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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Zelda Zonk

mm et les foulards
11 mai 2010

20/01/1962 Marilyn chez Weinstein

Le 20 janvier 1962 à Beverly Hills: Soirée chez Henry Weinstein, producteur du dernier film de Marilyn "Something's got to give", parmi les sept invités: Marilyn Monroe et le poète Carl Sandburg.
Photographies de Arnold Newman
January 20, 1962 in Hollywood: Evening Party at Henry Weinstein's, producer of the last Marilyn's movie "Something's got to give", among the seven guests: Marilyn Monroe and the poet Carl Sandburg.
Photographs by Arnold Newman.

> Marilyn et Henry Weinstein
ph_newman_1961_53466914_10 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00300_010_withWeinstein_byArnoldNewman_2

> Marilyn et Carl Sandburg

1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00100_010_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00100_011_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_01 ph_nexman_53466916
ph_newman_1961_53466919_10 1962_sandburg 1962-z1
1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00100_012_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00120_010_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1
1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00100_020_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00100_020_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_2
1962-01-20 1962-01-20  
1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00110_010_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00110_020_byArnoldNewman_1 
1962-Carl_Sandburg_32 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00121_010_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_2 1962-01-20-HouseOfHenryWeinstein
1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00210_011_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00210_010_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00210_012_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1
1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00200_010_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00220_010_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00220_020_withSandberg_byArnoldNewman_1
ph_newman_53466918_10 ph_newman_53466917
1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00450_010_byArnoldNewman_1a 53466910_10

Marilyn dit qu'elle rencontre des problèmes pour trouver le sommeil le soir, qu'elle ne parvient pas à dormir. Alors Carl Sandburg lui propose une série d'exercices de relaxation à effectuer avant d'aller se coucher.
Marilyn says that she has problems getting to sleep at night, she can't sleep. So, Carl Sandburg offers a series of relaxation movements to do before going to bed.

> En groupe (avec Irena, l'épouse de Weinstein)
séance de Yoga et de relaxation

1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00400_010_byArnoldNewman_1 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00410_010_withMrsWeinstein_byArnoldNewman_1 
53466911_10 53466902_10 1962_sandburg2
1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00421_010_byArnoldNewman_1 53466903_10 1962_01_20_PrivateParty_00430_011_byArnoldNewman_1

1962-sandburg2  1962 

> planche contact

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

9 mai 2010

1947 Marilyn par John Miehle

Portraits studio de Marilyn Monroe en 1947
Photographies de John Miehle

1947_by_john_miehle_1 1947_by_john_miehle_2 1947_by_john_miehle_2a

 - Magazines -

Cuentame - 1949 - Argentine


mag_trueromance_oct  mag_trueromance_1952_march_cover MAG_TRUEROMANCE_SEPTEMBER_COVER_MARILYN_010

24 juin 2009

11/11/1960 Annonce divorce Miller

Le 11 novembre 1960, Marilyn Monroe, par l'intermédiaire de son attaché de presse Pat Newcomb, annonce sa séparation d'avec Arthur Miller, pendant qu'elle quitte son appartement du 444 East 57th Street à New York. May Reis (la secrétaire de Marilyn), aida Arthur Miller à classer et emballer ses affaires, pendant que Marilyn restait enfermée dans sa chambre.
Photographies de Paul Slade.

>> Photos
1960_11_11_OfficialAnnounceMillerDivorce_010_010 1961-divorce-Monroe Will Marry French Lover Boy b 1960_11_11_OfficialAnnounceMillerDivorce_010_020 
1960_11_11_OfficialAnnounceMillerDivorce_011_010 1960_11_11_OfficialAnnounceMillerDivorce_011_020 1960_11_11_ny_1
im39__99_ 1960-ny-leaving_444 East 57th Street-by_paul_slade im39__98_
DM1160 1960_11_11_OfficialAnnounceMillerDivorce_021_010 1960_11_11_OfficialAnnounceMillerDivorce_021_020
im39__95_ im39__96_

>> Photos de presse
1960_ima0099A 1960_1117 1960_ima0033A

>> Captures
1960_11_ENIGMA1 1960_11_ENIGMA2
1960_11_ENIGMA4 1960_11_ENIGMA5

 > vidéo

> couvertures de magazines

16 juin 2009

08/03/1961 L'enterrement d'Augusta Miller

Le 8 mars 1961, c'est accompagnée de sa secrétaire May Reis que Marilyn Monroe se rend à l'enterrement d'Augusta Miller, mère d'Arthur Miller, dont Marilyn vient de se se séparer. Elle va devenir de plus en plus proche de son ex beau père, Isadore Miller (le père d'Arthur).

