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Divine Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
1926 - 1962



Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Baker
Norma Jeane Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn DiMaggio
Marilyn Miller
Jean Norman
Mona Monroe
Zelda Zonk

william travilla
5 février 2017

Dorothy Dandridge

Dorothy Dandridge
(1922 - 1965)

actrice américaine
amie avec Marilyn de 1948 à 1955s
surnommée "The Black Marilyn Monroe" 


Dorothy Jean Dandridge naît le 29 novembre 1922 à Cleveland (dans l'Ohio, USA). Deuxième fille d'un pasteur et ébéniste (Cyril Dandridge) et d'une apprentie comédienne (Ruby Dandridge), sa soeur aîné s'appelle Vivian. Ses parents se séparent peu avant sa naissance. Leur mère lance ses deux petits filles très vite sur scène: Dorothy et Vivian se produisent sous le nom des Wonder Children, dans des spectacles religieux au sein des églises à travers le territoire des États-Unis pendant cinq ans, avec leur manager Geneva Williams, pendant que leur mère reste travailler à Cleveland, se produisant aussi sur scène.

dorothy-1930s-dandridge_sisters Avec la Grande Dépression, le travail se fait plus rare et en 1930 Ruby déménage avec ses filles pour s'installer à Hollywood (en Californie), où elle trouve du travail dans des stations de radio et joue des rôles de servantes au cinéma.
En 1934, le duo Dorothy - Vivian se rebaptise The Dandridge Sisters et s'associent avec la danseuse et chanteuse Etta Jones (voir photo ci-contre). Elles se produisent sur scène dans de nombreux clubs à travers le pays, dont le Cotton Club et l'Apollo Theater à New York.

Dorothy obtient un petit rôle au cinéma en 1935, dans la comédie Teacher's Beau (de la série des films Our Gang). Et le trio parvient à être au casting des films The Big Broadcast of 1936, A Day at the Races avec les Marx Brothers et It Can't Last Forever avec les Jackson Brothers en 1937.
Puis Dorothy parvient à enchaîner divers rôles au cinéma; dans Four Shall Die (1940), une production de films faits pour les noirs avec des acteurs noirs, puis l'année suivante dans Lady from Louisiana avec John Wayne et Sundown avec Gene Tierney. En 1941, elle joue dans une comédie musicale de la 20th Century Fox: Sun Valley Serenade, où elle chante avec les Nicholas Brothers. En plus du cinéma, Dorothy prête sa voix à plusieurs courts métrages d’animation.

dorothy_dandridge-harold  Le 6 septembre 1942, Dorothy se marie avec le danseur de claquettes Harold Nicholas (l'un des frères Nicholas des 'Nicholas Brothers' - voir photo ci-contre). Ils ont ensemble une fille, Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas qui naît le 2 septembre 1943 avec un handicap mental (autisme profond). Sa belle-soeur Geraldine Branton racontera: «Dottie ne devait plus jamais se débarrasser d'un sentiment de culpabilité; personne n'est parvenu ensuite à la raisonner.» Dorothy et Harold finissent par divorcer en octobre 1951. Les échecs de sa vie privée et son enfance chaotique où elle s'est toujours sentie exploitée, vont la conduire à une dépression chronique jusqu'à la fin de sa vie.
Contrainte de subvenir aux besoins de sa fille, elle se produit dans les night-clubs qu'elle abhorre, paralysée par le trac et la timidité, malgré un grand succès car elle est plébiscitée par le public masculin séduit par sa beauté et elle triomphe au Mocambo de Los Angeles. Elle devient la première chanteuse noire à se produire dans des endroits aussi huppés que l'Empire Room du Waldorf Astoria de New York (elle voyagera ensuite à Londres, Toronto, La Havane, São Paulo).

dorothy-Last Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas L'Amérique des années 1950 est ségrégationniste et Dorothy va souffrir du racisme, comme toute personne de couleur aux Etats-Unis. Les lois raciales vont notamment lui imposer de ne pas 'se mélanger' avec les blancs. Dorothy racontera qu'un hôtel du Nevada lui avait ordonné de rester enfermer dans sa chambre quand elle n'était pas sur scène en train de chanter dans la salle de spectacle de l'hôtel et de ne pas fréquenter ni le bar ni la piscine de l'hôtel, réservés à la clientèle blanche. Le costumier William Travilla lui dessine des robes pour ses performances dans les nights-clubs; ils deviennent amis et Travilla sera témoin du traitement de racisme que subit Dorothy: un soir, au début des années 1950, il va la voir avec un ami à Las Vegas où Dorothy se produit. Le trio souhaite sortir ensemble dans les bars, casinos et night clubs mais il est interdit à Dorothy d'aller dans les lieux publics. Donc ils se retrouvent dans la cuisine de l'appartement d'hôtel de Dorothy et les hommes sont écoeurés de voir qu'il est acceptable pour Dorothy de se produire sur scène pour la clientèle blanche, mais pas assez pour se mêler à eux avant ou après. Ce qui aménera à Dorothy de dire "Si j'étais blanche, je pourrais capturer le monde."
A la même époque, elle a une aventure avec le comédien Peter Lawford, futur gendre du président Kennedy, qui, au dernier moment, refuse de l'épouser par crainte de saborder sa carrière.

dorothy_dandridge-tarzan  En 1951, son apparition dans Tarzan's Peril fait parler d'elle: c'est surtout sa tenue qui est jugée provocante (voir photo ci-contre) et elle surfe sur le phénomène en posant en tenue sexy pour la couverture du magazine Ebony.
En décembre 1952, un agent des studios de la MGM la voit sur scène au club Mocambo à Los Angeles et la recommande au casting de Bright Road, qui sera son premier vrai grand rôle, où elle y donne pour la première fois la réplique à l'acteur Harry Belafonte, qu'elle retrouvera plus tard dans bien d'autres films et qui restera un fidèle ami.
Elle poursuit en parallèle sa carrière sur scène, se produisant dans de nombreux nightclubs et multipliant les apparitions dans des émissions de télé, comme le célèbre Ed Sullivan.

dorothy-carmenEn 1953, un casting national est organisé par la 20th Century Fox pour l'adaptation de la comédie musicale jouée à Broadway en 1943 Carmen Jones, basée sur l'opéra Carmen, et adapté dans le contexte de la seconde guerre mondiale, mettant en scène les afro-américains. A la recherche d'acteurs et d'actrices noirs, le réalisateur Otto Preminger ne veut pas au départ de Dorothy dans le rôle de Carmen, pensant que son look est trop sophistiqué et mieux adapté au rôle de Cindy Lou. Pour obtenir le rôle, Dorothy se fait aider des maquilleurs de la marque Max-Factor, pour obtenir l'apparence et la personnalité du rôle titre Carmen, et se rend dans le bureau de Preminger qui se laisse convaincre. Dorothy retrouve Harry Belafonte pour former le couple star du film. Malgré le statut de chanteuse reconnu de Dorothy, le studio voulait une voix d'opéra, les chansons sont donc doublées par la chanteuse d'opéra Marilyn Horne.

dorothy_dandridge-1954-11-life-1  A sa sortie, le film rencontre un succès considérable tant au niveau de la critique (le chroniqueur Walter Winchell dit que sa performance est "enchanteresse") que des recettes engendrées, et impose Dorothy comme la première sex-symbol noire américaine. Elle devient la première femme noire à faire la couverture du très populaire magazine Life (le 1er novembre 1954 - voir photo ci-contre), en posant dans son rôle de Carmen par une photographie publicitaire du film. Le succés international du film (qui a rapporté 10 millions $ au box office qui en fait l'un des films ayant rapporté le plus de bénéfices) mène Dorothy, la première actrice afro-américaine, aux Oscars (elle est nommée meilleure actrice aux Oscars de 1955 et fait sensation à la cérémonie, mais c'est Grace Kelly qui remporte le prix. Ce soir là, Marlon Brando, très attiré par Dorothy, va embrasser Dorothy sur la bouche pour la consoler et l'anecdote va choquer les bonnes moeurs américaines).
Dorothy va se rendre au Festival de Cannes en mai 1955 pour présenter le film en hors compétition: elle y est présentée comme "la bombe du festival"; dans un reportage pour la télévision française, le journaliste François Chalais dit qu' "elle explose sous les traits de l'étourdissante actrice café au lait. (...) elle n'a qu'à paraître pour que tout ait l'air de disparaître autour d'elle. Elle n'a qu'à bouger pour que tout, à part elle, ait l'air d'être soudain immobile, comme figé de stupeur devant autant d'inconsciente audace, devant autant d'hormones en liberté pas surveillée".

Le film lui a aussi permis de rencontrer l'amour: Dorothy devient la maîtresse d'Otto Preminger qui, de son côté, est marié. Leur relation va durer quatre ans, au bout desquels Dorothy mettra fin, réalisant que les promesses de Preminger de quitter sa femme ne seront jamais réelles et après que Preminger l'ait obligé à avorter par peur du scandale.

dorothy_dandridge-portrait-1 Le 15 février 1955, Dorothy signe un contrat de trois films avec la Fox, avec l'appui du grand patron des studios Darryl F. Zanuck, lui permettant de gagner 75 000 $ par film. Zanuck veut faire d'elle la première icone afro-américaine du cinéma. Dorothy est en lice pour de grands rôles: le remake du film The Blue Angel, reprenant le rôle de la chanteuse Lola, tenu jadis par Marlene Dietrich, ainsi que dans le remake de Under Two Flags, dans des adaptations entièrement afro-américaine. Elle accepte le rôle de Tuptim dans The King and I, et un rôle dans The Lieutenant Wore Skirts. Mais, suivant les conseils de Preminger lui indiquant que ces films sont indignes d'elle, elle décline donc les offres, ce qu'elle regrettera plus tard.
Elle fait son retour au cinéma en 1957, dans le film Island in the Sun, donnant la réplique à James Mason, Joan Fontaine, Joan Collins, et retrouvant encore Harry Belafonte. L'histoire controverse raconte l'amour entre une indienne (jouée par Dorothy) et un homme blanc (joué par John Austin) et le script a été remanié plusieurs fois afin de respecter les codes imposés par les studios concernant les relations inter-raciales. Côté coulisses, Dorothy et John Austin vont entamer une liaison. Malgré la controverse et les critiques négatives, le film rencontre un très grand succès.

dorothy-1960-malaga Elle joue ensuite dans une production italienne, Tamango, face à l'acteur allemand Curd Jürgens avec qui elle vit une romance sur le tournage. En 1958, elle redonne la réplique à James Mason dans The Deck Ran Red, puis joue dans la super production hollywoodienne Porgy and Bess réalisée par Preminger avec Sidney Poitier et Sammy Davis Jr.
En 1959, elle joue dans un thriller britannique à petit budget, Malaga. La publicité autour du film annonce que c'est la première fois qu'une actrice noire embrasse un acteur blanc (ce qui est erroné, car c'est le film Tamango qui montre pour la première fois un baiser entre une noire et un blanc, entre Dorothy et Curd Jürgens); mais Dorothy et son partenaire Trevor Howard créent une tension sexuelle sous-jacente sous la direction de Laszlo Benedek et le film sera interdit dans les salles américaines jusqu'en 1962.
Elle joue avec James Coburn dans The Murder Men (1961 - qui sera ensuite intégré en épisode de la série télévisée Les Barons de la Pègre). En 1962, Christian-Jaque l’engage avec Alain Delon pour tourner un Marco Polo qui reste inachevé.

dorothy_dandridge-jack_denison Le 22 juin 1959, Dorothy épouse en secondes noces le restaurateur Jack Denison (voir photo ci-contre). Une relation décevante: il la dépouille de sa fortune et ils divorcent en 1962 après des accusations de violences domestiques.
À cette époque, elle découvre que les personnes chargées de gérer ses finances l'ont déjouée de 150 000 $ et qu'elle avait 139 000 $ de dettes pour les arriérés d'impôts. Elle vend alors sa maison d'Hollywood et place sa fille dans un établissement psychiatrique d'état à Camarillo, en Californie, et emménage dans un petit appartement au 8495 Fountain Avenue à West Hollywood, en Californie.
Rencontrant de multiples déboires, tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel, elle décide de reprendre en main sa carrière de chanteuse. Le 9 septembre 1965, il est prévu qu'elle prenne l'avion pour New York, où elle doit faire son retour sur scène au Basin Street East.

dorothy-1960s Le 8 septembre 1965, elle discute au téléphone avec sa belle-soeur et amie Geraldine "Geri" Branton qui racontera que Dorothy évitait d'exprimer son espoir pour l'avenir de chanter People dans son intégralité (chanson de 1964 de Barbra Streisand) et de faire cette remarque énigmatique avant de raccrocher: «Quoi qu'il arrive, je sais que vous comprendrez.»
Plusieurs heures après cet appel, Dorothy est retrouvée morte, allongée nue au sol de sa salle de bain avec un turban bleu sur la tête, par son manager Earl Mills qui a forcé la porte pour rentrer. L'institut de pathologie de Los Angeles conclut que la cause de son décès est un accident vasculaire cérébral à la suite d'une overdose de médicaments (des antidépresseurs), alors que le coroner de Los Angeles parvient à une conclusion différente: décès du à une rare embolie d'obstruction du flux sanguin aux poumons et au cerveau, par de minuscules morceaux de graisse s'écaillant de la moelle osseuse dans le pied droit qu'elle s'était fracturée cinq jours avant sa mort.
Earl Mills déclarera que «La vie de Dorothy n'a été qu'une suite d'épreuves plus douloureuses les unes que les autres. Chaque fois elle perdait un peu plus pied. Il n'y avait pas d'issue, elle le savait.»
Dorothy avait 42 ans. Incinérée, ses cendres sont dispersées dans le Freedom Mausoleum du cimetière Forest Lawn Memorial Park à Glendale (en Californie).

Dorothy Dandridge est une référence dans la culture américaine, et bon nombre des personnalités noires américaines lui rendent désormais hommage:

 dorothy_dandridge-looklike-beyonce-1 dorothy_dandridge-looklike-janet_jackson-1 dorothy_dandridge-looklike-riri-1 
Beyoncé / Janet Jackson / Rihanna

En 1999, un biopic est réalisé pour la télévision "Introducing Dorothy Dandridge" ("Dorothy Dandridge, le destin d'une diva") avec Halle Berry dans le rôle titre, et récompensé par des Emmy Awards et Golden Globes:

introducing_DD-1 introducing_DD-2 introducing_DD-3 

Marilyn et Dorothy

Dorothy Dandridge, Otto Preminger, Marilyn Monroe

L'amitié entre Marilyn Monroe et Dorothy Dandridge reste un fait peu connu. Non relaté dans la presse d'époque, du à la ségrégation et au racisme -où les blancs étaient séparés des noirs- le lien entre les deux actrices est aussi peu décrit dans les biographies consacrées à Marilyn; tandis que l'on trouve plus d'information dans les livres consacrés à Dorothy.
Dorothy est surnommée la "Black Marilyn" (la "Marilyn noire") par les médias et la communauté noire de l'époque, de par leur sex-appeal et leur vie au destin tragique.

