunch send to dressing room." Some of the receipts indicate that meals were for others, including "Lunch for Miss Reis - Lunch for Maid." All but one receipt is dated, and frequently ordered items include ice cream, double sirloin, ham and cheese, pot of coffee, lox and cream cheese, donuts, pie a la mode, meatloaf, pastrami, Danish, and many other items.
Largest, 7 3/4 by 4 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $500 - $700
245770_0 245771_0 245772_0 

 A group of three press releases, five pages total, from United Artists Corp. dated March 24, April 6, and June 16, 1959, announcing record box office numbers as well as an extended run in theaters. Together with a five-page cast list and synopsis with cover page sent out for press purposes.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $200 - $300

 A small piece of paper with note in pencil in Monroe's hand reading "There is only one way he could comment on my sexuality, and I'm afraid he has never had the opportunity!" This comment has been reported to be in response to the now famous glib remark made by Tony Curtis in a screening room during production of Some Like It Hot , where he famously said that kissing Monroe was "like kissing Hitler." Curtis said this in a private setting to crew and other people present during production, including Paula Strasberg. Despite the fact that he denied the comment when it got back to Monroe, later in his life he did reportedly admit to saying it.
5 by 8 inches
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000

 Two pages torn from the March 9, 1960, issues of The Hollywood Reporter and Variety featuring an appreciative "Love and Kisses/ Marilyn Monroe" message from Monroe in appreciation of winning the Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical Golden Globe award.
12 1/4 by 9 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $200 - $300

 An American Federation of Television and Radio Artists membership card for the period ending November 1, 1959, still attached to the larger receipt for payment card. The card is unsigned, and Monroe's address is listed as 444 East 57th St. New York. The receipt portion of the card is for a payment in the amount of $23 dated June 15, 1959. Together with a receipt dated December 1, 1958, for payment of dues in the amount of $16.
Largest, 4 by 9 inches
 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
245799_0  245800_0

 A shop receipt from Peter A. July & Son photographers of fine arts in New York City in the amount of $165.44. The receipt is dated January 19, 1960, and is written in the name of Mrs. Marilyn Monroe of The Beverly Hills Hotel for 24 matte copies of "Beaton Photos" plus United Parcel Air Service delivery. It has been widely reported that Cecil Beaton's portrait of Monroe was her favorite portrait of herself and that she kept copies on hand to sign for people.
8 1/2 by 5 3/4 inches
 Estimate: $200 - $300

 A "Copy Invoice" in the amount of 37.16 British pounds dated August 2, 1957, on a single sheet of Cecil Beaton's stationery. The receipt is written in the name of Marilyn Monroe Productions Inc. and is billing work that occurred in November 1956 listed as, "Photographs supplied for Miss Marilyn Monroe:- 12 prints No. 109 8" X 10" mounted." It has been widely reported that Beaton's portrait of Monroe was her favorite portrait of herself and that she kept copies on hand to give to people.
8 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $300 - $500

 Two letters and two telegrams from photographers with whom Monroe had famous collaborations: a single-page autograph letter on personalized stationery dated October 28, 1959, from Philippe Halsman commenting on the famous LIFE magazine cover, saying "It could have been printed better, you could have been better centered - but nevertheless it is the most charming and unusual cover LIFE has had in years. Everybody loves it."; a two-page typed, signed letter from Cecil Beaton dated May 9, 1956 regarding a shoot and other catching up; a telegram from Richard Avedon dated July 9, 1958, regarding the photos from one of their recent shoots needing to be re-shot; and a telegram from Avedon dated simply July 10 regarding working on a television show.
Largest, 10 by 8 inches
 Estimate: $400 - $600

 Two typed and signed letters from artist Jon Whitcomb to Monroe regarding his original painting of Monroe used for the March of 1959, cover of Cosmopolitan magazine, the first dated June 22, 1959, reading in part, " Cosmopolitan has returned the painting of your cover which was on the March issue. I haven't forgotten that I promised it to you; so if you still want it, how do I make delivery?" The second dated October 6, 1959, proposes a plan to drop off the painting at Monroe's building. Together with a typed, unsigned file copy of a response from Monroe dated September 24, 1959, reading in part, "Please forgive the long delay in answering, but I have been up to my derriere in preparations for two movies for the near future; public-relations, home-relations -- please understand./ I would love to have the picture from you and I repeat 'at last to be a Whitcomb girl!"
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $300 - $500

 A single sheet of lined yellow paper with dialogue written out in pencil in Monroe's hand: "Where did he go? He told you I know he did/ If you'd only have given me a little longer - He was in love with me - we'd have been married you didn't want me to have him from the beginning/ you wouldn't let me wear those pretty things/ Even when I told you about the doll - you/ sent those people around/ He died! But he said/ he came back - Tell/ Me - tell me -." The front and back of the page is then covered with small performance notes, including "The thought focus on partner not on word then let go of word"; "don't do with words & voice"; "Let go everything elastic keep the pick up lay on the horse"; and "to be as relaxed let go of mouth speech thought," among many others.
12 1/2 by 8 inches
 Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000
245813_0 245814_0   

 A clean copy of the screenplay for Breakfast at Tiffany's written by George Axelrod and dated July 9, 1959. Monroe was considering the part, and she sought the opinions of her professional team including the Strasbergs, her husband, and management team. The script is accompanied by a single-page, typed "report" dated September 23, 1959, which also has the name "Parone" typed to the left of the date. Literary luminary Edward Parone was at the time running Monroe's production company and most likely is the one who wrote this single-page, scathing review of the script, leading with the simple sentence, "I think not." It goes on to criticize the screenplay, determining, "I can see Marilyn playing a part like Holly and even giving this present one all the elan it badly needs, but I don't feel she should play it: it lacks insight and warmth and reality and importance." It has been long reported that Monroe declined the part upon the advice of Lee Strasberg, but this document provides further evidence that other people in her inner circle advised her not to take the role. Together with a four-page shooting schedule for November 4, 1960, for the film.
Largest, 14 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
245815_0 245816_0   

 A small six-ring binder containing lined notebook pages in a black and red vinyl case by National. The small notebook contains 10 pages of notes in Monroe's hand, in pencil, on eight leaves of paper. The notes were taken during a class with Lee Strasberg and record bits and pieces of things that "Lee said," as is repeated on many pages, which include "For yourself not for us - or one doesn't use own sensitivity/ girl crying continuously Lee said - There should be a certain pleasure in This, in acting - we don't stop these things - she stoped [sic] crying only at those times"; "problems-all the more to be solved got to keep swimming/ criticism can be taken - to incite the will not self criticism"; "the actor has to do what the character has to do - let the author worry about his words"; "Life of - reality of champagne (you don't open every bottle the same) actor in scene took for granted (girl is going to be good (New). Boy - said lines no effort - like crossing street - Lee said he wants - Behavior - When someone is trying to make someone (love etc.) how does one go about it/ Lee said - girl simplicity good honesty, to begin (New) with - but..." The last notes are taken on two sides of one leaf of paper and read "My heart Belongs To Daddy Number/ Remember always left -" and "While tearing off/ caddy-move head a little/ Daddy R. shoulder up/ call dog in closer"; clearly, these notes are for Monroe's musical number in Let's Make Love (20th Century Fox, 1960). The notes correlate with the lyrics of the song, and indeed Monroe does move her head a little during the first verse that mentions the caddy, and she does raise her right shoulder up the first time she says "Daddy" in the chorus.
5 1/4 by 4 inches
 Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000

245818_0 245819_0 245820_0  

A receipt from Gill’s Old Fashioned Ice Cream, dated June 1, 1960, for 100 ice cream treats, together with a receipt from Paper Unlimited, Inc. for forks, spoons, napkins, plates and a tablecloth, dated May 24, 1960. Both receipts are addressed to Hazel Washington, Monroe’s studio maid at Twentieth Century Fox. Monroe celebrated her 34th birthday on the set during filming of Let’s Make Love .
 Estimate: $400 - $600

A receipt from the Yellow Cab Company dated February 4, 1960, in the amount of $1.50. The cab lists a trip from simply “904” to “20th Century,” presumably 20th Century Fox, where Monroe had already begun filming the 1960 release Let’s Make Love .
 Estimate: $150 - $250

 A group of five pages of documents concerning the deduction of money from one of Monroe's payments from Fox Studios for her work on Let's Make Love . The first letter, dated February 16, 1960, from Mort Viner at MCA is addressed to Monroe's secretary, May Reis, explaining that Sydney Guilaroff wanted more money than Fox was willing to pay him for his services in styling Monroe's hair in Let's Make Love and that "Marilyn had asked me to have Fox pay it by deducting it from her checks as she didn't want Sidney [sic] to know. " Accompanied by a two-page letter from Monroe's law firm concerning the deduction, a check stub, and an invoice explaining the payment and deductions.
Largest, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $200 - $300