1961_03_08_AugustaMillerFuneral_010_withMayReiss_1 1961_03_08_AugustaMillerFuneral_020
1961_03_08_AugustaMillerFuneral_010_withMayReiss_1a 1961_03_08_AugustaMillerFuneral_020_a

12 juin 2009

21/01/1961 Retour à New York

Après avoir divorcé d'avec Arthur Miller au Mexique (où la procédure de divorce y était plus rapide), Marilyn Monroe est de retour à New York le 21 janvier 1961, avec son avocat Aaron Frosch et où elle retrouve Lee Strasberg

1962_marilyn_natural_1151010 1962_Marilyn_040_Natural_010_020 
1962_Marilyn_040_Natural_010_010 1962_Marilyn_040_Natural_010_010_i 1961_01_ny_back_after_divorce_miller_mexico  
1962_Marilyn_030_Natural_020_010 1961_01_21_ny 1961_01_21_nyb
1961_01_21_nyc 1962_Marilyn_040_Natural_012_010 1962_Marilyn_040_Natural_012_020

> Photographie de Terry Arden


13 février 2008

22/02/1956 Bird Sitting - Beaton & Pfizenmaier

1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0025_010_3 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0023_010_3 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0026_010_2 
1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0022_010_1 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0024_010_2 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0024_010_1
1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0040_020_1 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0041_010 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0040_030_1

Marilyn Monroe tient un oiseau empaillé dans sa main
le 22 février 1956 sous l'objectif de Cecil Beaton

Marilyn Monroe has a stuffed bird in her hand
On February 22, 1956 photograhied by Cecil Beaton

1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0023_010_1 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0023_010_20
1956_bird2 1956_bird1 1956_bird3 
fmf__Beaton_bird_a 1956 1956
4NHKS_PL0107_610_1_1_  0 
1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0025_010_21 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0027_010_30 ph_beaton_mw72423
1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0030_010_1 21604_0701_3_lg 1956_bird_color  
1956 ph_beaton_Australian_Women_s_Weekly__July_11__1956_b1
1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0040_010_1 1956_bird_wb4 1956_bird_wb3

> couverture de magazine:

-En backstage - 

Marilyn Monroe, un turban dans les cheveux et tenant un oiseau empaillé dans ses mains, écoute les directives de Cecil Beaton.
Photographies des coulisses de la session par Ed Pfizenmaier, l'assistant de Beaton.

Marilyn Monroe, a turban in the hair and holding a stuffed bird in his hands, listens the guidelines of Cecil Beaton.
The photographer of the backstage is Ed Pfizenmaier, Beaton assistant.

1956_feb_cecilbeaton_by_ed_pfizenmaier_010_1 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0010_010_byEdPfizenmaier_1 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0010_010_byEdPfizenmaier_1a
ph_beaton_mw72627 ph_beaton_mw72628
1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0011_020_byEdPfizenmaier_1b 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0011_020_byEdPfizenmaier_1a 1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0012_n02_byEdPfizenmaier_2
ph_bea_1246325965_3457 ph_beaton_mw72619 ph_beaton_mw69103
ph_beaton_mw72623 ph_beaton_mw69101 ph_beaton_MMCbeaton
ph_Beaton_20by_20Ed_20Pfizenmaier_2 ph_beaton_mw69099
1956_feb_CecilBeaton_Bird_0012_n10_byEdPfizenmaier_1a ph_beaton_MM1125Beaton  

All photos are copyright and protected by their respective owners.
copyright text by GinieLand.




