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Divine Marilyn Monroe


Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Zelda Zonk

12 mars 2016

New York Mirror 07/08/1962

1962-08-07-new_york_mirror-usa  Le journal américain de New-York New York Mirror du mardi 7 août 1962, titre en Une "Marilyn's Last Day Of Life". 

1962-08-07-new_york_mirror-usa-p2  1962-08-07-new_york_mirror-usa-p3 


12 mars 2016

New York Mirror 12/11/1960

1960-11-12-new_york_mirror-usa  Le journal américain New York Mirror du 12 Novembre 1960, consacrait sa couverture à Marilyn Monroe et Yves Montand intitulé "MM and Miller Call it Quits" pet un article "Marilyn Monroe Admits It's Over" par Sheilah Graham.

1960-11-12-new_york_mirror-usa-p1  1960-11-12-new_york_mirror-usa-p2 
1960-11-12-new_york_mirror-usa-p1a  1960-11-12-new_york_mirror-usa-p2a  


The celebrated "perfect marriage" of sexy glamor girl Marilyn Monroe and eggheard, Lincolnesque playwroght Arthur Miller has broken up after four years.
Marilyn will file for a divorce, though she hasn't been to see her lawyer yet, she admitted yesterday.
Fighting her way out of her swank apartment building at 444 E. 57th St. at 4:30 p.m, trough a crush of newsmen, photographers, and celebrity-chasers, she looked pale and on the verge of tears. She had little makeup on. Her skin seemed blotchy rather than blooming. Her hai was hidden under a beige babushka and she kept her hands in the pockets of a double-breasted black seal sportcoat.
ASKED ABOUT THE impending divorce, she said in a tired, squeakly voice, "I'm very sorry, I have nothing to say about my personal life" but she confirmed the separation.
Where was she going ?
"I don't think I have to tell you that" she said, fighting her way through the crush to the curb where a hired limousine had been waiting. It took her five minutes to get across the lobby and sidewalk.
"I'll be in New York quite a while; those are my only plans right now", she breathed, looking as if she were ready to cry as the chauffeur, managed to get her into the car.
He drove her to the Central Park West apartment of Lee Strasberg, her drama coach and father of actress Susan Strasberg.
Friends of the couple cautiously blame "clashing careers" -but in thruth it's been apparent for a long time that they were bored to death with each other.
The marriage would have broken up anyhow, even if French movie star Yves Montand hadn't come into her life -but when he did, Marilyn was ripe for a romance.
Don't be surprised if she suddenly departs for Paris on a vacation. That's where Montand is, until he leaves for Japan to make a picture there.
Miller is camping out in a hotel -probably under another name, to keep himself elusive.
The were keeping up pretenses until now, sharing a hotel bungalow in Hollywood, but on Satursay they took separate planes East.
Miller went up to his Connecticut farm on Tuesday to vote, and the two have met twice in New York during the week, but only to discuss business matters.
"It is not an embittered estrangement; there is no bitterness on either side," claimed James Proctor, a friend of both. He explained it in these terms: "Marilyn is not just a star, she is an institution - and must constantly be in the center of excitement and activity. The nature of Miller requires ...
There are lots of reasons why. Mostly it's that Miller was intolerably bored, with this beautiful sex symbol, whom he found really a dull creature full of complexes. She tried to make him her father, her mother, her uncle. All his creative powers were stifled.

Friends Say Breakup Will Have No Effect on Montand
PARIS, Nov, 11 (UPI) - Marilyn Monroe's divorce plans will not change anything in the life of French singer and actor Yves Montand, friends of Montand said today.
The friends ventured the confident prediction in the absence from Paris of the handsome French movie star, who was rumored to have scored a romantic hit with Miss Monroe when they made the movie "Let's Make Love" together in Hollywood early this year.
Montand was spending the Armistice Day national holiday in the country with his wife, Oscar winning actress Simone Signoret.
THE RUMORS OF Montand's success with Marilyn created a stormy passage in the Frenchman's own married life at the time, friends reported. But now he and his wife are solidly re-united, the friends said.
"But Miss Monroe's divorce will change nothing in Montand's life".
Miss Signoret stayed in Hollywood with Montand during most of the shooting of "Let's Make Love". The two couples lived next door to each other and spent many evenings together. The couple is expected back in Paris tomorrow.