 An unpostmarked envelope addressed to Monroe at 2 Sutton Place South in New York City from the Radio and Television Executives Society Inc. The back of the envelope has a linear thought written in Monroe's hand in pencil reading "I somehow am seeing with my body also and when I am truly listening/ What is the matter with my voice - Maybe just let the voice come out of my body however it does under certain circumstances." The thought continues on the front of the envelope "… and in - what ever the given situation." The remainder of the notes are more frenetic, reading in part, "Strassberg [sic] says we remember with our senses - Not brain or mind (remember with Body" and "Tell Hohenberg about the period during when I stopped secreatly [sic] play acting so fully/ it was the time I got my first job acting at 20." The notes covering the envelope, overlapping and intertwining, were likely taken during an acting class and demonstrate the unbridled energy Monroe felt toward her study of acting.
4 by 9 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
245838_0  245839_0   

Two unsolicited letters from designers who wished to work with Monroe. The first, dated February 26, 1958, from Tony Savini, gives his background and qualifications and explains that he has completed a number of original gowns and dresses expressly for Monroe and would like to offer them to her free of charge. The letter is accompanied by an original watercolor and ink on paper design sketch. Together with a letter dated February 4, 1962, from Paul Zastupnevich, a designer who had credits to his name with Fox Studios. He expresses his interest in designing for Monroe and includes a clipping of Rhonda Fleming wearing one of his gowns.
Largest, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $100 - $150

 Two half sheets of paper containing some of Monroe's lines from the film The Misfits with notations in pencil, in Monroe's hand. One of the half pages is dated October 6, 1960, and it has lines from the climax of the film when Rosalyn, played by Monroe, pleads with Gay, played by Clark Gable, not to kill the horses. The notes include "almost in wonder to myself/ you liar all of you liars/ to perce/ Christ/ whisper" in reference to parts of her line reading "You're only living when you can watch something die Kill everything that's all you want why don't you just kill yourselves and be happy (to Gay) you with your God's country freedom." Another notation has the word "shiver" inserted before the line "I pity you all." Another emotional line written in the script as "How much do you want for them I'll pay you I'll give you two hundred dollars Is that enough" has a number of alternatives written in Monroe's hand, including "I'll give you money" or I'll give "you anything anything" or "you want my blood I don't need it anymore take my blood." The pages are accompanied by eight additional full script pages featuring the dialogue that leads up to Rosalyn's pleading with Gay not to kill the horses, beginning with the close shot of the mare stepping into the noose with her forefeet. These notes are a window into Monroe's process in creating one of the most emotionally painful and poignant scenes of her career.
Half sheets, 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000
245928_0 245929_0 245930_0   

 A piece of plain paper with holes punched along left edge with notes in red ink in Paula Strasberg's hand reading "searching and yearning/ standing alone/ mood - I'm free - but freedom leaves emptiness./ Rosylin [sic] - flower opens bees buzz around/ R is quiet - the others buzz around." This provides an insightful look at how Strasberg helped Monroe to build her character in The Misfits.
9 1/2 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $200 - $300

 A typed letter signed by costume designer Dorothy Jeakins dated May 3, 1960, and addressed, "Dear Marilyn," and reading in part, "Although I really feel I should be replaced--I will continue with your clothes for "The Misfits" because they are under way and nearly ready to fit./ If you like them, I will see them through to completion. If you are disappointed, someone else can then take over./ I am sorry I have displeased you. I feel quite defeated--like a misfit, in fact. But I must, above everything, continue to work (and live) in terms of my own honesty, pride and good taste." The letter is accompanied by an unsigned file copy of a letter from Jeakins to Mr. C.O. Erickson stating, " ... [C]ircumstances make it clear to me that I am unsuitable for this assignment and perhaps should be replaced. ... [U]nder these circumstances, I intend to accept no remuneration for my work and prefer to be omitted from the credits also. ... "
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $500 - $700

 A group of documents regarding Monroe's enrollment in the Famous Artists School of Westport, Connecticut, a distance learning program designed to further students’ fine art skills. The first letter, dated October 24, 1958, from the school's director, acknowledges Monroe's communication with "Jon Whitcomb who tells me you are quite interested in painting. He also tells me that you would like too [sic] take the Famous Artists Painting Course. At Jon's request we are making you a scholarship student but I am at a loss as to where to forward the textbooks since, as I understand it, you will be in Hollywood for sometime before returning to New York City." The next letter is an unsigned file copy of Monroe's response requesting the books be sent to 444 East 57th Street. Also included are a series of follow-up letters, six pages total, welcoming Monroe to the program, explaining the logistics of how the program works with critiques conducted via mail, and a full list of instructors. Also included are a blank Student Information Record and "Rate Yourself Progress Chart" forms with accompanying letters and a postage-paid envelope. The documents clearly demonstrate Monroe's interest in painting and the fact that she sought formal instruction.
Largest, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $600 - $800
245946_0  245947_0 
245948_0 245949_0 245950_0 

 An American Federation of Television and Radio Artists membership card for the period ending November 1, 1962, with handwritten "Marilyn Monroe" on front, unsigned on back. Because the membership to AFTRA was renewed bi-annually this is Monroe's last membership card for the organization.
2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000

 A Screen Actors Guild membership card for the period beginning May 1, 1962, and ending November 1, 1962. “Marilyn Monroe” is typed onto front of card as well as her membership number. Together with Monroe’s carbon copy receipt for payment of $125 on May 22, 1962, listing her address as "P.O. Box 64721, Los Angeles 64, Calif."
Card, 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000

 A Western Union telegram from Nunnally Johnson dated April 16, 1962, a week before production was to begin on Something’s Got To Give. Johnson was one of the screenwriters on that film and sent the telegram care of producer Henry Weinstein, misspelled "Wernstein." The telegram from Johnson reads "In Revised script you are child of nature so you can misbehave as much as you please love - Nunnally." Monroe has quickly written a note in pencil for reply reading "Where is that script - is the child of nature due on the set - Hurry Love & Kisses M.M." "Love and Kisses" is repeated, and additional illegible notations have been crossed out. The lighthearted response foreshadowed what was to come with Monroe frequently not reporting to the set as she was scheduled to appear, leading Fox Studios to fire her from the production.
5 1/2 by 8 inches
 Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500

 20th Century Fox, 1962, mimeographed screenplay by Nunnally Johnson, 149 pages, blue cover dated March 29, 1962 reading "Final Confidential For Planning Purposes Only." The script contains two paper-clipped inserts, memos from the production addressed "To All Secretaries," the first dated April 23 and the second dated April 27, 1962, each accompanying blue revised pages 91 and 92 for the script. The script, marked final, also dated March 29, 1962, contains notations in Monroe's hand throughout in pencil and green ink on 18 pages. Some of the notations are from Monroe's work with a Swedish dialect coach.
In addition to these notations, two typed pages of Monroe's dialogue are bound between pages 107 and 108 of the mimeographed script. These two pages contain Monroe's dialogue from one of the few scenes captured on film, with her extensive pencil notations. Raw footage of Monroe performing with Tippy the cocker spaniel and the children in this scene exists, and Monroe's notations are evident in the footage. The top of the page reads "Real Thought/ Mental Relaxation/ substitute children - B & J if necessary/ feeling - place the pain where it is not in the brow." B & J likely refers to Arthur Miller's children Bobby and Jane. Another notation next to one of Monroe's lines of dialogue reads simply "Mona Lisa," which does in fact mirror the expression she uses when delivering this line. Even the exaggerated "Ahhhhh---" that Monroe does at the beginning of each take in the raw footage is written on the page in her hand, reading in full, "Ahhh--Look for the light.”
The notations throughout the script also include notes in an unidentified hand criticizing certain points of the story, including "Too Harsh," "Naggy," "Dull" and many other comments. Overall, the notations in both the script and on the dialogue pages used by Monroe to film the scene with the children and Tippy the dog tell the story of a tedious script writing and editing process. Her dialogue notations are a revealing window into her process in performing some of the last scenes she ever recorded on film.
 Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000
246024_0 246025_0 
246027_0  246029_0 
246026_0 246028_0 
246030_0  246031_0 