6 février 2008

22/02/1962 Marilyn au Hilton de Mexico

Marilyn Monroe donne une conférence de presse à l' hôtel Continental Hilton, où la star séjourne, le 22 février 1962, le lendemain de son arrivée au Mexique. Marilyn porte sa robe verte favorite, signée Pucci, robe dans laquelle elle sera inhumée. Elle arrive avec son attahé de presse Pat Newcomb. Lors de cette conférence plutôt mouvementée par le déchaînement des médias journalistes et photographes, Marilyn se montrera décontractée et très joyeuse, sous l'effet du champagne qui coulait à flot.

> L'arrivée de Marilyn (avec Patricia Newcomb)
 1962 1962_a 
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_0142_010 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_013_030 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_011_030  
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_011_019 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_011_020a 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_011_010 
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_012_020_1 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_012_030_1 
Mexico__colorized 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_012_010
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_013_010  1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_013_020  1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_0141_010_1 
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_0140_010_with_the_vanderbilt_field_1 1962_mex 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_020_020_1

> Avec Lucy Quijada (à gauche), attachée de presse du Hilton
et Jean Pierre Piquet (à droite)
manager des hôtels Continental Hilton

1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_020 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_050_010 1962_45  
1962_mexico_1 1962_59939473
 1962 1962_03_Marilyn_inRed_010_010

1962_marilynmonroeset2 1962_marilynmonroeset1 

  > Pose devant les photographes
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_043_050_1   1962_mex_mm_1  1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_044_0100_a
1962_mex_mm_12 1962_mex_mm_13 
1962_conf3 1962_mex_mm_14 1962_mex_mm_15 1962_mexico_dress
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_041_030 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_041_040_1 1962_mexico_1
1962_mex_y1583 1962_Mexico_1
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_041_020 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_021_010_1
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_041_011 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_041_010 

 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_045_010_b 1962-hilton 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_045_010 
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_046_010 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_046_020 1962_mex_mm_9  

> Conférence de presse
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_030 1962_mexico_portrait 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_040
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_081_1 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_031 1962_mex_mm_10 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_061_1
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_062_1 1962_mex_mm_2 1962_mex_mm_3 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_082_1 
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_030_050 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_030_060  

  1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_030_010_1 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_032_034_1 1962_conf2 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_032_032_1 
Mexico__colorized__b 1962_010
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_033_010_1 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_033_020_1 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_031_070_1 
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_033_010_2 marilyn_monroe_picture_16216549 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_033_011_1 
 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_040_010 1962_mexico_glass 1962_mex_mm_8  1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_032_0530_b 
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_032_0502 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_032_0510 1962_mexicotrip_1962
1962_mex_legs 1962_conf1 1962_mexico_legs  
1962_marilyn_no_knickers 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_030_040 1962_mex_mm_11 
 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_032_010  1962  1962 
  1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_034_010_1 1962 1962_mexico_interv  
1962_mexico_interview  1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_032_0400
  > Départ de Marilyn

> photographies de Humberto Zendejas
1962_by_Humberto_Zendejas_2  1962_by_Humberto_Zendejas_1  

> photographie de Eduardo Antonio Caballero
Cette photo fit polémique,
car on distingue que Marilyn ne portait pas de culotte

Quand les journalistes lui ont demandé si elle portait des sous-vêtements sous sa robe, Marilyn leur répondit qu'elle n'avait sur elle que du Chanel n°5 sous sa robe.

> captures
1962_mexico_cap02_01 1962_mexico_cap02_02 1962_mexico_cap02_03
1962_mexico_cap05_04 1962_mexico_cap05_05 1962_mexico_cap05_06
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_010_010_1 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_010_011_1 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_010_012_1
1962_mexico_cap05_07 1962_mexico_cap05_08 1962_mexico_cap05_09
1962_mexico_cap05_10 1962_mexico_cap05_11 1962_mexico_cap05_12
1962_mexico_cap01_01 1962_mexico_cap01_02 1962_mexico_cap01_03
1962_mexico_cap01_04 1962_mexico_cap01_05 1962_mexico_cap01_06
1962_mexico_cap01_07 1962_mexico_cap01_08 1962_mexico_cap01_09