11 mars 2016

Bannière Printemps 2016

Bannière pour le printemps 2016
Marilyn Monroe en 1955, séance "Mandolin" de Milton Greene


9 mars 2016

Marilyn Monroe Citation 28

I love a natural look in pictures. I like people with a feeling one way or another - it shows an inner life. I like to see that there's something going on inside them.


J'aime avoir l'air naturelle sur les photos. J'aime les gens avec un sentiment d'une façon ou d'une autre - cela montre qu'il y a une vie intérieure. J'aime voir qu'il y a quelque chose à l'intérieur d'eux.

6 mars 2016

Les révélations morbides du croque-mort de Marilyn Monroe

Les révélations morbides du croque-mort de Marilyn Monroe
publié le 10/06/2015
en ligne sur


Un mythe s'effrondre. Après avoir conduit des stars à la morgue toute sa vie, Allan Abbott, le croque-mort de Hollywood, a publié ses mémoires dans un livre intitulé Pardon My Hearse. Et stupeur entre deux anecdotes à propos de John F. Kennedy ou Nathalie Wood, il dresse un portrait morbide du sex-symbol américain : fausses dents, lèvres gercées, jambes mal épilées, faux seins, peau abîmée, pédicure douteuse...

« Elle ne ressemblait pas à Marilyn Monroe mais à une femme banale, qui prend de l’âge et qui ne prend pas beaucoup soin d’elle », raconte Allan Abbot, qui s'est dit choqué par l’état dans lequel il a retrouvé la jeune femme, décédée à 36 ans d'une overdose de barbituriques.

Le croque-mort explique que, compte tenu de la position de Marilyn Monroe à sa mort, son visage n’était plus reconnaissable : « Marilyn est morte face contre terre. Elle avait des taches violettes sur ses joues et son cou était particulièrement enflé. » Ses cheveux, eux, étaient courts et crépus. « Ses jambes n’étaient pas épilées, ses lèvres en mauvais état. Elle avait besoin d’une manucure et d’une pédicure », continue-t-il.

L’état de sa poitrine a laissé les employés des pompes funèbres perplexes : « Elle ne ressemblait pas à Marilyn Monroe », révèle la femme du thanatopracteur, qui a rembouré le soutien-gorge de coton pour lui donner plus de formes.

Des révélations surprenantes pour cette incarnation du glamour, qui aurait néanmoins confié plusieurs fois à son psychiatre s'examiner régulièrement devant son miroir pour constater les effets de l'âge sur son corps.

> A lire sur le Daily Mail

logo_molEXCLUSIVE: Marilyn Monroe had purple blotches on her face, falsie breasts and 'didn't take care of herself' reveals mortician who prepared her and other stars for burial
Article published in 9 June 2015
by Caroline Howe - online on dailymail

  • Allan Abbott and Ron Hast first job delivering flowers from the mortuary to the cemetery led to top funeral company - and limo service
  • They picked up Marilyn Monroe's remains and Abbott describes the  shocking state of her body in new book
  • 'She looked like a very average, aging woman who had not been taking very good care of herself,' he writes
  • They drove Natalie Wood's mother and her sister, Lana Wood to Natalie's funeral in 1981
  • Their limos drove John F. Kennedy and his entourage all over Los Angeles during the 1960 Democratic Convention
  • They picked up Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in 1963 at the San Bernardino train station for an incognito arrival into Los Angeles 

From Marilyn Monroe's hairy legs, to Natalie Wood's bruises, two morticians to the stars share their last unique and final glimpse of some of the cream of Hollywood.
Abbott & Hast became the funeral service of choice for Los Angeles' rich and famous during the 1960s.
When celebrities died, the firm would be relied on to pick up the bodies and chauffer them away.

So it was perhaps unsurprising when, on August 5, 1962, the company received a call to pick up the body of Marilyn Monroe after she was found dead in her home from a suspected overdose.
Abott revealed they had been shocked by the state of the starlet who bared almost no resemble so her stunning onscreen persona.