Marilyn Monroe rencontre Dorothy Dandridge à la fin de l'année 1948 pendant les cours d'art dramatique de l'"Actor's Lab" à Hollywood, que Marilyn a commencé à suivre en 1947. Elles se soutiennent lors des auditions (Dorothy, anxieuse et impatiente, apprécie la patience et la gaité de Marilyn) et s'appellent souvent au téléphone, discutant de leur carrière, des hommes et du racisme à Hollywood. Elles vont souvent ensemble à des fêtes privées à Los Angeles, parfois accompagnées d'Ava Gardner, une autre amie de Dorothy.

Ava Gardner et Dorothy (1953)

En 1952, quand Marilyn emménage à Hilldale Avenue, dans le West Hollywood, Dorothy est en quelque sorte une voisine de Marilyn, car elle habitait plus bas dans la même rue, dans un duplex qu'elle partegeait avec son petit-ami Phil Moore, un musicien de jazz, compositeur et professeur de chant pour les actrices, qui travaillait aussi en répétition avec Marilyn (en 1948 pour 'Ladies of the Chrorus' ). Marilyn se rendait ainsi souvent chez Dorothy, pour prendre des cours avec Phil Moore, où son piano est installé à l'étage:

 phil_moore_et_dorothy-1  phil_moore_et_mm-1 marilyn_et_phil_moore_rehearsal_niagara_3  
Phil Moore avec Dorothy Dandridge (1951) / Marilyn Monroe (1948 et 1951)

Le 3 août 1952, Marilyn se rend chez Dorothy pour se préparer à la fête de Ray Anthony, en la présence du photographe Phil Stern, qui prendra des photos à la fête.

Eté 1953, sur le tournage de River of no return (La rivière sans retour) à Jasper au Canada,, Dorothy qui accompagne 'officieusement' son amant Otto Preminger, retrouve Marilyn. Les acteurs, Preminger et Dorothy sont photographiés dans les coulisses (les seules photographies montrant Dorothy en compagnie de Marilyn):

Rory Calhoun, Dorothy Dandridge,
Otto Preminger, Robert Mitchum et Marilyn

Le 15 septembre 1954, pendant que Marilyn tourne la scène de la robe de The Seven Year Itch (Sept ans de réflexion) à New York, Joe DiMaggio, entraîné par le chroniqueur Walter Winchell, va découvrir sa femme affoler le public majoritairement masculin lorsque sa robe blanche se soulève faisant découvrir ses jambes et sa culotte. Le soir à l'hôtel, le couple se dispute violemment. Quand la décision du divorce est prise, Marilyn téléphone aussitôt à Dorothy et les deux femmes vont pleurer ensemble. Dorothy va même proposer à Marilyn de venir à New York pour lui apporter son soutien.

En 1956, Dorothy souhaite obtenir le rôle de Cherie dans Bus Stop (Arrêt d'autobus) et supplie Darryl Zanuck de le lui donner. C'est Marilyn qui aura la rôle.

Quand Dorothy apprend le décès de Marilyn, elle en est dévastée. 
Dorothy meurt dans l'appartement D2 de l'immeuble "El Palacio Apartments", au 8495 Fountain Avenue, qui est l'immeuble où a vécu Marilyn pendant quelques mois en 1947.

El Palacio Apartments

Dorothy a confié à son manager Earl Mills que
- "Marilyn était un sex-symbol mondial mais je pense qu'elle n'aimait pas être ça. En plus, elle pensait ne pas être un bon coup au lit. Elle avait toujours de la peine pour toute sorte, donc faire l'amour pour Marilyn était souvent douloureux. Vous ne pouvez pas apprécier le sexe de cette manière."
- "Ce qu'elle voulait chez un homme n'existe pas. Elle avait le sentiment qu'un homme bien pourrait guérir tous ses maux, ses insécurités, ses doutes. Il pourrait la protéger de tous les troubles du monde. A chaque fois qu'elle rencontrait un homme dont elle pouvait tomber amoureuse, elle pensait que c'était cet homme qui pouvait faire toutes ces choses. Donc elle se mariait ou engageait une relation emplie de grands espoirs. Là, l'homme n'avait pas la possibilité de répondre à ces attentes. De plus, il ne savait pas ce qu'elle attendait de lui. Si il l'aurait su, peut être que ça aurait fonctionné. Mais si il finissait par lui demander, Marilyn ne savait pas dire ce qu'il fallait faire pour combler ce vide."


 >> sources:
biographie en anglais sur wikipedia
biographie en français sur

blog Dorothy Dandridge, Angel Face sur coppercoloredgal
photographies sur  The Red List / LIFE / Doctor Macro
livre "Dorothy Dandridge: An intimate Biography" de Earl Mills (extrait sur Google Books)
forum EverlastingStar
article "The frienship of Marilyn and Dorothy" sur le blog

article "Encounters with Racism - Travilla, Marilyn and Dorothy" sur le blog


- video documentaire / biographie en anglais -

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 




18 janvier 2016

A Green Jersey Top & Deep Purple Velvet Pants

Le maillot vert en jersey & le pantalon violet en velours
A Green Jersey Top & Deep Purple Velvet Pants


Cet ensemble est composé d'un maillot vert en jersey à longues manches et au décolleté croisé, d'un pantalon bleu/violet foncé en velours et d'une ceinture en soie de couleur lavande pâle. Il a été conçu par le créateur et couturier de la 20th Century Fox, William "Billy" Travilla pour le film Gentlemen prefer blondes (Les hommes préfèrent les blondes) tourné en 1952.

Marilyn Monroe fit deux essais de tests costumes avec cette tenue: d'abord, le 12 novembre 1952, elle pose seule devant l'ardoise indiquant les notions liées à la tenue dans le film (le rôle, la scène, le nom du couturier, la date). Elle accessoirise la tenue avec des boucles d'oreilles (de couleur vert émeraudes foncées telles qu'on les découvre dans le film), un collier et un bracelet au poignet gauche (qui sont de même couleur que les boucles d'oreilles). Elle porte des sandales noires croisées et ouvertes aux pieds.
Puis, le 17 décembre 1952, elle prend la pose à côté du couturier Travilla (qui tient dans sa main l'esquisse de la tenue) et qui réajuste le maillot. La coiffure de Marilyn est plus fluide, et elle porte les mêmes accessoires, excepté le bracelet remplacé par une bague à la main gauche.

film_gpb_test_sc06_dress_1 film_gpb_test_sc06_with_travilla_1 film_gpb_costume_travilla   

C'est une tenue qui se veut décontractée tout en restant chic: Marilyn la porte dans une scène où son personnage, Lorelei, une chanteuse de Music Hall qui embarque sur un paquebot avec sa partenaire Dorothy (Jane Russell), se retrouve dans sa cabine en pleine discussion avec le riche (et imposteur) Piggy puis avec Dorothy. Les deux chanteuses ne sont pas en représentation et la scène les représente dans un moment de journée ordinaire (sur un paquebot certes, mais dans leur cabine). [> la scène du film sur le blog: voir les captures, les photos et sur le tournage ]. C'est pourquoi on retrouve le côté "casual" dans le top qui se veut court et malgré tout moulant, tout comme le pantalon qui retombe tout en fluidité sur les pieds; et le côté "chic" par les matières (jersey, velours) et la ceinture de soie. On retrouve les bijoux portés aux tests de costumes et il semblerait qu'il s'agisse d'une parure avec les mêmes pierres de même couleur: les boucles d'oreilles, le collier, le bracelet (au poignet gauche) et la bague (à la main droite). 

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Marilyn posera dans cette tenue pour une série de photographies sous l'objectif de John Florea, servant de clichés publicitaires au film; mais pour ces poses ironiques -où elle joue aux cartes avec des billets de banque- elle a changé les bijoux: elle a ôté le collier, le bracelet, la bague et porte de grandes boucles blanches pendantes aux oreilles:

gpb_sc06_studio_by_florea_011_1 lot158_H3257_L40282349 lot155_H3257_L40282325 gpb_sc06_studio_by_florea_030_1 

Il semble indéniable que Travilla se soit fortement inspiré de cette tenue présentée dans le magazine américain Vogue de avril 1952 où dans les pages de mode, on voit cette mannequin portant une tenue similaire (le top est plus près du corps et moins fluide que celui de Marilyn, et le décolleté n'est pas croisé; le pantalon en velours et la ceinture semblent avoir été repris à l'identique. Tout comme l'idée des bijoux -différents que ceux portés par Marilyn, mais en nombre), le tout dans un esprit ethnique / bohème chic:


Jane Russell, la partenaire de Marilyn, portera le top vert dans la suite de "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" tournée en 1955 -"Gentlemen marry brunettes" ("Les hommes épousent les brunes") réalisé par Richard Sale- la ceinture est mauve et le pantalon est un corsaire noir satiné:

mm_dress-green_top-gentlemen_marry_brunettes-1 mm_dress-green_top-gentlemen_marry_brunettes-2 mm_dress-green_top-gentlemen_marry_brunettes-3 
mm_dress-green_top-gentlemen_marry_brunettes-4 mm_dress-green_top-gentlemen_marry_brunettes-5 mm_dress-green_top-gentlemen_marry_brunettes-6 
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L'actrice Sheree North portera aussi à son tour l'ensemble :


© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.




5 septembre 2015

Hollywood Auction 74 - 09-10/2015 - Various

 Documents papiers

(Day 2) Lot 1147. Marilyn signs an early contract for the Charlie McCarthy show with a morality clause after nude photo debacle threatened to derail her fledgling career.
Document Signed, “Marilyn Monroe” and additionally, “MM” (ten times), four pages, 8.5 x 11 in. (with two 8.5 x 2 in. slips attached to pages three and four), Los Angeles, October 7, 1952, countersigned “Edgar Bergen,” who also adds his initials, “EB” ten times (each below Monroe’s). The contract concerns Monroe’s radio appearance on The Charlie McCarthy Show, recorded on October 18, 1952. A morality rider, attached to page four, addresses Monroe’s legendary sex appeal, in which she agreed Bergen could cancel the appearance, “… if I conducted or do conduct myself without due regard to public conventions and morals or have done or do anything which will tend to disgrace me in society or bring me into pubic disrepute, contempt, scorn or ridicule, or that will tend to schock [sic], insult or offend the community or public morals or decency or prejudice agency or sponsor or the entertainment industry in general …” This rider was especially important in light of the recent controversy over her nude photographs that had surfaced earlier in the year and threatened to derail her fledgling career. The same rider also evokes the “red scare” sentiment of the time. Not only did Monroe agree not to offend any moral sensibility during the program, she also agreed that her appearance could be terminated in the event she was “… held in contempt by any Congressional committee or other governmental body and any refusal to testify before any such committee or governmental body, whether for legally justifiable reasons or otherwise.” The language refers to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which had become infamous after it began investigating Hollywood in 1947. Monroe’s appearance with Charlie McCarthy was an enormous hit. During the program, the pair announced their engagement, much to the consternation of Edgar Bergen who “admitted that losing Charlie would be like having his pocket picked.” McCarthy, for his part, assured listeners that he would allow Ms. Monroe to continue her screen career. “Certainly I’m gonna let her work. I love the girl. I don’t want to interfere with her career—or her income.” Exhibiting file holes at top, stapled at left, very light soiling. In vintage fine condition.
Estimate: $12,000 - $15,000
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lot1147-H3257-L78857207  lot1147-H3257-L78857212 

(Day 2) Lot 1148. Marilyn Monroe’s personally hand-annotated original shooting script from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. (TCF, 1953)
Marilyn Monroe’s personally-used and annotated script from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. An incomplete script, being a block of revisions delivered by the production to Marilyn Monroe comprising 69 pages total (numbered 48 through 117, missing page 93) plus a pink title cover-sheet printed “26 November 1952, ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ (Revised Final Script…13 Nov. 1952),” plus “TO ALL SECRETARIES: Please place these ADDITIONAL PAGES at the back of your script of the above date. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Majority of the prompts for Marilyn’s character “Lorelei Lee” are circled variously in graphite and non-repro blue pencil, with approximately 22 pages annotated in various inks and pencil in Monroe’s hand with amendments and additions to the script and notes on how she proposes to deliver lines and portray Lorelei’s character, with several other pages showing line deletions and other demarcations. Highlights of notes include: pg. 56, when Lord Beekman finds Lorelei stuck in Malone’s porthole, next to Lorelei’s line “Oh yes--Tea with Lady Beekman. Why, she must of forgot. She didn’t show up,” with Monroe adding an alternative line, “Well, I just wanted to see the view. It’s better from here”; pg. 58, Monroe changes the line “Piggie, will you run down to my cabin and get my purse?” to “Maybe I should have that Sherry - will you get me some”; pg. 79, Monroe has written a note to herself in the margin “Feeling that feeds the words, know the lines, go over it inteligently [sic]”; pg. 92, also to herself, “sense the feeling with the body” plus several dialogue changes; pg. 94, again to herself, “grit my teeth and forget it must have my,” “all of feeling in my words,” and “build pull back, don’t stop mutual conflict between partners.” Also, the following page (95) although bearing no notations, features the scene for Monroe’s classic musical number “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend.” In generally very good condition, with expected handling wear, soiling, and creasing, and some small edge tears and damp-staining to cover page and a few internal margins throughout. Marilyn’s unique, revealing personal notations in this script reveal her private thought processes and fleeting self confidence. On set, she was haunted by her controlling acting coach Natasha Lytess, constantly striving for her approval and insisting on retakes even when director Howard Hawks had already approved. Co-star Jane Russell looked after Marilyn on set and was often one of the only people able to coax her out of her trailer during her bouts of self doubt. Despite her anxieties, it was the role of Lorelei Lee that first fabricated her ‘dumb blonde’ persona—a genius mixture of comedy and sexiness which Marilyn personified on screen, all the while taking her acting very seriously, as evidenced by her occasional heartfelt self-motivational notes in the margins. Monroe biographer Donald Spoto once said: “She put a twist on sexiness. It was not something wicked and was something which was terribly funny. And Marilyn enjoyed it.” A remarkable and deeply personal artifact both from Marilyn’s aura imbued within it, and of Hollywood history in general. Provenance: Christies, New York, June 22, 2006, Lot 160.
Estimate: $30,000 - $50,000
lot1148-H3257-L78856684 lot1148-H3257-L78856687 lot1148-H3257-L78856691 
lot1148-H3257-L78856693 lot1148-H3257-L78856696 lot1148-H3257-L78856697 
lot1148-H3257-L78856700  lot1148-H3257-L78856702 