1962_mexico_cap01_16 1962_mexico_cap01_17 1962_mexico_cap01_18
1962_mexico_cap03_01 1962_mexico_cap03_02 1962_mexico_cap03_03
1962_mexico_cap03_04 1962_mexico_cap03_05 1962_mexico_cap03_06
1962_mexico_cap05_01 1962_mexico_cap05_02 1962_mexico_cap05_03
1962_mexico_cap05_13 1962_mexico_cap05_14 1962_mexico_cap05_15
1962_mexico_cap04_01 1962_mexico_cap04_02 1962_mexico_cap04_03
1962_mexico_cap02_04 1962_mexico_cap02_05 1962_mexico_cap02_06
1962_mexico_cap02_07 1962_mexico_cap02_08 1962_mexico_cap02_09

1962_mexico_cap01_10 1962_mexico_cap01_11 1962_mexico_cap01_12
1962_mexico_cap01_13 1962_mexico_cap01_14 1962_mexico_cap01_15

> videos

 > dans la presse:
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_021_020 MAG_EL_FIGARO_1962_NEWSPAPER_1 mexico_mag 1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_032_0310
1962_02_22_Mexico_HiltonHotel_mag_cine_mundial_1 mag_mexico mag_mexico1  

1962_Mexican_comic_book_a 1962_Mexican_comic_book_b
asi_3_april_1962_cover asi_3_april_1962_p1 asi_3_april_1962_p2  
Revista_February_1962  mag_mexico  

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.

3 février 2008

Eté 1961 Beverly Hills Marilyn avec Frank et les Lawford

 été 1961, Berverly Hills, chez les Lawford: Marilyn Monroe avec Frank Sinatra et le couple Lawford (Peter Lawford, membre du Rat Pack de Sinatra, et sa femme Patricia, la soeur des Kennedy), May Britt (épouse de Sammy Davies Jr., en arrière-plan), et Shirley MacLaine (assise au premier plan). Le groupe regarde le nouvel appareil photo Polaroid de Peter Lawford.
Photographies de
Bernie Abramson.

Summer of 1961, Beverly Hills, in Lawford's: Marilyn Monroe with Frank Sinatra, the Lawford (Peter Lawford, a member of Sinatra's Rat Pack, and his wife Patricia, a Kennedy' sister), May Britt (wife of Sammy Davies Jr., in the background at right) and Shirley MacLaine (sitting in front). The group looks at a photo from Peter’s new polaroid camera.
Photographs of Bernie Abramson.

1962_by_Bernie_Abramson_1  1961_ratpack  1962_FranckSinatraFriends_bar_020_byBernie_Abramson_1
 1962_by_Bernie_Abramson_3 1962_by_Bernie_Abramson_4 
1962_FranckSinatraFriends_bar_030_byBernie_Abramson_2  1962_FranckSinatraFriends_bar_040_byBernie_Abramson_1 1961_Frank_Sinatra_Peter_Lawford_Marilyn_Monroe

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

30 janvier 2008

18/05/1962 Marilyn répète Happy Birthday

Marilyn Monroe en compagnie de l'acteur Peter Lawford (étant le beau-frère du Président John Kennedy, il présenta JFK à Marilyn).
Marilyn Monroe with the actor Peter Lawford (the brother-in-law of President John Kennedy, he introduced JFK to Marilyn). 

>> photographies de Ted Allan
Photographs by Ted Allan

mmbytedallan 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0012_withPeterLawford_1
1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0010_withPeterLawford_1a_1 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0011_withPeterLawford_1a 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0013_withPeterLawford_2 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0013_withPeterLawford_1

Marilyn Monroe en séance de répétition du chant "Happy Birthday" le 18 mai 1962 à New York; le lendemain, elle se produira sur la scène du Madison Square Garden devant le Président pour lui chanter son joyeux anniversaire. Aux côtés de Marilyn figurent sa secrétaire particulière May Reis, son attachée de presse Patricia Newcomb et le comique Jack Benny.
Marilyn Monroe in rehearsal of the song "Happy Birthday" on May 18, 1962 in New York. The next day, she will perform on the stage of Madison Square Garden for the President Kennedy' Birthday. Alongside Marilyn are her private secretary May Reis, her publicist Patricia Newcomb and Jack Benny.