 A Millers Falls EZERASE pad of typewriter paper with prepunched three-ring binder holes. The cover is detached but present, and the pad contains four pages of notes, two now detached, in Monroe's hand in pencil outlining her issues with the script for the film. The notes and criticisms include "logical drama but doesn't move on the screen/ leads him on than [sic] said not until"; "instead using the talents/ he's stuck/ imagine being married to MM and she comes back and he is stuck/ he'd dying to go Bed with her but can't because"; "more entertaining/ keep it on an edge/ if it isn't that kind of picture it won't go -/ only if script is acceptable." Then come Monroe's suggestions for a scene with check marks next to the ideas: "When Dean first see's Ellen -me- in nurses uniform - (as nurse) he could say - upon arrival - slouching ‘I don't feel so good nurse (weakening in the knees how could she do this to me/ I am telling her/ Beanka kind of stiffening up to hold him & the situation (the nite [sic] before) together he then pulls up but Dean will do this superbly/ He sings little song when drunk & frustrated." She also lists specific passages: "Page 73 (yes? - No? you understand Dean!)/ Page 76 children scene (in comparison to rewrite)." A small note on the last page of notes reads "Funny line writers Herb Gardner / Mel Brook [sic]."
These notes present a very astute Monroe who clearly had serious concerns with the quality of the script, demonstrating that her refusal to appear on set was grounded in these concerns and not simply the actions of a petulant star.
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000 
246034_0 246035_0 
246036_0 246037_0 

 A 149-page screenplay for Something's Got To Give by Nunnally Johnson dated March 29, 1962, in blue paper wrappers, marked final. There are notations in Monroe's hand in pencil on approximately 42 pages in the script, some simple dialogue corrections and other more in-depth sense memory notes for her to remember when doing the scene to evoke the right emotional frame of mind. A simple note on the back of the last page of the script reads "Joke writers/ Mel Brooks/ Herb Gardner/ Need spice/ raisins/ Need some funny lines." In a notation next to the stage direction for her character's anticipation and excitement about calling home after she has been rescued, she writes of Arthur Miller's children, "Bobby M./ and early Janie/ except their [sic] mine." In the scene where she is kissing her husband again and excuses herself to "get fixed up a little," she writes, "[L]et me get into something more comfortable/ leading him on -" and "[I]n other room throwing out piece of clothing" and below she writes "[L]ike F.S. when ingaged [sic]." Over an entire passage of dialogue she makes a stage direction note to herself that reads "Ellen looking speculative champain [sic] glass/ finger going around rim." In another scene she writes, "Have the Mask - face relaxed" and "shaking head when he leaves room sly smile/ fat on the fire/ he's on the grittle [sic]." She continues with the fat sizzling on the griddle metaphor, later writing next to a line that jabs at Nick, "Nicely/ He frys on grittle [sic]/ butter melting/ then it sputter/ him."
Notes on the last page of the screenplay read "Act only in beginning/ Then tempting him/ then act when nurse/ on balcony at hotel/ speculative looks/ always tempting him/ always saying yes/ but N/ I've only been away 5 min./ her point of view." Together with a small card with call times and scenes to be shot and a small scrap of paper with quickly written note in Monroe's hand wondering why they are jumping to shoot indoors when they could shoot in sequence as well as notes about using Miss vs. Mrs.
11 1/2 by 9 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000

246038_0 246039_0 246040_0 
246041_0  246042_0 

 A Marilyn Monroe Twentieth Century Fox Employee starting card dated May 11, 1950. The card rate line lists Monroe's weekly salary as $500 a week but notes that she was laid off after working 40 out of 52 weeks. This marked the end of Monroe's work on the film All About Eve (20th Century, 1950) and her return to stock pool for the studio.
4 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $600 - $800

 A Marilyn Monroe signed advertising release with Twentieth Century Fox and The House of Westmore for cosmetic advertising. The contract is dated July 3, 1952. Monroe was featured in a number of Westmore ads in the mid-1950s that also advertised her Twentieth Century Fox films.
13 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
246390_0 246391_0 

 A collection of Marilyn Monroe envelopes, messages and notes, including a florist's enclosure card with envelope addressed to Monroe and a message that reads "To make up for the ones you didn't recall receiving at the hospital. Please stay well so we won't go through this again" and signed by Arthur O'Connell - Virgil Blessing." Virgil Blessing is the name of O'Connell's character in the film Bus Stop (20th Century, 1956). Also included are five handwritten notes in an unknown hand that reference Clifton Webb, Lew Wasserman and "Paula"; two hotel phone messages for "Monroe"; four envelopes, two addressed to Monroe; and one blank Colonial Trust Company check.
Sizes vary
PROVENANCE Partial Lots 748, 794 and 968, "Icons & Idols: Hollywood," Julien's, Beverly Hills, December 6, 2014
From the lost archive of Marilyn Monroe
 Estimate: $400 - $600

 A script for Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (20th Century, 1953) used and annotated by Marilyn Monroe. The incomplete script totals 68 pages and has notations from Monroe on approximately 22 pages. The first page, dated November 26, 1952, reads “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”/ (Revised Final Script……13 Nov. 1952)/ To all Secretaries:/ Please place these/ Additional Pages at the back of your script of the above date./ This Is Important!” Film production began on November 17, 1952. Monroe’s notations include revisions to the text, in pencil, "Oh he wasn't barking that was Swahili," and direction, in blue ink, "sense the feeling with the body." The name of Monroe's character, Lorelei, has been circled in pencil on a number of the pages. The script is contained in a black plastic folder.
9 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches
PROVENANCE Lot 160, "Film and Entertainment," Christie's New York, Sale number 1681, June 22, 2006
 Estimate: $50,000 - $60,000

246405_0 246406_0 246407_0 

 A typed, signed letter written to Marilyn Monroe by Jesse Zousmer of the television program Person to Person (CBS, 1953-1961). The letter, dated June 25, 1959, is written on Person to Person stationery. In the letter, Zousmer thanks Monroe for her appearance on the television program and announces his departure from the show. A check mark has been written across the letter in an unknown hand. The letter is accompanied by a page from Variety. The headline of the page reads “Thank You from ‘Person to Person’ ” with a list of the program’s guests from 1953 to 1959.
10 1/2 by 7 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $300 - $500
246544_0  246543_0 

 A 32-page transcript of an interview with Marilyn Monroe by Georges Belmont. Accompanied by nine pages of thoughts about Marilyn Monroe written by Arthur Miller. The information was sent to Jack Hamilton at LOOK magazine by Lois Weber, with cover letter from Weber and an undated memo response from Hamilton returning the information to Weber. Accompanied by two newspaper clippings, one from 1956 and one from after Monroe's death in 1962.
11 by 8 1/2 inches
PROVENANCE From the Estate of Lois Weber
 Estimate: $800 - $1,200

 A prop program from There’s No Business Like Show Business (20th Century, 1954). The front of the blue, white and red program reads “Actors Benefit Fund/ Greatest Stars of Stage & Screen/ Hippodrome/ Sixth Avenue 43rd – 44th” in gold metallic ink. An extra holds the program in a scene backstage just before Ethel Merman and Marilyn Monroe have a heart to heart in their dressing room. The program contains repeating nonsense ads in black and white.
11 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
246447_0  246450_0 
246451_0 246452_0 

 An original artwork given to Wilfrid Hyde-White on the set of Let's Make Love (20th Century, 1960) and signed by the film’s cast and crew including Marilyn Monroe, Yves Montand, Arthur Miller, George Cukor, Tony Randall, Allan “Whitey” Snyder, Marjorie Plecher, Paula Strasberg, David Bretherton, David Burns, and Ray Foster, among many others. The ink on paper artwork was created by the art department for the film and given to Hyde-White as a going-away present. The image shows Hyde-White waiting at a cab stand. A billboard in the background reads “Let’s Make Love/ Cukor Co.” and titled at the top “Happy Show/ From the Kids.” Housed in a frame; not examined outside of frame.
15 by 15 inches, framed
PROVENANCE From the Collection of Alex Hyde-White
 Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000
246619_0 246699_0  

 A typed, signed letter from producer Henry Weinstein on Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation letterhead, addressed to Marilyn Monroe and dated February 5, 1962. The letter discusses preparations before the shooting of Something's Gotta Give, a film that was never finished due to Monroe's illnesses and untimely death.
10 1/2 by 7 1/4 inches
 Estimate: $600 - $800

Documents papiers - Autographes / Fans
Papers documents - Autographs / Fans

 A single-page autograph letter on recto and verso dated October 14, 1954, addressed "Dear Jerry," possibly Joe DiMaggio's Yankee teammate Jerry Coleman. The letter reads in part, "Have been reading a lot about Marilyn, Joe and yourself, here in the east. Best of luck to you and your family, and send Marilyn's autograph along." Signed "Sincerely Jack Dempsey."
8 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $150 - $200
245440_0  245441_0  