Fallen star: Allan Abbott and Ron Hast were shocked when they saw the condition of Marilyn Monroe's body. Abbott and his brother write about it in gruesome detail in new book Pardon My Hearse

Marilyn's bedroom: The room where film actress Marilyn Monroe's body was found on August 9, 1962

He added that her face had been marred by purple blotches, her roots were showing and she was in need of a manicure and pedicure.

The company also transported screen stars Clark Gable and Ernie Kovacs to their respective funerals, with Frank Sinatra and Jack Lemmon serving as pallbearers at the latter.
But it wasn't just the dead famous they transported.
Their limo service chauffeured married actors Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton and even presidential nominee John F. Kennedy.

High school friends Allan Abbott and Ron Hast had bought their first old hearse to use on camping trips while prospecting rocks and fossils in the 1950s.
It also brought their first summer job during college, delivering flowers from the mortuary to the cemetery.
From standard hearses, to flower trucks, to rental limos, to an 'air hearse', a boat for scattering ashes at sea, funeral prop rentals - the company that Abbott and Hast created evolved into the leading hearse, mortuary and funeral service company in Hollywood.
Allan Abbot candidly writes about transporting famous corpses as well as driving celebrities and renting his cars and props to movie studies in Pardon My Hearse, a Craven Street Books publication to be published on June 15.

A 1941 morbid-looking black Packard hearse the pair purchased for a mere $40 started it all. They fitted what they called the 'black elephant' with a mattress and used it for long camping trips.
It felt creepy knowing that it had a history of transporting corpses and 'it took awhile to get used to seeing people make the sign of the cross or remove their hats as we drove by', Abbott writes.
Even Ron's parents made him park it a block away from their house.
When they were offered $400 for it, they sold it, bought two more hearses so that each of them owned their own hearse as their personal vehicle.
Their lucrative move to a venture in undertaking was serendipitous and began when they accepted a summer job to deliver flowers from a mortuary to a cemetery.
That segued into a request to pick up bodies for $95 - a big sum of cash for the two, new to the shroud business. They practiced on Abbott's mother – picking her up off the floor and placing her on an old ambulance cot.

'Now the time had come for us to decide if we were really prepared to be in such a predictably disquieting line of work, and we needed to know if we were mentally resolved to deal with what was sure to come', Abbott writes.
They rented an old building on the west side of Los Angeles in an area dubbed 'Death Row', zoned for mortuary operations and set up shop. In the basement they found old mortuary paraphernalia that included artificial arms, legs, dentures, wicker caskets, early embalming equipment.
And they were in business with calls from San Quentin State Prison to remove bodies after executions. They were called to remove a body at a candy factory after the worker had fallen into a vat of chocolate and drowned.

Movie studios starting calling requesting funeral cars to use in films.
The pair added a large flower truck in their fleet of vehicles using it for funerals of Jack Warner, head of Warner Brothers, actor Jimmy Durante, singer Mario Lanza, to name a few.
They were called on in the early 1960s to pick up Swedish film actress, Inger Stevens who was in a popular television show at the time, The Farmer's daughter, and drive her to Los Angeles International Airport.
When Abbott knocked on the door of her Hollywood apartment, he was informed by a man on the other side of the door that she had left for the airport in her own car.

Rigor: Marilyn Monroe's body was first taken to the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's office. Early stages of rigor mortis had begun indicating she had been dead longer than the presumed three hours.. Monroe was found dead of a suspected  barbiturate overdose

Shock: The body of actress Marilyn Monroe arrives at the mortuary. 'When we removed the sheet covering her, it was almost impossible to believe this was the body of Marilyn Monroe,' writes Abbott. 'She looked like a very average, aging woman who had not been taking very good care of herself'

All-purpose: Allan Abbott and Ron Hast first job delivering flowers from the mortuary to the cemetery led to top funeral company - and limo service

Abbott and his girlfriend took it upon themselves to investigate the unidentified voice. It turned out to be Isaac Jones, President of Nat King Cole's Kell-Cole Productions and the first black person to produce an A-list picture when he was a producer of 'A Man Called Adam', starring Sammy Davis Jr.
Jones and Stevens had secretly married in Mexico in 1961 and kept it a secret believing an interracial relationship would ruin her career. Nine years later, after dating Burt Reynolds for a year in a reportedly volatile relationship, she was discovered unconscious on her kitchen floor and died of acute barbiturate intoxication en route to the hospital.
Friends never believed that she took her own life. She was still married to Jones at the time of her death.
Abbott & Hast were called for cars and drivers for Inger's funeral.

