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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Zelda Zonk

mm et les avions
25 juillet 2012

16/09/1954 De New York à Los Angeles

Le 16 septembre 1954, Marilyn Monroe et son époux Joe DiMaggio partent de New York pour regagner Los Angeles.

1954_09_16_ny_5 1954_09_16_by_ed_messinger_L0168 1954_09_16_by_ed_messinger_1
1954_09_16_ny_1 1954_09_16_back_to_LA_after_set_syi 1954_09_16_joe 1954_09_16_ny_3 

On September 16, 1954, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio leave New York and go to Los Angeles.

10 mai 2012

20/11/1956 Trajet Londres - New York

Le soir du 20 novembre 1956, Marilyn Monroe et Arthur Miller quittent l'Angleterre, où Marilyn séjourna près de 4 mois pour tourner le film Le Prince et la Danseuse. Laurence Olivier et sa femme Vivien Leigh accompagnent le couple américain à l'aéroport de Londres pour leur dire au revoir sous le regard des photographes.
On the evening of November 20, 1956, Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller leave London, where Marilyn stayed away 4 months to shoot The Prince and the Showgirl. Laurence Olivier and his wife Vivien Leigh say goodbye to the american couple at the London airport.

1956-london-3  1956-london-3a 
1956_11_20_depart_londres_1 1956_11_20_london_airport_010_2 1956_11_20_london_airport_010_3
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1956_11_20_london_airport_021_1 1956_11_20_depart 1956_11_20_london_airport_023_1
1956_11_20_london_airport_022_1 1956_11_20_london_airport_022_2
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> Captures
depart_londres_cap01 depart_londres_cap02 depart_londres_cap03
depart_londres_cap04 depart_londres_cap05 depart_londres_cap06
depart_londres_cap07 depart_londres_cap08 depart_londres_cap09
depart_londres_cap10 depart_londres_cap11 depart_londres_cap12
depart_londres_cap13 depart_londres_cap14 depart_londres_cap15
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1956-11-20-london-cap16 1956-11-20-london-cap17 1956-11-20-london-cap18

> Video 1

> Video 2

> Captures discours de Marilyn
1956-11-20-london-cap07 1956-11-20-london-cap08 1956-11-20-london-cap09
1956-11-20-london-cap10 1956-11-20-london-cap11 1956-11-20-london-cap12
1956-11-20-london-cap13 1956-11-20-london-cap14 1956-11-20-london-cap15

La nuit du 20 novembre, Marilyn et Arthur font une escale en Ireland, où ils changent d'avion. Ils boivent un Irish Coffee à l'aéroport Shannon.
On the night of November 20, 1956, Marilyn and Arthur make a stop-over in Ireland, at the Shannon Airport. They drink an Irish Coffee.  

1956_11_21_ireland_shannon_airport_1 1956_mm_arthur

> dans la presse

Le 22 novembre 1956, le couple arrivent à l'aéroport d'Idlewild de New York où ils sont assaillis par les reporters. Ils ne font aucune déclaration, l'agent publicitaire de Marilyn informa la presse qu'elle était très fatiguée après ce long  voyage en avion. Ils regagnent Roxbury dans la voiture d'Arthur.
On November 22, 1956, Marilyn and Arthur arrive at Idlewild Airport of New York where they are photographed. The publicist agent of Marilyn declare that she was very tired from the long trip. They go to Roxbury by the Arthur's car. 

1956_11_22_ny_idlewild_airport_010_1 1956_11_22_ny_idlewild_airport_011_1 1956_11_22_ny_1 
1956_11_22_ny_idlewild_airport_012_1 1956_11_22_ny_idlewild_airport_013_1  
1956_11_22_ny_idlewild_airport_012_2a 1956_11_22_ny_idlewild_airport_012_3 1956_11_22_ny_2 
1956_11_22_ny_idlewild_airport_012_2 1956-back_from_london 1956_11_22_ny_leaving_car_1

 > Captures
1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_1 1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_2 1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_3
1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_4 1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_5 1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_6
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1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_10 1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_11 1956_11_22_ny_cap_010_12

 > Video

> photos de presse
1956-11-21-cc  1956-11-21-mm 

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.