 A secretarial typed and signed letter dated April 28, 1955, addressed to Monroe at the Waldorf Towers in New York. The letter is a charming and bashful request for an autograph, reading in part, "In my whole experience I have never known anyone to ask for an autograph for himself. It is always for a child or an ancient aunt, which gets very tiresome as you know better than I. It is therefore, with a certain nausea that I tell you that I have a nephew-in-law ... he has a foot in the door of puberty, but that is only one of his problems. You are the other. ... I know that you are not made of ether, but he doesn't. ... Would you send him, in my care, a picture of yourself, perhaps in pensive, girlish mood, inscribed to him by name and indicating that you are aware of his existence. He is already your slave. This would make him mine. If you will do this, I will send you a guest key to the ladies' entrance of Fort Knox."
8 1/2 by 11 inches
 Estimate: $300 - $500


 A menu from the Gladstone Hotel where Marilyn Monroe lived briefly during the 1950s. The menu is signed on the cover in pencil "Marilyn Monroe" and "Arthur Miller." The inside back cover of the menu also contains a fashion design sketch of a woman in a form-fitting gown with vermicelli beading, in pencil in an unknown hand.
13 by 10 inches
PROVENANCE From the Estate of Frieda Hull
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
246213_0 246214_0 246215_0  

 A typed letter signed by one of Marilyn Monroe's secretaries dated July 1, 1959, with original transmittal envelope. Both letter and envelope are Monroe's custom stationery. Transmittal envelope is addressed to Miss Edith Pitts of Richmond Hill, New York, and is postmarked July 2, 1959. The letter thanks Pitts and Frieda Hull for their card and good wishes during Monroe's illness.
Letter, 9 by 6 inches
PROVENANCE From the Estate of Frieda Hull
 Estimate: $200 - $300

 A Marilyn Monroe signed and inscribed index card that reads “To Emily/ Best Wishes/ Marilyn Monroe.” The message was written in green ballpoint ink, and a small magazine image of Monroe has been affixed to the index card. Housed in a frame with a black and white image of Monroe.
19 1/2 by 13 inches, framed
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
246382_0 246383_0 
247294_0 247295_0  

 A group of five envelopes, addressed to Marilyn Monroe, Jane Simmons, Cornel Wilde, Edmond O’Brien, and Jeffrey Hunter. Mailed to each actor, at their respective studio by fans in Africa, Argentina and the Philippines. The legible postmarks date from 1954.
Largest, 5 by 6 inches
 Estimate: $200 - $400

 A group of four envelopes, addressed to Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Donna Reed, and Pat Crowley. Mailed to each actress at her respective studio by fans in Argentina and the Philippines. The legible postmarks date from 1954.
Largest, 3 1/2 by 6 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $200 - $400

 An autograph album signed by Marilyn Monroe; Frank Sinatra; Bing Crosby; Ray Bolger; Maurice Chevalier; Hedda Hopper; Louella Parsons Herbert Hoover; Harry Truman; and Edward, Duke of Windsor, among others. The bound brown leather album belonged to Henry Tekkel, a maître d’ at the Waldorf Astoria New York. Monroe, who lived at the hotel in the mid-1950s, has inscribed the book “Warmest Regards, Marilyn Monroe.
5 by 6 1/2 inches
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
246440_0 246441_0 
246442_0 246443_0 

 A copy of the Bement Centennial souvenir book titled "The Bement Story" and signed on the cover by Marilyn Monroe. Monroe visited Bement, Illinois, in August 1955 to celebrate the city's centennial.
11 by 8 1/2 inches
 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
246459_0  246460_0 

 A Marilyn Monroe signed Metropolitan Opera playbill from the 1958-1959 season. The 44-page playbill is signed on the cover in blue ink and is accompanied by a black and white image of Monroe signing a playbill. This is believed to have been signed on February 10, 1959, when Monroe and her husband Arthur Miller attended a performance of Macbeth.
6 1/2 by 9 inches
 Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
246529_0 246530_0 246531_0 
247301_0 247302_0 






18 janvier 2016

A Green Jersey Top & Deep Purple Velvet Pants

Le maillot vert en jersey & le pantalon violet en velours
A Green Jersey Top & Deep Purple Velvet Pants


Cet ensemble est composé d'un maillot vert en jersey à longues manches et au décolleté croisé, d'un pantalon bleu/violet foncé en velours et d'une ceinture en soie de couleur lavande pâle. Il a été conçu par le créateur et couturier de la 20th Century Fox, William "Billy" Travilla pour le film Gentlemen prefer blondes (Les hommes préfèrent les blondes) tourné en 1952.

Marilyn Monroe fit deux essais de tests costumes avec cette tenue: d'abord, le 12 novembre 1952, elle pose seule devant l'ardoise indiquant les notions liées à la tenue dans le film (le rôle, la scène, le nom du couturier, la date). Elle accessoirise la tenue avec des boucles d'oreilles (de couleur vert émeraudes foncées telles qu'on les découvre dans le film), un collier et un bracelet au poignet gauche (qui sont de même couleur que les boucles d'oreilles). Elle porte des sandales noires croisées et ouvertes aux pieds.
Puis, le 17 décembre 1952, elle prend la pose à côté du couturier Travilla (qui tient dans sa main l'esquisse de la tenue) et qui réajuste le maillot. La coiffure de Marilyn est plus fluide, et elle porte les mêmes accessoires, excepté le bracelet remplacé par une bague à la main gauche.

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C'est une tenue qui se veut décontractée tout en restant chic: Marilyn la porte dans une scène où son personnage, Lorelei, une chanteuse de Music Hall qui embarque sur un paquebot avec sa partenaire Dorothy (Jane Russell), se retrouve dans sa cabine en pleine discussion avec le riche (et imposteur) Piggy puis avec Dorothy. Les deux chanteuses ne sont pas en représentation et la scène les représente dans un moment de journée ordinaire (sur un paquebot certes, mais dans leur cabine). [> la scène du film sur le blog: voir les captures, les photos et sur le tournage ]. C'est pourquoi on retrouve le côté "casual" dans le top qui se veut court et malgré tout moulant, tout comme le pantalon qui retombe tout en fluidité sur les pieds; et le côté "chic" par les matières (jersey, velours) et la ceinture de soie. On retrouve les bijoux portés aux tests de costumes et il semblerait qu'il s'agisse d'une parure avec les mêmes pierres de même couleur: les boucles d'oreilles, le collier, le bracelet (au poignet gauche) et la bague (à la main droite). 

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Marilyn posera dans cette tenue pour une série de photographies sous l'objectif de John Florea, servant de clichés publicitaires au film; mais pour ces poses ironiques -où elle joue aux cartes avec des billets de banque- elle a changé les bijoux: elle a ôté le collier, le bracelet, la bague et porte de grandes boucles blanches pendantes aux oreilles:

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Il semble indéniable que Travilla se soit fortement inspiré de cette tenue présentée dans le magazine américain Vogue de avril 1952 où dans les pages de mode, on voit cette mannequin portant une tenue similaire (le top est plus près du corps et moins fluide que celui de Marilyn, et le décolleté n'est pas croisé; le pantalon en velours et la ceinture semblent avoir été repris à l'identique. Tout comme l'idée des bijoux -différents que ceux portés par Marilyn, mais en nombre), le tout dans un esprit ethnique / bohème chic:


Jane Russell, la partenaire de Marilyn, portera le top vert dans la suite de "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" tournée en 1955 -"Gentlemen marry brunettes" ("Les hommes épousent les brunes") réalisé par Richard Sale- la ceinture est mauve et le pantalon est un corsaire noir satiné:

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L'actrice Sheree North portera aussi à son tour l'ensemble :


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copyright text by GinieLand.




21 décembre 2014

3/05/1952 Révélation de l'existence de Gladys

Alors que Marilyn Monroe a toujours déclaré être orpheline, l'existence de sa mère Gladys Baker est révélée dans la presse. Les studios demandent à Marilyn de clarifier la situation: elle donne donc une interview au chroniquer Erskine Johnson. Mais l'entretien a été répété et travaillé auparavant avec son ami Sidney Sklosky. L'article sera publié le 3 mai 1952 dans le Los Angeles Daily News:

par Erskine Johnson

Marilyn Monroe -la poupée glamour de Hollywood qui a récemment fait la une des journaux en reconnaissant qu'elle avait posé nue pour un calendrier - nous livre aujourd'hui une nouvelle confession.
Rendue célèbre par les agences publicitaires hollywoodiennes comme étant une pauvre orpheline n'ayant jamais connu ses parents, Marilyn reconnaît qu'elle est la fille d'une ancienne monteuse de la RKO, Gladys Baker et déclare: "Je l'aide et veux continuer à l'aider tant qu'elle aura besoin de moi."
En convalescence après une opération de l'appendicite au Los Angeles Hospital, Marilyn m'a donné des informations exclusives par l'intermédiaire de la Twentieth Century Fox, après l'apparition dans les studios de cinq femmes revendiquant Marilyn comme étant "leur fille perdue de longue date".