(Day 2) Lot 1150. Marilyn Monroe historic signed RCA recording contract from the year of the release of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. (1953)
Vintage 4-page 8.25 x 11 in. contract signed in blue ink, “Marilyn Monroe on onion skin paper leaf, between Monroe and RCA with mention of Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, dated October 8, 1953. Among Hollywood historians, it’s generally agreed that 1953 marked Marilyn Monroe’s ascent to legend. Though she’d inked a seven-year deal with Twentieth Century-Fox previously, she didn’t achieve super stardom until the 1953 release of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. That mid-summer release, with its box office acclaim, served as the momentum for her signing this singing recording contract with RCA. There’s no mention in the agreement about Monroe’s compensation except her cut of resultant royalties. Monroe was obliged to record not fewer that “16 sides,” or single tunes on two sides of a record album. Text of the contract makes frequent reference to Twentieth Century-Fox. At the conclusion on page 4, the signatures of the principals appear, “Emanuel Sacks” for RCA, “Joseph Schenck”, Executive Director of Twentieth Century-Fox, and of course, “Marilyn Monroe”. Monroe is assumed to have faithfully fulfilled this contract – to include tunes from her two ensuing films, River of No Return and There’s No Business Like Show Business. Retaining 2-hole punch at upper boarder, white tape at the upper margins, and staple holes in the lower left and in the upper left corners. In vintage fine condition.
Estimate: $8,000 - $10,000
lot1150-H3257-L78855384  lot1150-H3257-L78855390  
lot1150-H3257-L78855395  loT1150-H3257-L78855398 

(Day 2) Lot 1192. Pat Newcomb handwritten letter giving support to Marilyn Monroe during her pending divorce from Arthur Miller. 1-page, Quarto, on “In Flight – American Airlines” letterhead stationery, dated December 31, 1960, written “Personal” at the lower left corner. As Marilyn’s personal friend and publicist, she writes to support Marilyn as her marriage to playwright Arthur Miller was coming to an end. Newcomb pens, in part: “Dear Marilyn,…I hope you will take good care of yourself. I know and understand what you are going through – but you will make it! Just take it ‘nice ‘n easy’. It will all work out – because you want it to and you have the capacity to make it work! Start with the nurse this week and please call me anytime during the night or day that you feel like talking…This week will be a rough one – but it’s worth it and very important for you. Thank you so very very much again for the wonderful ‘lifetime gift.’ I adore it!!! I can only give you one ‘lifetime gift’ – and that’s my friendship – which you know you already have! Love, Pat. See you on the 19th.” At the time this letter was written, Marilyn was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She had separated from Arthur Miller in October, and their divorce was announced to the press on November 11th. Newcomb’s closing phrase in this letter, “See you on the 19th”, is a direct reference to the divorce proceedings that had already been scheduled. The divorce was finalized on January 24, 1961. Accompanied with original transmittal envelope. In fine condition. Estimate: $800 - $1,200
lot1192-H3257-L78855553  lot1192-H3257-L78855556 

(Day 2) Lot 1193. Arthur Miller passionate love letter in which he bears his soul to his new love and future wife, Marilyn Monroe. Miller, Arthur [to Marilyn Monroe]. Incredible Five Page Typed Letter Signed, “Art”, Quarto, five pages, dated May 17, 1956, and written to “Dear Heart; My Own Wife; My Very Own Gramercy 5; Sweetheart:” Miller writes (in part):
I am enclosing a letter I got today from the first woman I ever knew in my life. My mother. Now maybe you will understand where I learned to write and to feel.
I know I am liable to get very sentimental and maudlin about this, but today is one of the most revelatory days of my life. I could write many pages even a volume, about what this letter brings to my mind. I think that had I died without ever receiving it, I should never have known some unbelievably simple but important things.
You see, Poo, I often try to tell you that you mean things to me beyond your body, beyond your spirit, beyond anything you can know about yourself, and it is hard for another person to understand what she –or he—really signifies to one who lovers her. I will try to tell you a few of the things you mean to me, and which became absolutely clear to me when I got this letter today. (I got it today, Thursday, by the way, because I was in Reno for my passport business, and picked up my mail at the post office.)
First let me say what I feared. They are very conventional people. That doesn’t mean they’re stiff—far from it. But they believe in family virtues, in wives being wives and husbands being husbands. They are not especially scandalized by infidelity, but neither do they forget that the big happiness is family happiness. Above all, they know how to love their children, and truly, if I ever needed anything they would die to get it for me. At the same time, my father could take advantage of me and my brother, if we let him, but he would do that as a father’s privilege; which sounds strange, but when he was a young man it wasn’t until he was twenty five or so that his father let him keep his own paycheck. Everything went into the family pot. It was the European way. So I rebelled in many ways against both of them and for many of the usual reasons, but the time came when I began to write successfully, when once again we were friends. I had established my independence from them; they understood it, and we created the necessary adult distance between ourselves, my parents and I, and yet a friendship of grown people, more or less…
Now I receive this letter. (All the above thoughts came as a result of receiving it.) I sat in the public square outside the post office in Reno reading it and my whole life suddenly seemed so marvelously magical. I had saved it! Darling, I had done the right, the necessary, the gloriously living thing at last! For suddenly I saw many questions answered, and many weights lifting off my heart.
It is not that I would hesitate to marry you if they disapproved. Truly, sweetheart, that was not it. It was that somewhere inside me I wanted their love to flow toward both of us because it would give me strength, and you too. It is not that they are my judges, but the first sources of my identity and my love. I know now that I could enjoy seeing my mother. She becomes a pest after too long with her, but that’s another thing. And it is not her, so much—not her corporeal, real being, but what she represents that I can now hold up instead of trampling on it. It is my own sexuality, do you see? I come to her with you, and to my father, and in effect I say—I am a lover. Look, I say, look at my sweet, beautiful, sexy wife. I can see my father’s pleasure at the sight of you—if only because he loves clothes, having been in that business all his life, and he will go mad seeing how you wear them! And if it will only be possible—I can see us with Bob and Jane and all of us joined with one another in joy. I see blue, clear air for the first time in my life when I think of myself and my wife and my children in the house of my parents…
Every time I had trouble with Mary, the worst threat she thought she could make was to go to my parents and tell them I had been unfaithful…She simply cannot conceive that my mother will accept you and my marriage, with you because you are a sexual being, and therefore I am, and parents are by their nature, in her mind, the punishers of sexuality not its helpers and allies…
Wife, Dear, Dear Woman—I have been thinking crazy thoughts. For instance, a wedding with maybe fifty people. Maybe in Roxbury, maybe somewhere else in a big house. And Bob and Jane there. And just a little bit of ceremony. Not fancy, but maybe my old friend Reverend Melish, a courageous and wonderful fighter for fine causes; or a Rabbi of similar background—I know one. Or maybe just somebody who can marry people. I want to dress up, and I want you dressed up; I want all my past looking on, even back to Moses. I want the kids to see us married, and to feel the seriousness and honorableness of our marriage, so that nothing Mary can say to them will ever make them believe we have sneaked away to do this, or that I have hidden myself and what I wanted to do. And I want this for their sakes as much as for my own pride and my joy; so that they will see their Grandma and Grandpa full of happiness—and crying too, of course. (Isn’t it strange?—I didn’t have my parents to my first marriage, which was in Cleveland. It could have been arranged, but I felt better not to have them there. That time I felt untrue, you see? This time I feel true, and if the world wanted to come I would embrace them all.)
Do you see why I say I am proud of you? You have given me back my soul, Darling. And thank god I knew it always; always and always since the hour we met, I knew there was something in you that I must have or die. And the revolution it implied for me was so much more than uprooting my household, my life; facing my own damning curse for depriving the children of my—as I thought of it then, and so on. The revolution was of another sort. It meant that I must face myself and who and what I am. It meant that I must put down those fearfully protective arms of reticence and blushing and all that stupidity, and put my arms around the one I loved and face the startling, incredible, simply glorious fact, that I am a tender man and not the fierce idiot I have tried—and failed—to become. How could you have known that, Darling? How I bless you that you knew it! I am near tears this minute at the miracle you are to me. How happy I will make you! What beautiful children I will give you! Oh, I will watch over you, and pest you, and worry about you.
I feel something today that marks it, like an anniversary, or more truly, my real day of birth. I have reached a kind of manhood I never really knew before. I tell you dear, I am afraid of nothing in this world. The soul of my talent is coming up in me as it has been these past six months, but now I feel it like bread in my hands, like a taste in my mouth. Because I am touching its source and not turning away from it anymore. Believe in me, Darling—I am certain enough of myself to tell you that. And worry nothing about yourself. You are beyond all danger with me because I love you like life itself. Truly, you are my life now.
Your husband, Art
[in Miller’s hand]
Some more ----------------
PS…If we got married before you had to leave, I could then come and live openly with you and we could maybe tour around on your free time and have some fun. The problem is the lack of time before you have to leave. I’ll be back from Michigan on the 17th. The kids, by our agreement, have to be back with Mary by the 22nd, in order to have a week’s time—(a little less)—to prepare for camp, shopping, etc. Assuming I have a divorce by June 1 or a few days after—as in now planned—we would either have to do it between June 1 and June 15th; or between June 17th and July 7th…The whole problem is to juggle the time I have with them, and the time you’ll be around to attend the ceremony. Don’t worry about it, though. I’m just warning you, however,--you’ll be the most kissed bride in history when my family is there. I’ll have to fight the bastards off. I’m going to put up a sign, “ONE KISS TO A RELATIVE!” (Don’t worry, there won’t be that many.)
How I love you. My heart aches when I think of you being so tired. But you’ll perk up here right off, dear wife. OH, AM I GOING TO MAKE LOVE TO YOU, BEGINNING WITH THE SOLES OF THE FEET AND GOING DUE NORTH, UNTIL SLU-U-U-SH!—RIGHT INTO GRAMERCY PARK!
The World’s Luckiest Man Since Adam Art
Arthur Miller was introduced to Marilyn Monroe by Elia Kazan in 1951. After the introduction, they had a brief affair to which Miller admitted to his wife, college sweetheart, Mary Slattery. Miller and Monroe were married on June 29, 1956, only days after he divorced Slattery. In this fascinating and revealing letter, Miller chronicles his deteriorating marriage and divulges deeply personal family issues. In this incredible letter, Miller lays bear issues which mirror some of the central themes his characters wrestled with in his dramas: personal and social responsibility, moral conviction, betrayal and the issues of guilt and hope.
Moderate toning, otherwise vintage very good to fine condition. Provenance: From the estate of Marilyn Monroe’s NYC attendant Mrs. Fanny Harris. With original transmittal envelope of this letter addressed to Mrs. Harris with TLS on Marilyn Monroe Productions letterhead signed by Mrs. Fanny Harris releasing Monroe of any salary claims or demands.
Estimate: $25,000 - $35,000

(Day 2) Lot 1194: The Misfits autograph book with cast signatures including Marilyn Monroe and others. (United Artists, 1961)
Vintage board and paper bound 40+ page 5.5 x 4 in. young girl’s autograph book. The commercially made book contains the clipped and affixed autographs of cast members of The Misfits. Including Marilyn Monroe, (2) Montgomery Clift, Arthur Miller, Eli Wallach, stuntman Chuck Roberson, (2) John Huston, and 1-unidentified. Interspersed throughout the book are charming youthful entries from schoolmates and teachers. The irregularly clipped signatures by celebrities are in pen, with one of the 2 Montgomery Clift signatures on a page torn from another autograph book and folded in quarters. Exhibiting signs of age and handling. Overall in vintage very good condition.
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
lot1194-H3257-L78855560  lot1194-H3257-L78855563  lot1194-H3257-L78855566 
lot1194-H3257-L78855570  lot1194-H3257-L78855574 

(Day 2) Lot 1202: Marilyn Monroe Something’s Got To Give final-draft script for her uncompleted last film. (TCF, 1962)
Vintage 143-page March 29, 1962 final-draft incomplete (as issued) “planning” script for the uncompleted project from which Marilyn was fired, partly owing to her “dereliction of duty” by leaving production to fly to New York for JFK’s birthday celebration. Bound in studio labeled cover and period brads, printed entirely on green revision paper, and marked with [illegible] cast or crew member’s name. Preface page boldly states “THIS SCRIPT SHOULD BE TREATED AS CONFIDENTIAL AND REMAIN IN THE POSSESSION OF THE PERSON TO WHOM IT HAS BEEN ISSUED.” Minor handling to cover extremities; interior remains in vintage very fine condition.
Estimate: $600 - $800
lot1202-H3257-L78860147  lot1202-H3257-L78860150  lot1202-H3257-L78860154 

 Objets Divers

(Day 2) Lot 990. Lucille Ball as “Marilyn Monroe” mink cuffs from I Love Lucy. (DesiLu Prod., 1951-1957)
Vintage original pink mink fur sleeve cuffs worn by Lucille Ball when she dresses up as “Marilyn Monroe” in Season 4: Episode 5, “Ricky’s Movie Offer” of I Love Lucy. The slip-on cuffs are lined with cotton mesh netting and crème-colored cloth. The fur remains full and supple. Highly visible in the glamorous ensemble seen in the episode. In vintage very good to fine condition.
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
lot990-H3257-L78857495  lot990-H3257-L78857497  lot990-H3257-L78857499  

(Day 2) Lot 1112. Marilyn Monroe lobby card for her first film appearance Dangerous Years. (TCF, 1948)
Vintage 11 x 14 in. portrait lobby card with the earliest appearance of Marilyn Monroe on any known movie paper. Glowing image of a fresh-faced young Marilyn as a diner waitress. Tiny trace of handling, in vintage fine to very fine condition.
Estimate: $400 - $600

(Day 2) Lot 1122. Marilyn Monroe vintage original “Golden Dreams” nude calendar earliest sample variant. (circa 1952)
Vintage 12 x 16.5 in. color chromo-litho calendar-salesman’s sample “Golden Dreams” of Marilyn Monroe, being the earliest known variation of the infamous Tom Kelly nude photo sessions. All known subsequent variations of the Tom Kelly/Marilyn nudes list her name with the alternating titles (“Golden Dreams” or “A New Wrinkle”), and only a handful of examples prior to her name addition are known to survive. Virtually unhandled, in vintage very fine condition.
Estimate: $300 - $500

(Day 2) Lot 1123. Marilyn Monroe vintage original censored calendar artwork variant. (circa 1952)
Vintage 9.75 x 16.5 in. calendar-salesman’s sample artwork interpretation of Tom Kelly’s “Golden Dreams” Marilyn Monroe pose, with screened-over bra and lace panties for conservative communities. Artwork is in the style of Earl Moran or Zoe Mozert, but is uncredited here. Just a trace of handling and corner creasing, in vintage very good to fine condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300

