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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Zelda Zonk

bus stop
5 février 2014

Tests costumes et coiffures pour Bus Stop

Arrêt d'Autobus

  Les screen tests de Marilyn Monroe dans le rôle de 'Cherie'
certains des costumes sont de Billy Travilla

 *** Tests Costumes, Coiffures et Maquillage ***

  >>> prises de vues le 3 février 1956
-> en blouse marron et jupe noire

film-bs-test_costume-sc07-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-1a  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-2 

-> test coiffure

 >>> prises de vues non datées 

-> en body de danseuse
film-bs-test_costume-sc02-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc02-1a 

- Tenues non retenues pour le film -

>> prises de vues le 3 février 1956
-> en imperméable beige
film-bs-test_costume-non_retenu-3  film-bus_stop

>> prises de vues non datées
film-bs-test_costume-non_retenu-1  film-bs-test_costume-non_retenu-2 

- En Backstage -


> Photographies de Milton Greene
film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-2-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-2-2 

Avec le réalisateur Joshua Logan

> Photographies de Zinn Arthur
film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-by_zinn_arthur-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-by_zinn_arthur-1a 

- Autres acteurs / actrices -

 Arthur O'Connell

Eileen Heckart 

Hope Lange

Don Murray, les essais / Screen Tests
bs-screen_test-don_murray-cap1 bs-screen_test-don_murray-cap2 bs-screen_test-don_murray-cap3

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

5 février 2014

Photos de Bus Stop 1

 Arrêt d'Autobus
   Photos scène 1

Cherie (Marilyn Monroe) se prélasse à la fenêtre de sa loge du Blue Dragon Café. Le patron arrive et secoue Cherie pour qu'elle se prépare et enfiler son costume de scène. Son amie, la serveuse Vera (Eileen Heckart) arrive dans la loge. Cherie lui raconte alors son rêve d'aller à Hollywood.  
Cherie (Marilyn Monroe) is languishing at the window of her dressing-romm of the Blue Dragon Café. The boss comes in and shakes her for she prepares herself and wears her stage costume. Her friend, the waitress Vera (Eileen Heckart) arrives in theroom. Cherie tells her her dream of going to Hollywood.

> Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene 

marilyn-monroe-BS-112  marilyn-monroe-BS-183  marilyn-monroe-BS-184 
bs-sc01-film-010-1  bs-sc01-film-010-2-by_mhg-1  H3257-L44539109 
bs-sc01-film-011-1  bs-sc01-film-lot128453 
bs-sc01-film-by_gr-big_2Greene_061  bs-sc01-film-bs-busrare 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5147  marilyn-monroe-BS-5150  film-bs-aff-lob-05-sc01a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-256  bs-sc01-film-by_gr_13821244_1_x
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film-bs-aff-lob-04-sc01a  H3257-L44539115 
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marilyn-monroe-BS-5141  marilyn-monroe-BS-5143  marilyn-monroe-BS-5144 

Elma (Hope Lange) attend le bus devant le restaurant de Grace
film-bs-aff-lob-05-hope_lange-1 film-bs-hope-art-61 The Girl Who Got Marilyn's Guy b

Bo (Don Murray) et Virgil Blessing (Arthur O'Connell)  arrivent en ville

Bo (Don Murray) et Virgil Blessing (Arthur O'Connell) sont dans leur chambre d'hôtel,
située jute en face du Blue Dragon Café.
marilyn-monroe-BS-5520  marilyn-monroe-BS-5521  film-bs-film-010-1ab 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5522  marilyn-monroe-BS-5523  marilyn-monroe-BS-5524 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5525  marilyn-monroe-BS-5526 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5519  marilyn-monroe-BS-5517 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 

5 février 2014

Sur le tournage de Bus Stop 1

Arrêt d'Autobus
Sur le tournage - scène 1

 > Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene 

marilyn-monroe-BS-114   bs-sc01-on_set-by_greene-02-2  bs-sc01-on_set-by_greene-02-1 

Marilyn Monroe et Eileen Heckart
bs-sc01-on_set-by_greene-03-1  bs-sc01-on_set-by_greene-03-2a  bs-sc01-on_set-by_greene-03-2 
H3257-L44539086  H3257-L44539087 

  Marilyn Monroe et Joshua Logan


© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

4 février 2014

Portraits studio acteurs pour Bus Stop

Arrêt d'Autobus
Photos Publicitaires

  > Photographies de Milton H Greene
Photographs of Milton H Greene

  > Portraits du "patron" du Blue Dragon
marilyn-monroe-BS-5410  marilyn-monroe-BS-5411  marilyn-monroe-BS-5412 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5408  marilyn-monroe-BS-5409 