The following year, a call came into the West Los Angeles Police Station in the early hours of August 5, 1962. Dr. Hyman Engelberg identified himself to Sergeant Jack Clemmons on the desk and stated that Marilyn Monroe was dead in her house at 1230 Fifth Helena Drive in Brentwood.
Engelberg said Dr. Ralph Greenson had informed him that her death was from an overdose of Nembutal and stated it was suicide. Clemmons jumped into a squad car and headed out to her house.
The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office called Westwood Village Memorial Cemetery and instructed them to remove her body. Manager Guy Hockett took the assignment and discovered her body was in the early stages of rigor mortis, a condition that typically begins six to eight hours after death but he had been informed that death had occurred three hours prior to his arrival.
Hockett delivered her body to the mortuary.

Ron Hast and Allan Abbott stand next to Monroe's casket prior to the service at the cemetery crypt. Their hearse drove Marilyn Monroe's casket in her funeral procession on August 8, 1962 to Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles

Incognito: Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor arrive in San Bernadino in 1963 by train in an effort to avoid large unruly crowds in LA. But Liz was put off that there weren't more fans waiting to see her

The mortuary men picked up bodies for $95 - a big sum of cash for the two new to the shroud business. They practiced on Abbott's mother – picking her up off the floor and placing her on an old ambulance cot

Abbott's company was called and they sent Leonard 'Chris' Kreminski to assist in removing the body. It was later transported downtown for the postmortem.
'Because of the tremendous implications of this case, it took much longer for Coroner Theodore Curphey to finally make some statements. His best and most dedicated pathologist, Thomas Noguchi, known to some as 'The Knife,' spent about three times as much time as it usually took him to do a full postmortem.
'The deputies at the coroner's office informed me that Dr. Noguchi had been extremely thorough with his examination of her body. He spent a great deal of time looking for hypodermic needle marks, which he did discover in her arm pit, but this area is often used by doctors when treating female movie stars.
'He continued to search in unusual places like inside her nose, between her toes and fingers, under her tongue, and in her genitals, but was unable to discover any additional injection points', Abbott writes.

Abbott was present and entered the embalming room with the embalmer, identified only as 'Frenchie'.
'When we removed the sheet covering her, it was almost impossible to believe this was the body of Marilyn Monroe. She looked like a very average, aging woman who had not been taking very good care of herself. Obviously, the circumstances surrounding her death had greatly exacerbated her poor appearance and she was unrecognizable.

Abbott drove the hearse for the 1962 funeral of actor Ernie Kovacs with Frank Sinatra and Jack Lemmon serving as pallbearers. Kovacs had been killed in a Chevrolet Corvair, one of the early rear-engine American cars that were discontinued because the car was known to go out of control after hard braking

Their limos drove John F. Kennedy and his entourage all over Los Angeles during the 1960 Democratic Convention. Abbott says they had a hard time collecting payment from the candidate

'When someone dies, gravity causes the blood to settle to the lowest point of the body. This condition is called lividity, and considering that many people die lying on their backs, the discoloration that occurs is seldom visible.
'In Marilyn's case, she died face down, so there were purple blotches on her face, and her neck was very swollen. They had bathed her at the coroner's office, and her hair was frizzy and fairly short.
'You could tell she had not bleached it for some time, because the roots were darker and had grown out about half an inch.
'Her natural hair color was a light brown, not blonde. Her legs hadn't been shaved for at least a week, and her lips were badly chapped. She was also in need of a manicure and pedicure.'

'We began discussing the terrible swelling in her neck, and Frenchie decided that a surgical procedure was needed. This was out of my area of expertise, so I deferred to his decision. Frenchie knew how to correct the problem, but it wasn't going to be pretty.
'He instructed me to hold her on her side so he could make an incision in the back of her neck in the shape of a marquis diamond and remove about two square inches of skin. He then pulled the sides together and stitched it up. It wasn't pleasant to watch, but it was quite effective in reducing the swelling.
'Marilyn's executrix had just brought in her clothing, so Mrs. Hockett, wife of the cemetery's manager, rang me to come up to the office and pick up the package. She also informed me that the lady said Marilyn didn't wear panties, and she couldn't find any among her clothing.