(Day 2) Lot 1124. Marilyn Monroe in revealing halter-top oversize vintage original salesman’s sample pin-up calendar. (circa 1952)
Vintage 12 x 16.5 in. color chromo-litho calendar-salesman’s sample of Marilyn Monroe, being an exceptionally rare variation in revealing halter-bra and open-sided skirt, with printing that illuminates Marilyn’s blonde hair, blue eyes, and crimson lips. Virtually unhandled, in vintage fine condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300

(Day 2) Lot 1127. Marilyn Monroe lobby card #5 for The Fireball with exceptional early image in revealing sweater. (TCF, 1950)
Vintage 11 x 14 in. lobby card of Marilyn Monroe with Mickey Rooney in their Roller Derby epic. Young fresh Marilyn was asked to provide her own personal wardrobe on some of her earliest films, and this lovely form-fitting sweater makes a few appearances on her exceptional frame at this point in history. Tiny marginal tear, otherwise in vintage fine condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300

(Day 2) Lot 1130. Marilyn Monroe calendar. (1952)
Vintage original 16 x 34 in. color chromo-litho calendar with complete date-pad depicting an interpretation of Tom Kelly’s “Golden Dreams” Marilyn Monroe pose, with screened-over bra and lace panties for conservative communities. Entitled here “The Lure of Lace, Posed by Marilyn Monroe In The Nude, With Lace Overprint”. Just a trace of marginal wear and slight internal creasing, in vintage very good to fine condition.
Estimate: $400 - $600

(Day 2) Lot 1137. Some Like It Hot Italian one-panel poster. (United Artists, 1959/ ca. 1970)
Italian 39 x 55 in. one-panel poster for the Billy Wilder and Marilyn Monroe comedy. Featuring Monroe and co-stars Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis. Folded as issued. Overall vivid color in vintage, very good to fine condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300

(Day 2) Lot 1149. Travilla historic vintage original costume sketch of Marilyn Monroe’s iconic pink satin dress for the “Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend” number in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. (TCF, 1953)
Vintage 15 x 20 in. pencil, gouache and India ink sketch on double artist’s board of one of the most memorable and timeless gowns in film history, the pink satin strapless evening gown with matching opera gloves and poof derriere bow worn by Marilyn Monroe as “Lorelei” for the “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” number in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. William Travilla’s sketch also includes copious jewelry to highlight the “Diamonds” element of the title. Signed by Travilla just below the figure, with his notation at upper right “Marilyn Monroe ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend’ #17”. A long clean diagonal surface-slice which bisected horizontally just below her knees has been archivally filled and retouched making it virtually undetectable, and the restorer also cleaned and enhanced the notations including light airbrushing to blank background, while leaving the sketch itself virtually untouched. One of the most spectacular original artifacts not only from the legacy of Marilyn Monroe, but from the entire artistic span of the silver screen. In vintage very good to fine condition.
Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000
lot1149-H3257-L78857291  lot1149-H3257-L78857294  lot1149-H3257-L78857297

(Day 2) Lot 1153. Marilyn Monroe screen-used water pitcher from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. (TCF, 1953)
Vintage “R.Wallace” silver-plate 3-pint water pitcher 8 x 8.5 x 4.5 in., screen-used by Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. Prominently handled by the lovely ladies when they entrap Elliott Reid in their cabin and pour water from this pitcher all over his pants in order to get them off him expeditiously. Engraved on side as an original artifact “U.S.N.” with Navy anchor and rope symbol, plus engraved on bottom by Fox properties dept. “32-2-21422 20th-C-Fox”. In vintage screen-used fine condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300
lot1153-H3257-L78858635  lot1153-H3257-L78858638 

(Day 2) Lot 1154. Marilyn Monroe 1-sheet poster for How To Marry a Millionaire. (TCF, 1953)
Vintage U.S. 27 x 41 in. poster for one of the very first wide-format Cinemascope films. An overt attempt to liven up the film-going experience against the onslaught of TV. Pleasing artwork of the three “golddiggers” Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, and Betty Grable. A curious footnote here is that TCF had been grooming Marilyn specifically to replace Grable, who had been their #1 stable star over the prior decade. Japan-paper backed without retouching to folds, consequently in vintage very good condition.
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000

(Day 2) Lot 1156. Marilyn Monroe screen-used table from How to Marry a Millionaire. (TCF, 1953)
Vintage metal and acrylic table 29 x 18 in. screen-used by Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, and Betty Grable. Most prominently viewed (with its matching twin, not offered here) as all three girls meet to compare “millionaire date” notes in the powder room of the swanky restaurant where they have their first official dates. A period copy/translation of famous designer Andre Arbus’s late art-deco tables “Paire de Gueridons”. Painted silver over its original gold/bronze color for re-purposing in Young Frankenstein (TCF, 1974) in which it is quite prominently viewed (once again with its now-absent twin) at end of film in Madeline Kahn’s bedroom. Beneath the silver paint is barely visible the property dept.’s “20th-C-Fox-32-1-22278”. In vintage screen-used very good condition.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
lot1156-H3257-L78858563 lot1156-H3257-L78858564 lot1156-H3257-L78858567  

(Day 2) Lot 1157. Marilyn Monroe screen-used (3) table lamp bases from How to Marry a Millionaire. (TCF, 1953)
Vintage (3) glass with metal fixture 10 x 4.25 in. table-lamp bases, screen-used by Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, and Betty Grable. Most prominently viewed at each table of the swanky restaurant as all three girls have their first official dates, Marilyn with Alex D’Arcy, Betty with Fred Clark, and Lauren with William Powell. Etched in base by the Fox property dept. “20th-C-Fox-32-1-25416” followed variously by “V”, “F,” and “N”. Each retains what appears to be its original wiring and lamp-socket, though circuitry not tested. In vintage screen-used fine condition.
Estimate: $400 - $600
lot1157-H3257-L78858531  lot1157-H3257-L78858532 
lot1157-H3257-L78858534  lot1157-H3257-L78858536  

(Day 2) Lot 1170. The Seven Year Itch 3-sheet poster. (TCF, 1955)
Vintage 41 x 78.5 in. U.S. 3-sheet poster. Arguably the best poster for Marilyn Monroe’s most popular film, as it comes closest to a life-size depiction of the iconic subway skirt-blowing scene, one of the most famous in all Hollywood history. Linen-backed with older simple retouching to folds and creases; would benefit greatly from a fresh restoration, though is certainly presentable as is. In vintage good to very good condition.
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000

(Day 2) Lot 1175. Marilyn Monroe screen-used Lamp from Richard Sherman’s apartment in The Seven Year Itch. (TCF, 1955)
Vintage carved wood with metal fixture 31 x 7.25 in. table-lamp base, screen-used by Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell. Carved as a classical Roman male bust, it is most prominently viewed (with its female counterpart, not offered here) in Tom Ewell “Richard Sherman’s” apartment, which is where nearly the entire course of action between Marilyn and Ewell takes place. Etched in rear of base by the Fox property dept. “20th-C-Fox-8-36588” then later on bottom of base for the 1971 Sotheby’s sale, “TCF 1200”. Retains what appears to be its original wiring and lamp-socket, though circuitry not tested. In vintage screen-used fine condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300 
lot1175-H3257-L78855594  lot1175-H3257-L78855597 
lot1175-H3257-L78855599  lot1175-H3257-L78855600  

(Day 2) Lot 1176. The Seven Year Itch German A1 poster. (TCF, 1955/ R-1966)
Vintage original 23 x 32 in. German A-1 one-sheet poster for the Marilyn Monroe comedy. Featuring the central image of Monroe done in colorful pop-art style after Andy Warhol. Folded as issued. Exhibiting minor corner bumping and wrinkling from storage. In overall, very good condition.
Estimate: $300 - $500

(Day 2) Lot 1177. Marilyn Monroe uncommonly scarce vintage original “Topless Cowgirl” pin-up calendar. (1948/1955)
Vintage 8.25 x 12.25 in. 4-page chromo-litho spiral-bound cheesecake pinup calendar of Marilyn Monroe in (3) highly suggestive topless cowgirl poses, plus the familiar Tom Kelly “Golden Dreams” nude pose with lace overlay. The cowgirl poses are variously titled “Southern Exposure” (a rear-view), “Caught Short” (arms wrapped round her chest) and “Coming Out On Top”. An extraordinarily scarce artifact from Marilyn’s naughty history, especially being intact with all four pages (each of which displays three months of 1955). Two spiral loops broken with a trace of wear at perforations, otherwise in vintage fine to very fine condition.
Estimate: $600 - $800
lot1177-H3257-L78855583  lot1177-H3257-L78855586 
lot1177-H3257-L78855588  lot1177-H3257-L78855591 

(Day 2) Lot 1181. Marilyn Monroe Bus Stop 1-sheet poster. (TCF, 1956)
Vintage original U.S. 27 x 41 in. 1-sheet poster. Linen-backed, in vintage very fine condition.
Estimate: $400 - $600

(Day 2) Lot 1184. Bus Stop French grande 1-sheet poster. (TCF, 1956/R-1980s)
French 47 x 63 in. grande-format poster for the circa 1980s reissue poster for the Marilyn Monroe classic drama. Folded as issued. Minor, nearly undetectable age. Vivid colors. In overall very fine condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300

(Day 2) Lot 1186. The Prince and the Showgirl vintage original painting of Marilyn Monroe and Laurence Olivier by Francis R. Flint. (Warner Bros., 1957)
Vintage 20 x 30 in. oil or acrylic on canvas painting of Marilyn Monroe joining Laurence Olivier. Executed at the time of the film’s production by Francis Russell Flint, the son of famed illustrator Russell Flint, who is a respected and collected artist in his own right. Acquired from the artist’s estate, and retains his pencil-inscribed title on stretcher-bar verso “Marilyn Monroe and Laurence Olivier in ‘The Sleeping Prince’” (the film’s early working title, hence evidence documenting this painting’s early status). Also shows artist’s London address notations on stretcher bar verso, with framing notes. In vintage very fine condition.
Estimate: $600 - $800

(Day 2) Lot 1199: Marilyn Monroe in The Misfits approx. 48 minutes of unseen 8mm footage sold with copyright. (UA, 1961)
Original unpublished approx. 48 minutes of color 8mm documentary film footage captured throughout the entire location shoot for Marilyn Monroe’s final [completed] film, The Misfits. Shot by uncredited extra Stanley Killar (with help from an assistant, as Killar appears occasionally on camera interacting with the cast and crew). Killar and his camera were clearly accepted with full access, judging from the intimacy of the hand-held camera with Marilyn, Clark Gable, Montgomery Clift, John Huston, and others. Filming begins in Reno on the casino strip filled with flashing neon signs, and around the “Mapes Hotel and Casino” which was official headquarters for the production while on location. Includes Marilyn first in the legendary cherry dress, truly radiant, then throughout the footage in a few different outfits preparing for and rehearsing scenes like the courthouse (consulting with her coach Paula Strasberg), the rodeo and the tavern; Gable riding horses, practicing roping with a lasso, getting in and out of his beautiful personal Mercedes 300SL Gullwing, rehearsing the drunken tavern scene with Marilyn, and much more, and nearly always with cigarette in holder; real stunt cowboys rehearsing the bull-riding and bulldogging scenes (at obvious great peril) as doubles for Montgomery Clift, who we then see practicing falls as inserts into the filmed stunt action (his nose injury seen in the film was genuine from earlier rodeo rehearsing); and numerous shots of director John Huston and his camera crew at work, and near the end, at play in the Virginia City, Nevada camel races. Also includes occasional shots of Eli Wallach, Thelma Ritter, producer Frank Taylor, Arthur Miller, and other cast and crew. The Misfits is widely considered Marilyn’s finest dramatic acting role, as well as being one of the best for both Clark Gable and Montgomery Clift. Reasonably professional (at least to a certain degree) in nature and shot from start to finish as a sequential “film in production” documentation, with apparent working title On Sets: The Misfits. To the best of our knowledge, this footage has not been previously published or broadcast (apart from its acquisition at auction from Killar’s heirs in 2008), and is offered here with full rights and assignment of copyright to its entire content. The original 8mm film stock has been properly transferred to (2) 7 in. reels in the process of recording its entire contents onto (2) different types of DVDs, while the original metal reels and cardboard Bell & Howell boxes are retained for posterity. Film stock itself is not inspected off the reels for condition, but no problems are apparent from viewing the DVD transfer. An extraordinary and absolutely unique previously missing puzzle piece in the brief, convoluted history of Marilyn Monroe on and off screen. In vintage fine condition.
Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000
lot1199-H3257-L78855445  lot1199-H3257-L78855446 
lot1199-H3257-L78855451  lot1199-H3257-L78855454  lot1199-H3257-L78855457 
lot1199-H3257-L78855460  lot1199-H3257-L78855463  lot1199-H3257-L78855467 

(Day 2) Lot 1206: (2) books from the personal property of Marilyn Monroe. (1947, 1957)
Vintage (2) 8vo cloth-bound self-help/ psychology books from the personal library of Marilyn Monroe, with Christie’s “The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe” auction special bookplates. Entitled Hypnotism Today by L. M. Le Cron and J. Bordeaux, and The Tower and the Abyss by Erich Kahler, both retain original dust-wrappers, and one of which exhibits a pencil notation presumed in Marilyn’s hand, “The conditioning has in some cases created a new, independent quantity—The person, who proceeds to condition himself.” Dust-wrappers chipped and stained, otherwise books themselves are in vintage fine condition.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200

(Day 2) Lot 1207: (2) books from the personal property of Marilyn Monroe including Joseph Campbell’s The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology. (1948, 1959)
Vintage (2) 8vo cloth-bound self-help/ mythology books from the personal library of Marilyn Monroe, with Christie’s “The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe” auction special bookplates. Entitled The Open Self by Charles Morris and The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology by Joseph Campbell, the latter retaining original dust-wrapper and exhibiting a pencil notation presumed in Marilyn’s hand, “x: After all, what are you [I] here for but pleasure. But is it pleasure. When the actress is kissed and feels the warm breath of her lover on her neck—can you feel it? No. It is not pleasure you’ll find here but it’s as if it were. We are [pretending?] it is our pleasure. The real pleasure you can only take at home, when tonight [illegible] in your bed.” Dust-wrapper shows only a trace of marginal handling, otherwise books themselves are in vintage very good to fine condition.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200 
lot1207-H3257-L78860102  lot1207-H3257-L78860106