5 mai 2012

9/09/1954 Arrivée à New York

Le 8 septembre 1954, Marilyn Monroe s'envole à 21 heures de Los Angeles, d'où Joe DiMaggio est venu l'accompagner à l'aéroport pour l'embrasser et lui dire au revoir, pour se rendre à New York, où elle doit tourner des scènes extérieures du film The Seven Year Itch (Sept ans de réflexion). Joe ne l'accompagne pas. Elle porte un tailleur moulant avec un gros noeud, une tenue qu'elle a emprunté aux studios, qu'elle avait porté dans There's no business like show business (La joyeuse parade) dont le tournage venait à peine de se terminer.

>> Le départ de Los Angeles
1954_09_08_los_angeles_010_1 1954_09_08_los_angeles_010_1_press  

Arrivée à l'aéroport de New York le lendemain, le 9 septembre à 8h15, le Idlewild Airport, Marilyn est assaillie par la foule de curieux et de journalistes: des reporters, des photographes et même les caméras sont présentes. Marilyn se prête au jeu et prend la pose longuement sur le tarmac; puis, escortée par la police, elle rentre dans le hall de l'aéroport, où elle est interviewée.
Parmi les photographes présents: Sam Schulman, Paul Schumach, Weegee, Sam Shaw.

>> L'arrivée à Idlewild Airport - sur le tarmac
1954-ny-by_shaw-2  1954-09-09-Press
1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_010_1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_010_2 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_010_2a
1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_011_1 1954-ny-by_shaw-1 
1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_020_1 1954_09_09_NY_airport_011_010_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_ny 
1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_021_1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_021_1a 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_022_by_sam_schulman_1 1954_sam_shaw4
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 >> La police escorte Marilyn

 >> Dans le salon de l'aéroport, poses glamour et interview
1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_041_by_sam_schulman_1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_042_1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_043_by_sam_schulman_1 

1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_044_by_weegee_1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_044_by_weegee_2 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_044_by_weegee_2a
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 >> Le départ en limousine
1954-ny-syi-1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_061_1

 >> videos

L'arrivée à l'aéroport d'Idlewild, descente de l'avion

Marilyn fait sa star, accentuant ses célèbres mimiques

Marilyn se prépare pour l'interview

Un journaliste interviewe Marilyn

  >> captures
1954_09_08_ny_cap_01_1 1954_09_08_ny_cap_01_2 1954_09_08_ny_cap_01_3
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Elle prend ensuite une limousine qui l'amène au Saint Regis Hotel, dans Manhattan.

  > Photographies de Sam Shaw >
1954_09_09_NY_010_011_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_010_012_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_010_013_by_sam_shaw_1
1954_09_09_NY_010_014_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_010_015_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_010_016_by_sam_shaw_1
1954_09_09_NY_011_010_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_011_020_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_011_030_by_sam_shaw_1

 >> Au Saint Regis Hotel

   > Photographies de Sam Shaw >
1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_010_020_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_010_010_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_08_new_york_hotel_room_020_by_shaw_3
1954_sam_shaw1 1954_09_08_new_york_hotel_room_021_by_shaw_1  
1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_011_010_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_011_020_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_08_new_york_hotel_room_021_by_shaw_3 
1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_020_020_by_sam_shaw_2 1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_020_030_by_sam_shaw_2 1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_020_050_by_sam_shaw_2
1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_020_020_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_020_030_by_sam_shaw_1
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1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_030_020_by_sam_shaw_1  1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_040_020
1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_030_010_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_sam_shaw2 
1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_031_010_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_08_new_york_hotel_room_012_by_shaw_1 1954_09_08_new_york_hotel_room_011_1 
 1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_032_010_by_sam_shaw_21954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_032_030_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_040_010_by_sam_shaw_1 


Séance "Chambre d'Hôtel"
Hotel Room Sitting
- Milton H Greene -


> Photographies de Milton H Greene

1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-011-1  1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-011-2 
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1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-021-1a  1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-021-4a 
1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-021-3  1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-021-4 
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1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-031-1  1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-031-2 
1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-032-1  1954-09-09-NY-saint_regis_hotel-Hotel_Room-by_mhg-032-2 

Planche Contact / Contact Sheet:

All photos are copyright and protected by their respective owners. 
copyright text by GinieLand.