In 1981, Natalie Wood mysteriously drowned in the waters off of Catalina Island, California where she and her husband Robert Wagner and guest and actor Christopher Walken had been partying . Natalie's body was bruised from hitting the rocks and the coroner's pathologist chose to surgically remove some of that tissue to examine closely. Natalie was dressed in a full-length fur coat so that the bruising was not visible when the casket was open

Robert Wagner comforts his daughter Courtney Brooke Wagner at Natalie's funeral.  The casket was carried from the hearse to the device used to lower it into the grave. Moving over to stand next to Abbot who was at the head of the casket was Christopher Walken – separated from the other attendees

'I also noticed that among the items was a small pair of false breasts. I had seen falsies before, but these were much smaller than any I'd seen'.

'That doesn't look like Marilyn Monroe,' Mrs. Hamrock stated. 'What happened to her boobs ?' In his own defense, Frenchie told her that the cutting of the ribs during the autopsy had caused this condition. He further stated that he had even used the falsies that were brought in with her clothing, but they had been much too small to enhance her physique'.
Mrs. Hamrock reached down and pulled at the neck of the dress, which was a very springy material. She reached in with her other hand to remove the falsies and threw them into the trash can. She then pulled some clumps of cotton off a roll and formed much larger breasts by stuffing her bra. At this point she stepped back and proudly exclaimed, 'Now that looks like Marilyn Monroe !'
Abbott later retrieved the falsies from the trash and took them home.

Sydney Guilaroff, Monroe's makeup man, and Allan 'Whitey' Snyder, arrived at the mortuary. Sydney brought the wig that was made for her for the film, Something's Got to Give, and Whitey applied her makeup.
Whitey told Abbott that Marilyn's breasts at age thirty-six were beginning to sag. She wore a bra but placed the little falsies between her bra and the sweater to make it look like she was unsupported and braless.

Joe DiMaggio kept a vigil at the mortuary. He stood by the casket for a while and then he walked in the cemetery outside and cried. They had married in January 1954 and Marilyn had filed for divorce 274 days later. They remained close and Joe never stopped loving her. Monroe was buried in Westwood Cemetery.

DM-13a  DM-13b  
Eventually the mortuary partners bought a plane and a boat so they could offer burial at sea or to have ashes scattered from the air or over the water


That same year, 1962, Abbott was called to drive the hearse for actor Ernie Kovacs funeral. He directed pallbearers Frank Sinatra, Jack Lemmon and four others during the funeral ceremony with actress Kim Novak in attendance.

Kovacs had been killed in a Chevrolet Corvair, one of the early rear-engine American cars that were discontinued because the car was known to go out of control after hard braking. Ralph Nadar's book Unsafe at Any Speed sped up the demise of the Corvair.

In 1981, Natalie Wood mysteriously drowned in the waters off of Catalina Island, California where she and her husband Robert Wagner and guest and actor Christopher Walken had been partying. The call came in to Abbott to drive the family car and pick up Natalie's mother as well as her sister, Lana Wood.

The casket was carried from the hearse to the device used to lower it into the grave. Moving over to stand next to Abbot who was at the head of the casket was Christopher Walken – separated from the other attendees.

Natalie's body was bruised from hitting the rocks and the coroner's pathologist chose to surgically remove some of that tissue to examine closely. Natalie was dressed in a full-length fur coat so that the bruising was not visible when the casket was open.

'People have often asked me if my line of work was depressing. Sometimes that was the case but all things considered, it was certainly never dull'. Abbott admits to developing a gallows sense of humor. If asked how's business, he answered, 'Dead'. A slogan for the company was 'We'll be the last ones to let you down'.