La reine du glamour hollywoodien a dit:
     "Mes amis proches savent que ma mère est en vie. A mon insu, alors que j'étais enfant, ma mère passa de nombreuses années dans un hôpital public. Par l'intermédiaire du comté de Los Angeles, ma tutrice m'a placée dans plusieurs familles d'accueil, et j'ai passé plus d'un an à l'orphelinat de Los Angeles. Je n'ai jamais connu ma mère intimement et, depuis que je suis adulte et à même de lui venir en aide, je suis entrée en contact avec elle. Je l'aide à présent, et veux continuer à l'aider tant qu'elle aura besoin de moi."

Les amis de sa mère fournirent les informations complémentaires:
     "Lorsque Marilyn était enfant, son père mourut dans un accident de voiture, à la suite de quoi sa mère souffrit de dépression nerveuse. Une amie de sa mère était sa tutrice légale. La mère de Marilyn recouvra la santé en 1945 et vécut peu de temps avec sa fille, en 1946. La même année, elle se remaria et redevint veuve pour la seconde fois, la semaine dernière, quand son mari mourut après une courte maladie."

La nouvelle que la mère de Marilyn était vivante fut une grande suprise, car les studios avaient largement tablé leur publicité sur le fait que Marilyn ne connaissait ni sa mère ni son père. Mais la nouvelle confession de la star, reconnaissant que sa mère, deux fois veuve, vit à Hollywood et qu' "elle lui vient en aide" est un grand soulagement pour le service judiciaire de la Twentieth Century Fox, très ennuyée par les revendications violentes de femmes prétendant que Marilyn était leur "fille".


While Marilyn Monroe has always declared to be an orphan, the existence of her mother Gladys Baker is revealed in the press. The studios ask Marilyn to clarify the situation: she thus gives an interview to reviewer Erksine Johnson. But the interview was repeated and previously worked with her friend Sidney Sklosky. The article will be published in May 3, 1952:


By Erskine Johnson

Marilyn Monroe - Hollywood's confessing glamour doll who made recent headlines with the admission thatshe was a nude calendar cutie - confessed again today. Highly publicized by Hollywood press agents as an orphan waif who never knew her parents, Marilyn admitted that she's the daughter of a one-time RKO studio film cutter, Gladys Baker, and that "I am helping her and want to continue helping her when she needs me."
Recovering from an appendectomy in a Los Angeles hospital, Marilyn gave me an exclusive statement through the Twentieth Century-Fox studio following the appearance at the studio of five women claiming Marilyn as their "long-lost daughter."

Said Hollywood's new glamour queen:
"My close friends know that my mother is alive. Unbeknown to me as a child, my mother spent many years as an invalid in a state hospital. I was raised in a series of foster homes arranged by a guardian through the County of Los Angeles and I spent more than a year in the Los Angeles Orphans Home. I haven't known my mother intimately, but since I have become grown and able to help her I have contacted her. I am helping her and want to continue helping her when she needs me."

Hollywood friends of her mother supplied the rest of the story: "When Marilyn was a small child her father was killed in an automobile accident and her mother subsequently suffered a nervous breakdown. A friend of her mother was appointed her legal guardian. Marilyn's mother recovered from her illness in 1945 and lived with her daughter for a short time in 1946. In the same year her mother remarried and became a widow for the second time last week when her husband died following a short illness."

The news that Marilyn's mother is alive in Hollywood came as an eyebrow-lifting suprise because of the extensive studio publicity that Marilyn had never known her mother or her father. But the new star's confession that her twice-widowed mother is in Hollywood and that "I am helping her" came as a relief to the Twentieth Century-Fox legal department, which has been confronted with wild claims by women insisting that Marilyn is their "daughter."

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

20 décembre 2013

Tailored Dress - de We're not married

Tailored Dress
from 'We're not married' 

robe tailleur portée dans le film
"Cinq mariages à l'essai"


 Cette robe tailleur a été conçue par la costumière de cinéma et de télévision Elois Jenssen pour le film We're not married tourné au début de l'année 1952. Cette longue robe de style tailleur est de couleur beige très clair, boutonnée au buste jusqu'au bassin par huits gros boutons foncés qui contrastent avec le tissu clair de la robe; ainsi que des larges bandes de garnitures en pointillées au niveau du décolleté et des poches; avec une jupe droite faussement fendue au milieu sur le devant, suivant une ligne de tissu replié.

La robe est accessoirisée par deux éléments: d'abord, la fine ceinture blanche nouée à la taille; puis le court boléro sans manche au col montant à la nuque, et du même design que la robe (même couleur, et avec une large bande de pointillés au niveau du col et des emmanchures). Marilyn Monroe fit des essais de test costumes avec cette tenue le 11 janvier 1952 , portant la robe tantôt sans le boléro, tantôt avec, mais accompagnée d'un petit chapeau blanc se portant à l'arrière de la tête et contenant une grande plume à l'horizontal. Cependant, la tenue restera dans les placards, car elle n'a finalement pas été retenue pour les costumes du film et Marilyn ne porte pas cette robe dans le film. 

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Le 12 février 1952, Marilyn se rend à UCLA , l'Université de Californie à Los Angeles, pour un reportage photographique qui paraîtra dans le magazine Movies Day à l'automne 1952. Et pour l'occasion, elle choisit de porter la robe tailleur avec la veste.

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Entre fin août et début septembre 1952, Marilyn est à Atlantic City pour promouvoir la sortie du film Monkey Business. Durant son séjour, elle en profite pour visiter un hôpital pour enfants le 30 août 1952. Et pour cette occasion, elle porte la robe tailleur qui a suivi quelques modifications: la longueur a été relevée (la robe est légèrement plus courte) et surtout, elle a été fendue sur le devant. Marilyn ne porte pas la ceinture, mais elle a accessoirisée sa tenue en portant de petits gants blancs afin d'accentuer le côté chic de la tenue.

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© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  


8 octobre 2013

Pale Turquoise Silk Suit - de Niagara

Pale Turquoise Silk Suit
from 'Niagara' 

tailleur en soie de couleur turquoise pâle
porté dans le film 'Niagara'


tailleur_bleu_1952_05_21_bCet ensemble tailleur jupe veste a été conçu par la célèbre costumière de cinéma, Dorothy Jeakins pour le film Niagara tourné l'été 1952 à la frontière canadienne. Dorothy Jeakins s'occupa de tous les costumes du film. Marilyn Monroe fit les essais de test costumes le 21 mai 1952 (voir photo ci-contre).
C'est une tenue moderne et classique à la fois, très près du corps, à la veste cintrée et dont la jupe, longue, dessine parfaitement les courbes de Marilyn. Elle porte la tenue avec des sandales ouvertes blanches.
Il semblerait qu'elle ne porte pas de chemisier sous la veste, mais peut-être est-elle en soutien-gorge ou a-t-elle un fin corsage ?!

Dans Niagara, Marilyn porte ce tailleur dans une courte scène où son personnage Rose Loomis, femme fatale énigmatique, sort de son bungalow et salue ses voisins, les époux Cutler. On ne la voit donc avec cette tenue que brièvement, marchant d'un pas alerte et déterminé.
Il existe une série de photographies de Marilyn prises sur le tournage portant ce tailleur, où on la découvre consciensieuse et concentrée auprès de Jean Peters, révisant ses scènes. Puis, elle va aussi poser pour des portraits publicitaires du film, assise sur un muret devant les fameuses chutes du Niagara.

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Marilyn va ensuite emprunter la robe, pour la porter le 26 juin 1952 à la cour de justice de Los Angeles, dans un procès qui l'opposait à Kaupman et Kaplen, qui avait utilisé son nom pour vendre des photos de nus.

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Le tailleur avait ensuite été récupéré (racheté sans doute à un petit prix) par l'actrice Debbie Reynolds, qui organisa, le 3 décembre 2011, une vente aux enchères où elle revendait une grande partie de sa collection d'objets et de costumes de cinéma.
Le tailleur, mis à prix à 80 000 Dollars, fut vendu pour la somme de 210 000 Dollars.

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© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.