27 février 2012

Photos de How to marry... scène 5

Comment épouser un millionnaire
Photos scène 5

La scène du rêve... Pola imagine recevoir des bijoux de sultans.

sc05_htm_film_01_1 sc05_htm_film_01_3 sc05_htm_film_01_2 
sc05_htm_film_02_1 sc05_htm_film_02_4a 
sc05_htm_film_02_2 sc05_htm_film_02_4 sc05_htm_film_02_3

27 février 2012

Sur le tournage de How to Marry scène 5

Comment épouser un millionnaire
ur l
e tournage - scène 5


> Marilyn Monroe et Lauren Bacall

> photo datée de mai 1953

9 février 2012

18/09/1959 de N.Y à L.A.

Le 18 septembre 1959, Marilyn Monroe s'envole pour Los Angeles. Spyros Skouras, le président de la Twentieth Century Fox, l'a invitée pour qu'elle participe au grand gala donné en l'honneur de Nikita Khrouchtchevh, le dirigeant de l'Union Soviétique. Arthur Miller accompagne Marilyn à l'aéroport, mais il reste à New York: ayant été sur la Black List des partisans communistes, il n'aurait pas été judicieux pour Miller de s'afficher médiatiquement avec l'un des dirigeants communistes.
On September 18, 1959, Marilyn Monroe leaves New York for Los Angeles where she has been invited by Spyros Skouras to participate to the reception given for Nikita Khrouchtchev, leader of USSR. Arthur Miller accompanied Marilyn at the airport, but he stays in New York as he was on the Black List of the communist partisans, so he would not have been wise for Miller to appear with a media-communist leaders.

1959_09_09_depart_from_Los_Angeles_010_1  1959-airplane-22  1959_09_09_depart_from_Los_Angeles_020_1
03  1959 

> photographie de Irving Haberman
C'est durant la soirée qu'Haberman raconta avoir "couché" avec Marilyn.
This was the evening Haberman said he "slept" with Marilyn Monroe.

A son arrivée à Los Angeles, un reporter demande à Marilyn si elle est venue uniquement pour voir Khrouchtchev:
-"Oui" répond-t-elle. "Je pense que c'est une chose merveilleuse, et je suis contente d'être ici."
Ce qui provoqua l'inévitable question: "Pensez-vous que Khrouchtchev veut vous voir ?"
-"Je l'éspère" répond-t-elle.
At her arrival in Los Angeles, a journalist asks to Marilyn if she comes in the town just to see Khrushchev.
- "Yes," she said. "I think it's a wonderful thing, and I'm happy to be here."
That provoked the inevitable follow-up question: "Do you think Khrushchev wants to see you ?"
-"I hope he does," she replied.

>>  captures
1959_close_up_cap01 1959_close_up_cap02 1959_close_up_cap03
1959_close_up_cap04 1959_close_up_cap05 1959_close_up_cap06

 >> vidéo

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 

9 février 2012

20/09/1959 Vol Los Angeles - New York

Le 20 septembre 1959, après avoir assisté au banquet de la Fox avec Nikita Khrouchtchevh la veille et à une réunion avec le producteur Jerry Wald et le réalisateur George Cukor pour discuter de son prochain film (Let's Make Love - Le Millardaire), Marilyn Monroe quitte Los Angeles pour regagner New York.
Photographies de Dennis Stock.
On September 20, 1959, after to have participated to the reception organized by 20th Century Fox for Nikita Khrouchtchevh the day before and a meeting with the producer Jerry Wald and the director George Cukor, to discuss about her next movie (Let's Make Love), Marilyn Monroe leaves Los Angeles, going to New York.
Photographer: Dennis Stock.