(Day 2): Lot 1208: Marilyn Monroe extensive vintage original (40+) press file including obituaries. (1961-1965)
Vintage (40+) news clippings and full sections encompassing the last year of Marilyn Monroe’s troubled life, her obituaries, plus revelations and theories to follow. A treasure trove of information contemporaneous to the time of her questionable death, including a magazine article blaming (without naming) JFK. In vintage aged, archived condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300
lot1208-H3257-L78857822 lot1208-H3257-L78857825 lot1208-H3257-L78857827 
lot1208-H3257-L78857828 lot1208-H3257-L78857831 lot1208-H3257-L78857833 

(Day 2) Lot 1209: Marilyn Monroe (8) half-sheet posters including Dangerous Years, Bus Stop, River of No Return and others. (Various, 1948-1960)
Vintage (8) U.S. 22 x 28 in. half-sheet posters for films featuring Marilyn Monroe throughout the entire span of her career, including Dangerous Years, Home Town Story, Let’s Make it Legal, Monkey Business, Clash by Night, River of No Return, Bus Stop, and Let’s Make Love. Each is card-stock paper-backed to correct folds, marginal losses, or other wear, though none shows extensive repair much beyond marginal and fold retouching. Overall in vintage very good condition.
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
lot1209-H3257-L78857793 lot1209-H3257-L78857797 lot1209-H3257-L78857800 
lot1209-H3257-L78857804 lot1209-H3257-L78857807 
lot1209-H3257-L78857810 lot1209-H3257-L78857814 lot1209-H3257-L78857818  

(Day 2) Lot 1210: Marilyn Japanese “B2” poster. (TCF, 1963)
Japanese 20 x 28 in. “B2” poster for the post-mortem documentary by Fox to capitalize on the Marilyn cult sweeping the world after her untimely death. Highlighted by the climactic moment in the “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” number. Unfolded, in vintage very fine condition.
Estimate: $200 - $300


(Day 2) Lot 1211: Andy Warhol signed “Marilyn” Castelli Gallery invitation. (1981)
Vintage original invitation to the Castelli Gallery’s Andy Warhol print retrospective (1963-1981). The 12 x 12 in. colorful invitation with Warhol’s iconic original “Marilyn” silkscreen print (1967). On the occasion of her death in 1962, Warhol chose the Gene Korman publicity photo of Monroe as “Rose Loomis” from the film Niagara as the basis for his instantly recognizable Pop Art treatment of the Hollywood sex symbol. Featuring printed red text on hot pink background in the lower left and right corner reading, “Andy Warhol” and “Castelli Graphics”. The legendary artist has signed boldly, in black pen, “Andy Warhol” vertically, to the left of the image. Show information, gallery address, November 21 through December 22, 1981 date and original print info: “Illustrated: Marilyn, 1967, silkscreen, 36 x 36 inches, edition of 250, published by Factory Additions” on the verso. With very minor signs of age. In vintage, very fine condition.
Estimate: $10,000 - $12,000

(Day 2) Lot 1212: 20th Century Fox “Marilyn Monroe” CineSimplex Model D Camera #6.
The CineSimplex Model D was truly built as a better choice than the heavily-blimped Mitchell cameras at other studios. It was extremely light. Indeed, the camera was so revolutionary that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences awarded it a Class One Technical Academy Award. The camera cost $140,000 to build in 1940, a time when a Mitchell could be purchased for $15,000! Of the 17 CineSimplex Model D cameras designed and built for 20th Century Fox, only six still exist today. This #6 camera is the only example with its complete set of Bausch & Lomb Baltar lenses (25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 75 and 100mm) built specifically for this camera, matched to be optically perfect. Of particular importance, this #6 camera photographed more Marilyn Monroe films than any other, including, How To Marry A Millionaire, Let’s Make Love, Bus Stop, River of No Return, Monkey Business, and her last film Something’s Got To Give. 20th Century Fox assigned cameras to specific Directors of Photography. This #6 camera was assigned to Charles G. Clarke, ASC by the studio. Mr. Clarke’s camera was the very first used to photograph in CinemaScope. All tests for the new process were done with #6 and it worked with Leon Shamroy’s camera on The Robe. Comes with Mitchell head and wooden tripod with spreader, 20th Century Fox wooden lens box, (1) Bausch & Lomb CinemaScope lens and wooden case full of camera accessories with “Hugh Crawford Camera” (Clarke’s assistant’s) name painted on the lid. Comes with a letter of provenance from Roy H. Wagner, ASC. From the collection of Debbie Reynolds.
Estimate: $30,000 - $50,000
lot1212-H3257-L78857951 lot1212-H3257-L78857953 lot1212-H3257-L78857956
lot1212-H3257-L78857960 lot1212-H3257-L78857964 lot1212-H3257-L78857967
lot1212-H3257-L78857973 lot1212-H3257-L78857977 lot1212-H3257-L78857981
lot1212-H3257-L78857985 lot1212-H3257-L78857986 
lot1212-H3257-L78857990 lot1212-H3257-L78857992 lot1212-H3257-L78857996

(Day 2) Lot 1220All About Eve screen-used prop “Sarah Siddons” award.
 (TCF, 1950) Vintage original gold-lacquered cast acrylic 5.5 x 5.5 in. sculpture of 18th Century actress Sarah Siddons (based upon Sir Joshua Reynolds 1784 portrait of her as “The Tragic Muse”) which is a key integral plot element in the Bette Davis, Anne Baxter and Marilyn Monroe classic film of backstage imbroglios. On 3.5 x 5.75 in. black-painted wooden base. Bette Davis as “Margo Channing” portrays the consummate stage actress and object of idolatry and envy in newcomer Anne Baxter as “Eve Harrington”, who manipulates Channing in order to usurp her crown as queen of the theatre, with the “Sarah Siddons” award being the badge of that distinction. This is one of the most recognized and revered “award” props ever featured in any film, not only from its importance in the story, but even more so from the continually growing fame and respect this extraordinary film garners. One of only three Sarah Siddons Award props visible during the ceremony, the statues are not only the object of specific attention through the opening sequence but one is then visible prominently throughout the film displayed on Margo Channing’s mantle. Years of storage have left the figure bereft only of its hands, with just a few tiny paint chips and bumps to figure and base, which is also missing the name placard. A truly fantastic, indelible icon from the golden-age of Hollywood. In vintage very good condition.
Estimate price: $4,000 - $6,000
lot1220-H3257-L78855863 lot1220-H3257-L78855865 lot1220-H3257-L78855867 
lot1220-H3257-L78855870 lot1220-H3257-L78855872 lot1220-H3257-L78855874

19 mars 2014

Julien's Auction Hollywood Legends 04/2014


A photograph of Marilyn Monroe mounted to board and inscribed on the board “Oh George,/ You’re a genius!/ Marilyn Monroe.” The black and white image was taken by Cecil Beaton and said to be Monroe’s favorite image of herself.
The consignor relates that in the late 1950s he attended an event at Frank Sinatra’s Palm Springs home as a guest of Sammy Davis Jr. The consignor remembers the photograph being given by Monroe, who was also a guest of Sinatra’s, to Davis’ valet, whom he named as “George.” This is a possible inaccuracy and may have been given to Frank Sinatra’s longtime valet, George Jacobs. The consignor was given the image by the valet George, who said he could not take the item back to Los Angeles. The consignor has had the photograph in his possession since that time.

165203_0  165205_0 

165221_0 165223_0
165225_0 165227_0
165230_0  165231_0
165233_0 165236_0 165238_0
165240_0 165243_0 165245_0
165248_0 165251_0 165253_0 
165255_0 165257_0 165259_0
165262_0 165264_0 165266_0
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A group of approximately 35 unsigned copies of photographs and images of Marilyn Monroe taken by various photographers, collected by photographer Joseph Jasgur.

A vintage original Marilyn Monroe school photograph from Ralph Waldo Emerson Junior High School. Titled "Class of Summer, 1941." Monroe appears in the seventh row from the bottom and the 15th person from the right. inscriptions on verso are written to a student named Barbara. The then named Norma Jeane Baker was 15 years old.

165315_0 165317_0 165319_0
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165375_0 165379_0 165382_0

A pair of photographs of Marilyn Monroe on the set of Niagara (20th Century, 1953). The black and white images show Monroe in a skirt suit and beret. One marked on verso "Marilyn Monroe/ in film 'Niagara'/ taken June 11, 1952/ Park St. Niagara Falls." The images are believed to have never been published.
1952-06-11-set_niagara-1 1952-06-11-set_niagara-2 1952-06-11-set_niagara-3 


165398_0 165401_0
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 165409_0 165411_0
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165785_0  165786_0  165787_0 
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The photographs offered here were taken on the Nevada set of the film by Thomas Kaminski in 1960.
165542_0 165544_0
165546_0 165548_0 

An original vintage photograph signed by Allan Grant. This photograph was taken on July 7, 1962, in Monroe’s Brentwood home for an article in LIFE magazine that went to newsstands on August 3. Monroe died on August 5, two days later.
165568_0 165569_0 

165593_0 165596_0 165604_0 
165607_0 165611_0 165613_0

Documents papiers

A pair of two tickets to President John F. Kennedy’s Birthday Party at Madison Square Garden on May 19, 1962. Side Balcony Seats 305 J 1 &2. With a color program titled on the cover "Happy Birthday Mr. President." The four-page booklet includes a list of the dinner committee and sponsors and order of appearance: Jack Benny, Ella Fitzgerald, Jerome Robbins Ballets, Danny Kaye, Henry Fonda, Maria Callas, Peggy Lee, Peter Lawford, Marilyn Monroe, Jimmy Durante and Eddie Jackson, Bobby Darin, Henry Fonda, Mike Nichols and Elaine May, and Diahann Carroll.

165207_0 165209_0

A signed model release form for Marilyn Monroe’s third modeling session with Joseph Jasgur. Jasgur photographed Norma Jeane Dougherty and the cast of a local production titled “The Drunkards” in color and black and white at Zuma Beach, California. The form is dated “March23-’46” and signed in ink “Norma Jeane Dougherty.” The form is also signed by Mary Lou Bennett and Tom Burton, who participated in the session.

A postcard and pair of envelopes received by Marilyn Monroe from fans. The fan mail was sent to Monroe at 20th Century Fox from international fans; envelopes are postmarked 1954. Accompanied by a contemporary print publicity still showing Monroe surrounded by fan mail.

165474_0 165476_0 

A page of transaction activity for a Colonial Trust Company account of Marilyn Monroe Productions Inc. dating from July 1, 1959, to July 30, 1959. Showing an ending balance of $78, 476.80.

A typed check written to the Screen Actors Guild, Inc. in the amount of $25.00, drawn from a Marilyn Monroe Trustee Account at Bank of America. The check is numbered 655 and dated March 9, 1956, signed by Inez Melson, Monroe's business manager. Description notes that this check was for Monroe's current SAG dues.
165482_0  165484_0  

An unwritten check from Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller's joint account at The First National City Bank of New York. The check is numbered 44 on the top right and still has the attached ledger on the left. 8 by 2 3/4 inches
PROVENANCE Partial Lot 142, "Property from the Estate of Marilyn Monroe and Other Collections," Julien's Auctions, Los Angeles, California,
June 4, 2005

A Marilyn Monroe signed card. The card, from Saks Fifth Avenue, is signed in blue ink and upside down from the department store name. 2 3/4 by 3 1/2 inches 

A collection of letters sent to and about Marilyn Monroe. The group includes a letter written to Marilyn Monroe from Jack Hirschberg on Some Like It Hot (UA, 1959) stationery, dated December 17, 1958. Hirschberg was the publicist for the film. He wrote to offer his condolences regarding Monroe’s miscarriage. Also included are a letter from American Airlines dated August 1, 1960, regarding a lost piece of luggage and attached form that was supposed to be filled out and returned to the airline, accompanied by return envelope; copies of letters written by Cherie Redmond and attached note dated July 27, 1962, ten days before Monroe’s death, to Eunice Murray explaining the two letters that are in regard to a furniture order of Monroe’s.


A Let's Make Love script dated January 15, 1960. Blue paper cover, reads at upper right "Second Revised Shooting/ Final/ 4014-79/ Permanent File," 139 pages. The comedic film starred Marilyn Monroe opposite Yves Montand. The pair were rumored to have had an affair during the the production of the film.

Relating to Marilyn Monroe's purchase of her home at 12305 5th Helena Drive in Brentwood, California. The typed letter, dated "March 6, 1962," reads, "Dear Sir: Please change your records to show that I am the owner of Lot 20, Tract No. 5462. Very Truly Yours, Marilyn Monroe."
Larger, 11 by 8 1/2 inches
165555_0 165557_0 

A Marilyn Monroe signed, typed purchase offer for Monroe's Los Angeles home on Helena Drive. This is the only home Monroe ever purchased. Document dated January 9, 1962, with a purchase price of $52,500. Monroe would die eight short months later.
15 by 9 1/4 inches
165571_0 165573_0 

A group of correspondence sent and received by Marilyn Monroe, including a two-page typed, signed letter to Monroe from Jean Negulesco, typed on Negulesco’s stationery and dated July 14, 1958. The letter is in regard to flowers and a book sent by the director to Monroe. The book was The Midwife of Pont Clary , which Negulesco wanted to adapt into a film for Monroe. He wrote, “The thing of The Midwife of Pont Clary is fundamentally sex …” and later suggests Monroe give the book to her husband, Arthur Miller, to read. Also included are a copy of a wire message sent by Monroe to Inez Melson dated June 10, 1959, regarding the boarding of a bird named Clyde; a typed, signed letter from playwright William Inge complimenting Monroe on her performance in Some Like It Hot (UA, 1959), dated April 6, 1959, and signed “Bill Inge"; and a confirmation copy of a telegram sent by Monroe to Roberto Boss in Mexico regarding a furniture order, with a typed, dictated copy of same, dated June 16, 1962, less than two months before Monroe’s death.