1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0020_010 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0020_010_2 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0021_010a
1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0023_010 1962_rehearsal_jack_benny_1 1962_rehearsal_jack_benny_2  
1962_05_18_jfk_mmjfk003 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0022_010_1
1962_jfk_mmjfk010 mm
1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_0024_010 mm_1962_05_18_birthday6 1962_jfk_HBMPCollage2
1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_scene_060_1 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_Scene_050 1962_05_Mai9

1962_jfk_rehearsal1 1962_jfk_rehearsal2
1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_Scene_010 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_Scene_020 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_Scene_030 1962_05_18_JFKRehearsal_Scene_040

>> Photos de Joel Yale
Photographs by Joel Yale
1962_05_19JoelYALE08 1962_05_19_JoelYALE11
1962_05_19_JoelYALE17 1962_05_19_JoelYALE23
1962_05_19_JoelYALE22 1962_05_19_JoelYALE13 1962_05_19_JoelYALE06 1962_05_19_JoelYALE03
1962_05_19_JoelYALE19 1962_05_19_JoelYALE04 1962_05_19_JoelYALE10 1962_05_19_JoelYALE26
1962_05_19JoelYALE12 1962_05_19_JoelYALE09 1962_05_19_JoelYALE31 1962_05_19_JoelYALE25
1962_05_19_JoelYALE07 1962_05_19_JoelYALE34 1962_05_19_JoelYALE18 1962_05_19_JoelYALE28
1962_05_19_JoelYALE35 1962_05_19_JoelYALE14 1962_05_19_JoelYALE32
1962_05_19_JoelYALE27 1962_05_19_JoelYALE24 1962_05_19_JoelYALE21
1962_05_19_JoelYALE33 1962_05_19_JoelYALE05 1962_05_19_JoelYALE30
1962_05_19JoelYALE15 1962_05_19_JoelYALE20 1962_05_19_JoelYALE16

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.      

29 janvier 2008

17 au 20 mai 1962 Marilyn dans New York


Deux films amateur montrant Marilyn Monroe rentrant incognito à son appartement à New York au 444 East 57th Street entre le 17 et le 20 mai 1962, durant son séjour dans la ville. Elle est habillée en Pucci.

Two films footage showing Marilyn Monroe back home in her New York' appartment at 444 East 57th Street, between the 17 and the 20 of May, 1962. She is dressing in Pucci.

> photographie

1962_05_ny1_vasalloOn remarque que Marilyn était une personne généreuse et amicale avec ses admirateurs, elle embrasse ici une dame qui passe dans la rue et signe un autographe.
Notice that Marilyn was a generous and friendly person with her fans, she kisses a lady here that walks into the street and Marilyn signs an autograph.

> Captures 1
1962_Marilyn_NewYork_010_Street_010 1962_Marilyn_NewYork_010_Street_020 1962_Marilyn_NewYork_010_Street_030
1962_05_ny1a_cap01 1962_05_ny1a_cap02 1962_05_ny1a_cap03
1962_05_ny1a_cap04 1962_05_ny1a_cap05 1962_05_ny1a_cap06
1962_05_ny1_cap04 1962_05_ny1_cap05 1962_05_ny1_cap06
1962_Marilyn_NewYork_010_Street_042 1962_05_ny1a_cap08 
1962_Marilyn_NewYork_010_Street_050 1962_Marilyn_NewYork_010_Street_051
1962_05_ny1b_cap01 1962_05_ny1b_cap02 1962_05_ny1b_cap03

1962_05_ny1_cap10 1962_05_ny1_cap11 1962_05_ny1_cap12
1962_05_ny1_cap13 1962_05_ny1_cap14 1962_05_ny1_cap15
1962_05_ny1_cap16 1962_05_ny1_cap17 1962_05_ny1_cap18
1962_05_ny1a_cap10 1962_05_ny1a_cap11 1962_05_ny1a_cap12
1962_05_ny1a_cap13 1962_05_ny1a_cap14 1962_05_ny1a_cap15

> Video 1

Marilyn Monroe monte dans sa voiture où l'attend son attaché de presse Patricia Newcomb.