1959_09_20_a_depart_to_New_York_010_1_by_dennis_stock_1 PAR136873 1959_09_20_a_depart_to_New_York_011_1 
1959_09_20_a_depart_to_New_York_020_1 1959_09_20_a_depart_to_New_York_021_1 1959_09_20_a_depart_to_New_York_022_1 
NYC104584  PAR32363  
 1959_09_20_a_depart_to_New_York_031_1_by_dennis_stock_1a 1959_kroutchev_back

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

9 février 2012

2/11/1959 Vol New York - Los Angeles

Le 2 novembre 1959, Arthur Miller et Marilyn Monroe quittent New York (à l'aéroport d'Idlewild) pour Los Angeles, où doit débuter le tournage de Let's Make Love (Le Milliardaire).

> Le départ de New York
1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_010_1  1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_020_1  1959_marilyn_monroe_arthur_miller_1959 

1959-89 Pix with 03  
1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_030_1  1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_031_1 

> L'arrivée à Los Angeles
1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_040_1 1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_040_1a
1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_050_1 1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_050_1a 1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_062_1
1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_060_1 1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_061_1 1959_11_02_from_LA_to_NY_063_1 marilyn_and_miller_by_gene_barnes_2 

 >>  captures
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>> vidéo

On November 2nd, 1959, Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe are departing from New York (at Idlewild airport) going to Los Angeles, where Marilyn has to film Let's Make Love.

13 décembre 2011

Entertainment Memorabilia 14/12/2011

catalogue_bonhams_14decembre2011Vente aux enchères "Entertainment Memorabilia" le 14 Décembre 2011 par Bonhams à Los Angeles en Californie, USA.

Vente de photographies, d'affiches de films, de costumes, d'autographes et autres documents de stars de cinéma, dont quelques lots concernent Marilyn, à découvrir ci-dessous (photographies et un télégramme).

> Le catalogue:
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Lot 4047Marilyn Monroe photographs by Sam Shaw, 1950s
Candid photographs depicting Marilyn laying barefoot across a bed while speaking on the phone, the other catches the sex symbol yawning. Each signed "SShaw" in pencil on verso. The image of Marilyn yawning is matted, the condition of these photographs is fair. 10 x 13 1/2 in and 14 x 16 in (with mat)
Estimate: US$2,500 - 3,500
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Lot 4048: Marilyn Monroe photographs by Sam Shaw, 1950s
Candid photographs of Marilyn wearing a fur coat and greeting fans. Each signed "S Shaw" in pencil on verso.
Fair condition. 9 1/4 x 13 1/2 in and 13 1/2 x 9 1/4 in
Estimate: US$2,500 - 3,500
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Lot 4049Marilyn Monroe photographs by Sam Shaw,
taken during the filming of The Seven Year Itch, 1954
In one, Marilyn wears a lacy slip and smiles directly at the camera while holding a hairdryer; in the other, Marilyn sits and smokes a cigarette in an apparent dressing room. One photograph signed in pencil on verso: "Sam Shaw," the other is stamped with a credit to Shaw.
Fair condition. 13 x 9 in
Estimate: US$2,500 - 3,500
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Lot 4050Candid snapshots of Marilyn Monroe taken in South Korea, 1954
9 black and white photos of Monroe while visiting soldiers in South Korea in 1954. She wears a flight jacket and combat boots and poses with a various soldiers. Together with an autograph letter signed ("Joseph D. Dominguez") by the consignor who took the photos while serving as a Private in the United States army: "It was Ferbuary 1954 ... and better yet, Marilyn Monroe came to Korea at this time to entertain the troops. I got to be one of her guards during her two day stay! I sneaked my cheapie camera into my field jacket and took several photos of her as I went about my guard duties ... I got to exchange small talk with Marilyn and found her to be genuinely warm, tender and beautiful. I wrote some of our small talk 'comments' on the back of the photos ... All photos are unpublished." Condition fair. 5 x 3 1/4 in
Estimate: US$600 - 900

Lot 4051: Marilyn Monroe snapshots, 1954
A group of 5 black and white snapshots taken on two different occasions while sitting in the rear of a car, identified in unknown hand as outside the St. Regis and the 21 Club.
Pictures taped to a single piece of paper, condition fair. 5 x 7 in (each snapshot)
Estimate: US$300 - 500