- - - - -

- They picked up Marilyn Monroe's remains and helped prepare it for burial, witnessing the shocking state her body was in at the time of death.
- Two years earlier, Abbott drove a family car for screen star Clark Gable's funeral at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California in 1960.
- Abbott drove the hearse for the 1962 funeral of actor Ernie Kovacs with Frank Sinatra and Jack Lemmon serving as pallbearers and attended by Kim Novak.
- They drove Natalie Wood's mother and her sister, Lana Wood to Natalie's funeral in 1981.
- Their limos drove presidential nominee John F. Kennedy and his entourage all over Los Angeles during the 1960 Democratic Convention – and had a hard time collecting from the candidate.
- They picked up Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in 1963 at the San Bernardino train station for an incognito arrival into Los Angeles sixty miles away, to have Elizabeth complain of no stargazers and Richard needing a drink
- They drove Carly Simon and a girlfriend to the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles in the Sixties listening to her complain that her new boyfriend resented her latest song. Carly then pulled two joints out of her handbag and the girls lit up. Allan didn't want to be high while driving but neither did he want to close the divider and not hear their gossip.

- - - - -

Pardon My Hearse by Allan Abbott and Gregory Abbott published by Craven Street Books is available on Amazon June 15, 2015

6 mars 2016

A la TV - Révélations sur la mort de Marilyn


 Vendredi 26 février 2016 - 15h40 - France 5
- à revoir en replay pendant 7 jours-
Rediffusions: Samedi 12 mars à 1h00
Dimanche 20 mars à 14h45

Documentaire - Révélations sur la mort de Marilyn

Durée: 50 min
Réalisation: Renny Bartlett , Ed Hower

Année: 2014, Grande-Bretagne
>>  site
Résumé: Cette série propose de décrypter des affaires célèbres encore non élucidées, à l'aide de nouveaux éléments scientifiques et de pièces à conviction inédites qui relancent l'enquête. 5 août 1962, Marilyn Monroe est retrouvée morte à son domicile de Los Angeles. L'autopsie conclut à un suicide probable. Mais cette version des faits n'a jamais totalement convaincu. Une rumeur vient de refaire surface. Le soir de sa mort, Marilyn Monroe se serait disputée avec un homme dont le nom reste absent du rapport d'enquête. La confrontation se serait soldée par l'assassinat de l'actrice. De mystérieux enregistrements et des témoignages passés sous silence apportent un nouvel éclairage.
Chris Eptin (écrivain et journaliste)
Richard Buskin (co-auteur de "The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed")
Darwin Porter (biographe)
Robert Watson (historien spécialisé dans les Présidents USA)
Buddy Greco (Historien, ancien chanteur au Cal Neva)
Jack Clemmons (ancien policier - extrait interview de 1992)
George Masters (coiffeur de Marilyn - extrait audio de 1988)
Jeff Platts (expert en sécurité, neveu de Masters)
Sam York (préfet Police - extrait interview de 1985)
Raymond Strait (écrivain, ancien attaché de presse)
Fred Otash (extrait interview de 1985)
James Hall (ancien ambulancier - extrait interview de 1992)
Jay Margolis (co-auteur de "The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed")


5 mars 2016

A la TV - Personne ne Bouge


Dimanche 6 mars 2016 - 17h00 - Arte
- à revoir en replay pendant 7 jours-
Rediffusion: Mercredi 9 mars à 06h30

Magazine - Personne ne bouge
"Spécial Marilyn Monroe"


Durée: 35 min
Réalisation: Philippe Collin, Xavier Mauduit et Frédéric Bonnaud

Année: 2016, France
>>  extraits sur

Un spécial Marilyn Monroe avec un retour sur le tournage en 1961 des "Misfits" ("Les Désaxés"), son dernier rôle ; l'anniversaire de JFK le 19 mai 1962 ; le clip "Marilyn Monroe" de Pharrell Williams ; sa rencontre avec la brune incendiaire Jane Russell dans "Les Hommes préfèrent les blondes" ; un entretien avec sa professeur d'art dramatique, Natasha Lytess

Story : The Misfits
On lui préfère souvent sa blondeur angélique, ses poses de ravissantes idiotes. Pourtant quand, en 1961, elle tourne The Misfits, son dernier rôle, on découvre une Monroe crépusculaire dans la peau d’une divorcée éprise d’une bande de cow-boys à bout de souffle. Autopsie d’une désaxée.

Garderobe : le soutien-gorge
Marilyn avait, en plus de son immense talent, deux arguments de taille qu’elle sut mettre en valeur en usant de soutiens-gorge de compèt’ qui contribuèrent à sa légende.  Tour d’horizon de cet élément de lingerie qui fait partie du quotidien des femmes.