  > Portraits de Eileen Heckart
marilyn-monroe-BS-5415  marilyn-monroe-BS-5416  marilyn-monroe-BS-5417 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5392  marilyn-monroe-BS-5407  marilyn-monroe-BS-5413 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5414  marilyn-monroe-BS-5388  marilyn-monroe-BS-5389 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5390  marilyn-monroe-BS-5391  marilyn-monroe-BS-5387 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5384  marilyn-monroe-BS-5385  marilyn-monroe-BS-5386 

> Portraits de Arthur O'Connell
marilyn-monroe-BS-5366  marilyn-monroe-BS-5367 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5375  marilyn-monroe-BS-5369  marilyn-monroe-BS-5370 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5371  marilyn-monroe-BS-5368  marilyn-monroe-BS-5373 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

4 février 2014

Photos de Bus Stop 2

Arrêt d'Autobus
   Photos scène 2

 > Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene

Au Blue Dragon Café, Vera (Eileen Heckart) encourage Cherie (Marilyn Monroe) à aller discuter avec le nouveau client qui s'est assis dans le fond de la salle: il s'agit de Virgil (Arthur O'Connell). Le but est de faire consommer le client, en lui servant sans cesse à boire. Et Cherie de faire semblant de remplir son propre verre. Mais Virgil découvre la supercherie. 

bs-sc02-film-010-1 marilyn-monroe-BS-5418  
marilyn-monroe-BS-020  marilyn-monroe-BS-054  bs-sc02-film-011-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-021 bs-sc02-film-012-1a marilyn-monroe-BS-044 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5200  marilyn-monroe-BS-5224  marilyn-monroe-BS-5403 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5404  marilyn-monroe-BS-5203  marilyn-monroe-BS-5233 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5196  marilyn-monroe-BS-5232  marilyn-monroe-BS-5205
marilyn-monroe-BS-5231  marilyn-monroe-BS-5201  bs-sc02-film-020-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5195  marilyn-monroe-BS-5202  marilyn-monroe-BS-5405 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5219  marilyn-monroe-BS-5402 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5208  H3257-L44539099 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5206  bs-sc02-film-041-1a  bs-sc02-film-041-1 
film-bs-aff-lob-02-sc02  bs-sc02-film-050-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5213  marilyn-monroe-BS-5406 
film-bs-lot134h  film-bs-lot134e  marilyn-monroe-BS-340 
H3257-L44539949  bs-sc02-film-051-1-by_mhg-1  H3257-L44539948 
 bs-sc02-film-052-2  bs-sc02-film-052-1  bs-sc02-film-052-3 

> Photographies de Zinn Arthur
 Photographs by Zinn Arthur

 © All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

2 février 2014

Portraits studio pour Bus Stop scène 2 - (1)

Arrêt d'Autobus
Photos Publicitaires

   > Photographies de Milton H. Greene
Photographs of Milton H. Greene


 > Séance Tabouret
marilyn-monroe-BS-262  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-010-1  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-010-1a 
bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-010-2a  marilyn-monroe-BS-242b  marilyn-monroe-BS-248 
marilyn-monroe-BS-249  marilyn-monroe-BS-258  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-019-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-294  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-020-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-238  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-020-2  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-020-2a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-244  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-030-1  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-030-1a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-259  marilyn-monroe-BS-260  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-031-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-425  marilyn-monroe-BS-261  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-040-1 
bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-040-2  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-040-2a
bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-050-1  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-050-1a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-246  marilyn-monroe-BS-243  marilyn-monroe-BS-243a 

> Séance Escabeau 

bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-ladder-01-1  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-ladder-01-1a  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-ladder-01-2 
marilyn-monroe-BS-241a  film-bs-st-1956  marilyn-monroe-BS-263   
marilyn-monroe-BS-242  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-ladder-02-1  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-ladder-02-1a 

 > Séance Table 1

marilyn-monroe-BS-265  marilyn-monroe-BS-266 
bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-010-1  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-010-1a  film-bs-st-654 
marilyn-monroe-BS-264  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-010-2  film-bs-st-busstop093 
marilyn-monroe-BS-2578  marilyn-monroe-BS-239 
marilyn-monroe-BS-245  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-010-3  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-010-3a 
bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-010-4  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
  film-bs-st-by_gr_13821252_1_x film-bs-st-rtr_ga29q1zU92SSAYDKQ
marilyn-monroe-BS-314  film-bs-st-eou3VsN_66vjmuOFVjxlA 
 marilyn-monroe-BS-306  film-bs-st-by_gr_13821256_1_x  marilyn-monroe-BS-307 
marilyn-monroe-BS-301  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-woman-2  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-woman-2a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-300  marilyn-monroe-BS-308  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-woman-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-311  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-man-1  marilyn-monroe-BS-305 