Lot 4052: A contact sheet with candid images of Marilyn Monroe, 1955
A black and white contact sheet by photographer Bob Henriques, including four candid images of Mornoe wearing a lacy, white slip and blow drying her hair while looking out the window. Henriques was known for his candid images of famous people. Matted. 10 x 8 in (contact sheet only)
Estimate: US$400 - 600

Lot 4053Marilyn Monore 3-D negatives, 1952, sold with photographer's copyright
A collection of 10 color three-dimensional negatives of Marilyn Monroe, taken by Lani Carlson in 1952 at a party thrown by bandleader Ray Anthony, celebrating the release of the song Marilyn, written by Ervin Drake and Jimmy Shirl. Carlson took these photos with a David White Stereo Realist Camera, a dual-lens camera that creates a three-dimensional effect when seen through a special viewer.
Carlson was hired as a sound engineer for the party, and had ample opportunity to take candid pictures of the actress that day. Wearing a hot pink cocktail dress that she also wore in her breakout film Niagara, Monroe arrived in a helicopter and proceeded to pose for photos with Anthony, Mickey Rooney, the helicopter pilot, a dog and alone in front of a blown-up piece of sheet music for the song.
A fantastic collection of Marilyn Monroe images.
In addition to the original negatives and the original viewer through which the 3-d effect can be experienced, this lot includes an Assignment of Copyrights document executed by Lani Carlson which states that he assigns all of his right, title and interest including worldwide copyrights in and to the photographic images to the auction buyer. For more information or to review the seller's copyright assignment document, please contact the department. Each slide 1 1/2 x 4 in
Estimate: US$70,000 - 90,000
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Lot 4054: Limited edition printing of Marilyn Monroe photographs by Lani Carlson, 1952 (2011)
A group of 15 prints (8 color, 6 black and white) being special artist's editions printed in 2011, all signed in pencil by the artist on recto; set is all numbered 1/15; each additionally stamped on verso: "Photographed by Lani Carlson copyright 2011 reproduction forbidden all rights reserved by artist ID: LCA-MM)-01 ED# 1 of 15 Printed 10/14/11." A limited edition deluxe printing of the negatives offered in the previous lot. 20 x 16 in
Estimate: US$5,000 - 7,000

Lot 4055Marilyn Monroe telegram to director George Cukor, 1962
Western Union telegram stamped June 8, 1862: "Dear George. Please believe me it was not my doing. I had so looked forward to working with you. Warmly Marilyn."
Cukor and Monroe had worked together on the 1960 musical, Let's Make Love. Cukor admired Monroe's star quality and gift for comedy, but found her to be difficult, to say the least. Nonetheless, he signed on again two years later for what would be Monroe's final project: the never completed Something's Got To Give, a remake of the screwball comedy, My Favorite Wife. During filming of the latter, Monroe was frequently absent from the set or held up filming when she was there with her erratic work habits. She also left California in May to travel to New York and sing her infamous rendition of "Happy Birthday" to JFK. When Cukor had shot every scene not containing Monroe, and when she still did not appear on set, 20th Century Fox famously fired her on the morning of June 8, 1962. After receiving the news, Monroe sent this apologetic telegram to Cukor, but it made no difference. Less than two months later, she was found dead in her Brentwood home.
Light toning, right corner and margin torn (not affecting text). 8 1/2 x 11 1/2 in
Estimate: US$300 - 500

Lot 4093: A collection of movie stills, 1950s-1960s
Approximately 200, including scenes from On the Beach, The Revolt of the Slaves, Screaming Eagles, The Unholy Wife, The Story of Ruth, Stolen Hours, Penelope, The Violent People, Lock Up Your Daughters, The Scarlett Hours, The Empty Canvas and others, also including shots of Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Wood, Gregory Peck and other actors and actresses. Condition generally good. Various sizes
Estimate: US$100 - 150

5 novembre 2011

18/07/1960 Retour à Los Angeles

Les Désaxés
Sur le tournage 

Le lundi 18 juillet 1960, Marilyn Monroe prend l'avion à New York, pour se rendre à Los Angeles. Elle doit ensuite aller dans le Nevada, pour le tournage de The Misfits (Les Désaxés).

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> dépêche presse

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