Scandale ! : Le Madison Square Garden
Le 19 mai 1962 au Madison Square Garden, JFK fête ses 45 ans. Pour l’occasion, Marilyn Monroe chante, dans un souffle, un joyeux anniversaire dont on découvre tout à coup le puissant potentiel érotique alors qu’une rumeur raconte que JFK tromperait sa femme Jackie Kennedy avec la star. Scandale !

Clipologie : « Marilyn Monroe» de Pharrell Williams
Nous sommes en 2014 et après "Happy", Pharrell Williams sort un single qui porte le nom de la star la plus malheureuse du XXe siècle : Marilyn Monroe. Le message est simple : nul besoin d’être une icône ou une héroïne telle Marilyn pour plaire à Pharrell, amoureux des femmes en général sans distinction de taille, de race ou de religion.. mais si possible quand même ultra-canon !

Star System : la méthode Marilyn
Aucune star n’aura autant incarné l’essence de la pop culture que Marylin Monroe, icône éternelle qui a atteint le plus haut niveau de célébrité qui existe : celui de produit de merchandising en licence libre qui lui confère un caractère immortel. Vous voulez devenir célèbre ou le rester ? Découvrez la méthode Marilyn.

Icône : Les Hommes préfèrent les blondes
En 1953, le réalisateur Howard Hawks réunit pour la première fois la blonde peroxydée Marilyn Monroe et la brune incendiaire Jane Russell dans Les Hommes préfèrent les Blondes. Jean-Marc Lalanne revient pour nous sur ce buddy movie au féminin dans lequel Marilyn Monroe, elle, préfère les riches.

Perle Rare : Natasha Lytess
La première fois qu’elle a vu Marilyn, elle ne l’a pas trouvée jolie. En 1948, Natasha Lytess est engagée par la Colombia comme professeur d’art dramatique. Pendant presque dix ans et vingt films elle fut le coach, la confidente, la colocataire et aussi un peu la maman de Miss Monroe. Pour les caméras de "Cinq colonnes à la Une", Natasha Lytess se souvient de Marilyn.


>> infographie via

>> BD "Marilyn, Sang Chaud
Marilyn devient victime de suceurs de sang...
une "Vampire opéra" imaginée par Leslie Plée.



21 février 2016

Les derniers repas des stars

Les derniers repas des stars
publié le 21/02/2016
en ligne sur


Du champagne avec des champignons farcis pour Marilyn Monroe, de la root beer et une cigarette pour Kurt Cobain… Voici les derniers repas des célébrités disparues.

BBoHmzI  Marilyn Monroe

L’une des plus grandes actrices de l’histoire du cinéma est décédée à l’âge de 36 ans d’une overdose de somnifères. Le 5 août 1962, Marilyn aurait mangé comme dernier repas des champignons farcis avec des boulettes de viande, et du champagne Dom Pérignon.

21 février 2016

Gif Milton Greene (6) - Tree


21 février 2016

Les 10 artistes morts les plus rentables

vanity_fair_logoLes 10 artistes morts les plus rentables
publié le 06/02/2015
en ligne sur

Même outre-tombe, ces personnalités continuent de faire tourner une machine de plusieurs millions de dollars. Découvrez le classement Forbes des célébrités mortes les plus rentables de l’année 2014.

01/ Michael Jackson avec 140 millions de Dollars
02/ Elvis Presley avec 55 millions de Dollars
03/ Charles Schulz, avec 40 millions de dollars
04/ Elizabeth Taylor, avec 25 millions de dollars
05/ Bob Marley, avec 20 millions de dollars

06/ Marilyn Monroe, avec 17 millions de dollars

marilyn_monroe_riche_gif_6600_north_626x_white < Marilyn Monroe chez elle, dans sa maison en Californie, en 1953.
Photo Alfred Eisenstaedt/Pix Inc./The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

Marilyn est morte dans d’étranges circonstances le 5 août 1962, ne laissant à 36 ans que peu de choses derrière elle. Pourtant, depuis, Authentic Brand Group (qui possède aussi les droits de Elvis Presley et Mohamed Ali, pour n’en citer que deux), a racheté les droits de Monroe et la décline en marque déposée bien juteuse ; dernièrement, on a pu voir apparaître une ligne de lingerie Marilyn Monroe, en plus de sa ligne de vêtements pour ados qui se vend comme des petits pains chez Macy’s.