> avec le photographe Frank Powolny

> avec sa coiffeuse Gladys Rasmussen

> planche contact
film-bus_stop-by_mhg-1  film-bus_stop-by_mhg-2 

 > Séance Table 2

bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
marilyn-monroe-BS-275  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  
marilyn-monroe-BS-267  ph-greene-film-bs-1956-05-16_b1 
bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
marilyn-monroe-BS-424  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
film-bs-st-013-1  marilyn-monroe-BS-270  film-bs-st-012-1  
bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
marilyn-monroe-BS-271  marilyn-monroe-BS-273 
ph-greene-film-bs-1956-05-16_b2  film-bs-st-015-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-382  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
marilyn-monroe-BS-269  film-bs-st-011-1  film-bs-st-010-1 
  film-bs-st-20_Arret_dautobus1_01   bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5700   bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  film-bs-st-016-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-268  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956
marilyn-monroe-BS-272  marilyn-monroe-BS-274  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956  
film-bs-st-014-1  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 


30 janvier 2014

Portraits studio pour Bus Stop scène 2 - (2)

Arrêt d'Autobus
Photos Publicitaires

  > Photographies de Milton H. Greene
Photographs of Milton H. Greene

 > Portraits de Marilyn Monroe
H3257-L44539056  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-010-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-2463  marilyn-monroe-BS-3338
H3257-L44539055  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-020-1  marilyn-monroe-BS-2462 
ph-greene-film-bs-1956-01-01_b   bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-030-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-3347  marilyn-monroe-BS-293 
film-bs-lot133c  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-035-1  film-bs-lot133a 
bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-035-2  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-035-2a  marilyn-monroe-BS-3340 
marilyn-monroe-BS-3346    marilyn-monroe-BS-3345 
film-bs-lot133b  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-041-1  ph-greene-film-bs-1956-01-01_d 
H3257-L44539058  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-040-1
ph-greene-film-bs-1956-01-01_c     bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-040-2 
bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-040-3  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-040-4 
marilyn-monroe-BS-234  marilyn-monroe-BS-236  
marilyn-monroe-BS-291   marilyn-monroe-BS-3344  film-bus_stop-st-2
marilyn-monroe-BS-3348  film-bs-lot133d  marilyn-monroe-BS-425a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-3342  marilyn-monroe-BS-3343 
ph-greene-film-bs-1956-01-01_a   bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-050-1  
H3257-L44539057  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-060-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-3339  marilyn-monroe-BS-424a  marilyn-monroe-BS-3337 
marilyn-monroe-BS-3543  marilyn-monroe-BS-3341  marilyn-monroe-BS-292 
marilyn-monroe-BS-235  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-070-1  marilyn-monroe-BS-237 


© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

29 janvier 2014

Marilyn et Joshua pendant Bus Stop

Arrêt d'Autobus
Photos Publicitaires

> (de gauche à droite): Amy Greene (femme de Milton),
Paula Strasberg
Joshua Greene (fils de Amy et Milton) et Marilyn
bs-sc02-set-film-set-with_amy_joshua_paula-1  bs-sc02-set-film-set-with_amy_joshua_paula-1a 

  > Photographies de Milton H. Greene
Photographs of Milton H. Greene

 > Portraits de Marilyn Monroe et Joshua Greene (le fils de Milton)
marilyn-monroe-BS-3328  marilyn-monroe-BS-3331 
marilyn-monroe-BS-004  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-with_joshua-010-1
marilyn-monroe-BS-3335  marilyn-monroe-BS-3336  marilyn-monroe-BS-3325 
marilyn-monroe-BS-3330  marilyn-monroe-BS-3334  marilyn-monroe-BS-3329 
marilyn-monroe-BS-3326  marilyn-monroe-BS-3333  marilyn-monroe-BS-3332 
marilyn-monroe-BS-001  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-with_joshua-011-1  marilyn-monroe-BS-002 
marilyn-monroe-BS-004b  marilyn-monroe-BS-009-b 
marilyn-monroe-BS-2464  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-with_joshua-020-1 
marilyn-monroe-BS-3543a  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-with_joshua-030-1  marilyn-monroe-BS-003 