Vêtements, Bijoux

A lavender Travilla tribute dress honoring Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol. The sheer crepe sunburst pleated halter dress was inspired by the white dress Monroe made famous in The Seven Year Itch (20th Century, 1955) and attributed by the Travilla estate as being re-created for an Andy Warhol memorial service at The Beverly Hilton in the colors of his iconic "Marilyn" silkscreen images. A label reads "Travilla." No size present.
PROVENANCE From the Estate of William Travilla
165211_0 165212_0

A pair of clip-on rhinestone earrings owned by Marilyn Monroe. Each earring is composed of a single full-cut prong-set rhinestone and five strands of cascading prong-set baguette cut rhinestones with simple clip backs. Monroe wore these earrings to the premiere of The Rose Tattoo (Paramount Pictures, 1955) and Actor's Studio benefit dinner which she attended with Marlon Brando. Also believed to have been worn to the opening of The Middle of the Night on Broadway in 1956. The play was produced by Joshua Logan who also directed Monroe in Bus Stop (20th Century, 1956). The link below contains video of Monroe wearing the earrings.
PROVENANCE Lot 200, “The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe,” Christie’s, New York, Sale number 9216, October 27 & 28, 1999
165508_0 165768_0 165779_0 
165510_0 165512_0

 A black wool straight skirt with arched seams down the front, a back zipper and a back slit; interior label reads "Jax." Marilyn Monroe had numerous basic black wool straight skirts that were virtually all identical, this being one of them. Accompanied by a reprinted image of Monroe in the same or similar skirt.
PROVENANCE Lot 32, "Property from the Estate of Marilyn Monroe and Other Collections," Julien's Auctions, Los Angeles, California, June 4, 2005
165514_0 165791_0 165518_0 

Marilyn Monroe’s black brassiere. Underwire brassiere, sheer black material covers each cup with solid black fabric covering demi-cup. Originally intended for sale at the landmark Marilyn Monroe auction at Christie’s in 1999, it still bears a Christie’s tag. Housed with an image of Monroe with a small plaque that reads “From the Wardrobe of Marilyn Monroe.”
21 3/4 by 19 3/4 inches, Framed
PROVENANCE Partial Lot 72,"Property From the Estate of Marilyn Monroe," Julien's, Los Angeles, June 4, 2005
165528_0 165536_0 165532_0
165530_0 165534_0 

A black jersey figure hugging Ceil Chapman cocktail dress from the personal wardrobe of Marilyn Monroe. The dress has a ruched bodice, draping to the hips, 3/4 sleeves, a ballerina neckline with piping trim that plunges to the back.
PROVENANCE Lot 226, “The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe,” Christie’s, New York, Sale number 9216, October 27 & 28, 1999
165550_0 165551_0

Objets Divers

Vintage Graflex R.B. Super D 4x5 film camera used by Joseph Jasgur to take photos of Norma Jeane (Marilyn Monroe). Accompanied by a 4x5 Graflarger back, five 4x5 film magazines, one Ektalite field lens for 4x5 back, one Polaroid Land back for Graflex camera, one box of Polaroid Polapan 4x5 Land Film Type 52, and four shutter release cables.
165300_0   165303_0   
165301_0  165305_0   


A first issue of Playboy magazine (HMH Publishing, 1953) with Marilyn Monroe on the cover and signed by Hugh Hefner. The magazine, which launched in December 1953, sold for 50 cents a copy. Accompanied by a photograph of Hefner with the signed item.
165365_0  165367_0  165369_0



 An award plaque presented to Marilyn Monroe by Photoplay magazine. The bronze-tone plaque affixed to a wood frame reads "Photoplay Magazine/ Presents/ The New Star Award/ To/ Marilyn Monroe/ for her/ Rapid Rise to Stardom/ in 1952." Monroe wore the Travilla designed gold lamé gown from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (20th Century, 1953) to the February 9, 1953, event where the award was presented. 14 by 11 1/2 inches
PROVENANCE Lot 313, "The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe," Christie's, New York, Sale number 9216, October 27-28, 1999
165390_0  165393_0 
165394_0  165396_0  

A spring-style wire hair roller owned by Marilyn Monroe.
PROVENANCE Partial Lot 245, "Property From the Estate of Marilyn Monroe," Julien's Auctions, Los Angeles, June 4, 2005

A gold-toned metal tube of Helena Rubinstein mascara.
Length, 4 1/2 inches
PROVENANCE Partial lot 275, "Property from the Estate of Marilyn Monroe and Other Collections," Julien's Auctions, Los Angeles, California, June 4, 2005

A Mexican wall hanging wool tapestry owned by Marilyn Monroe. Tapestry reads “Chac Mool,” with figure holding a bowl of fire.  Accompanied by a Gene Anthony photograph of the tapestry in Monroe’s Brentwood home.
77 by 55 inches
PROVENANCE Partial Lot 450, "The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe," Christie's, New York, Sale number 9216, October 27-28,1999; Lot 893, "Julien's Summer Sale," Julien's Auctions, Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, June 27, 2009
165559_0 165561_0 165562_0 

A framed oil on canvas painting, signed "Olga" on lower left corner.
30 1/4 by 49 1/4 inches
PROVENANCE Partial Lot 426, “The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe,” Christie’s, New York, Sale number 9216, October 27-28, 1999
165564_0 165566_0 

A copy of Relax and Live by Joseph Kennedy (New York: Prentice Hall, 1953) from the personal collection of Marilyn Monroe with Christie's auction bookplate on front inside cover. Pencil markings can be found on page 43 and evidence of candle wax on page 47.
PROVENANCE Partial Lot 559, “The Personal Collection of Marilyn Monroe,” Christie’s, New York, Sale number 9216, October 27 & 28, 1999
165574_0 165576_0

 A copy of Some Characteristics of To - Day by Dr. Rudolf Steiner (London: Steiner Publishing, 1942) from the personal collection of Marilyn Monroe with Christie's auction bookplate on front inside cover. Accompanied by a contemporary image of Monroe in front of a bookshelf.
PROVENANCE Partial Lot 559, “The Personal Collection of Marilyn Monroe,” Christie’s, New York, Sale number 9216, October 27 & 28, 1999
165578_0 165580_0 165582_0 

from September 8, 1972

published in March 1968
165587_0 165589_0 165591_0 

12 février 2014

Body vert et noir à paillettes de 'Bus Stop'

Green and Black-Sequined Leotard from 'Bus Stop'
vert et noir à paillettes de 'Bus Stop'


mm_dress-bus_stop-1956-test_costLe body a été conçu par le créateur et couturier de la 20th Century Fox, William "Billy" Travilla pour le film Bus Stop (Arrêt d'Autobus) tourné au printemps 1956. La plupart des tests costumes du film ont été réalisés le 3 février 1956 (voir photo ci-contre). Il s'agit du seul costume du film créé par Travilla: en effet, Marilyn Monroe avait refusé les autres costumes que Travilla avait conçu pour le film, qu'elle jugeait bien trop beaux pour son rôle de Cherie, une chanteuse paumée d'un petit cabaret miteux; mais seul ce body de danseuse qu'elle porte quand elle chante "That old Black Magic" est une création de Travilla pour le film.  

C'est un body justaucorps en satin vert avec des lanières noires, aux fines bretelles dorées doubles, dont la poitrine est recouverte d'un tissu doublé en résille, avec des lanières dorées retombant sous les seins et au bas du body; lanières cousues sur des paillettes dorées. Il moule les courbes du corps de Marilyn, accentuant sa fine taille. Il laisse entrevoir une partie du haut du dos nu et se ferme par une fermeture éclair dans le dos.
Le body se porte avec une longue tulle verte pailletée transparente qui se détache.
Marilyn le porte avec des bas résilles noirs, des chaussures dorées et de longs gants noirs dans la scène de chant du film. C'est une tenue caractéristique des filles de revue de cabarets, dont les paillettes accrochent la lumière des projecteurs.

bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-030-1a H3257-L44539085  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-010-1  

> Marilyn porte la tenue dans une grande partie au début du film: dès sa première scène d'apparition dans le film, elle se change dans sa loge pour enfiler le body (scène 1), et dans le Blue Dragon Café (scènes 2) où elle chante "That Old Black Magic" sur la petite scène (scène 3), où la rejoint ensuite Bo - Do Murray (scène 3), qui va annoncer à Virgil -Arthur O'Connell- qu'il a trouvé son "ange" (scène 4):

H3257-L44539115  bs-sc02-film-041-1a  bs-sc03-film-by_arthur_zinn-1-1
bs-sc03-film-012-1  bs-sc03-film-by_arthur_zinn-3-3  bs-sc03-film-by_mhg-1-1 
bs-sc04-film-020-1  bs-sc04-set-011-by_mhg-1  bs-sc05-film-011-1

puis au milieu du film, quand on retrouve Cherie -Marilyn- au Blue Dragon avec Vera et Virgil (scène 9) et où Bo va arracher la tulle du body amenant Cherie à s'enfuir par la fenêtre (scène 10), et elle rejoint la gare (avec la scène coupée des toilettes) où elle est rattrapé par Bo qui la force à monter dans le bus (scène 11): 

bs-sc09-film-030-1  bs-sc10-film-010-1  bs-sc10-film-020-1
bs-sc11-film-021-1  bs-sc11-film-061-1-by_mhg-2  bs-sc11-1-cut_scene-030-3-by_mhg-1 

Et elle posa aussi pour de nombreux clichés publicitaires sous l'objectif de Milton Greene:

bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-chair-010-2a  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-table-010-1a  bs-sc02-studio-by_gr-1956 
bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-035-1  bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-020-1 bs-sc02-studio-by_mhg-on_set-with_joshua-020-1

> On retrouve le body trois ans plus tard, portée par l'actrice Leslie Caron dans le film "The Man Who Understood Women" réalisé par Nunnaly Johnson et sorti sur les écrans américains le 2 octobre 1959; l'actrice le porte sans la tulle, avec des chaussures noires; et les lanières aux épaules ont changé (elles ne sont plus doubles et dorées, mais une lanière noire):

mm_dress-bus_stop-leslie_caron-the_man_who_understood_women-3   mm_dress-bus_stop-leslie_caron-the_man_who_understood_women-2  mm_dress-bus_stop-leslie_caron-the_man_who_understood_women-4 
mm_dress-bus_stop-leslie_caron-the_man_who_understood_women-1  mm_dress-bus_stop-leslie_caron-the_man_who_understood_women-1a 

> Un an après la mort de Marilyn, en 1963, le body est stocké dans les placards de la Fox. Le magazine Paris Match du 17/08/1963 explique que c'est Mme Olie Hugues, costumière à la Fox, qui a connu Marilyn, qui gère le stock des costumes de films. Et le body de "Bus Stop" aurait alors déjà été porté par une vingtaine d'autres filles.

mm_dress-bus_stop-1963-hollywood  mm_dress-bus_stop-1963-hollywood-2

> Le body aurait ensuite été donné par la Fox à un magazine, qui l'offrait en cadeau à celle qui écrirait dans une lettre "son utilisation la plus originale et imaginative" du costume. C'est une adolescente qui l'avait gagné, déclarant vouloir le porter à l'anniversaire de son grand-père. 

> Puis, le body est vendu lors d'une vente aux enchères organisée par Christie's en août 1975 à Londres; et c'est Jane Keiren, qui travaille aux relations publiques de Christie's, qui porte le body, avec une tulle noire transparente, dans une rue de Londres:

mm_dress-bus_stop-1975-london-auction_christies  mm_dress-bus_stop-1975-london-auction_christies-jane_keiren 

- une mannequin portant le body pour Christie's-

> On retrouve à nouveau le body dans une vente aux enchères, toujours organisée par Christie's, en août 1989; présentée par une sosie de Marilyn, Katie Labourdette, il est vendu pour la somme de 19 000 dollars:


> Le body est présenté à l'exposition organisée à Jersey et consacrée à Marilyn Monroe du 25 mars au 31 décembre 2009 , et dont tous les costumes de cette expo appartenaient au collectionneur David Gainsborogh-Roberts:


> Puis en 2011, deux événements mettent en lumière le body:
- D'abord,
à l'exposition organisée à Hollywood Icon à Bath, en Angleterre, du 12 mars au 31 octobre 2011;
- Puis, il est vendu aux 
enchères Debbie Reynolds "The Auction Part II" le 3 décembre 2011, pour la somme de 230 000 Dollars.

dr_21423_0266_1_lg dr_21423_0266_2_lg dr_21423_0266_3_lg

>> Ce qui nous amène à nous demander s'il existerait deux versions de ce body: un appartenant à David Gainsborogh-Roberts (celui vendu aux enchères de Christie's en 1975 et 1989, et présenté aux expos de 2009 et 2011; avec les lanières doubles et or) et l'autre vendu par Debbie Reynolds (qui avait du l'acquérir dans les années 1970s; avec les lanières noires, porté par Leslie Caron). William Travilla avait-il créé deux costumes parfaitement identiques pour le film ? Les lanières ont-elles été modifiées ? Ou le deuxième body est-il une réplique de celui utilisé dans le film, où seules les lanières aux épaules sont différentes ?

> article de presse

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.


7 février 2014

Blouse kaki et Jupe noire de Bus Stop

Khaki Lace Top and Black Skirt from 'Bus Stop'
Blouse kaki et Jupe noire de 'Bus Stop'


Beaucoup ont longtemps pensé que la tenue avait été conçue par le créateur et couturier de la 20th Century Fox, William "Billy" Travilla pour le film Bus Stop (Arrêt d'Autobus) tourné au printemps 1956. Cependant, il semblerait que Marilyn avait refusé les costumes de Travilla pour le film, qu'elle considérait bien trop beaux pour son rôle de Cherie, une chanteuse paumée d'un petit cabaret miteux, excepté le body de danseuse qu'elle porte quand elle chante "That old Black Magic" qui serait bien une création de Travilla pour le film; et qu'elle avait alors emprunté au département costumes de la Fox les autres tenues qu'elle porte dans le film. Or, on découvre -à tort- le nom de Travilla comme étant le créateur de cette tenue (blouse et jupe) pour les photographies des tests costumes qu'elle a fait le 3 février 1956

film-bs-test_costume-sc07-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-1a  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-2 
film-bs-test_costume-sc07-3   film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-2-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-2-2 

> Marilyn porte la tenue dans une grande partie du film: dans la fameuse scène de la compétition de rodéo puis toutes celles dans l'auberge restaurant de Grace (scénes 7, 8, et de 13 à 17):

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sc08_bs_cap_20 sc13_cap02 sc14_cap27 
smenu_842 smenu_869 tmenu_217

bs-sc07-film-012-1  bs-sc07-film-041-1  bs-sc07-set-piano-1
bs-sc07-on_set-by_mhg-020-2  bs-sc07-on_set-by_dennis_stock-020-1  bs-sc07-on_set-by_mhg-090-1 
bs-sc07-on_set-by_zinn_arthur-03-1  bs-sc07-on_set-with_don_murray-012-1-by_gene_lester-1  bs-sc07-set-publicity-012-1a 
bs-sc07-on_set-026-1  bs-sc07-on_set-030-08  bs-sc07-on_set-by_william_read_woodfield-023-1 
 bs-sc07-set-caravane-2-1  bs-sc07-set-306   bs-sc07-on_set-032-1  
bs-sc07-studio-1956-05-16-by_mhg-011-1  bs-sc07-studio-1956-05-16-by_mhg-012-1  bs-sc07-studio-1956-05-16-by_mhg-020-1-1
 bs-sc12-set-012-1  bs-sc16-film-010-4   bs-sc15-film-021-1a
bs-sc07-on_set-by_dennis_stock-050-4  H3257-L44539093  H3257-L44539072 

 La Blouse


Le chemisier - blouse est de couleur vert kaki, doublé d'un tissu en dentelles noires transparent, qui dessine des motifs géométriques. Les manches sont courtes, et chacune d'elle est resserrée par une cocarde verte qui se noue, tout comme au décolleté, resserré par un cordon vert, que Marilyn a noué en corcarde et laisse pendre les extrémités.