23 septembre 2013

Magenta Dress - The Niagara dress

Magenta Dress
The 'Niagara' Dress 

robe magenta, portée pour
le film 'Niagara'

niagara_dress_testCette longue robe a été conçue par la célèbre costumière de cinéma, Dorothy Jeakins pour le film Niagara tourné l'été 1952 à la frontière canadienne. Dorothy Jeakins s'occupa de tous les costumes du film. Marilyn Monroe fit les essais de test costumes avec cette robe le 21 mai 1952 (voir photo ci-contre). 
La robe est diablement sexy: d'abord, elle semble totalement moulée dans le corps de Marilyn; puis, le décolleté plongeant est croisé par un noeud qui suggère alors la poitrine, ainsi qu'une petite fermeture éclair qui est disposée sur le ventre, si bien que Marilyn peut être déshabillée en deux gestes rapides (défaire le noeud, et ouvrir la fermeture éclair). C'est donc une tenue provocante et sensuelle, qui suggère au plus au point la sexualité féminine. 
Quand à la couleur, il existe une certaine controverse: certains pensent que la robe est rouge, tel qu'on peut le découvrir sur certaines photographies et dans la version cinématographique du film (avec ses versions diffusées à la TV jusque dans les années 1990s) et avec ainsi toutes les suggestions symboliques liées à cette couleur: l'amour, la passion, l'érotisme, et le sang, autant d'ingrédients que l'on retrouve dans le film. Mais d'autres pensent que la robe est rose fuchsia (appelée aussi magenta) tel qu'on le découvre là encore, sur d'autres photographies mais aussi dans la version restaurée du film disponible en DVD, et dont les significations symboliques liées à cette couleur renvoient à la féminité, au romantisme, à la séduction, au bonheur, à la tendresse et la jeunesse. Enfin, d'autres pensent encore qu'il serait possible que la robe ait été créée en deux modèles identiques mais de couleurs différentes (une rouge et une rose).

> Variations de couleur selon les diffusions du film et des imprimeries de la presse:
La robe est-elle rouge ou rose magenta ?
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Dans Niagara, Marilyn porte cette robe dans la scène la plus célebre du film: celle où elle chante d'une voix suave et sensuelle la chanson Kiss, devenue depuis un titre incontournable du répertoire musical de la star. Sur le tournage du film, Marilyn apparaît plutôt décontractée dans cette tenue pourtant très suggestive. Elle va aussi bien évidemment poser pour une série de portraits publicitaires du film: une séance devant un muret au faux décor des Chutes sous l'objectif du photographe Bruno Bernard, une séance seule en studio, et une autre séance avec Joseph Cotten, l'acteur qui interprète son mari dans le film. 
Dans le film, Marilyn porte la tenue accompagnée d'un foulard de mousseline blanc, des boucles d'oreilles créôles et des chaussures sandales à talons aux lanières noires et brillantes.

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Marilyn va emprunter la robe aux studios de la Fox, pour la porter à différents événements publics au cours de l'année 1952:

  • D'abord, le 17 mars 1952 , Marilyn porte la robe pour assister au match de Base-Ball des Hollywood Stars contre les All-Stars, où jouait son futur mari Joe DiMaggio, au Gilmore stadium de Los Angeles, à but caritatif. Pour cette soirée, elle coordonne la robe avec les mêmes accessoires que ceux arborés dans le film: le foulard de mousseline blanc, les boucles d'oreilles et les sandales à lanières noires. 

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  • Elle va ensuite la porter à l'un des événements les plus connus auxquels elle a participé: le 3 août 1952, Marilyn est l'invitée d'honneur de la fête Ray Anthony Party, organisée par la Fox, dans une villa de Sherman Oaks, dans le district de Los Angeles, situé dans la vallée de San Fernando. Marilyn fait une arrivée spectaculaire en hélicoptère, pose avec le chien de la série Lassie, et écoute la chanson "My Marilyn" composée spécialement pour elle par Ray Anthony et son orchestre. Mitraillée par les nombreux photographes présents, elle apparaît plus sexy que jamais:

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  • Puis, à la fin du mois d'août 1952 , la robe faisait partie de ses bagages, lors de sa tournée promotionnelle du film Monkey Business (Chérie, je me sens rajeunir) sur la côte est des Etats-Unis. Pendant son escale new-yorkaise, elle se fait photographier par Ben Ross dans le Sherry Netherland Hotel vêtue de la robe. 

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  • Elle la porte à nouveau le 14 septembre 1952, pour participer à la fête nationale et patritique "I am an American", organisée dans l'ampithéâtre plein air d'Hollywood Bowl, sur les hauteurs d'Hollywood. 

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  • Enfin, elle apparaît encore dans la robe le 26 octobre 1952, pour le show radiophonique d'Edgar Bergen, un ventriloque, qui animait une émission avec deux marionnettes: Charlie McCarthy et Mortimer Snerd. Marilyn s'est prêtée au jeu, prenant des poses de séductrice avec les pantins.

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Après la sortie du film Niagara, la robe de Marilyn va devenir tellement populaire, que des versions plus soft ont vu le jour. Encore aujourd'hui, cette robe fait partie intégrante de l'image de Marilyn (avec la robe dorée des Hommes Préfèrent les Blondes,  la robe blanche de Sept ans de réflexion ou encore la robe moulante portée pour l'anniversaire de JFK), que des pseudo-sosies de Marilyn prennent la pose portant des copies de la robe:

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Qu'est donc devenue cette célèbre robe ?... Depuis qu'elle fut portée par Marilyn, elle n'est jamais réapparue, ni sur le corps d'une autre actrice, ni dans les enchères ou expositions consacrées à Marilyn.

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 


10 septembre 2013

3/10/1952 Fête Photoplay

Le 3 octobre 1952, Marilyn Monroe à la fête organisée en l'honneur de Ruth Waterbury (rédactrice en chef des magazines 'Photoplay' et 'Silver Screen') pour le magazine 'Photoplay'.
In October, 3, 1952, Marilyn Monroe at the Ruth Waterbury party (editor of 'Photoplay' and 'Silver Screen' magazines), for Photoplay editions.


> Avec George Delacorte, directeur des éditions "Dell Publishing Company".
with George Delacorte, director of the "Dell Publishing Company."

 > Marilyn dans les coulisses
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1953  1953-redbook1 
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> photographie de Phil Stern
1952_photoplay_1b 1952_photoplay_1a 

- Bonus sur le blog -
article Les Robes de Cocktail brodées de Ceil Chapman

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.   


28 mars 2013

03/06/1952 Look Awards Party

Marilyn Monroe à la fête organisée par les "Look Awards" au Beverly Hills Hotel le 3 juin 1952.
Marilyn porte une des robes du film Let's make it legal. 

Marilyn Monroe at the Look awards party at the Beverly Hills Hotel, on June 3, 1952.
Marilyn wears one of the dress from the movie 'Let's make it legal'.

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> Marilyn et Sidney Skolsky

 > Marilyn et Ginger Rogers

> Marilyn et James Brown
son partenaire dans "Fireball"


© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.



29 novembre 2012

Dressing - Les Robes de Cocktail brodées de Ceil Chapman

Robe de cocktail aubergine en crêpe
aux fines bretelles
Eggplant Crepe Cocktail Dress
with thin straps


Cette robe a été conçue par la créatrice américaine Ceil Chapman, qui créa des robes de soirées très glamour portées par de nombreuses actrices d'Hollywood. Elle était l'une des créatrices préférées de Marilyn Monroe qui porta plusieurs de ses créations pour des soirées.
Cette robe de cocktail de couleur aubergine / violette est faite en crêpe. Son style simple de robe longue et droite à fines bretelles est agrémenté de sortes de petites lanières brodées avec des perles de clairon ton sur ton à la forme vermiculaire. De petites paillettes sont répandues sur le tissu pour ajouter de l'éclat.
La robe est assortie avec une petite veste boléro à manches longues coordonnée.
Il s'agit d'une tenue de la garde-robe personnelle de Marilyn Monroe qui l'a porté à de nombreuses reprises.

This dress was designed by American designer Ceil Chapman, who created very glamorous evening dresses worn by many Hollywood actresses. She was one of Marilyn Monroe's favorite designers who wore many of her designs for parties.
This eggplant / purple colored cocktail dress is made of crepe. Its simple style of long straight dress with thin straps is embellished with kinds of small thongs embroidered with tone-on-tone bugle beads in a vermicular shape. Small sequins are spread over the fabric to add sparkle.
The dress has a matching long sleeved, small bolero-length jacket.
This is an outfit from Marilyn Monroe's personal wardrobe who has worn it many times:

Marilyn apparaît publiquement avec cette tenue -qu'elle porte avec le boléro- la première fois le 3 octobre 1952 pour la fête organisée par le magazine Modern Screen, qu'elle accessoirise avec de petites boucles d'oeilles en diamants.
Marilyn appears publicly with this outfit - which she wears with the bolero - for the first time on October 3, 1952 for the party organized by Modern Screen magazine, which she accessorizes with small diamond eye rings.