> Joshua Greene et Milton Greene
marilyn-monroe-BS-5123a  marilyn-monroe-BS-5119a  marilyn-monroe-BS-5122a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5124a  marilyn-monroe-BS-5118a  marilyn-monroe-BS-5120a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5121a  marilyn-monroe-BS-5116a  marilyn-monroe-BS-5126a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-5125a  marilyn-monroe-BS-5127a  marilyn-monroe-BS-5128a 
marilyn-monroe-BS-6004  marilyn-monroe-BS-6005 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 

28 janvier 2014

Sur le tournage de Bus Stop 2

Arrêt d'Autobus
Sur le tournage - scène 2


 Marilyn Monroe avec l'acteur James Mason et son fils Morgan 

 > Photographies de Milton Greene
Photographs of Milton Greene 
Marilyn Monroe et Arthur O'Connell


  > Photographies de Arthur Zinn
Photographs of Arthur Zinn


> captures 
bs-black_magic-cap-02-1  bs-black_magic-cap-02-2  bs-black_magic-cap-02-3 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.   

28 janvier 2014

Gifs Bus Stop (5)

gif-bs-1  gif-bs-2 

> source gifs sur elsie's marilyn monroe

<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>
Depuis la création 5 665 430
Derniers commentaires
Marilyn sur le web

Une sélection de sites web

Blog - The Marilyn Report 
Blog - The Marilyn Archive 
Blog - Tara Hanks

  Mesmerizing Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn From the 22nd Row

Collection Greg Schreiner
Collection Scott Fortner
Collection Peter Schnug

Marilyn Geek
Fan Club The Marilyn Remembered

Blog - MM Books
Blog - Marilyn Monroe Animated Gifs 
Instagram Official Marilyn Monroe

Instagram - Silver Technicolor 
Instagram - Marilynraresig

Tumblr - The Marilyn Monroe Visual Vault 
Tumblr - Infinite Marilyn 
Tumblr - Always Marilyn Monroe 
Tumblr - Marilyn in High Quality 
Tumblr - Marilyn Monroe Archive 
Tumblr - Our Girl Marilyn 

Perfectly Marilyn Monroe

Crazy For Marilyn 
Crazy For You
Crazy For You 2

La presse
Blog - Marilyn Cover Girl 
Blog - La MM que j'aime 
Magazines - Famous Fix 

Magazines - Pinterest Lorraine Funke

Archives presse USA - Newspapers 
Archives presse Australia - Trove
Archives presse - Internet Archive 
Archives presse - Lantern

Archives presse - Media History Digital Library 
Archives - Gallica BNF 

Archives magazines - Magazine Art 
LIFE photo archive 
LIFE magazines 

LIFE articles 
Collier's - Unz Review 
Esquire Classic 
Bravo Posters 
Paris Match

 Agence Photos 
Getty images 
mptv images 
ullstein bild
Redux Pictures
Roger Viollet
iStock by Getty 
Bridgeman images 
AP Images 


All About Photo  
Listing Photographes du XXeme 
Allan Grant 
Bernard of Hollywood - instagram 
Bert Stern 
Bill Ray 
Bob Willoughby 
Carl Perutz 
Douglas Kirkland - website 
 Douglas Kirkland - instagram 
Elliott Erwitt - website 
Elliott Erwitt - instagram 
Ernst Haas 
Eve Arnold - website 
Eve Arnold - instagram 
George Barris - website 
George Barris - instagram 
Harold Lloyd  
Henri Dauman 
Jock Carroll 
Lawrence Schiller 
Leigh Wiener 
Nickolas Muray 
Phil Stern 
Philippe Halsman - website 
Philippe Halsman - instagram  
Richard Avedon - website 
Richard Avedon - instagram 
Sam Shaw - website 
Sam Shaw - instagram  
Weegee Arthur Fellig 

Milton H Greene
Milton H Greene - website 
Milton H Greene - instagram 
MHG The Archives Licensing  
The archives LLC - tumblr

Video Archives 
British Pathé  
ITN Archive

Paramount & Pathé Newsreel

The Blonde at the Film 
Tumblr - Weirland TV
Dr Macro's HQ scans 
Pulp International 
Stirred Straight Up 


Sites communautés
Irish Marilyn Monroe Fan Club
The Place 
Who's Dated Who 
Films - imdb 
Films - Classic Movie Hub 
Bio - Wikipedia fr  
Dossiers - FBI Records

 Marilyn Friends
Mona Rae Miracle
Joe DIMaggio
Arthur Miller
Yves Montand 
Montgomery Clift 
Clark Gable 
Marlon Brando 
Jane Russell 
Rock Hudson 
Dean Martin 
Frank Sinatra 
Ava Gardner 
Ralph Roberts 
George Fisher
Joan Crawford
Jeanne Carmen 
Travilla Style - blog 
The Actors Studio