> Le 15 avril 1956, Marilyn Monroe pose dans les décors de la Fox, pour des portraits publicitaires sous l'objectif de Milton Greene; elle porte la blouse de "Bus Stop" dans la séance nommée "Hooker Sitting", mais la jupe est différente (dans le film, c'est une jupe droite à gros boutons, alors que pour la séance 'Hooker', elle porte une jupe plissée évasée et ouverte jusqu'en haut):

1956_04_LA_H_Hooker_010_2 ph_gr_mag_life_1957_ppp 1956_04_LA_H_Hooker_022_2  1956_04_LA_H_Hooker_027_1

> La blouse n'est pas une création pour le film "Bus Stop" et Marilyn l'a bien emprunté au département costumes des studios de la Fox. En effet, la blouse est portée par l'actrice Susan Hayward dans le film "With a song in my heart" ("Un refrain dans mon coeur") réalisé par Walter Lang et sorti sur les écrans américains le 4 avril 1952, et c'est le couturier Charles Le Maire qui était chargé de la création des tenues de ce film.

mm_dress-bus_stop-susan_hayward-1952-with_a_song  mm_dress-bus_stop-susan_hayward-charles_lemaire_gown 

> Après le tournage de "Bus Stop", la blouse fut donnée au magazine Picture Show and Film Pictorial et a été gagnée par l'une de ses lectrices lors d'un concours.

>> Par la suite, la blouse fut vendue au enchères: d'abord, en 1988, par Sotheby's où c'est la sosie de Marilyn, Kay Kent, qui défila dans l'assistance en portant la blouse, qui fut rachetée par un homme d'affaire, Patrick Mills, pour la somme de 12 600 dollars, qui l'avait achetée pour sa fille de 16 ans qui souhaitait faire carrière au cinéma et dans la musique (voir l'article sur

 mmlooklike_kay_kent_1988_auction_cap1 mmlooklike_kay_kent_1988_auction_cap2 mmlooklike_kay_kent_1988_auction_cap3

>> Video "Blouse Auction 1988"

>> La blouse et la jupe se retrouvent encore aux enchères les 13 et 14 mars 2000, aux "Butterfields Auctioneers"sur Sunset Blvd à Hollywood. le costume de 'Bus Stop' étant estimé entre 15 000 et 25 000 $ (la robe de 'River of No Return' entre 30 000 et 50 000 $, et celle de 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' entre 15 000 et 25 000 $). 

film-bs-test-costume-51090581  film-bs-costume1 

>> Puis la blouse a changé à nouveau de propriétaire; elle appartient aujourd'hui à David Roberts qui l'a prêtée pour l'exposition consacrée à Marilyn Monroe et organisée à Jersey en 2009:

mm_dress-bus_stop-blouse-jersey  mm_dress-bus_stop-blouse-jersey2 

La sosie de Marilyn, Suzie Kennedy, l'a aussi portée pour une séance de photos en 2009:

mm_dress-blouse-suzie-2 mm_dress-blouse-suzie-3  
mm_dress-bus_stop-blouse-suzie  suzie 


> L'actrice Jayne Mansfield porte une robe noire lors de son voyage promotionnel en Europe en 1957 dont le buste de la robe est fortement inspiré par la blouse: tissu noir en dentelles, au même décolleté. Photographies de Jayne prises le 26 juin 1957 à l'hôtel Dorchester de Londres en Angleterre; puis en France; et enfin, le 5 octobre 1957 à Frankfurt en Allemagne:

 mm_dress-bus_stop-inspiration-jayne-1957-allemagne mm_dress-bus_stop-inspiration-jayne-1957-france mm_dress-bus_stop-inspiration-jayne-1957-london3 

> La chanteuse et actrice Madonna copie des photos célèbres de Marilyn Monroe pour l'édition "Vanity Fair" d'avril 1991, sous l'objectif de Steven Meisel. Et pour cette séance, elle reprend la pose de la séance "Hooker" de Marilyn:

1991-meisel-businbed2  1991-meisel-businbed  

  La jupe


C'est une longue jupe noire droite et très près du corps, voire même moulante. Elle dessine littéralement les courbes de Marilyn. D'un tissu satiné, elle comporte huit gros boutons noirs sur le devant, et elle est fendue dans le bas. Marilyn la porte avec une ceinture noire, dont la boucle est aussi noire.

  bs-sc07-on_set-by_zinn_arthur-03-1 bs-sc07-on_set_coat-010-1a  bs-sc07-on_set-by_william_read_woodfield-023-1a 

> On retrouve la jupe trois ans plus tard, portée par l'actrice d'origine suédoise May Britt dans le film "The Blue Angel" ("L'ange bleu") réalisé par Edward Dmytryk et sorti sur les écrans américains le 4 septembre 1959; l'actrice la porte non boutonnée, afin que la jupe soit fendue jusqu'en haut, pour accentuer le côté sexy de la tenue:

mm_dress-bus_stop-may_britt-1959-blue_angel_3  mm_dress-bus_stop-may_britt-1959-blue_angel_4 
mm_dress-bus_stop-may_britt-1959-blue_angel_1  mm_dress-bus_stop-may_britt-1959-blue_angel_5  mm_dress-bus_stop-may_britt-1959-blue_angel_2 

> article de presse

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 


5 février 2014

Tests costumes et coiffures pour Bus Stop

Arrêt d'Autobus

  Les screen tests de Marilyn Monroe dans le rôle de 'Cherie'
certains des costumes sont de Billy Travilla

 *** Tests Costumes, Coiffures et Maquillage ***

  >>> prises de vues le 3 février 1956
-> en blouse marron et jupe noire

film-bs-test_costume-sc07-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-1a  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-2 

-> test coiffure

 >>> prises de vues non datées 

-> en body de danseuse
film-bs-test_costume-sc02-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc02-1a 

- Tenues non retenues pour le film -

>> prises de vues le 3 février 1956
-> en imperméable beige
film-bs-test_costume-non_retenu-3  film-bus_stop

>> prises de vues non datées
film-bs-test_costume-non_retenu-1  film-bs-test_costume-non_retenu-2 

- En Backstage -


> Photographies de Milton Greene
film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-2-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-2-2 

Avec le réalisateur Joshua Logan

> Photographies de Zinn Arthur
film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-by_zinn_arthur-1  film-bs-test_costume-sc07-set-by_zinn_arthur-1a 

- Autres acteurs / actrices -

 Arthur O'Connell

Eileen Heckart 

Hope Lange

Don Murray, les essais / Screen Tests
bs-screen_test-don_murray-cap1 bs-screen_test-don_murray-cap2 bs-screen_test-don_murray-cap3

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  

18 janvier 2014

Robe Beige au gros noeud - de There's no business

Beige Dress
robe beige au gros noeud 


Cette robe beige a été conçue par le créateur et couturier de la 20th Century Fox, William "Billy" Travilla pour le film There's no business like show business (La Joyeuse Parade) tourné au printemps / été 1954. Marilyn Monroe fit les essais de test costumes pour cette robe le 26 juin 1954:

lot146163 tnb_test_sc07_dress_1 

Dans le film, elle porte la tenue dans une courte séquence, avec une scène où elle est dans le bureau des dirigeants et dans l'autre, elle discute avec Donald O'Connor (sur le blog: voir les captures , les photos de la scène , du tournage):

tnb_sc07_cap_04 tnb_sc07_cap_17 tnb_sc07_cap_32
tnb_sc07_film_010_1 tnb_sc07_film_011_1 film_tnb_with_walter_lang_by_phil_burchman 

C'est une robe en laine, avec un col cravate drapé, qui forme un gros noeud au niveau du court décolleté en V. La robe est accompagnée d'un fourreau en renard doublé à l'intérieur de soie, de couleur miel. C'est une tenue chic et plutôt sage pour Marilyn, de par la longueur de la robe (au niveau des mollet), et elle n'a pas de décolleté plongeant, et couvre l'ensemble du corps, sans trop mouler ce dernier, bien qu'elle se porte près du corps et souligne la silhouette.
La tenue est accessoirisée par des gants de même couleur, ce qui renforce l'aspect sobre et chic de la tenue.

Marilyn ne va porter cette tenue qu'une seule fois en public: le 9 septembre 1954, lors de son arrivée à New York pour les besoins du tournage de "Seven Year Itch" (Sept ans de rélfexion), où Marilyn, dans toute sa splendeur, va briller devant les journalistes très nombreux venus l'acceuillir, en envoyant une multitude de baisers à ses admirateurs présents sur le tarmac et en croisant et décroisant les jambes à de multiples reprises, afin d'accentuer son côté sexy et glamour:

 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_010_2  1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_022_by_sam_schulman_1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_042_1
1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_024_1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_044_by_weegee_1 1954_09_08_new_york_idlewild_airport_050_1 
1954_09_09_NY_010_011_by_sam_shaw_1 1954_09_08_new_york_hotel_room_020_by_shaw_3 1954_09_09_NY_hotel_St_Regis_020_020_by_sam_shaw_1

© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand. 


3 janvier 2014

Robe blanche à pois gris bleu - de Seven Year Itch

White Polka Blue-Grey Dots Dress
robe blanche à pois gris bleus


Cette robe moulante blanche à pois bleutés a été conçue par le créateur et couturier de la 20th Century Fox, William "Billy" Travilla pour le film The Seven year Itch (Sept ans de réflexion) tourné l'automne 1954. Marilyn Monroe fit les essais de test costumes pour cette robe le 28 août 1954:

mm_dress-syi-travilla_sketch  mm_syi-28aout54 

Dans le film, il s'agit de la première scène d'apparition de Marilyn Monroe où elle est vêtue de la robe (sur le blog: voir les captures , les photos de la scène , du tournage), scène où Richard Sherman (Tom Ewell) fait connaissance avec sa nouvelle voisine, diablement sexy.

 syi_sc01_cap02  syi_sc01_cap08  syi_sc01_cap14 
   syi_sc01_film_010_1  syi_sc01_film_030_1  syi_sc01_film_020_1 
syi_sc01_set_030_1 syi_sc01_set_030_2 syi_sc01_set_by_sam_shaw_020_1 syi_sc01_set_by_sam_shaw_030_1a

mm_syi-robe_brillanteWilliam Travilla a conçu une autre robe du même style pour le film (sur le blog: voir les captures 1  , captures 2, les photos de la scène , du tournage).
La robe possède les mêmes caractéristiques que celle à pois: moulante, très près du corps, même longueur, avec des lanières croisées à l'avant, dénudée dans le dos; elle est certes de la même couleur (blanche), mais à la place des pois, ce sont des
paillettes brillantes qui sont disséminées sur le tissu:

 syi_sc06_cap18 syi_sc07_cap02 syi_sc07_cap46 
 syi_sc06_film_011_3  syi_sc06_film_050_2  syi_sc06_film_032_3_by_sam_shaw_1
syi_sc06_on_set_012_1  syi_sc06_on_set_020_1  syi_sc06_film_051_1  syi_sc06_on_set_031_1 

La robe à pois réapparaît quatre années plus tard, en 1958; et c'est l'actrice Barbara Nichols qui la porte dans le film américain "Ten North Frederick" réalisé par Philip Dunne:

ten_north  mm_dress-syi-barbara_nichols-1 
mm_dress-seven-barbara_nichols-ten_north_frederick  mm_dress-syi-barbara_nichols-2  mm_dress-syi-barbara_nichols-3 

> extrait du film (scène à 1min 25sec)

La playmate Arline Hunter qui copia Marilyn dans les poses photographiques et par son look, posa pour des portraits studio vêtue de la robe à pois:


© All images are copyright and protected by their respective owners, assignees or others.
copyright text by GinieLand.  


26 décembre 2013

'Hollywood Auction 62' 12/2013


lot 47: Oversized Photograph of Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch
(TCF, 1955) Vintage original 9.75 x 12 in. gelatin silver glossy borderless photo print of Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell from The Seven Year Itch. The production photo exhibits some minor flaws from the negative and very minor corner bumping. In vintage very good condition.
Sold: $300

 lot 48: Collection of (7) Photos of Marilyn Monroe
(Various studios, 1957-1961)
Gelatin-silver glossy approx. 8 x 10 in. prints (7) all featuring Marilyn Monroe in (3) films:
The Prince and the Showgirl (Warner Bros., 1957) (1), Let’s Make Love (TCF, 1960) (5),
and The Misfits (United Artists, 1961) (1).
All are in very fine condition and (1) has descriptive studio snipes on verso
Sold: $350
lot48a  lot48b 
lot48c  lot48d  

lot 128: Collection of (32) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Milton Berle  and Maurice Chevalier and Marlene Dietrich by Milton h. Greene
(32) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe with Marlene Dietrich at
cocktail party announcing formation of MM Productions, Milton Berle for Mike Todd Circus at Madison Sq. Garden and at Friars’ Club Roast, and Maurice Chevalier for Look, dated 1/7/55, 3/15/55 and 9/30/55. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $3 250 
lot128a  lot128b 
lot128c  lot128d 

lot 129: Collection of (10) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe from Seven Year Itch  and other sittings by Milton H Greene.
(10) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe from Seven Year Itch (20th Century-Fox, 1955), “Nude,” “Nightgown and Mink Stole,” “White Robe” and “Gypsy” sittings by Milton H. Greene, dated 9/2/53, 10/7/53, 9/13/54, 3/8/55 and 4/15/56. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 000
lot129a  lot129b 
lot129c  lot129d 

  lot 130: Collection of (8) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe from “balalaika” by Milton H Greene
(8) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints (2 double-weight) from 2.25
x 2.25 in. and 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe from “Balalaika” sitting by Milton
H. Greene, dated 9/2/53. Very good to Fine.
Estimate: $300 - $500
Sold: $ 1 200
lot130a  lot130b 
lot130c  lot130d

lot 131: Collection of (8) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe from “ballerina” by Milton H Greene
(8) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints (1 double-weight) from 2.25 x 2.25 in. negatives of Marilyn Monroe from “Nightgown and Mink Stole” “Ballerina” and “White Robe” sittings by Milton H. Greene, dated 10/7/53, 10/6/54 and 3/8/55. Very good.
Estimate: $300 - $500
Sold: $ 1 600 
lot131a  lot131b 
lot131c  lot131d  

lot 132: Collection of (14) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Marlon Brando Edward R. Murrow by Milton H Greene
(14) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. and 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe
with Marlon Brando for Actor’s Studio Benefit for Muscular Dystrophy and Edward R. Murrow for Person to Person by Milton H. Greene, dated 4/1/55 and 12/12/55. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 600 
lot132a  lot132b
lot132c1  lot132c2 
lot132c3  lot132c4 