 Toujours en 1952, Marilyn porte à nouveau la robe assortie du boléro, pour une séance photos en studio du photographe Nickolas Muray, qui fera la couverture du magazine Redbook de mars 1953.
Also in 1952, Marilyn wears the dress matched with the bolero again, for a photo shoot in the studio of photographer Nickolas Muray, who will be on the cover of Redbook magazine in March 1953.


L'année suivante, Marilyn porte à nouveau l'ensemble robe - boléro le 24 février 1953 pour la remise du prix Redbook, où Marilyn est élue "La meilleure jeune personnalité du Box Office" de l'année 1952, et dont l'événement est diffusé dans le cadre de l'émission de télévision "The Martin and Lewis Show" où Marilyn joue un sketch avec Dean Martin et Jerry Lewis.
The following year, Marilyn wears the dress - bolero ensemble again on February 24, 1953 for the presentation of the Redbook prize, where Marilyn is elected "The best young personality of the Box Office" of the year 1952, and whose event is broadcast as part of the television show "The Martin and Lewis Show" where Marilyn performs a sketch with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.


Puis, Marilyn est à nouveau vêtue de la robe le 17 juin 1953 au dîner d'anniversaire de l'acteur Charles Coburn, au Beverly Hills Hotel, en compagnie de Jane Rusell, ses partenaires du film Les hommes préfèrent les blondes. Pour cette soirée, Marilyn accessoirise sa tenue en portant de longs gants blancs.
Then, Marilyn is wearing the dress again on June 17, 1953 at the birthday dinner of actor Charles Coburn, at the Beverly Hills Hotel, in the company of Jane Rusell, her partners from the film Gentlemen prefer blondes. For this evening, Marilyn accessorizes her outfit by wearing long white gloves.


Après la soirée, Marilyn rejoint le journaliste Earl Wilson et sa femme dans une chambre à l'étage pour une interview accompagnée d'une session photos
After the dinner, Marilyn joins journalist Earl Wilson and his wife in an upstairs bedroom for an interview accompanied by a photo session.


Enfin, c'est cette tenue que Marilyn décide d'emmener dans ses bagages lors de sa lune de miel asiatique avec Joe DiMaggio.
Finally, this is this outfit that Marilyn decides to take in her luggage during her Asian honeymoon with Joe DiMaggio.

Marilyn porte d'abord la robe le 03 février 1954 à une réception organisée à l'Imperial Hotel de Tokyo en l'honneur de la venue de Marilyn et Joe. Marilyn porte la robe avec le boléro fermé par une petite attache dans le haut, au niveau du décolleté.
Marilyn first wears the dress on February 03, 1954 at a reception organized at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo in honor of the coming of Marilyn and Joe. Marilyn wears the dress with the bolero closed by a small tie at the top, at the neckline.


Mais surtout, cette robe sera sa tenue de scène lorsqu'elle se produit devant les soldats américains en Corée entre le 16 et le 19 février 1954, bien que les températures étaient très basses. Elle a choisi cette robe, qu'elle ne porte jamais avec le boléro lors de ses prestations scéniques, car elle souhaite que les soldats puissent voir sa peau. Elle racontera: "Le sommet de ma vie fut de chanter là-bas pour les soldats. J'étais sur une scène en plein air. Il faisait froid, mais je vous jure que je ne m'étais jamais sentie aussi bien."
Comme la presse mondiale a relayé l'événement de la tournée en Corée, il s'agit alors de la robe de Chapman la plus connue.

- Sur scène: Marilyn porte la robe seule -
- On stage: Marilyn wears only the dress -

But above all, this dress will be her stage outfit when she performs for American soldiers in Korea between February 16 and 19, 1954, although the temperatures were very low. She chooses this dress, which she never wears with the bolero during her stage performances, because she wants the soldiers to be able to see her skin. She will relate: "The peak of my life was singing there for the soldiers. I was on an outdoor stage. It was cold, but I swear to you I have never felt so good."
As the world press covered the event of the tour in Korea, this is Chapman's most famous dress.

- Dans les coulisses, elle porte le boléro assorti -
- Behind the scenes, she wears the matching bolero -

Un autre couturier ?
Another Fashion Designer ?

En 2016, l'exposition consacrée à Marilyn Monroe à la gallerie Bendigo Art en Australie (du 05/03 au 10/07/2016), présente la robe et son boléro, propriété d'un collectionneur privé australien [Page web: Bendigo Art Gallery
L'ensemble robe-boléro est alors présenté comme étant une création du designer Elgee Bove. Si son nom est cité dans la presse d'époque comme étant l'un des couturiers qui habille -entre autres- Marilyn Monroe ( voir sujet sur Elgee Bove via le forum ES ); il existe très peu d'information sur les créations de ce couturier et on ne lui connait pas de vêtements portés par Marilyn crédités sous son nom (à travers les expositions et ventes aux enchères); mais son nom est cité à plusieurs reprises dans la presse d'époque, et notamment dans un article de Dorothy Killgallen du 27 août 1955 qui en parlant de Bove, cite "la robe de cocktail pourpre de Marilyn en Corée".

 In 2016, the exhibition dedicated to Marilyn Monroe at the Bendigo Art Gallery in Australia (from 05/03 to 10/07/2016), presents the dress and its bolero, property of a private Australian collector.
The dress-bolero set is then presented as being a creation of designer Elgee Bove. If his name is mentioned in the press of the Marilyn's era as being one of the designers who dresses - among others - Marilyn Monroe (see subject on Elgee Bove via the forum ES); there is very little information on the creations of this designer and any clothes aren't known as beign worn by Marilyn credited under his name (through exhibitions and auctions); but his name is quoted several times in the press of Marilyn's era, and in particular in an article by Dorothy Killgallen of August 27, 1955 who, speaking of Bove, quotes "Marilyn's purple cocktail dress for Korea".

exposition Bendigo Art Gallery, 2016
Australian Women's Weekly - 03/2016

Ceil_Chapman-dress_crepe_vermicular_straps_thin-EGGPLANT-exhib-2016-bendigo_art_gallery-1  Ceil_Chapman-dress_crepe_vermicular_straps_thin-EGGPLANT-exhib-2016-bendigo_art_gallery-2 

Robe de cocktail noire en crêpe
aux fines bretelles

Black Crepe Cocktail Dress
with thin straps

Marilyn adorait tellement cette robe, qu'elle en avait acheté une autre de Ceil Chapman, de couleur noire, copie conforme de la robe aubergine.
Marilyn adored this dress so much that she had bought another one by Ceil Chapman, in black color, an exact copy of the aubergine dress.

L'après Marilyn
After Marilyn

La robe noire vendue aux enchères
The black dress sold in auction

Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_black-dress-1999-christies-3- par Christies (la célèbre vente des 27 et 28 octobre 1999 à New York)
Page web: “The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe” - Lot 12
Description: A BLACK SEQUINNED DRESS - A full-length evening dress, believed to have been worn in February 1954 while singing to over 10,000 soldiers stationed in Korea during the war. The black silk crepe evening dress is by Ceil Chapman, designed with a vermicular pattern of black bugle beads. While the dress is floor length, it appears that the hem was raised to three-quarter length, held in place with loose stitches and gaffer tape. Not since President Eisenhower's pre-inaugural visit had there been such a turn-out and reception as when Marilyn wowed the troops.

Estimée entre et 30 000 et 50 000 Dollars,
la robe fut vendue 16 100 Dollars

pages catalogue CHRISTIES New York
"The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe"

Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_purple-dress-1999-christies-1  Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_purple-dress-1999-christies-2  

La robe noire se trouve aujourd'hui au Hollywood Museum (un musée à Hollywood consacré au cinéma, dont un étage est réservé à Marilyn Monroe).
The black dress is now in the Hollywood Museum (a museum in Hollywood devoted to cinema, one floor of which is reserved for Marilyn Monroe).