07/ John Lennon, avec 12 millions de dollars
08/ Albert Einstein, avec 11 millions de dollars
09 a/ Theodor Geisel, avec 9 millions de dollars
09 b/ Bruce Lee, avec 9 millions de dollars
09 c/ Steve McQueen, avec 9 millions de dollars
09 d/ Bettie Page, avec 9 millions de dollars
10/ James Dean, avec 7 millions de dollars

Depuis la création 5 675 388
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Marilyn sur le web

Une sélection de sites web

Blog - The Marilyn Report 
Blog - The Marilyn Archive 
Blog - Tara Hanks

  Mesmerizing Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn From the 22nd Row

Collection Greg Schreiner
Collection Scott Fortner
Collection Peter Schnug

Marilyn Geek
Fan Club The Marilyn Remembered

Blog - MM Books
Blog - Marilyn Monroe Animated Gifs 
Instagram Official Marilyn Monroe

Instagram - Silver Technicolor 
Instagram - Marilynraresig

Tumblr - The Marilyn Monroe Visual Vault 
Tumblr - Infinite Marilyn 
Tumblr - Always Marilyn Monroe 
Tumblr - Marilyn in High Quality 
Tumblr - Marilyn Monroe Archive 
Tumblr - Our Girl Marilyn 

Perfectly Marilyn Monroe

Crazy For Marilyn 
Crazy For You
Crazy For You 2

La presse

Blog - Marilyn Cover Girl 
Blog - La MM que j'aime 
Magazines - Famous Fix 

Magazines - Pinterest Lorraine Funke

Archives presse USA - Newspapers 
Archives presse Australia - Trove
Archives presse - Internet Archive 
Archives presse - Lantern

Archives presse - Media History Digital Library 
Archives - Gallica BNF 

Archives magazines - Magazine Art 
LIFE photo archive 
LIFE magazines 

LIFE articles 
Collier's - Unz Review 
Esquire Classic 
Bravo Posters 
Paris Match

 Agence Photos 
Getty images 
mptv images 
ullstein bild
Redux Pictures
Roger Viollet
iStock by Getty 
Bridgeman images 
AP Images 


All About Photo  
Listing Photographes du XXeme 
Allan Grant 
Bernard of Hollywood - instagram 
Bert Stern 
Bill Ray 
Bob Willoughby 
Carl Perutz 
Douglas Kirkland - website 
 Douglas Kirkland - instagram 
Elliott Erwitt - website 
Elliott Erwitt - instagram 
Ernst Haas 
Eve Arnold - website 
Eve Arnold - instagram 
George Barris - website 
George Barris - instagram 
Harold Lloyd  
Henri Dauman 
Jock Carroll 
Lawrence Schiller 
Leigh Wiener 
Nickolas Muray 
Phil Stern 
Philippe Halsman - website 
Philippe Halsman - instagram  
Richard Avedon - website 
Richard Avedon - instagram 
Sam Shaw - website 
Sam Shaw - instagram  
Weegee Arthur Fellig 

Milton H Greene
Milton H Greene - website 
Milton H Greene - instagram 
MHG The Archives Licensing  
The archives LLC - tumblr

 Video Archives 
British Pathé  
ITN Archive

Paramount & Pathé Newsreel

The Blonde at the Film 
Tumblr - Weirland TV
Dr Macro's HQ scans 
Pulp International 
Stirred Straight Up 


Sites communautés
Irish Marilyn Monroe Fan Club
The Place 
Who's Dated Who 
Films - imdb 
Films - Classic Movie Hub 
Bio - Wikipedia fr  
Dossiers - FBI Records

 Marilyn Friends
Mona Rae Miracle
Joe DIMaggio
Arthur Miller
Yves Montand 
Montgomery Clift 
Clark Gable 
Marlon Brando 
Jane Russell 
Rock Hudson 
Dean Martin 
Frank Sinatra 
Ava Gardner 
Ralph Roberts 
George Fisher
Joan Crawford
Jeanne Carmen 
Travilla Style - blog 
The Actors Studio