lot 133: Collection of (17) Proof Prints of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene (20th Century-Fox, 1956)
(17) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. proof prints (1 double-weight) of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene, dated 1/1/56. Fine.
Estimate: $200 - $30
Sold: $ 2 750
lot133a  lot133b 
lot133c  lot133d  

  lot 134: Collection of (98) Proof Prints of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene (20th Century-Fox, 1956)
(98) Silver gelatin glossy 4 x 5 in. proof prints of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene, dated 5/16/56. Good to Fine; with missing corners to some.
Estimate: $300 - $500
Sold: $ 1 900
lot134a  lot134b  lot134c 
lot134d  lot134e 
lot134f  lot134g  lot134h  

  lot 135: Collection of (33) Proof Prints of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene (20th Century-Fox, 1956)
(33) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. (4) and 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe from Bus Stop by Milton H. Greene, dated 5/16/56. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 900 
lot135  lot135c  lot135d 
lot135a  lot135b 

 lot 136: Collection of (9) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe  from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene
(Warner Bros., 1957)
(9) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. negatives of Marilyn
Monroe from The Prince and the Showgirl
by Milton H. Greene, dated 6/26/56. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 700 
lot136a  lot136b  lot136c 
lot136d  lot136e 

lot 137: Collection of (33) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and Arthur Miller from the Prince and the Showgirl, by Milton H Greene (Warner Bros., 1957)
(33) Silver gelatin glossy 4 x 5 in.
contact sheet prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and Arthur Miller at press reception at Heathrow for
The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene, dated 7/56. Very good to Fine.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 400  
lot137a  lot137b 
lot137c  lot137d 

lot 138: Collection of (170) contact Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and Arthur Miller from the Prince and the Showgirl, by Milton H Greene (Warner Bros., 1957)
(170) Silver gelatin glossy 2.25 x 2.25 in. contact prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh and
Arthur Miller at press reception at Heathrow for The Prince and the Showgirl
by Milton H. Greene, dated 7/56. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 100 
lot138a  lot138b  
lot138c1  lot138c2 
lot138c3  lot138c4 

 lot 139: Collection of (17) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe with Lawrence Olivier from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene (Warner Bros., 1957)
(17) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. proof prints (5) and contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. negatives of Marilyn
Monroe with Lawrence Olivier at press reception for The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene, dated 7/56. Very
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 500 
lot139a  lot139b  lot139c3 
lot139c1  lot139c2  lot139c4

Lot 140: Collection of (15) contact sheet Prints of Marilyn Monroe and Lawrence Olivier with Terence Rattigan from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene (Warner Bros.,1957)
(15) Silver gelatin glossy 8 x 10 in. contact sheet prints from 2.25 x 2.25 in. negatives of Marilyn Monroe and Lawrence Olivier with
Terence Rattigan in publicity sitting for The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene, dated 7/56; with
photographer rubber stamp on verso. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 2 750 
lot140a  lot140b 
lot140c1  lot140c2 
lot140c3  lot140c4  

 Lot 141: Collection of (496) contact Prints of Marilyn Monroe from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene
(Warner Bros., 1957)
(496) Silver gelatin glossy contact prints including (164) 2.25 x 2.25 in. and (332) 35mm negatives of Marilyn Monroe for The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene, dated 6/28/56; with photographer rubber stamp on verso. Very good.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 3 750  
lot141  lot141a  lot141b 
lot141c  lot141d 

Lot 142: Collection of (14) camera negatives of Marilyn Monroe from The Prince and the Showgirl by Milton H. Greene
(Warner Bros., 1957)
(14) Black-and-white 2.25 x 2.25 in. camera negatives (3 with contact print) of Marilyn Monroe from The Prince and the Showgirl
by Milton H. Greene, dated 11/29/73. Very fine.
Estimate: $200 - $300
Sold: $ 1 100  
lot142  lot142b 
lot142a  lot142c  lot142d 

Lot 161: Travilla “subway dress” costume design for The Seven Year Itch. (TCF, 1955)
In this landmark film from the mid-1950s, Tom Ewell reprises his Broadway role as a husband whose wife goes on a brief vacation with their children. He remains behind in New York on business, alone for the first time in seven years of marriage, and begins fantasizing about a model who has sublet the apartment above. Marilyn Monroe plays The Girl with her characteristic mix of innocence and sexual allure. The Seven Year Itch storyline, unlike some of Monroe’s earlier films, held forth no promise as a costume showcase. It was not a period piece and she had no dance routines. Still, this was to become the vehicle for Travilla’s most famous dress design. It was a deceptively simple dress, classic but sexy, and it was meant to make Monroe look cool on the hot, sticky sidewalks of New York. “I’m going to have my precious baby standing over a grate,” Travilla remembered. “I wanted her to look fresh
and clean. So I wondered what could I do with this most beautiful girl that Marilyn was to play to make her look clean, talcum-powdered and adorable,” Travilla mused. “What would I give her to wear that would blow in the breeze and be fun and pretty? I knew there would be a wind blowing so that would require a skirt.” In his trademark painterly style, Travilla then drew his visualization of what would become the most famous garment in Hollywood history – a white crepe bias-cut dress with a halter-top and sunburst pleated skirt. Accomplished in gouache and ink on a 15 in. x 20 in. sheet of artist’s illustration board, the sketch features the now-famous skirt billowing around her waist, in the scene that would electrify audiences all over the world and reportedly bring an abrupt end to Marilyn’s celebrated marriage to slugger Joe Dimaggio.
Giving the actress a broad smile, Travilla positioned her left arm delicately across her body, while her hand holds up the skirt in a playful tease. The sketch is signed boldly at the lower right of the image in black ink, “Travilla”, with notation at the upper right corner in dark graphite, “7 Year Itch – Wind Scene at Subway”. When she stood over the subway grate and a blast of air caused her pleated skirt to swirl above her waist, Monroe made Hollywood history. Travilla’s contribution was almost forgotten, although he often mused in private about the fame of The Dress. “Here’s how famous it was,” he said. “We were traveling in London to promote the Littlewoods catalog in the 1970s, and my copy of the dress was on display along with millions of dollars in jewelry.” There was a break-in at the show, but the only item stolen was The Dress (which was later anonymously returned). This sketch perfectly embodies the many competing themes of American life during the conservative 1950s, all of which seemed to converge in this film and in this dress at the very moment Marilyn paused over the Subway grate: the responsibilities of modern life as represented by Tom Ewell’s character, the growing independence of American women, and the changing attitude of the country towards
sex and desire, which would culminate in the sexual revolution of the 1960s just a few years away. The crown jewel of Travilla’s Lost Collection, this sketch is not only a wonderful piece of Hollywood history, but an important snapshot of American popular culture from the apex of Marilyn Monroe’s meteoric film career. Provenance: Profiles in History Auction 20, Lot 114.
Estimate: $60,000 - $80,000
Sold: $ 80 000
lot161a  lot161b   

Lot 226: Marilyn Monroe hand–signed and inscribed photograph.
Vintage 8 in. x 10 in., black & white, gelatin silver photo of the sex symbol in a low-cut, clinging blouse. Inscribed in blue ink on the image, “To Lou, When you come back – come around, Marilyn Monroe”. With chipped, upper right hand corner. Pinholes in corners and minor creasing not affecting image or signature. In good condition.
Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000
Sold: $19 000

Lot 227: Original Marilyn Monroe anniversary Playboy cover artwork by Victoria Fuller, signed by Hugh Hefner.
Original commemorative Marilyn Monroe Playboy magazine cover painting accomplished in oil paints and silkscreen on a 30 x 40 in. stretched canvas. A one of a kind collection of 11 paintings were created by artist Victoria Fuller in celebration of the 60th anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s appearance in the first issue of Playboy in December, 1953. The art depicts the iconic cover of the first issue of Playboy. In addition to being a fine art painter, Fuller was one of Playboy’s most popular Playmates, and the most photographed ‘Bunnies’ in the magazine’s last 50. She is also the first and only artist to ever receive a licensing contract from Playboy allowing her to use the famous trademark Rabbit Head Playboy, and Bunny Costume as subjects of her paintings and limited addition prints. The piece is hand-signed by the artist and Playboy Magazine founder and American icon Hugh Hefner. In fine condition.
Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000
Sold: $ Pass

 Documents papiers

Lot 224: Marilyn Monroe contract for The Asphalt Jungle. (MGM, 1950)
1-page, printed, typed contract on approx. 21 x 8.5 paper, signed, “Marilyn Monroe” dated 29 November 1949. In John Huston’s The Asphalt Jungle, an unknown actress named Marilyn Monroe in her early breakthrough roll as “Angela Finlay”, a small but important roll in this film noir classic. This oversize “Screen Actors Guild Minimum Contract for Freelance Players” outlines the terms of Monroe’s employment on the film. The contract states that Monroe will play the role of “Angela” in the “photoplay” The Asphalt Jungle and be paid the sum of $300 for 1 week of work beginning on November 9th, 1949. The contract lists Monroe’s’ current address as, “1301 N. Harper Ave. Los Angeles, California” and her phone number, “Hampstead 9943”. The contract verso exhibits an additional amendment typed on 8 x 4 in. paper, tipped to the contract. Signed at the bottom of the page by MGM casting director “Fred A Datig” and below that, in black pen, “Marilyn Monroe”. Retaining original folds. In very good condition.
Estimate: $2,500 - $3,500
Sold: $ 4 750
lot224a  lot224b 

Lot 225: Marilyn Monroe’s personal title and service agreement to her 1950 Pontiac
Marilyn Monroe Pontiac sedan paperwork consisting of (3) documents, including: (1) 8.5 x 3.75 in. Beverly Motor Company, tri-folded, printed Pontiac Service Policy. With typed “Miss Marilyn Monroe / 1301 N. Harper Ave. / Los Angeles, CA”. Inside there are terms of ownership and two attached, perforated 1000 and 2000 mile service coupons also type to “Miss Marilyn Monroe” with other information filled in, dated July 1, 1950, (1) 7.25 x 3.25 in folded printed warranty for the car’s Delco Battery. Type written to Miss Marilyn Monroe and with other technical information, dated July 1, 1950 and (1) State of California DMV “pink slip” certificate of ownership printed to “Monroe Marilyn / 1301 N Harper AV / Los Angeles” including vehicle engine number, make, model, total fees ($24.00) and Monroe’s license number, “19B29921”. All documents in fine condition.
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500 
sold: $ 1 400
lot225b  lot225c  

 Objets Divers

Lot 231: Warner Bros. commemorative key. (c. 1950s)
10 x 3.75 in. brass key to Warner Brothers Studios. The key’s bow is shield-shaped and features the raised “WB” letters synonymous with the studio. One side of the key blade reads, in raised letters, “Welcome to Warner Bros. Studios” and the reverse side, “The Largest in the World”. In vintage very fine condition.
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Sold: $2 500
lot231a  lot231b 

Lot 764: Jane Russell extremely limited #1 of an intended run of up to 4 hand and footprint impressions from the Chinese Theatre.
The glitter and glamour of Hollywood continue to attract visitors from all over the world, and there is no monument to Hollywood that is more glamorous or iconic than TCL Chinese Theatre. The forecourt of the theatre remains a must-see spot for tourists and the star-struck to see how they fill the shoes of their favorite stars by placing their own feet in the celebrity footprints that mosaic the courtyard. This is a replica of the hand and footprint square of Jane Russell created from the original concrete impression at the Chinese Theatre when she placed her hand and footprints in the cement along with Marilyn Monroe for the west coast premiere of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.  Rumor has it that Both Jane and Marilyn wanted to make more than just hand and foot print impressions in the forecourt and that they actually wanted to imprint the physical attributes that they were both known for. Theatre management turned down this request though as it would have been considered too risqué. Measuring 37.25 x 41 in. Inscribed, “Jane Russell 6 26 53” and then “Gentleman” as the beginning of the Gentlemen Prefer Blondes title which begins on her square and ends on Monroe’s. The impression is made out of a synthetic casting compound to produce the real look and feel of concrete and does include natural materials that are found in cement.  However, this is sensitive to heat and like all valuable art, it should not be kept in high heat or be displayed in the exterior direct heat/sunlight. This piece is the first of an extremely limited intended run of up to four impressions. No rights to the Jane Russell name, signature or imprint are transferred to the buyer with this sale. Special shipping arrangements will apply.
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Sold: $4,000

Lot 765: Marilyn Monroe extremely limited #1 of an intended run of up to 4 hand and footprint impressions from the Chinese Theatre.
The glitter and glamour of Hollywood continue to attract visitors from all over the world, and there is no monument to Hollywood that is more glamorous or iconic than TCL Chinese Theatre. The forecourt of the theatre remains a must-see spot for tourists and the star-struck to see how they fill the shoes of their favorite stars by placing their own feet in the celebrity footprints that mosaic the courtyard. This is a replica of the hand and footprint square of Marilyn Monroe created from the original concrete impression at the Chinese Theatre which is, by far, the most photographed imprint square in the TCL Chinese Theatre forecourt, honored with the opening of her film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. She originally wanted them to dot the “I” in her name with a diamond, but theatre management suggested that someone would steal the diamond and suggested an earring be placed instead. A short time later someone over night came along and attempted to steal the earring. The top broke off, but the back remains firmly implanted in the cement to this day. 42.5 x 42.25 in. Inscribed, “Marilyn Monroe” and then “Prefer Blondes” as half of the Gentlemen Prefer Blondes title started on Jane Russell’s square and finished on Monroe’s. Marilyn’s “I” is dotted by a faux diamond imbedded in the square. The impression is made out of a synthetic casting compound to produce the real look and feel of concrete and does include natural materials that are found in cement.  However, this is sensitive to heat and like all valuable art, it should not be kept in high heat or be displayed in the exterior direct heat/sunlight. This piece is the first of an extremely limited intended run of up to four impressions. No rights to the Marilyn Monroe name, signature or imprint are transferred to the buyer with this sale. Special shipping arrangements will apply.
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Sold: $7 500


lot 701: Marilyn Monroe “Pola Debevoise” black felt hat from How to Marry a Millionaire. (TCF, 1953)
 Black felt hat with soft ruffle brim and simple bow. Bodies by Lee yellow stamp. Internal bias label handwritten “1-39-1-4691 A-705-54 M. MONROE”. Created by Travilla for Marilyn Monroe as “Pola Debevoise” in How to Marry a Millionaire but not in the final version of the film. Lot includes a wardrobe test photo showing Monroe wearing the hat. This hat was originally created for the scene with David Wayne on the plane but was replaced with a simple beret.
Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000
Sold: $15, 000 
lot701a  lot701b  lot701c 

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