Hollywood Museum, 1660 N. Highland Avenue, at Hollywood Blvd
(> Web: article

Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_black-dress-hollywood_museum-1-2  Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_black-dress-hollywood_museum-2013-exhibit-1  Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_black-dress-hollywood_museum-2-1 

La Robe portée par d'autres
The Dress worn by others

L'actrice Loni Anderson à l'inauguration de l'exposition "Marilyn Remembered" du Hollywood Museum le 01er juin 2010, porte ici la robe noire; extrait interview accordée à Fox News :
Fox News : En parlant du Hollywood Museum, vous portiez la robe de Marilyn Monroe, qui est exposée. Quelle en est l'histoire ?
Anderson : Lorsque le musée l'a obtenue, [la présidente et fondatrice] Donelle Dadigan m'a demandée si j'envisagerais de porter la robe. Et j'ai dit : "Oh mon Dieu, pourrais-je ? Je serai là dans une minute !" Et quand j'ai découvert que la robe n'avait été portée par personne depuis Marilyn Monroe, eh bien, ça m'a donné des frissons. Mais ensuite j'ai pensé: "Je ne sais pas si nous sommes bâties de la même manière." C'est à ce moment-là qu'on m'a dit : "Cela n'a pas d'importance. Elle n'a jamais mis de fermeture éclair dans ses robes parce qu'elle fluctuait tellement dans son poids qu'elle était juste cousue dedans." Elle porta cette robe pour une tournée USO juste après son mariage avec Joe DiMaggio. Et il était tellement contrarié par la robe sexy. Je veux dire, elle était juste la chose la plus sexy au monde. Alors quand j'ai mis la robe, ça m'a frappé que Marilyn Monroe l'ait déjà portée. En la passant sur ma peau, j'ai juste ressenti un picotement. Je me souviens qu'avant le tournage, j'étudiais les photos. Elle avait ce sourire bouche bée avec ces lèvres. Et j'ai vraiment travaillé là-dessus quand j'ai porté la robe. Je me souviens que tous les paparazzi étaient là et prenaient juste des photos. C'était effrayant. Mais c'était une expérience que je n'oublierai jamais.

Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_black-dress-loni_anderson-2010-06-01-hollywood_museum_exhibit-1  Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_black-dress-loni_anderson-2010-06-01-hollywood_museum_exhibit-2  Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_black-dress-loni_anderson-2010-06-01-hollywood_museum_exhibit-3 

Actress Loni Anderson at the opening of the Hollywood Museum's "Marilyn Remembered" exhibition on June 01, 2010, here wearing the black dress; excerpt from an interview with Fox News:
Fox News: Speaking of The Hollywood Museum, you wore Marilyn Monroe’s gown, which is on display. What’s the story behind that?
Anderson: When the museum obtained it, [president and founder] Donelle Dadigan asked me if I would consider wearing the dress. And I said, "Oh my gosh, would I? I’ll be there in a minute!" And when I found out that the dress had not be worn by anyone since Marilyn Monroe, well, that just gave me chills. But then I thought, "I don’t know if we’re built alike." That’s when I was told, "It doesn’t matter. She never put a zipper in her dresses because she fluctuated in her weight so much that she was just sewn into it." She wore this dress for a USO tour right after she married Joe DiMaggio. And he was so upset about how sexy the dress was. I mean, she was just the sexiest thing in the world. So when I put the dress on, it did hit me that Marilyn Monroe once wore this. As it went over my skin, I just felt a tingle. I remember before the shoot, I studied the photos. She had this open-mouth smile with those lips. And I really worked on that when I wore the dress. I remember all the paparazzi were there and just taking photos. It felt spooky. But it was an experience that I’ll never forget.

L'actrice Chrystee Pharris à l'inauguration de l'exposition "Marilyn Monroe Missing Moments" du Hollywood Museum le 27 mai 2015, porte ici la robe noire.

Actress Chrystee Pharris at the opening of the Hollywood Museum's 'Marilyn Monroe Missing Moments' exhibit on May 27, 2015, here wearing the black dress.

Ceil_Chapman-dress_crepe_vermicular_straps_thin-BLACK-Chrystee_Pharris-2015-05-27-hollywood_museum-1  Ceil_Chapman-dress_crepe_vermicular_straps_thin-BLACK-Chrystee_Pharris-2015-05-27-hollywood_museum-3  Ceil_Chapman-dress_crepe_vermicular_straps_thin-BLACK-Chrystee_Pharris-2015-05-27-hollywood_museum-2  

La chanteuse Mariah Carey, admiratrice de Marilyn Monroe, possèderait une réplique de la robe mais de couleur chocolat.
Dans son clip vidéo de sa chanson "I still believe" en 1998, elle reproduit la venue de Marilyn en Corée; Mariah apparaît ainsi dans deux tenues: cheveux attachés, en chemisier kaki et pantalon noir où elle feint de descendre de l'avion en saluant des soldats; et dans une robe moulante à fines bretelles de couleur aubergine foncée, avec quelques strass sur le tissu où elle chante sur scène devant des soldats. La robe est cependant différente de celle portée par Marilyn: le décolleté de la robe de Mariah est en forme de coeur, et il n'y a pas de broderie sur le tissu.

The singer Mariah Carey, admirer of Marilyn Monroe, would have a replica of the dress but of chocolate color.
In her video of her song "I still believe" in 1998, she reproduces Marilyn's coming to Korea; Mariah thus appears in two outfits: tied up hair, in a khaki blouse and black pants where she pretends to get off the plane while greeting the soldiers; and in a tight dress with thin straps of dark aubergine color, with some rhinestones on the fabric where she sings on stage in front of the soldiers. The dress is however different from the one worn by Marilyn: the neckline of Mariah's dress is heart-shaped, and there is no embroidery on the fabric.


Robe de cocktail blanche en crêpe
aux larges bretelles

White Crepe Cocktail Dress
with wide straps

Robe de cocktail de couleur blanche crème avec des lanières vermiculaires brodées et de petites paillettes de perles répandues sur le tissu pour ajouter de l'éclat; mais les bretelles sont plus larges que les robes aubergine et noire de Chapman. 
Marilyn porte la robe le 18 novembre 1957, où elle assiste, accompagnée de son mari Arthur Miller, à la représentation théâtrale de la pièce "Conversation Piece". Elle porte la robe avec des gants mi-longs (jusqu'au coude) en satin blanc, ce qui apporte de l'élégance à la tenue.

Cream white cocktail dress with embroidered vermicular straps and small beaded sequins scattered over the fabric to add sparkle; but the straps are wider than Chapman's eggplant and black dresses.
Marilyn wears the dress on November 18, 1957, where she attends, accompanied by her husband Arthur Miller, the theatrical performance of the play "Conversation Piece". She wears the dress with mid-length gloves (up to the elbow) in white satin, which brings elegance to the outfit.


Robe de cocktail noire en crêpe
aux larges bretelles

Black Crepe Cocktail Dress
with wide straps

Ceil_Chapman-dress_strass_black-1999-christiesRobe identique à la blanche portée en 1957, mais de couleur noire et avec de grandes poches sur le devant.
Dress identical to the white one worn in 1957, but black in color and with large front pockets.

L'après Marilyn
After Marilyn

La robe noire vendue aux enchères
The black dress sold in auction

- par Christies (la célèbre vente des 27 et 28 octobre 1999 à New York)
Page web: “The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe” - Lot 194
Estimée entre et 4 000 et 6 000 Dollars,
la robe fut vendue 29 900 Dollars
Description: A SILK CREPE DRESS - The three-quarter length dress of black silk crepe decorated with a vermicular pattern of black bugle beads, with front slit pockets, labeled Ceil Chapman.

Même style
Des robes aux lanières vermiculaires brodées
Same style
Dresses with embroidered vermicular thongs

1952 - La robe de William Travilla
que Marilyn porte dans Les hommes préfèrent les blondes
Robe de couleur violette, au tissu fait de petites lanières brodées
avec son petit boléro aux manches longues assorti
mais avec un long tissu de satin qui retombe en biais

1952 - The William Travilla's dress
that Marilyn wears in Gentlemen prefer blondes
Purple dress, fabric made of small embroidered thongs
with its matching small long-sleeved bolero
but with a long satin fabric that falls at an angle


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

1953- La robe blanche que Marilyn porte pour une séance photo
du photographe Carlyle Blackwell 
Robe bleue clair au tissu fait de lanières brodées,
mais avec des bretelles et contour du décolleté métallique

1953- The white dress Marilyn wears for a photo shoot
by photographer Carlyle Blackwell
Light blue dress with fabric made of embroidered thongs,
but with straps and contour of the metallic neckline


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

1953 - La robe de William Travilla
que Marilyn porte dans Comment épouser un millionnaire
Robe blanche avec le motif des petites lanières brodées
mais au retombé evasé dans le bas

1952 - The William Travilla's dress
that Marilyn wears in How to marry a millionaire
White dress with the pattern of small embroidered thongs
but the fall flared at the bottom


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Jayne Mansfield porte une robe bustier aux mêmes motifs en 1956
Jayne Mansfield wears a strapless dress with the same patterns in 1956

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

L'actrice Cleo Moore (avec Robert Francis)
Actress Cleo Moore (with Robert Francis)

> sources:
Le livre Marilyn in Fashion 

All photos are copyright and protected by their respective owners. 
Copyright text by GinieLand.


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