Marilyn Monroe gets into his car where is sat her press officer Patricia Newcomb.

> photographies
1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_030_withPatNewcomb_1 1962_tumblr_lg90lfRKv41qb07v0o1_400_1_  

> Captures 2
1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_010 1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_011 1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_012   
1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_020 1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_021 1962_05_ny2_cap1
1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_040  1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_041 1962_Marilyn_NewYork_020_Street_042

> Videos (contenant les 2 extraits)

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.    

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Marilyn sur le web

Une sélection de sites web

Blog - The Marilyn Report 
Blog - The Marilyn Archive 
Blog - Tara Hanks

  Mesmerizing Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn From the 22nd Row

Collection Greg Schreiner
Collection Scott Fortner
Collection Peter Schnug

Marilyn Geek
Fan Club The Marilyn Remembered

Blog - MM Books
Blog - Marilyn Monroe Animated Gifs 
Instagram Official Marilyn Monroe

Instagram - Silver Technicolor 
Instagram - Marilynraresig

Tumblr - The Marilyn Monroe Visual Vault 
Tumblr - Infinite Marilyn 
Tumblr - Always Marilyn Monroe 
Tumblr - Marilyn in High Quality 
Tumblr - Marilyn Monroe Archive 
Tumblr - Our Girl Marilyn 

Perfectly Marilyn Monroe

Crazy For Marilyn 
Crazy For You
Crazy For You 2

La presse
Blog - Marilyn Cover Girl 
Blog - La MM que j'aime 
Magazines - Famous Fix 

Magazines - Pinterest Lorraine Funke

Archives presse USA - Newspapers 
Archives presse Australia - Trove
Archives presse - Internet Archive 
Archives presse - Lantern

Archives presse - Media History Digital Library 
Archives - Gallica BNF 

Archives magazines - Magazine Art 
LIFE photo archive 
LIFE magazines 

LIFE articles 
Collier's - Unz Review 
Esquire Classic 
Bravo Posters 
Paris Match

 Agence Photos 
Getty images 
mptv images 
ullstein bild
Redux Pictures
Roger Viollet
iStock by Getty 
Bridgeman images 
AP Images 


All About Photo  
Listing Photographes du XXeme 
Allan Grant 
Bernard of Hollywood - instagram 
Bert Stern 
Bill Ray 
Bob Willoughby 
Carl Perutz 
Douglas Kirkland - website 
 Douglas Kirkland - instagram 
Elliott Erwitt - website 
Elliott Erwitt - instagram 
Ernst Haas 
Eve Arnold - website 
Eve Arnold - instagram 
George Barris - website 
George Barris - instagram 
Harold Lloyd  
Henri Dauman 
Jock Carroll 
Lawrence Schiller 
Leigh Wiener 
Nickolas Muray 
Phil Stern 
Philippe Halsman - website 
Philippe Halsman - instagram  
Richard Avedon - website 
Richard Avedon - instagram 
Sam Shaw - website 
Sam Shaw - instagram  
Weegee Arthur Fellig 

Milton H Greene
Milton H Greene - website 
Milton H Greene - instagram 
MHG The Archives Licensing  
The archives LLC - tumblr

Video Archives 
British Pathé  
ITN Archive

Paramount & Pathé Newsreel

The Blonde at the Film 
Tumblr - Weirland TV
Dr Macro's HQ scans 
Pulp International 
Stirred Straight Up 


Sites communautés
Irish Marilyn Monroe Fan Club
The Place 
Who's Dated Who 
Films - imdb 
Films - Classic Movie Hub 
Bio - Wikipedia fr  
Dossiers - FBI Records

 Marilyn Friends
Mona Rae Miracle
Joe DIMaggio
Arthur Miller
Yves Montand 
Montgomery Clift 
Clark Gable 
Marlon Brando 
Jane Russell 
Rock Hudson 
Dean Martin 
Frank Sinatra 
Ava Gardner 
Ralph Roberts 
George Fisher
Joan Crawford
Jeanne Carmen 
Travilla Style - blog 
The Actors Studio